Suprabh Shukla 6472501f2e Resetting some settings on starting a new demo session
Muting ringer and media volume and turning off the flashlight
before starting a new session. Also, resetting the configuration of any
new demo user to the configuration of user 0 on the device. Moved
RetailDemoModeService and RetailDemoModeServiceInternal to more
appropriate new packages

Bug: 29519612
Change-Id: Ib65f89ce61afab2d2f1b2dd0c761f5d35a466181
2016-06-23 17:36:19 -07:00

13 lines
228 B

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE := services.retaildemo
$(call all-java-files-under,java)
LOCAL_JAVA_LIBRARIES := services.core