Chris Craik 80d2ade939 Overdraw avoidance in new pipeline

Adds the simple overdraw avoidance optimization to the new
pipeline. This means when LayerBuilder defers draws that are opaque over
the full area of the repaint region, it will discard all drawing content

Also moves a lot of complexity out of BakedOpState's header.

Change-Id: Iffca6d8e1b170ef31a5d6c83d25592670e02323d
2016-03-29 13:30:15 -07:00

378 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "LayerBuilder.h"
#include "BakedOpState.h"
#include "RenderNode.h"
#include "utils/PaintUtils.h"
#include "utils/TraceUtils.h"
#include <utils/TypeHelpers.h>
namespace android {
namespace uirenderer {
class BatchBase {
BatchBase(batchid_t batchId, BakedOpState* op, bool merging)
: mBatchId(batchId)
, mMerging(merging) {
mBounds = op->computedState.clippedBounds;
bool intersects(const Rect& rect) const {
if (!rect.intersects(mBounds)) return false;
for (const BakedOpState* op : mOps) {
if (rect.intersects(op->computedState.clippedBounds)) {
return true;
return false;
batchid_t getBatchId() const { return mBatchId; }
bool isMerging() const { return mMerging; }
const std::vector<BakedOpState*>& getOps() const { return mOps; }
void dump() const {
ALOGD(" Batch %p, id %d, merging %d, count %d, bounds " RECT_STRING,
this, mBatchId, mMerging, (int) mOps.size(), RECT_ARGS(mBounds));
batchid_t mBatchId;
Rect mBounds;
std::vector<BakedOpState*> mOps;
bool mMerging;
class OpBatch : public BatchBase {
OpBatch(batchid_t batchId, BakedOpState* op)
: BatchBase(batchId, op, false) {
void batchOp(BakedOpState* op) {
class MergingOpBatch : public BatchBase {
MergingOpBatch(batchid_t batchId, BakedOpState* op)
: BatchBase(batchId, op, true)
, mClipSideFlags(op->computedState.clipSideFlags) {
* Helper for determining if a new op can merge with a MergingDrawBatch based on their bounds
* and clip side flags. Positive bounds delta means new bounds fit in old.
static inline bool checkSide(const int currentFlags, const int newFlags, const int side,
float boundsDelta) {
bool currentClipExists = currentFlags & side;
bool newClipExists = newFlags & side;
// if current is clipped, we must be able to fit new bounds in current
if (boundsDelta > 0 && currentClipExists) return false;
// if new is clipped, we must be able to fit current bounds in new
if (boundsDelta < 0 && newClipExists) return false;
return true;
static bool paintIsDefault(const SkPaint& paint) {
return paint.getAlpha() == 255
&& paint.getColorFilter() == nullptr
&& paint.getShader() == nullptr;
static bool paintsAreEquivalent(const SkPaint& a, const SkPaint& b) {
// Note: don't check color, since all currently mergeable ops can merge across colors
return a.getAlpha() == b.getAlpha()
&& a.getColorFilter() == b.getColorFilter()
&& a.getShader() == b.getShader();
* Checks if a (mergeable) op can be merged into this batch
* If true, the op's multiDraw must be guaranteed to handle both ops simultaneously, so it is
* important to consider all paint attributes used in the draw calls in deciding both a) if an
* op tries to merge at all, and b) if the op can merge with another set of ops
* False positives can lead to information from the paints of subsequent merged operations being
* dropped, so we make simplifying qualifications on the ops that can merge, per op type.
bool canMergeWith(BakedOpState* op) const {
bool isTextBatch = getBatchId() == OpBatchType::Text
|| getBatchId() == OpBatchType::ColorText;
// Overlapping other operations is only allowed for text without shadow. For other ops,
// multiDraw isn't guaranteed to overdraw correctly
if (!isTextBatch || PaintUtils::hasTextShadow(op->op->paint)) {
if (intersects(op->computedState.clippedBounds)) return false;
const BakedOpState* lhs = op;
const BakedOpState* rhs = mOps[0];
if (!MathUtils::areEqual(lhs->alpha, rhs->alpha)) return false;
// Identical round rect clip state means both ops will clip in the same way, or not at all.
// As the state objects are const, we can compare their pointers to determine mergeability
if (lhs->roundRectClipState != rhs->roundRectClipState) return false;
// Local masks prevent merge, since they're potentially in different coordinate spaces
if (lhs->computedState.localProjectionPathMask
|| rhs->computedState.localProjectionPathMask) return false;
/* Clipping compatibility check
* Exploits the fact that if a op or batch is clipped on a side, its bounds will equal its
* clip for that side.
const int currentFlags = mClipSideFlags;
const int newFlags = op->computedState.clipSideFlags;
if (currentFlags != OpClipSideFlags::None || newFlags != OpClipSideFlags::None) {
const Rect& opBounds = op->computedState.clippedBounds;
float boundsDelta = mBounds.left - opBounds.left;
if (!checkSide(currentFlags, newFlags, OpClipSideFlags::Left, boundsDelta)) return false;
boundsDelta = -;
if (!checkSide(currentFlags, newFlags, OpClipSideFlags::Top, boundsDelta)) return false;
// right and bottom delta calculation reversed to account for direction
boundsDelta = opBounds.right - mBounds.right;
if (!checkSide(currentFlags, newFlags, OpClipSideFlags::Right, boundsDelta)) return false;
boundsDelta = opBounds.bottom - mBounds.bottom;
if (!checkSide(currentFlags, newFlags, OpClipSideFlags::Bottom, boundsDelta)) return false;
const SkPaint* newPaint = op->op->paint;
const SkPaint* oldPaint = mOps[0]->op->paint;
if (newPaint == oldPaint) {
// if paints are equal, then modifiers + paint attribs don't need to be compared
return true;
} else if (newPaint && !oldPaint) {
return paintIsDefault(*newPaint);
} else if (!newPaint && oldPaint) {
return paintIsDefault(*oldPaint);
return paintsAreEquivalent(*newPaint, *oldPaint);
void mergeOp(BakedOpState* op) {
// Because a new op must have passed canMergeWith(), we know it's passed the clipping compat
// check, and doesn't extend past a side of the clip that's in use by the merged batch.
// Therefore it's safe to simply always merge flags, and use the bounds as the clip rect.
mClipSideFlags |= op->computedState.clipSideFlags;
int getClipSideFlags() const { return mClipSideFlags; }
const Rect& getClipRect() const { return mBounds; }
int mClipSideFlags;
LayerBuilder::LayerBuilder(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
const Rect& repaintRect, const BeginLayerOp* beginLayerOp, RenderNode* renderNode)
: width(width)
, height(height)
, repaintRect(repaintRect)
, repaintClip(repaintRect)
, offscreenBuffer(renderNode ? renderNode->getLayer() : nullptr)
, beginLayerOp(beginLayerOp)
, renderNode(renderNode) {}
// iterate back toward target to see if anything drawn since should overlap the new op
// if no target, merging ops still iterate to find similar batch to insert after
void LayerBuilder::locateInsertIndex(int batchId, const Rect& clippedBounds,
BatchBase** targetBatch, size_t* insertBatchIndex) const {
for (int i = mBatches.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
BatchBase* overBatch = mBatches[i];
if (overBatch == *targetBatch) break;
// TODO: also consider shader shared between batch types
if (batchId == overBatch->getBatchId()) {
*insertBatchIndex = i + 1;
if (!*targetBatch) break; // found insert position, quit
if (overBatch->intersects(clippedBounds)) {
// NOTE: it may be possible to optimize for special cases where two operations
// of the same batch/paint could swap order, such as with a non-mergeable
// (clipped) and a mergeable text operation
*targetBatch = nullptr;
void LayerBuilder::deferLayerClear(const Rect& rect) {
void LayerBuilder::onDeferOp(LinearAllocator& allocator, const BakedOpState* bakedState) {
if (bakedState->op->opId != RecordedOpId::CopyToLayerOp) {
// First non-CopyToLayer, so stop stashing up layer clears for unclipped save layers,
// and issue them together in one draw.
if (CC_UNLIKELY(activeUnclippedSaveLayers.empty()
&& bakedState->computedState.opaqueOverClippedBounds
&& bakedState->computedState.clippedBounds.contains(repaintRect))) {
// discard all deferred drawing ops, since new one will occlude them
void LayerBuilder::flushLayerClears(LinearAllocator& allocator) {
if (CC_UNLIKELY(!mClearRects.empty())) {
const int vertCount = mClearRects.size() * 4;
// put the verts in the frame allocator, since
// 1) SimpleRectsOps needs verts, not rects
// 2) even if mClearRects stored verts, std::vectors will move their contents
Vertex* const verts = (Vertex*) allocator.create_trivial_array<Vertex>(vertCount);
Vertex* currentVert = verts;
Rect bounds = mClearRects[0];
for (auto&& rect : mClearRects) {
Vertex::set(currentVert++, rect.left,;
Vertex::set(currentVert++, rect.right,;
Vertex::set(currentVert++, rect.left, rect.bottom);
Vertex::set(currentVert++, rect.right, rect.bottom);
mClearRects.clear(); // discard rects before drawing so this method isn't reentrant
// One or more unclipped saveLayers have been enqueued, with deferred clears.
// Flush all of these clears with a single draw
SkPaint* paint = allocator.create<SkPaint>();
SimpleRectsOp* op = allocator.create_trivial<SimpleRectsOp>(bounds,
Matrix4::identity(), nullptr, paint,
verts, vertCount);
BakedOpState* bakedState = BakedOpState::directConstruct(allocator,
&repaintClip, bounds, *op);
deferUnmergeableOp(allocator, bakedState, OpBatchType::Vertices);
void LayerBuilder::deferUnmergeableOp(LinearAllocator& allocator,
BakedOpState* op, batchid_t batchId) {
onDeferOp(allocator, op);
OpBatch* targetBatch = mBatchLookup[batchId];
size_t insertBatchIndex = mBatches.size();
if (targetBatch) {
locateInsertIndex(batchId, op->computedState.clippedBounds,
(BatchBase**)(&targetBatch), &insertBatchIndex);
if (targetBatch) {
} else {
// new non-merging batch
targetBatch = allocator.create<OpBatch>(batchId, op);
mBatchLookup[batchId] = targetBatch;
mBatches.insert(mBatches.begin() + insertBatchIndex, targetBatch);
void LayerBuilder::deferMergeableOp(LinearAllocator& allocator,
BakedOpState* op, batchid_t batchId, mergeid_t mergeId) {
onDeferOp(allocator, op);
MergingOpBatch* targetBatch = nullptr;
// Try to merge with any existing batch with same mergeId
auto getResult = mMergingBatchLookup[batchId].find(mergeId);
if (getResult != mMergingBatchLookup[batchId].end()) {
targetBatch = getResult->second;
if (!targetBatch->canMergeWith(op)) {
targetBatch = nullptr;
size_t insertBatchIndex = mBatches.size();
locateInsertIndex(batchId, op->computedState.clippedBounds,
(BatchBase**)(&targetBatch), &insertBatchIndex);
if (targetBatch) {
} else {
// new merging batch
targetBatch = allocator.create<MergingOpBatch>(batchId, op);
mMergingBatchLookup[batchId].insert(std::make_pair(mergeId, targetBatch));
mBatches.insert(mBatches.begin() + insertBatchIndex, targetBatch);
void LayerBuilder::replayBakedOpsImpl(void* arg,
BakedOpReceiver* unmergedReceivers, MergedOpReceiver* mergedReceivers) const {
ATRACE_NAME("flush drawing commands");
for (const BatchBase* batch : mBatches) {
size_t size = batch->getOps().size();
if (size > 1 && batch->isMerging()) {
int opId = batch->getOps()[0]->op->opId;
const MergingOpBatch* mergingBatch = static_cast<const MergingOpBatch*>(batch);
MergedBakedOpList data = {
mergedReceivers[opId](arg, data);
} else {
for (const BakedOpState* op : batch->getOps()) {
unmergedReceivers[op->op->opId](arg, *op);
void LayerBuilder::clear() {
for (int i = 0; i < OpBatchType::Count; i++) {
mBatchLookup[i] = nullptr;
void LayerBuilder::dump() const {
ALOGD("LayerBuilder %p, %ux%u buffer %p, blo %p, rn %p (%s)",
this, width, height, offscreenBuffer, beginLayerOp,
renderNode, renderNode ? renderNode->getName() : "-");
for (const BatchBase* batch : mBatches) {
} // namespace uirenderer
} // namespace android