Removed the --whitelist-path flag, which is poorly named and we can already specify these resources with --resources-config-path. Renamed TableFlattenerOptions.whitelisted_resources to keep_resources. It holds ResourceName instead of std::string. This lets us include type when specifying what gets exempted, for correctness. Bug: 111115201 Test: make aapt2_tests Change-Id: Ifa5df924b5e2265c32cdcf8ca7dfa4a3992a0468
473 lines
15 KiB
473 lines
15 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "Optimize.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "android-base/file.h"
#include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
#include "androidfw/ConfigDescription.h"
#include "androidfw/ResourceTypes.h"
#include "androidfw/StringPiece.h"
#include "Diagnostics.h"
#include "LoadedApk.h"
#include "ResourceUtils.h"
#include "SdkConstants.h"
#include "ValueVisitor.h"
#include "cmd/Util.h"
#include "configuration/ConfigurationParser.h"
#include "filter/AbiFilter.h"
#include "format/binary/TableFlattener.h"
#include "format/binary/XmlFlattener.h"
#include "io/BigBufferStream.h"
#include "io/Util.h"
#include "optimize/MultiApkGenerator.h"
#include "optimize/ResourceDeduper.h"
#include "optimize/ResourceFilter.h"
#include "optimize/ResourcePathShortener.h"
#include "optimize/VersionCollapser.h"
#include "split/TableSplitter.h"
#include "util/Files.h"
#include "util/Util.h"
using ::aapt::configuration::Abi;
using ::aapt::configuration::OutputArtifact;
using ::android::ConfigDescription;
using ::android::ResTable_config;
using ::android::StringPiece;
using ::android::base::ReadFileToString;
using ::android::base::StringAppendF;
using ::android::base::StringPrintf;
using ::android::base::WriteStringToFile;
namespace aapt {
class OptimizeContext : public IAaptContext {
OptimizeContext() = default;
PackageType GetPackageType() override {
// Not important here. Using anything other than kApp adds EXTRA validation, which we want to
// avoid.
return PackageType::kApp;
IDiagnostics* GetDiagnostics() override {
return &diagnostics_;
NameMangler* GetNameMangler() override {
return nullptr;
const std::string& GetCompilationPackage() override {
static std::string empty;
return empty;
uint8_t GetPackageId() override {
return 0;
SymbolTable* GetExternalSymbols() override {
return nullptr;
bool IsVerbose() override {
return verbose_;
void SetVerbose(bool val) {
verbose_ = val;
void SetMinSdkVersion(int sdk_version) {
sdk_version_ = sdk_version;
int GetMinSdkVersion() override {
return sdk_version_;
const std::set<std::string>& GetSplitNameDependencies() override {
UNIMPLEMENTED(FATAL) << "Split Name Dependencies should not be necessary";
static std::set<std::string> empty;
return empty;
StdErrDiagnostics diagnostics_;
bool verbose_ = false;
int sdk_version_ = 0;
class Optimizer {
Optimizer(OptimizeContext* context, const OptimizeOptions& options)
: options_(options), context_(context) {
int Run(std::unique_ptr<LoadedApk> apk) {
if (context_->IsVerbose()) {
context_->GetDiagnostics()->Note(DiagMessage() << "Optimizing APK...");
if (!options_.resources_blacklist.empty()) {
ResourceFilter filter(options_.resources_blacklist);
if (!filter.Consume(context_, apk->GetResourceTable())) {
context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed filtering resources");
return 1;
VersionCollapser collapser;
if (!collapser.Consume(context_, apk->GetResourceTable())) {
return 1;
ResourceDeduper deduper;
if (!deduper.Consume(context_, apk->GetResourceTable())) {
context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed deduping resources");
return 1;
if (options_.shorten_resource_paths) {
ResourcePathShortener shortener(options_.table_flattener_options.shortened_path_map);
if (!shortener.Consume(context_, apk->GetResourceTable())) {
context_->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage() << "failed shortening resource paths");
return 1;
if (options_.shortened_paths_map_path
&& !WriteShortenedPathsMap(options_.table_flattener_options.shortened_path_map,
options_.shortened_paths_map_path.value())) {
<< "failed to write shortened resource paths to file");
return 1;
// Adjust the SplitConstraints so that their SDK version is stripped if it is less than or
// equal to the minSdk.
options_.split_constraints =
AdjustSplitConstraintsForMinSdk(context_->GetMinSdkVersion(), options_.split_constraints);
// Stripping the APK using the TableSplitter. The resource table is modified in place in the
// LoadedApk.
TableSplitter splitter(options_.split_constraints, options_.table_splitter_options);
if (!splitter.VerifySplitConstraints(context_)) {
return 1;
auto path_iter = options_.split_paths.begin();
auto split_constraints_iter = options_.split_constraints.begin();
for (std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable>& split_table : splitter.splits()) {
if (context_->IsVerbose()) {
DiagMessage(*path_iter) << "generating split with configurations '"
<< util::Joiner(split_constraints_iter->configs, ", ") << "'");
// Generate an AndroidManifest.xml for each split.
std::unique_ptr<xml::XmlResource> split_manifest =
GenerateSplitManifest(options_.app_info, *split_constraints_iter);
std::unique_ptr<IArchiveWriter> split_writer =
CreateZipFileArchiveWriter(context_->GetDiagnostics(), *path_iter);
if (!split_writer) {
return 1;
if (!WriteSplitApk(split_table.get(), split_manifest.get(), split_writer.get())) {
return 1;
if (options_.apk_artifacts && options_.output_dir) {
MultiApkGenerator generator{apk.get(), context_};
MultiApkGeneratorOptions generator_options = {
options_.output_dir.value(), options_.apk_artifacts.value(),
options_.table_flattener_options, options_.kept_artifacts};
if (!generator.FromBaseApk(generator_options)) {
return 1;
if (options_.output_path) {
std::unique_ptr<IArchiveWriter> writer =
CreateZipFileArchiveWriter(context_->GetDiagnostics(), options_.output_path.value());
if (!apk->WriteToArchive(context_, options_.table_flattener_options, writer.get())) {
return 1;
return 0;
bool WriteSplitApk(ResourceTable* table, xml::XmlResource* manifest, IArchiveWriter* writer) {
BigBuffer manifest_buffer(4096);
XmlFlattener xml_flattener(&manifest_buffer, {});
if (!xml_flattener.Consume(context_, manifest)) {
return false;
io::BigBufferInputStream manifest_buffer_in(&manifest_buffer);
if (!io::CopyInputStreamToArchive(context_, &manifest_buffer_in, "AndroidManifest.xml",
ArchiveEntry::kCompress, writer)) {
return false;
std::map<std::pair<ConfigDescription, StringPiece>, FileReference*> config_sorted_files;
for (auto& pkg : table->packages) {
for (auto& type : pkg->types) {
// Sort by config and name, so that we get better locality in the zip file.
for (auto& entry : type->entries) {
for (auto& config_value : entry->values) {
auto* file_ref = ValueCast<FileReference>(config_value->value.get());
if (file_ref == nullptr) {
if (file_ref->file == nullptr) {
ResourceNameRef name(pkg->name, type->type, entry->name);
<< "file for resource " << name << " with config '"
<< config_value->config << "' not found");
const StringPiece entry_name = entry->name;
config_sorted_files[std::make_pair(config_value->config, entry_name)] = file_ref;
for (auto& entry : config_sorted_files) {
FileReference* file_ref = entry.second;
if (!io::CopyFileToArchivePreserveCompression(context_, file_ref->file, *file_ref->path,
writer)) {
return false;
BigBuffer table_buffer(4096);
TableFlattener table_flattener(options_.table_flattener_options, &table_buffer);
if (!table_flattener.Consume(context_, table)) {
return false;
io::BigBufferInputStream table_buffer_in(&table_buffer);
return io::CopyInputStreamToArchive(context_, &table_buffer_in, "resources.arsc",
ArchiveEntry::kAlign, writer);
bool WriteShortenedPathsMap(const std::map<std::string, std::string> &path_map,
const std::string &file_path) {
std::stringstream ss;
for (auto it = path_map.cbegin(); it != path_map.cend(); ++it) {
ss << it->first << " -> " << it->second << "\n";
return WriteStringToFile(ss.str(), file_path);
OptimizeOptions options_;
OptimizeContext* context_;
bool ParseConfig(const std::string& content, IAaptContext* context, OptimizeOptions* options) {
size_t line_no = 0;
for (StringPiece line : util::Tokenize(content, '\n')) {
line = util::TrimWhitespace(line);
if (line.empty()) {
auto split_line = util::Split(line, '#');
if (split_line.size() < 2) {
context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(line) << "No # found in line");
return false;
StringPiece resource_string = split_line[0];
StringPiece directives = split_line[1];
ResourceNameRef resource_name;
if (!ResourceUtils::ParseResourceName(resource_string, &resource_name)) {
context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(line) << "Malformed resource name");
return false;
if (!resource_name.package.empty()) {
<< "Package set for resource. Only use type/name");
return false;
for (StringPiece directive : util::Tokenize(directives, ',')) {
if (directive == "remove") {
} else if (directive == "no_collapse" || directive == "no_obfuscate") {
return true;
bool ExtractConfig(const std::string& path, IAaptContext* context, OptimizeOptions* options) {
std::string content;
if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(path, &content, true /*follow_symlinks*/)) {
context->GetDiagnostics()->Error(DiagMessage(path) << "failed reading config file");
return false;
return ParseConfig(content, context, options);
bool ExtractAppDataFromManifest(OptimizeContext* context, const LoadedApk* apk,
OptimizeOptions* out_options) {
const xml::XmlResource* manifest = apk->GetManifest();
if (manifest == nullptr) {
return false;
Maybe<AppInfo> app_info = ExtractAppInfoFromBinaryManifest(*manifest, context->GetDiagnostics());
if (!app_info) {
<< "failed to extract data from AndroidManifest.xml");
return false;
out_options->app_info = std::move(app_info.value());
return true;
int OptimizeCommand::Action(const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
if (args.size() != 1u) {
std::cerr << "must have one APK as argument.\n\n";
return 1;
const std::string& apk_path = args[0];
OptimizeContext context;
IDiagnostics* diag = context.GetDiagnostics();
if (config_path_) {
std::string& path = config_path_.value();
Maybe<ConfigurationParser> for_path = ConfigurationParser::ForPath(path);
if (for_path) {
options_.apk_artifacts = for_path.value().WithDiagnostics(diag).Parse(apk_path);
if (!options_.apk_artifacts) {
diag->Error(DiagMessage() << "Failed to parse the output artifact list");
return 1;
} else {
diag->Error(DiagMessage() << "Could not parse config file " << path);
return 1;
if (print_only_) {
for (const OutputArtifact& artifact : options_.apk_artifacts.value()) {
std::cout << << std::endl;
return 0;
if (!kept_artifacts_.empty()) {
for (const std::string& artifact_str : kept_artifacts_) {
for (const StringPiece& artifact : util::Tokenize(artifact_str, ',')) {
// Since we know that we are going to process the APK (not just print targets), make sure we
// have somewhere to write them to.
if (!options_.output_dir) {
diag->Error(DiagMessage() << "Output directory is required when using a configuration file");
return 1;
} else if (print_only_) {
diag->Error(DiagMessage() << "Asked to print artifacts without providing a configurations");
return 1;
std::unique_ptr<LoadedApk> apk = LoadedApk::LoadApkFromPath(apk_path, context.GetDiagnostics());
if (!apk) {
return 1;
if (target_densities_) {
// Parse the target screen densities.
for (const StringPiece& config_str : util::Tokenize(target_densities_.value(), ',')) {
Maybe<uint16_t> target_density = ParseTargetDensityParameter(config_str, diag);
if (!target_density) {
return 1;
std::unique_ptr<IConfigFilter> filter;
if (!configs_.empty()) {
filter = ParseConfigFilterParameters(configs_, diag);
if (filter == nullptr) {
return 1;
options_.table_splitter_options.config_filter = filter.get();
// Parse the split parameters.
for (const std::string& split_arg : split_args_) {
if (!ParseSplitParameter(split_arg, diag, &options_.split_paths.back(),
&options_.split_constraints.back())) {
return 1;
if (resources_config_path_) {
std::string& path = resources_config_path_.value();
if (!ExtractConfig(path, &context, &options_)) {
return 1;
if (!ExtractAppDataFromManifest(&context, apk.get(), &options_)) {
return 1;
Optimizer cmd(&context, options_);
return cmd.Run(std::move(apk));
} // namespace aapt