PerformanceHintManager.Session is in java, so add JNI and a HintSessionWrapper class in HardwareRenderer. Then pass the two calls as two std::functions into DrawFrameTask. Note Session is created per HardwareRenderer, not global (per RenderThread). Session includes UI thread, render thread, and the thread pool. Desired duration is from the intended start duration to the frame deadline. Add an actual frame start time to compute Add system properties: debug.hwui.use_hint_manager to enable PerformanceHintManager debug.hwui.target_cpu_time_percent to control percentage of frame time to be used for target cpu duration. Test: Manual test that there are no crashes and values make sense. Bug: 158791282 Change-Id: I83f25433c10daa20033803fb7c4ae45eab34f1d3
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* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "Properties.h"
#include "Debug.h"
#include "log/log_main.h"
#ifdef __ANDROID__
#include "HWUIProperties.sysprop.h"
#include "SkTraceEventCommon.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <optional>
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include <cutils/compiler.h>
#include <log/log.h>
namespace android {
namespace uirenderer {
#ifndef __ANDROID__ // Layoutlib does not compile HWUIProperties.sysprop as it depends on cutils properties
std::optional<bool> use_vulkan() {
return base::GetBoolProperty("ro.hwui.use_vulkan", false);
std::optional<std::int32_t> render_ahead() {
return base::GetIntProperty("ro.hwui.render_ahead", 0);
bool Properties::debugLayersUpdates = false;
bool Properties::debugOverdraw = false;
bool Properties::showDirtyRegions = false;
bool Properties::skipEmptyFrames = true;
bool Properties::useBufferAge = true;
bool Properties::enablePartialUpdates = true;
DebugLevel Properties::debugLevel = kDebugDisabled;
OverdrawColorSet Properties::overdrawColorSet = OverdrawColorSet::Default;
float Properties::overrideLightRadius = -1.0f;
float Properties::overrideLightPosY = -1.0f;
float Properties::overrideLightPosZ = -1.0f;
float Properties::overrideAmbientRatio = -1.0f;
int Properties::overrideAmbientShadowStrength = -1;
int Properties::overrideSpotShadowStrength = -1;
ProfileType Properties::sProfileType = ProfileType::None;
bool Properties::sDisableProfileBars = false;
RenderPipelineType Properties::sRenderPipelineType = RenderPipelineType::NotInitialized;
bool Properties::enableHighContrastText = false;
bool Properties::waitForGpuCompletion = false;
bool Properties::forceDrawFrame = false;
bool Properties::filterOutTestOverhead = false;
bool Properties::disableVsync = false;
bool Properties::skpCaptureEnabled = false;
bool Properties::enableRTAnimations = true;
bool Properties::runningInEmulator = false;
bool Properties::debuggingEnabled = false;
bool Properties::isolatedProcess = false;
int Properties::contextPriority = 0;
float Properties::defaultSdrWhitePoint = 200.f;
bool Properties::useHintManager = true;
int Properties::targetCpuTimePercentage = 70;
bool Properties::load() {
bool prevDebugLayersUpdates = debugLayersUpdates;
bool prevDebugOverdraw = debugOverdraw;
debugOverdraw = false;
std::string debugOverdrawProperty = base::GetProperty(PROPERTY_DEBUG_OVERDRAW, "");
if (debugOverdrawProperty != "") {
INIT_LOGD(" Overdraw debug enabled: %s", debugOverdrawProperty);
if (debugOverdrawProperty == "show") {
debugOverdraw = true;
overdrawColorSet = OverdrawColorSet::Default;
} else if (debugOverdrawProperty == "show_deuteranomaly") {
debugOverdraw = true;
overdrawColorSet = OverdrawColorSet::Deuteranomaly;
sProfileType = ProfileType::None;
std::string profileProperty = base::GetProperty(PROPERTY_PROFILE, "");
if (profileProperty != "") {
sProfileType = ProfileType::Bars;
} else if (profileProperty == "true") {
sProfileType = ProfileType::Console;
debugLayersUpdates = base::GetBoolProperty(PROPERTY_DEBUG_LAYERS_UPDATES, false);
INIT_LOGD(" Layers updates debug enabled: %d", debugLayersUpdates);
showDirtyRegions = base::GetBoolProperty(PROPERTY_DEBUG_SHOW_DIRTY_REGIONS, false);
debugLevel = (DebugLevel)base::GetIntProperty(PROPERTY_DEBUG, (int)kDebugDisabled);
skipEmptyFrames = base::GetBoolProperty(PROPERTY_SKIP_EMPTY_DAMAGE, true);
useBufferAge = base::GetBoolProperty(PROPERTY_USE_BUFFER_AGE, true);
enablePartialUpdates = base::GetBoolProperty(PROPERTY_ENABLE_PARTIAL_UPDATES, true);
filterOutTestOverhead = base::GetBoolProperty(PROPERTY_FILTER_TEST_OVERHEAD, false);
skpCaptureEnabled = debuggingEnabled && base::GetBoolProperty(PROPERTY_CAPTURE_SKP_ENABLED, false);
base::GetBoolProperty(PROPERTY_SKIA_ATRACE_ENABLED, false));
runningInEmulator = base::GetBoolProperty(PROPERTY_IS_EMULATOR, false);
useHintManager = base::GetBoolProperty(PROPERTY_USE_HINT_MANAGER, true);
targetCpuTimePercentage = base::GetIntProperty(PROPERTY_TARGET_CPU_TIME_PERCENTAGE, 70);
if (targetCpuTimePercentage <= 0 || targetCpuTimePercentage > 100) targetCpuTimePercentage = 70;
return (prevDebugLayersUpdates != debugLayersUpdates) || (prevDebugOverdraw != debugOverdraw);
void Properties::overrideProperty(const char* name, const char* value) {
if (!strcmp(name, "disableProfileBars")) {
sDisableProfileBars = !strcmp(value, "true");
ALOGD("profile bars %s", sDisableProfileBars ? "disabled" : "enabled");
} else if (!strcmp(name, "ambientRatio")) {
overrideAmbientRatio = std::min(std::max(atof(value), 0.0), 10.0);
ALOGD("ambientRatio = %.2f", overrideAmbientRatio);
} else if (!strcmp(name, "lightRadius")) {
overrideLightRadius = std::min(std::max(atof(value), 0.0), 3000.0);
ALOGD("lightRadius = %.2f", overrideLightRadius);
} else if (!strcmp(name, "lightPosY")) {
overrideLightPosY = std::min(std::max(atof(value), 0.0), 3000.0);
ALOGD("lightPos Y = %.2f", overrideLightPosY);
} else if (!strcmp(name, "lightPosZ")) {
overrideLightPosZ = std::min(std::max(atof(value), 0.0), 3000.0);
ALOGD("lightPos Z = %.2f", overrideLightPosZ);
} else if (!strcmp(name, "ambientShadowStrength")) {
overrideAmbientShadowStrength = atoi(value);
ALOGD("ambient shadow strength = 0x%x out of 0xff", overrideAmbientShadowStrength);
} else if (!strcmp(name, "spotShadowStrength")) {
overrideSpotShadowStrength = atoi(value);
ALOGD("spot shadow strength = 0x%x out of 0xff", overrideSpotShadowStrength);
ALOGD("failed overriding property %s to %s", name, value);
ProfileType Properties::getProfileType() {
if (CC_UNLIKELY(sDisableProfileBars && sProfileType == ProfileType::Bars))
return ProfileType::None;
return sProfileType;
RenderPipelineType Properties::peekRenderPipelineType() {
// If sRenderPipelineType has been locked, just return the locked type immediately.
if (sRenderPipelineType != RenderPipelineType::NotInitialized) {
return sRenderPipelineType;
bool useVulkan = use_vulkan().value_or(false);
std::string rendererProperty = base::GetProperty(PROPERTY_RENDERER, useVulkan ? "skiavk" : "skiagl");
if (rendererProperty == "skiavk") {
return RenderPipelineType::SkiaVulkan;
return RenderPipelineType::SkiaGL;
RenderPipelineType Properties::getRenderPipelineType() {
sRenderPipelineType = peekRenderPipelineType();
return sRenderPipelineType;
void Properties::overrideRenderPipelineType(RenderPipelineType type, bool inUnitTest) {
// If we're doing actual rendering then we can't change the renderer after it's been set.
// Unit tests can freely change this as often as it wants.
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(sRenderPipelineType != RenderPipelineType::NotInitialized &&
sRenderPipelineType != type && !inUnitTest,
"Trying to change pipeline but it's already set.");
sRenderPipelineType = type;
} // namespace uirenderer
} // namespace android