Romain Guy 9fe7e16399 Gradients are now an absurd Chimera
As of O, gradients are interpolated in linear space. This unfortunately
affects applications that were expecting a certain behavior for the
alpha ramp. This change attempts to get the best of both world: better
color interpolation (in linear space) and the old alpha interpolation
(in gamma space). This is achieved by applying the electro-optical
transfer function to the alpha channel; an idea so wrong it would
make any graphics programmer worth his salt weep in disgust.

As abhorrent this idea might be to me, it also acts as a faint
beacon of hope admist the unfathomable darkness that is Android's
color management.

And if you allow me another misguided metaphor, this change
represents the flotsam I can cling onto in the hope to one day
reach the bountiful shores of linear blending and accurate color
management. Would this change not fix the distress caused by its
predecessors, I will have no choice but bow my head in shame until
the day I can finally devise an infallible plan.

Bug: 33010587
Test: CtsUiRenderingTestCases
Change-Id: I5397fefd7944413f2c820e613a5cba50579d4dd5
2017-02-03 16:56:46 -08:00

276 lines
9.1 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <utils/JenkinsHash.h>
#include "Caches.h"
#include "Debug.h"
#include "GradientCache.h"
#include "Properties.h"
#include <cutils/properties.h>
namespace android {
namespace uirenderer {
// Functions
template<typename T>
static inline T min(T a, T b) {
return a < b ? a : b;
// Cache entry
hash_t GradientCacheEntry::hash() const {
uint32_t hash = JenkinsHashMix(0, count);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
hash = JenkinsHashMix(hash, android::hash_type(colors[i]));
hash = JenkinsHashMix(hash, android::hash_type(positions[i]));
return JenkinsHashWhiten(hash);
int GradientCacheEntry::compare(const GradientCacheEntry& lhs, const GradientCacheEntry& rhs) {
int deltaInt = int(lhs.count) - int(rhs.count);
if (deltaInt != 0) return deltaInt;
deltaInt = memcmp(lhs.colors.get(), rhs.colors.get(), lhs.count * sizeof(uint32_t));
if (deltaInt != 0) return deltaInt;
return memcmp(lhs.positions.get(), rhs.positions.get(), lhs.count * sizeof(float));
// Constructors/destructor
GradientCache::GradientCache(Extensions& extensions)
: mCache(LruCache<GradientCacheEntry, Texture*>::kUnlimitedCapacity)
, mSize(0)
, mMaxSize(Properties::gradientCacheSize)
, mUseFloatTexture(extensions.hasFloatTextures())
, mHasNpot(extensions.hasNPot())
, mHasSRGB(extensions.hasSRGB()) {
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &mMaxTextureSize);
GradientCache::~GradientCache() {
// Size management
uint32_t GradientCache::getSize() {
return mSize;
uint32_t GradientCache::getMaxSize() {
return mMaxSize;
// Callbacks
void GradientCache::operator()(GradientCacheEntry&, Texture*& texture) {
if (texture) {
mSize -= texture->objectSize();
delete texture;
// Caching
Texture* GradientCache::get(uint32_t* colors, float* positions, int count) {
GradientCacheEntry gradient(colors, positions, count);
Texture* texture = mCache.get(gradient);
if (!texture) {
texture = addLinearGradient(gradient, colors, positions, count);
return texture;
void GradientCache::clear() {
void GradientCache::getGradientInfo(const uint32_t* colors, const int count,
GradientInfo& info) {
uint32_t width = 256 * (count - 1);
// If the npot extension is not supported we cannot use non-clamp
// wrap modes. We therefore find the nearest largest power of 2
// unless width is already a power of 2
if (!mHasNpot && (width & (width - 1)) != 0) {
width = 1 << (32 - __builtin_clz(width));
bool hasAlpha = false;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (((colors[i] >> 24) & 0xff) < 255) {
hasAlpha = true;
info.width = min(width, uint32_t(mMaxTextureSize));
info.hasAlpha = hasAlpha;
Texture* GradientCache::addLinearGradient(GradientCacheEntry& gradient,
uint32_t* colors, float* positions, int count) {
GradientInfo info;
getGradientInfo(colors, count, info);
Texture* texture = new Texture(Caches::getInstance());
texture->blend = info.hasAlpha;
texture->generation = 1;
// Assume the cache is always big enough
const uint32_t size = info.width * 2 * bytesPerPixel();
while (getSize() + size > mMaxSize) {
"Ran out of things to remove from the cache? getSize() = %" PRIu32
", size = %" PRIu32 ", mMaxSize = %" PRIu32 ", width = %" PRIu32,
getSize(), size, mMaxSize, info.width);
generateTexture(colors, positions, info.width, 2, texture);
mSize += size;
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF((int)size != texture->objectSize(),
"size != texture->objectSize(), size %" PRIu32 ", objectSize %d"
" width = %" PRIu32 " bytesPerPixel() = %zu",
size, texture->objectSize(), info.width, bytesPerPixel());
mCache.put(gradient, texture);
return texture;
size_t GradientCache::bytesPerPixel() const {
// We use 4 channels (RGBA)
return 4 * (mUseFloatTexture ? /* fp16 */ 2 : sizeof(uint8_t));
size_t GradientCache::sourceBytesPerPixel() const {
// We use 4 channels (RGBA) and upload from floats (not half floats)
return 4 * (mUseFloatTexture ? sizeof(float) : sizeof(uint8_t));
void GradientCache::mixBytes(const FloatColor& start, const FloatColor& end,
float amount, uint8_t*& dst) const {
float oppAmount = 1.0f - amount;
float a = start.a * oppAmount + end.a * amount;
*dst++ = uint8_t(a * OECF_sRGB((start.r * oppAmount + end.r * amount)) * 255.0f);
*dst++ = uint8_t(a * OECF_sRGB((start.g * oppAmount + end.g * amount)) * 255.0f);
*dst++ = uint8_t(a * OECF_sRGB((start.b * oppAmount + end.b * amount)) * 255.0f);
*dst++ = uint8_t(a * 255.0f);
void GradientCache::mixFloats(const FloatColor& start, const FloatColor& end,
float amount, uint8_t*& dst) const {
float oppAmount = 1.0f - amount;
float a = start.a * oppAmount + end.a * amount;
float* d = (float*) dst;
*d++ = a * (start.r * oppAmount + end.r * amount);
*d++ = a * (start.g * oppAmount + end.g * amount);
*d++ = a * (start.b * oppAmount + end.b * amount);
// What we're doing to the alpha channel here is technically incorrect
// but reproduces Android's old behavior when the alpha was pre-multiplied
// with gamma-encoded colors
a = EOCF_sRGB(a);
*d++ = a * OECF_sRGB(start.r * oppAmount + end.r * amount);
*d++ = a * OECF_sRGB(start.g * oppAmount + end.g * amount);
*d++ = a * OECF_sRGB(start.b * oppAmount + end.b * amount);
*d++ = a;
dst += 4 * sizeof(float);
void GradientCache::generateTexture(uint32_t* colors, float* positions,
const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height, Texture* texture) {
const GLsizei rowBytes = width * sourceBytesPerPixel();
uint8_t pixels[rowBytes * height];
static ChannelMixer gMixers[] = {
// colors are stored gamma-encoded
// colors are stored in linear (linear blending on)
// or gamma-encoded (linear blending off)
ChannelMixer mix = gMixers[mUseFloatTexture];
FloatColor start;
FloatColor end;
int currentPos = 1;
float startPos = positions[0];
float distance = positions[1] - startPos;
uint8_t* dst = pixels;
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width; x++) {
float pos = x / float(width - 1);
if (pos > positions[currentPos]) {
start = end;
startPos = positions[currentPos];
distance = positions[currentPos] - startPos;
float amount = (pos - startPos) / distance;
(this->*mix)(start, end, amount, dst);
memcpy(pixels + rowBytes, pixels, rowBytes);
if (mUseFloatTexture) {
texture->upload(GL_RGBA16F, width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, pixels);
} else {
GLint internalFormat = mHasSRGB ? GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8 : GL_RGBA;
texture->upload(internalFormat, width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
}; // namespace uirenderer
}; // namespace android