Otherwise printf is undeclared. These files worked with earlier versions of gcc because either cstdio or stdio.h was being included by some other header file. But this was not guaranteed behavior, so with GCC 4.4 there are errors. The fix is backwards compatible with earlier versions of GCC. This change includes either <cstdio> or <stdio.h> whichever looks more appropriate given the other headers included by the given source file. Note, I'm using "GCC" to mean Gnu Compile Collection, as this problem is specific to C++ source files. (Presumably a C++-specific header file changed to no longer include cstdio.)
348 lines
6.9 KiB
Executable File
348 lines
6.9 KiB
Executable File
#ifndef AIDL_AST_H
#define AIDL_AST_H
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
class Type;
enum {
PACKAGE_PRIVATE = 0x00000000,
PUBLIC = 0x00000001,
PRIVATE = 0x00000002,
PROTECTED = 0x00000003,
SCOPE_MASK = 0x00000003,
STATIC = 0x00000010,
FINAL = 0x00000020,
ABSTRACT = 0x00000040,
ALL_MODIFIERS = 0xffffffff
// Write the modifiers that are set in both mod and mask
void WriteModifiers(FILE* to, int mod, int mask);
struct ClassElement
virtual ~ClassElement();
virtual void GatherTypes(set<Type*>* types) const = 0;
virtual void Write(FILE* to) = 0;
struct Expression
virtual ~Expression();
virtual void Write(FILE* to) = 0;
struct LiteralExpression : public Expression
string value;
LiteralExpression(const string& value);
virtual ~LiteralExpression();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct Variable : public Expression
Type* type;
string name;
int dimension;
Variable(Type* type, const string& name);
Variable(Type* type, const string& name, int dimension);
virtual ~Variable();
virtual void GatherTypes(set<Type*>* types) const;
void WriteDeclaration(FILE* to);
void Write(FILE* to);
struct FieldVariable : public Expression
Expression* object;
Type* clazz;
string name;
FieldVariable(Expression* object, const string& name);
FieldVariable(Type* clazz, const string& name);
virtual ~FieldVariable();
void Write(FILE* to);
struct Field : public ClassElement
string comment;
int modifiers;
Variable *variable;
string value;
Field(int modifiers, Variable* variable);
virtual ~Field();
virtual void GatherTypes(set<Type*>* types) const;
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct Statement
virtual ~Statement();
virtual void Write(FILE* to) = 0;
struct StatementBlock
vector<Statement*> statements;
virtual ~StatementBlock();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
void Add(Statement* statement);
void Add(Expression* expression);
struct ExpressionStatement : public Statement
Expression* expression;
ExpressionStatement(Expression* expression);
virtual ~ExpressionStatement();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct Assignment : public Expression
Variable* lvalue;
Expression* rvalue;
Type* cast;
Assignment(Variable* lvalue, Expression* rvalue);
Assignment(Variable* lvalue, Expression* rvalue, Type* cast);
virtual ~Assignment();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct MethodCall : public Expression
Expression* obj;
Type* clazz;
string name;
vector<Expression*> arguments;
vector<string> exceptions;
MethodCall(const string& name);
MethodCall(Expression* obj, const string& name);
MethodCall(Type* clazz, const string& name);
MethodCall(Expression* obj, const string& name, int argc, ...);
MethodCall(Type* clazz, const string& name, int argc, ...);
virtual ~MethodCall();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
void init(int n, va_list args);
struct Comparison : public Expression
Expression* lvalue;
string op;
Expression* rvalue;
Comparison(Expression* lvalue, const string& op, Expression* rvalue);
virtual ~Comparison();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct NewExpression : public Expression
Type* type;
vector<Expression*> arguments;
NewExpression(Type* type);
virtual ~NewExpression();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct NewArrayExpression : public Expression
Type* type;
Expression* size;
NewArrayExpression(Type* type, Expression* size);
virtual ~NewArrayExpression();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct Ternary : public Expression
Expression* condition;
Expression* ifpart;
Expression* elsepart;
Ternary(Expression* condition, Expression* ifpart, Expression* elsepart);
virtual ~Ternary();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct Cast : public Expression
Type* type;
Expression* expression;
Cast(Type* type, Expression* expression);
virtual ~Cast();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct VariableDeclaration : public Statement
Variable* lvalue;
Type* cast;
Expression* rvalue;
VariableDeclaration(Variable* lvalue);
VariableDeclaration(Variable* lvalue, Expression* rvalue, Type* cast = NULL);
virtual ~VariableDeclaration();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct IfStatement : public Statement
Expression* expression;
StatementBlock* statements;
IfStatement* elseif;
virtual ~IfStatement();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct ReturnStatement : public Statement
Expression* expression;
ReturnStatement(Expression* expression);
virtual ~ReturnStatement();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct TryStatement : public Statement
StatementBlock* statements;
virtual ~TryStatement();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct CatchStatement : public Statement
StatementBlock* statements;
Variable* exception;
CatchStatement(Variable* exception);
virtual ~CatchStatement();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct FinallyStatement : public Statement
StatementBlock* statements;
virtual ~FinallyStatement();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct Case
vector<string> cases;
StatementBlock* statements;
Case(const string& c);
virtual ~Case();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct SwitchStatement : public Statement
Expression* expression;
vector<Case*> cases;
SwitchStatement(Expression* expression);
virtual ~SwitchStatement();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct Method : public ClassElement
string comment;
int modifiers;
Type* returnType;
size_t returnTypeDimension;
string name;
vector<Variable*> parameters;
vector<Type*> exceptions;
StatementBlock* statements;
virtual ~Method();
virtual void GatherTypes(set<Type*>* types) const;
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct Class : public ClassElement
enum {
string comment;
int modifiers;
int what; // CLASS or INTERFACE
Type* type;
Type* extends;
vector<Type*> interfaces;
vector<ClassElement*> elements;
virtual ~Class();
virtual void GatherTypes(set<Type*>* types) const;
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
struct Document
string comment;
string package;
string originalSrc;
set<Type*> imports;
vector<Class*> classes;
virtual ~Document();
virtual void Write(FILE* to);
#endif // AIDL_AST_H