Suppose applications call autoFocus in CAF picture mode. If CAF is in the middle of scanning, the picture is very likely to be blurry. Change focus callback to return when the scanning finishes. bug:5514415 Change-Id: Ibcb8f92a5263d7dbd7cce54df3617fb21c6255d4
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667 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
#include <utils/String8.h>
namespace android {
struct Size {
int width;
int height;
Size() {
width = 0;
height = 0;
Size(int w, int h) {
width = w;
height = h;
class CameraParameters
CameraParameters(const String8 ¶ms) { unflatten(params); }
String8 flatten() const;
void unflatten(const String8 ¶ms);
void set(const char *key, const char *value);
void set(const char *key, int value);
void setFloat(const char *key, float value);
const char *get(const char *key) const;
int getInt(const char *key) const;
float getFloat(const char *key) const;
void remove(const char *key);
void setPreviewSize(int width, int height);
void getPreviewSize(int *width, int *height) const;
void getSupportedPreviewSizes(Vector<Size> &sizes) const;
// Set the dimensions in pixels to the given width and height
// for video frames. The given width and height must be one
// of the supported dimensions returned from
// getSupportedVideoSizes(). Must not be called if
// getSupportedVideoSizes() returns an empty Vector of Size.
void setVideoSize(int width, int height);
// Retrieve the current dimensions (width and height)
// in pixels for video frames, which must be one of the
// supported dimensions returned from getSupportedVideoSizes().
// Must not be called if getSupportedVideoSizes() returns an
// empty Vector of Size.
void getVideoSize(int *width, int *height) const;
// Retrieve a Vector of supported dimensions (width and height)
// in pixels for video frames. If sizes returned from the method
// is empty, the camera does not support calls to setVideoSize()
// or getVideoSize(). In adddition, it also indicates that
// the camera only has a single output, and does not have
// separate output for video frames and preview frame.
void getSupportedVideoSizes(Vector<Size> &sizes) const;
// Retrieve the preferred preview size (width and height) in pixels
// for video recording. The given width and height must be one of
// supported preview sizes returned from getSupportedPreviewSizes().
// Must not be called if getSupportedVideoSizes() returns an empty
// Vector of Size. If getSupportedVideoSizes() returns an empty
// Vector of Size, the width and height returned from this method
// is invalid, and is "-1x-1".
void getPreferredPreviewSizeForVideo(int *width, int *height) const;
void setPreviewFrameRate(int fps);
int getPreviewFrameRate() const;
void getPreviewFpsRange(int *min_fps, int *max_fps) const;
void setPreviewFormat(const char *format);
const char *getPreviewFormat() const;
void setPictureSize(int width, int height);
void getPictureSize(int *width, int *height) const;
void getSupportedPictureSizes(Vector<Size> &sizes) const;
void setPictureFormat(const char *format);
const char *getPictureFormat() const;
void dump() const;
status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args) const;
// Parameter keys to communicate between camera application and driver.
// The access (read/write, read only, or write only) is viewed from the
// perspective of applications, not driver.
// Preview frame size in pixels (width x height).
// Example value: "480x320". Read/Write.
static const char KEY_PREVIEW_SIZE[];
// Supported preview frame sizes in pixels.
// Example value: "800x600,480x320". Read only.
static const char KEY_SUPPORTED_PREVIEW_SIZES[];
// The current minimum and maximum preview fps. This controls the rate of
// preview frames received (CAMERA_MSG_PREVIEW_FRAME). The minimum and
// maximum fps must be one of the elements from
// Example value: "10500,26623"
static const char KEY_PREVIEW_FPS_RANGE[];
// The supported preview fps (frame-per-second) ranges. Each range contains
// a minimum fps and maximum fps. If minimum fps equals to maximum fps, the
// camera outputs frames in fixed frame rate. If not, the camera outputs
// frames in auto frame rate. The actual frame rate fluctuates between the
// minimum and the maximum. The list has at least one element. The list is
// sorted from small to large (first by maximum fps and then minimum fps).
// Example value: "(10500,26623),(15000,26623),(30000,30000)"
// The image format for preview frames. See CAMERA_MSG_PREVIEW_FRAME in
// frameworks/base/include/camera/Camera.h.
// Example value: "yuv420sp" or PIXEL_FORMAT_XXX constants. Read/write.
static const char KEY_PREVIEW_FORMAT[];
// Supported image formats for preview frames.
// Example value: "yuv420sp,yuv422i-yuyv". Read only.
// Number of preview frames per second. This is the target frame rate. The
// actual frame rate depends on the driver.
// Example value: "15". Read/write.
static const char KEY_PREVIEW_FRAME_RATE[];
// Supported number of preview frames per second.
// Example value: "24,15,10". Read.
// The dimensions for captured pictures in pixels (width x height).
// Example value: "1024x768". Read/write.
static const char KEY_PICTURE_SIZE[];
// Supported dimensions for captured pictures in pixels.
// Example value: "2048x1536,1024x768". Read only.
static const char KEY_SUPPORTED_PICTURE_SIZES[];
// The image format for captured pictures. See CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE
// in frameworks/base/include/camera/Camera.h.
// Example value: "jpeg" or PIXEL_FORMAT_XXX constants. Read/write.
static const char KEY_PICTURE_FORMAT[];
// Supported image formats for captured pictures.
// Example value: "jpeg,rgb565". Read only.
// The width (in pixels) of EXIF thumbnail in Jpeg picture.
// Example value: "512". Read/write.
static const char KEY_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_WIDTH[];
// The height (in pixels) of EXIF thumbnail in Jpeg picture.
// Example value: "384". Read/write.
static const char KEY_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT[];
// Supported EXIF thumbnail sizes (width x height). 0x0 means not thumbnail
// in EXIF.
// Example value: "512x384,320x240,0x0". Read only.
// The quality of the EXIF thumbnail in Jpeg picture. The range is 1 to 100,
// with 100 being the best.
// Example value: "90". Read/write.
static const char KEY_JPEG_THUMBNAIL_QUALITY[];
// Jpeg quality of captured picture. The range is 1 to 100, with 100 being
// the best.
// Example value: "90". Read/write.
static const char KEY_JPEG_QUALITY[];
// The rotation angle in degrees relative to the orientation of the camera.
// This affects the pictures returned from CAMERA_MSG_COMPRESSED_IMAGE. The
// camera driver may set orientation in the EXIF header without rotating the
// picture. Or the driver may rotate the picture and the EXIF thumbnail. If
// the Jpeg picture is rotated, the orientation in the EXIF header will be
// missing or 1 (row #0 is top and column #0 is left side).
// Note that the JPEG pictures of front-facing cameras are not mirrored
// as in preview display.
// For example, suppose the natural orientation of the device is portrait.
// The device is rotated 270 degrees clockwise, so the device orientation is
// 270. Suppose a back-facing camera sensor is mounted in landscape and the
// top side of the camera sensor is aligned with the right edge of the
// display in natural orientation. So the camera orientation is 90. The
// rotation should be set to 0 (270 + 90).
// Example value: "0" or "90" or "180" or "270". Write only.
static const char KEY_ROTATION[];
// GPS latitude coordinate. GPSLatitude and GPSLatitudeRef will be stored in
// JPEG EXIF header.
// Example value: "25.032146" or "-33.462809". Write only.
static const char KEY_GPS_LATITUDE[];
// GPS longitude coordinate. GPSLongitude and GPSLongitudeRef will be stored
// in JPEG EXIF header.
// Example value: "121.564448" or "-70.660286". Write only.
static const char KEY_GPS_LONGITUDE[];
// GPS altitude. GPSAltitude and GPSAltitudeRef will be stored in JPEG EXIF
// header.
// Example value: "21.0" or "-5". Write only.
static const char KEY_GPS_ALTITUDE[];
// GPS timestamp (UTC in seconds since January 1, 1970). This should be
// stored in JPEG EXIF header.
// Example value: "1251192757". Write only.
static const char KEY_GPS_TIMESTAMP[];
// GPS Processing Method
// Example value: "GPS" or "NETWORK". Write only.
static const char KEY_GPS_PROCESSING_METHOD[];
// Current white balance setting.
// Example value: "auto" or WHITE_BALANCE_XXX constants. Read/write.
static const char KEY_WHITE_BALANCE[];
// Supported white balance settings.
// Example value: "auto,incandescent,daylight". Read only.
static const char KEY_SUPPORTED_WHITE_BALANCE[];
// Current color effect setting.
// Example value: "none" or EFFECT_XXX constants. Read/write.
static const char KEY_EFFECT[];
// Supported color effect settings.
// Example value: "none,mono,sepia". Read only.
static const char KEY_SUPPORTED_EFFECTS[];
// Current antibanding setting.
// Example value: "auto" or ANTIBANDING_XXX constants. Read/write.
static const char KEY_ANTIBANDING[];
// Supported antibanding settings.
// Example value: "auto,50hz,60hz,off". Read only.
static const char KEY_SUPPORTED_ANTIBANDING[];
// Current scene mode.
// Example value: "auto" or SCENE_MODE_XXX constants. Read/write.
static const char KEY_SCENE_MODE[];
// Supported scene mode settings.
// Example value: "auto,night,fireworks". Read only.
static const char KEY_SUPPORTED_SCENE_MODES[];
// Current flash mode.
// Example value: "auto" or FLASH_MODE_XXX constants. Read/write.
static const char KEY_FLASH_MODE[];
// Supported flash modes.
// Example value: "auto,on,off". Read only.
static const char KEY_SUPPORTED_FLASH_MODES[];
// Current focus mode. This will not be empty. Applications should call
// CameraHardwareInterface.autoFocus to start the focus if focus mode is
// Example value: "auto" or FOCUS_MODE_XXX constants. Read/write.
static const char KEY_FOCUS_MODE[];
// Supported focus modes.
// Example value: "auto,macro,fixed". Read only.
static const char KEY_SUPPORTED_FOCUS_MODES[];
// The maximum number of focus areas supported. This is the maximum length
// Example value: "0" or "2". Read only.
static const char KEY_MAX_NUM_FOCUS_AREAS[];
// Current focus areas.
// Before accessing this parameter, apps should check
// KEY_MAX_NUM_FOCUS_AREAS first to know the maximum number of focus areas
// first. If the value is 0, focus area is not supported.
// Each focus area is a five-element int array. The first four elements are
// the rectangle of the area (left, top, right, bottom). The direction is
// relative to the sensor orientation, that is, what the sensor sees. The
// direction is not affected by the rotation or mirroring of
// CAMERA_CMD_SET_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION. Coordinates range from -1000 to 1000.
// (-1000,-1000) is the upper left point. (1000, 1000) is the lower right
// point. The width and height of focus areas cannot be 0 or negative.
// The fifth element is the weight. Values for weight must range from 1 to
// 1000. The weight should be interpreted as a per-pixel weight - all
// pixels in the area have the specified weight. This means a small area
// with the same weight as a larger area will have less influence on the
// focusing than the larger area. Focus areas can partially overlap and the
// driver will add the weights in the overlap region.
// A special case of single focus area (0,0,0,0,0) means driver to decide
// the focus area. For example, the driver may use more signals to decide
// focus areas and change them dynamically. Apps can set (0,0,0,0,0) if they
// want the driver to decide focus areas.
// Focus areas are relative to the current field of view (KEY_ZOOM). No
// matter what the zoom level is, (-1000,-1000) represents the top of the
// currently visible camera frame. The focus area cannot be set to be
// outside the current field of view, even when using zoom.
// Focus area only has effect if the current focus mode is FOCUS_MODE_AUTO,
// Example value: "(-10,-10,0,0,300),(0,0,10,10,700)". Read/write.
static const char KEY_FOCUS_AREAS[];
// Focal length in millimeter.
// Example value: "4.31". Read only.
static const char KEY_FOCAL_LENGTH[];
// Horizontal angle of view in degrees.
// Example value: "54.8". Read only.
static const char KEY_HORIZONTAL_VIEW_ANGLE[];
// Vertical angle of view in degrees.
// Example value: "42.5". Read only.
static const char KEY_VERTICAL_VIEW_ANGLE[];
// Exposure compensation index. 0 means exposure is not adjusted.
// Example value: "0" or "5". Read/write.
static const char KEY_EXPOSURE_COMPENSATION[];
// The maximum exposure compensation index (>=0).
// Example value: "6". Read only.
// The minimum exposure compensation index (<=0).
// Example value: "-6". Read only.
// The exposure compensation step. Exposure compensation index multiply by
// step eqals to EV. Ex: if exposure compensation index is 6 and step is
// 0.3333, EV is -2.
// Example value: "0.333333333" or "0.5". Read only.
// The state of the auto-exposure lock. "true" means that
// auto-exposure is locked to its current value and will not
// change. "false" means the auto-exposure routine is free to
// change exposure values. If auto-exposure is already locked,
// setting this to true again has no effect (the driver will not
// recalculate exposure values). Changing exposure compensation
// settings will still affect the exposure settings while
// auto-exposure is locked. Stopping preview or taking a still
// image will not change the lock. In conjunction with
// exposure compensation, this allows for capturing multi-exposure
// brackets with known relative exposure values. Locking
// auto-exposure after open but before the first call to
// startPreview may result in severely over- or under-exposed
// images. The driver will not change the AE lock after
// auto-focus completes.
static const char KEY_AUTO_EXPOSURE_LOCK[];
// Whether locking the auto-exposure is supported. "true" means it is, and
// "false" or this key not existing means it is not supported.
// The state of the auto-white balance lock. "true" means that
// auto-white balance is locked to its current value and will not
// change. "false" means the auto-white balance routine is free to
// change white balance values. If auto-white balance is already
// locked, setting this to true again has no effect (the driver
// will not recalculate white balance values). Stopping preview or
// taking a still image will not change the lock. In conjunction
// with exposure compensation, this allows for capturing
// multi-exposure brackets with fixed white balance. Locking
// auto-white balance after open but before the first call to
// startPreview may result in severely incorrect color. The
// driver will not change the AWB lock after auto-focus
// completes.
static const char KEY_AUTO_WHITEBALANCE_LOCK[];
// Whether locking the auto-white balance is supported. "true"
// means it is, and "false" or this key not existing means it is
// not supported.
// The maximum number of metering areas supported. This is the maximum
// length of KEY_METERING_AREAS.
// Example value: "0" or "2". Read only.
static const char KEY_MAX_NUM_METERING_AREAS[];
// Current metering areas. Camera driver uses these areas to decide
// exposure.
// Before accessing this parameter, apps should check
// KEY_MAX_NUM_METERING_AREAS first to know the maximum number of metering
// areas first. If the value is 0, metering area is not supported.
// Each metering area is a rectangle with specified weight. The direction is
// relative to the sensor orientation, that is, what the sensor sees. The
// direction is not affected by the rotation or mirroring of
// CAMERA_CMD_SET_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION. Coordinates of the rectangle range
// from -1000 to 1000. (-1000, -1000) is the upper left point. (1000, 1000)
// is the lower right point. The width and height of metering areas cannot
// be 0 or negative.
// The fifth element is the weight. Values for weight must range from 1 to
// 1000. The weight should be interpreted as a per-pixel weight - all
// pixels in the area have the specified weight. This means a small area
// with the same weight as a larger area will have less influence on the
// metering than the larger area. Metering areas can partially overlap and
// the driver will add the weights in the overlap region.
// A special case of all-zero single metering area means driver to decide
// the metering area. For example, the driver may use more signals to decide
// metering areas and change them dynamically. Apps can set all-zero if they
// want the driver to decide metering areas.
// Metering areas are relative to the current field of view (KEY_ZOOM).
// No matter what the zoom level is, (-1000,-1000) represents the top of the
// currently visible camera frame. The metering area cannot be set to be
// outside the current field of view, even when using zoom.
// No matter what metering areas are, the final exposure are compensated
// Example value: "(-10,-10,0,0,300),(0,0,10,10,700)". Read/write.
static const char KEY_METERING_AREAS[];
// Current zoom value.
// Example value: "0" or "6". Read/write.
static const char KEY_ZOOM[];
// Maximum zoom value.
// Example value: "6". Read only.
static const char KEY_MAX_ZOOM[];
// The zoom ratios of all zoom values. The zoom ratio is in 1/100
// increments. Ex: a zoom of 3.2x is returned as 320. The number of list
// elements is KEY_MAX_ZOOM + 1. The first element is always 100. The last
// element is the zoom ratio of zoom value KEY_MAX_ZOOM.
// Example value: "100,150,200,250,300,350,400". Read only.
static const char KEY_ZOOM_RATIOS[];
// Whether zoom is supported. Zoom is supported if the value is "true". Zoom
// is not supported if the value is not "true" or the key does not exist.
// Example value: "true". Read only.
static const char KEY_ZOOM_SUPPORTED[];
// Whether if smooth zoom is supported. Smooth zoom is supported if the
// value is "true". It is not supported if the value is not "true" or the
// key does not exist.
// CAMERA_MSG_ZOOM in frameworks/base/include/camera/Camera.h.
// Example value: "true". Read only.
static const char KEY_SMOOTH_ZOOM_SUPPORTED[];
// The distances (in meters) from the camera to where an object appears to
// be in focus. The object is sharpest at the optimal focus distance. The
// depth of field is the far focus distance minus near focus distance.
// Focus distances may change after starting auto focus, canceling auto
// focus, or starting the preview. Applications can read this anytime to get
// the latest focus distances. If the focus mode is FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS,
// focus distances may change from time to time.
// This is intended to estimate the distance between the camera and the
// subject. After autofocus, the subject distance may be within near and far
// focus distance. However, the precision depends on the camera hardware,
// autofocus algorithm, the focus area, and the scene. The error can be
// large and it should be only used as a reference.
// Far focus distance > optimal focus distance > near focus distance. If
// the far focus distance is infinity, the value should be "Infinity" (case
// sensitive). The format is three float values separated by commas. The
// first is near focus distance. The second is optimal focus distance. The
// third is far focus distance.
// Example value: "0.95,1.9,Infinity" or "0.049,0.05,0.051". Read only.
static const char KEY_FOCUS_DISTANCES[];
// The current dimensions in pixels (width x height) for video frames.
// The width and height must be one of the supported sizes retrieved
// Example value: "1280x720". Read/write.
static const char KEY_VIDEO_SIZE[];
// A list of the supported dimensions in pixels (width x height)
// for video frames. See CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME for details in
// frameworks/base/include/camera/Camera.h.
// Example: "176x144,1280x720". Read only.
static const char KEY_SUPPORTED_VIDEO_SIZES[];
// The maximum number of detected faces supported by hardware face
// detection. If the value is 0, hardware face detection is not supported.
// Example: "5". Read only
static const char KEY_MAX_NUM_DETECTED_FACES_HW[];
// The maximum number of detected faces supported by software face
// detection. If the value is 0, software face detection is not supported.
// Example: "5". Read only
static const char KEY_MAX_NUM_DETECTED_FACES_SW[];
// Preferred preview frame size in pixels for video recording.
// The width and height must be one of the supported sizes retrieved
// via KEY_SUPPORTED_PREVIEW_SIZES. This key can be used only when
// getSupportedVideoSizes() does not return an empty Vector of Size.
// Camcorder applications are recommended to set the preview size
// to a value that is not larger than the preferred preview size.
// In other words, the product of the width and height of the
// preview size should not be larger than that of the preferred
// preview size. In addition, we recommend to choos a preview size
// that has the same aspect ratio as the resolution of video to be
// recorded.
// Example value: "800x600". Read only.
// The image format for video frames. See CAMERA_MSG_VIDEO_FRAME in
// frameworks/base/include/camera/Camera.h.
// Example value: "yuv420sp" or PIXEL_FORMAT_XXX constants. Read only.
static const char KEY_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT[];
// Sets the hint of the recording mode. If this is true, MediaRecorder.start
// may be faster or has less glitches. This should be called before starting
// the preview for the best result. But it is allowed to change the hint
// while the preview is active. The default value is false.
// The apps can still call Camera.takePicture when the hint is true. The
// apps can call MediaRecorder.start when the hint is false. But the
// performance may be worse.
// Example value: "true" or "false". Read/write.
static const char KEY_RECORDING_HINT[];
// Returns true if video snapshot is supported. That is, applications
// can call Camera.takePicture during recording. Applications do not need to
// call Camera.startPreview after taking a picture. The preview will be
// still active. Other than that, taking a picture during recording is
// identical to taking a picture normally. All settings and methods related
// to takePicture work identically. Ex: KEY_PICTURE_SIZE,
// The picture will have an EXIF header. FLASH_MODE_AUTO and FLASH_MODE_ON
// also still work, but the video will record the flash.
// Applications can set shutter callback as null to avoid the shutter
// sound. It is also recommended to set raw picture and post view callbacks
// to null to avoid the interrupt of preview display.
// Field-of-view of the recorded video may be different from that of the
// captured pictures.
// Example value: "true" or "false". Read only.
// The state of the video stabilization. If set to true, both the
// preview stream and the recorded video stream are stabilized by
// the camera. Only valid to set if KEY_VIDEO_STABILIZATION_SUPPORTED is
// set to true.
// The value of this key can be changed any time the camera is
// open. If preview or recording is active, it is acceptable for
// there to be a slight video glitch when video stabilization is
// toggled on and off.
// This only stabilizes video streams (between-frames stabilization), and
// has no effect on still image capture.
static const char KEY_VIDEO_STABILIZATION[];
// Returns true if video stabilization is supported. That is, applications
// can set KEY_VIDEO_STABILIZATION to true and have a stabilized preview
// stream and record stabilized videos.
static const char TRUE[];
static const char FALSE[];
static const char FOCUS_DISTANCE_INFINITY[];
// Values for white balance settings.
static const char WHITE_BALANCE_AUTO[];
static const char WHITE_BALANCE_FLUORESCENT[];
static const char WHITE_BALANCE_DAYLIGHT[];
static const char WHITE_BALANCE_TWILIGHT[];
static const char WHITE_BALANCE_SHADE[];
// Values for effect settings.
static const char EFFECT_NONE[];
static const char EFFECT_MONO[];
static const char EFFECT_NEGATIVE[];
static const char EFFECT_SOLARIZE[];
static const char EFFECT_SEPIA[];
static const char EFFECT_POSTERIZE[];
static const char EFFECT_WHITEBOARD[];
static const char EFFECT_BLACKBOARD[];
static const char EFFECT_AQUA[];
// Values for antibanding settings.
static const char ANTIBANDING_AUTO[];
static const char ANTIBANDING_50HZ[];
static const char ANTIBANDING_60HZ[];
static const char ANTIBANDING_OFF[];
// Values for flash mode settings.
// Flash will not be fired.
static const char FLASH_MODE_OFF[];
// Flash will be fired automatically when required. The flash may be fired
// during preview, auto-focus, or snapshot depending on the driver.
static const char FLASH_MODE_AUTO[];
// Flash will always be fired during snapshot. The flash may also be
// fired during preview or auto-focus depending on the driver.
static const char FLASH_MODE_ON[];
// Flash will be fired in red-eye reduction mode.
static const char FLASH_MODE_RED_EYE[];
// Constant emission of light during preview, auto-focus and snapshot.
// This can also be used for video recording.
static const char FLASH_MODE_TORCH[];
// Values for scene mode settings.
static const char SCENE_MODE_AUTO[];
static const char SCENE_MODE_ACTION[];
static const char SCENE_MODE_PORTRAIT[];
static const char SCENE_MODE_LANDSCAPE[];
static const char SCENE_MODE_NIGHT[];
static const char SCENE_MODE_NIGHT_PORTRAIT[];
static const char SCENE_MODE_THEATRE[];
static const char SCENE_MODE_BEACH[];
static const char SCENE_MODE_SNOW[];
static const char SCENE_MODE_SUNSET[];
static const char SCENE_MODE_STEADYPHOTO[];
static const char SCENE_MODE_FIREWORKS[];
static const char SCENE_MODE_SPORTS[];
static const char SCENE_MODE_PARTY[];
static const char SCENE_MODE_CANDLELIGHT[];
// Applications are looking for a barcode. Camera driver will be optimized
// for barcode reading.
static const char SCENE_MODE_BARCODE[];
// Pixel color formats for KEY_PREVIEW_FORMAT, KEY_PICTURE_FORMAT,
static const char PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV422SP[];
static const char PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420SP[]; // NV21
static const char PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV422I[]; // YUY2
static const char PIXEL_FORMAT_YUV420P[]; // YV12
static const char PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB565[];
static const char PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA8888[];
static const char PIXEL_FORMAT_JPEG[];
// Raw bayer format used for images, which is 10 bit precision samples
// stored in 16 bit words. The filter pattern is RGGB.
static const char PIXEL_FORMAT_BAYER_RGGB[];
// Values for focus mode settings.
// Auto-focus mode. Applications should call
// CameraHardwareInterface.autoFocus to start the focus in this mode.
static const char FOCUS_MODE_AUTO[];
// Focus is set at infinity. Applications should not call
// CameraHardwareInterface.autoFocus in this mode.
static const char FOCUS_MODE_INFINITY[];
// Macro (close-up) focus mode. Applications should call
// CameraHardwareInterface.autoFocus to start the focus in this mode.
static const char FOCUS_MODE_MACRO[];
// Focus is fixed. The camera is always in this mode if the focus is not
// adjustable. If the camera has auto-focus, this mode can fix the
// focus, which is usually at hyperfocal distance. Applications should
// not call CameraHardwareInterface.autoFocus in this mode.
static const char FOCUS_MODE_FIXED[];
// Extended depth of field (EDOF). Focusing is done digitally and
// continuously. Applications should not call
// CameraHardwareInterface.autoFocus in this mode.
static const char FOCUS_MODE_EDOF[];
// Continuous auto focus mode intended for video recording. The camera
// continuously tries to focus. This is the best choice for video
// recording because the focus changes smoothly . Applications still can
// call CameraHardwareInterface.takePicture in this mode but the subject may
// not be in focus. Auto focus starts when the parameter is set.
// Applications can call CameraHardwareInterface.autoFocus in this mode. The
// focus callback will immediately return with a boolean that indicates
// whether the focus is sharp or not. The focus position is locked after
// autoFocus call. If applications want to resume the continuous focus,
// cancelAutoFocus must be called. Restarting the preview will not resume
// the continuous autofocus. To stop continuous focus, applications should
// change the focus mode to other modes.
static const char FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO[];
// Continuous auto focus mode intended for taking pictures. The camera
// continuously tries to focus. The speed of focus change is more aggressive
// than FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO. Auto focus starts when the parameter is
// set.
// Applications can call CameraHardwareInterface.autoFocus in this mode. If
// the autofocus is in the middle of scanning, the focus callback will
// return when it completes. If the autofocus is not scanning, focus
// callback will immediately return with a boolean that indicates whether
// the focus is sharp or not. The apps can then decide if they want to take
// a picture immediately or to change the focus mode to auto, and run a full
// autofocus cycle. The focus position is locked after autoFocus call. If
// applications want to resume the continuous focus, cancelAutoFocus must be
// called. Restarting the preview will not resume the continuous autofocus.
// To stop continuous focus, applications should change the focus mode to
// other modes.
DefaultKeyedVector<String8,String8> mMap;
}; // namespace android