Rhed Jao 2c4344223d aapt2: Limit length of package name and shared user id
Package name and shared user id could be used as part of filename
as prefix by other modules. Limits the length to 223 and reserves
32 for the OS.

Bug: 118768971
Test: atest aapt2_tests
Test: aapt2 link -I android.jar --manifest ManifestLongPackageName.xml
Test: aapt2 link -I android.jar --manifest ManifestLongSharedUserId.xml
Change-Id: Ic4b5b4647b9e253b79b663f4d7a9050f43bb8cf0
2020-11-19 15:34:14 +08:00

319 lines
10 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef AAPT_UTIL_H
#define AAPT_UTIL_H
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "androidfw/ResourceTypes.h"
#include "androidfw/StringPiece.h"
#include "utils/ByteOrder.h"
#include "util/BigBuffer.h"
#include "util/Maybe.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
// TODO(adamlesinski): remove once http://b/32447322 is resolved.
// utils/ByteOrder.h includes winsock2.h on WIN32,
// which will pull in the ERROR definition. This conflicts
// with android-base/logging.h, which takes care of undefining
// ERROR, but it gets included too early (before winsock2.h).
#ifdef ERROR
#undef ERROR
namespace aapt {
namespace util {
template <typename T>
struct Range {
T start;
T end;
std::vector<std::string> Split(const android::StringPiece& str, char sep);
std::vector<std::string> SplitAndLowercase(const android::StringPiece& str, char sep);
// Returns true if the string starts with prefix.
bool StartsWith(const android::StringPiece& str, const android::StringPiece& prefix);
// Returns true if the string ends with suffix.
bool EndsWith(const android::StringPiece& str, const android::StringPiece& suffix);
// Creates a new StringPiece that points to a substring of the original string without leading
// whitespace.
android::StringPiece TrimLeadingWhitespace(const android::StringPiece& str);
// Creates a new StringPiece that points to a substring of the original string without trailing
// whitespace.
android::StringPiece TrimTrailingWhitespace(const android::StringPiece& str);
// Creates a new StringPiece that points to a substring of the original string without leading or
// trailing whitespace.
android::StringPiece TrimWhitespace(const android::StringPiece& str);
// Tests that the string is a valid Java class name.
bool IsJavaClassName(const android::StringPiece& str);
// Tests that the string is a valid Java package name.
bool IsJavaPackageName(const android::StringPiece& str);
// Tests that the string is a valid Android package name. More strict than a Java package name.
// - First character of each component (separated by '.') must be an ASCII letter.
// - Subsequent characters of a component can be ASCII alphanumeric or an underscore.
// - Package must contain at least two components, unless it is 'android'.
// - The maximum package name length is 223.
bool IsAndroidPackageName(const android::StringPiece& str);
// Tests that the string is a valid Android split name.
// - First character of each component (separated by '.') must be an ASCII letter.
// - Subsequent characters of a component can be ASCII alphanumeric or an underscore.
bool IsAndroidSplitName(const android::StringPiece& str);
// Tests that the string is a valid Android shared user id.
// - First character of each component (separated by '.') must be an ASCII letter.
// - Subsequent characters of a component can be ASCII alphanumeric or an underscore.
// - Must contain at least two components, unless package name is 'android'.
// - The maximum shared user id length is 223.
// - Treat empty string as valid, it's the case of no shared user id.
bool IsAndroidSharedUserId(const android::StringPiece& package_name,
const android::StringPiece& shared_user_id);
// Converts the class name to a fully qualified class name from the given
// `package`. Ex:
// asdf --> package.asdf
// .asdf --> package.asdf
// .a.b --> package.a.b
// asdf.adsf --> asdf.adsf
Maybe<std::string> GetFullyQualifiedClassName(const android::StringPiece& package,
const android::StringPiece& class_name);
// Retrieves the formatted name of aapt2.
const char* GetToolName();
// Retrieves the build fingerprint of aapt2.
std::string GetToolFingerprint();
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, int>::type compare(const T& a, const T& b) {
if (a < b) {
return -1;
} else if (a > b) {
return 1;
return 0;
// Makes a std::unique_ptr<> with the template parameter inferred by the compiler.
// This will be present in C++14 and can be removed then.
template <typename T, class... Args>
std::unique_ptr<T> make_unique(Args&&... args) {
return std::unique_ptr<T>(new T{std::forward<Args>(args)...});
// Writes a set of items to the std::ostream, joining the times with the provided separator.
template <typename Container>
::std::function<::std::ostream&(::std::ostream&)> Joiner(const Container& container,
const char* sep) {
using std::begin;
using std::end;
const auto begin_iter = begin(container);
const auto end_iter = end(container);
return [begin_iter, end_iter, sep](::std::ostream& out) -> ::std::ostream& {
for (auto iter = begin_iter; iter != end_iter; ++iter) {
if (iter != begin_iter) {
out << sep;
out << *iter;
return out;
// Helper method to extract a UTF-16 string from a StringPool. If the string is stored as UTF-8,
// the conversion to UTF-16 happens within ResStringPool.
android::StringPiece16 GetString16(const android::ResStringPool& pool, size_t idx);
// Helper method to extract a UTF-8 string from a StringPool. If the string is stored as UTF-16,
// the conversion from UTF-16 to UTF-8 does not happen in ResStringPool and is done by this method,
// which maintains no state or cache. This means we must return an std::string copy.
std::string GetString(const android::ResStringPool& pool, size_t idx);
// Checks that the Java string format contains no non-positional arguments (arguments without
// explicitly specifying an index) when there are more than one argument. This is an error
// because translations may rearrange the order of the arguments in the string, which will
// break the string interpolation.
bool VerifyJavaStringFormat(const android::StringPiece& str);
bool AppendStyledString(const android::StringPiece& input, bool preserve_spaces,
std::string* out_str, std::string* out_error);
class StringBuilder {
StringBuilder() = default;
StringBuilder& Append(const android::StringPiece& str);
const std::string& ToString() const;
const std::string& Error() const;
bool IsEmpty() const;
// When building StyledStrings, we need UTF-16 indices into the string,
// which is what the Java layer expects when dealing with java
// String.charAt().
size_t Utf16Len() const;
explicit operator bool() const;
std::string str_;
size_t utf16_len_ = 0;
bool quote_ = false;
bool trailing_space_ = false;
bool last_char_was_escape_ = false;
std::string error_;
inline const std::string& StringBuilder::ToString() const {
return str_;
inline const std::string& StringBuilder::Error() const {
return error_;
inline bool StringBuilder::IsEmpty() const {
return str_.empty();
inline size_t StringBuilder::Utf16Len() const {
return utf16_len_;
inline StringBuilder::operator bool() const {
return error_.empty();
// Converts a UTF8 string into Modified UTF8
std::string Utf8ToModifiedUtf8(const std::string& utf8);
std::string ModifiedUtf8ToUtf8(const std::string& modified_utf8);
// Converts a UTF8 string to a UTF16 string.
std::u16string Utf8ToUtf16(const android::StringPiece& utf8);
std::string Utf16ToUtf8(const android::StringPiece16& utf16);
// Writes the entire BigBuffer to the output stream.
bool WriteAll(std::ostream& out, const BigBuffer& buffer);
// Copies the entire BigBuffer into a single buffer.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> Copy(const BigBuffer& buffer);
// A Tokenizer implemented as an iterable collection. It does not allocate any memory on the heap
// nor use standard containers.
class Tokenizer {
class iterator {
using reference = android::StringPiece&;
using value_type = android::StringPiece;
using difference_type = size_t;
using pointer = android::StringPiece*;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
iterator(const iterator&) = default;
iterator& operator=(const iterator&) = default;
iterator& operator++();
android::StringPiece operator*() { return token_; }
bool operator==(const iterator& rhs) const;
bool operator!=(const iterator& rhs) const;
friend class Tokenizer;
iterator(const android::StringPiece& s, char sep, const android::StringPiece& tok, bool end);
android::StringPiece str_;
char separator_;
android::StringPiece token_;
bool end_;
Tokenizer(const android::StringPiece& str, char sep);
iterator begin() const {
return begin_;
iterator end() const {
return end_;
const iterator begin_;
const iterator end_;
inline Tokenizer Tokenize(const android::StringPiece& str, char sep) {
return Tokenizer(str, sep);
inline uint16_t HostToDevice16(uint16_t value) {
return htods(value);
inline uint32_t HostToDevice32(uint32_t value) {
return htodl(value);
inline uint16_t DeviceToHost16(uint16_t value) {
return dtohs(value);
inline uint32_t DeviceToHost32(uint32_t value) {
return dtohl(value);
// Given a path like: res/xml-sw600dp/foo.xml
// Extracts "res/xml-sw600dp/" into outPrefix.
// Extracts "foo" into outEntry.
// Extracts ".xml" into outSuffix.
// Returns true if successful.
bool ExtractResFilePathParts(const android::StringPiece& path, android::StringPiece* out_prefix,
android::StringPiece* out_entry, android::StringPiece* out_suffix);
} // namespace util
// Stream operator for functions. Calls the function with the stream as an argument.
// In the aapt namespace for lookup.
inline ::std::ostream& operator<<(::std::ostream& out,
const ::std::function<::std::ostream&(::std::ostream&)>& f) {
return f(out);
} // namespace aapt
#endif // AAPT_UTIL_H