add android 1.6 video to the highlights doc and featured videos list Change-Id: I8a641a26b7600142af3fbe417fdef89884afb703
340 lines
13 KiB
340 lines
13 KiB
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="{@docRoot}assets/jquery-history.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// for debugging in FF, so other browsers ignore the console commands.
var console;
if (!console) console = { 'log': function() {} };
/* This 'playlist' object defines the playlist IDs for each tab.
* Each name inside 'playlist' corresponds to class names for the tab that the playlists belong to (eg: "googleioTab" and "googleioBox" divs).
* Each string in 'ids' is the ID of a YouTube playlist that belongs in the corresponding tab.
var playlists = {
'googleio' : {
'ids': ["734A052F802C96B9"]
'about' : {
'ids': ["D7C64411AF40DEA5","611F8C5DBF49CEC6"]
'developertips' : {
'ids': ["43E15866EF0033A2"]
'developersandbox' : {
'ids': ["77426907BBAD558E"]
/* Some playlists include the title in the description meta-data, so we need to account for this when building the thumbnail lists, so we don't show the title twice
* This string is read via indexOf(), so multiple IDs need only be comma-separated in this string.
var playlistsWithTitleInDescription = "734A052F802C96B9";
/* This 'featured' object defines the Feature Videos list.
* Each playlist ID is paired with a custom video description.
var featured = {
// Android 1.6 Release
'MBRFkLKRwFw' : "The Android 1.6 release includes new features and improvements to the Android platform. Here's an introduction to what's new in Android 1.6.",
// How to Make your Android UI Fast..
'N6YdwzAvwOA' : "Make your user interface fast, with more efficient AdapterViews, better bitmap scaling, faster redrawing, ViewStub layouts, fewer Views, and more.",
// Coding for Life: Battery Life
// 'OUemfrKe65c' : "Learn what kinds of operations consume the most battery and how you can reduce your usage, with tips for parsing and zipping data, using wakelocks, and running a Service.",
// How Do I Code Thee?
'GARMe7Km_gk' : "If you'd like to augment your Android applications with pieces written in JavaScript or native code, watch this video."
/* When an event on the browser history occurs (back, forward, load),
* load the video found in the URL hash
$(window).history(function(e, hash) {
if (location.href.indexOf("#v=") != -1) {
videoId = location.href.split("#v=");
clickVideo(videoId[1]); // click the link with a matching class
/* Load a video into the player box.
* @param id The YouTube video ID
* @param title The video title to display in the player box (character escaped)
* @param autoplay Whether to automatically play the video
function loadVideo(id, title, autoplay) {
if($("." + id).hasClass("noplay")) {
autoplay = false;
$("." + id).removeClass("noplay");
swfobject.embedSWF('' + id + '&rel=1&border=0&fs=1&autoplay=' +
(autoplay?1:0), 'player', '500', '334', '9.0.0', false, false, {allowfullscreen: 'true'});
$("#videoPlayerTitle").html("<h2>" + unescape(title) + "</h2>");
$.history.add('v=' + id); // add the current video to the browser history
document.getElementById("doc-content").scrollTop = 0; // scroll the window to the top
/* Draw all videos from a playlist into a 'videoPreviews' list
* @param data The feed data returned from the youtube request
function renderPlaylist(data) {
var MAX_DESC_LENGTH = 390; // the length at which we will trim the description
var feed = data.feed;
var entries = feed.entry || [];
var playlistId =$playlistId.$t;
var ul = $('<ul class="videoPreviews" />');
// Loop through each entry (each video) and add it to the 'videoPreviews' list
for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {
var entry = entries[i];
var title = entry.title.$t;
var id =$$videoid.$t;
var thumbUrl =$$thumbnail[0].url;
var fullDescription =$$description.$t;
var playerUrl =$$content[0].url;
// Check whether this playlist includes the video title inside the description meta-data, so we can remove it
if (playlistsWithTitleInDescription.indexOf(playlistId) != -1) {
var lines = fullDescription.split("\n");
// If the first line includes the first 17 chars from the title, let's use the title from the desciption instead (because it's a more complete title)
// This accounts for, literally, "Google I/O 2009 -", which is (so far) the min AND max for properly identifying a title in the only playlist with titles in the description
if (lines[0].indexOf(title.slice(0,16)) != -1) {
h3Title = "<h3>" + lines[0] + "</h3>";
if (lines[2].length < 30) lines = lines.slice(3); // also, if the second line is very short (the speaker name), slice it out too
else lines = lines.slice(1); // otherwise, slice after the first line
fullDescription = lines.join("");
var shortDescription = fullDescription.substr(0, MAX_DESC_LENGTH);
shortDescription += shortDescription.length == MAX_DESC_LENGTH ? "..." : ""; // add ellipsis if we've chopped the description
var img = $('<img src="' + thumbUrl + '" width="120" height="90"/>');
var a = $('<a class="' + id + '" href="#" onclick="loadVideo(\'' + id + '\',\'' + escape(title) + '\',true); return setSelected(this);" />');
var pShortDescription = $('<p class="short">' + shortDescription + '</p>');
var pFullDescription = $('<p class="full">' + fullDescription + '</p>');
var h3Title = "<h3>" + title + "</h3>";
var pToggle = "<p class='toggle'><a href='#' onclick='return toggleDescription(this)'><span class='more'>more</span><span class='less'>less</span></a></p>";
var li = $('<li/>');
// Add the full description and "more/less" toggle, if necessary
if (fullDescription.length > MAX_DESC_LENGTH) {
// Now add the 'videoPreviews' list to the page, and be sure we put it in the right tab
// This is the part that allows us to put multiple playlists in one tab
for (var x in playlists) {
var ids = playlists[x].ids;
for (var i in ids) {
if (ids[i] == playlistId) {
/* Draw a featured video into the existing 'videoPreviews' list
* @param data The video data returned from the youtube request
function renderFeatured(data) {
var entry = data.entry || [];
var id =$$videoid.$t;
var description = featured[id];
var title = entry.title.$t;
var thumbUrl =$$thumbnail[0].url;
var playerUrl =$$content[0].url;
var ellipsis = title.length > MAX_TITLE_LENGTH ? "..." : "";
var h3Title = "<h3>"+ title.substr(0,MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) + ellipsis + "</h3>";
var img = $('<img src="' + thumbUrl + '" width="120" height="90"/>');
var p = $('<p>' + description + '</p>');
var a = $('<a class="' + id + '" href="#" onclick="loadVideo(\'' + id + '\',\'' + title + '\',true); return setSelected(this);" />');
var li = $("<li/>");
$("#mainBodyRight .videoPreviews").append(li);
/* Request the playlist feeds from YouTube */
function showPlaylists() {
for (var x in playlists) {
var ids = playlists[x].ids;
for (var i in ids) {
var script = "<script type='text/javascript' src='"
+ ids[i] +
/* Request the featured videos from YouTube */
function showFeatured() {
for (var id in featured) {
var script = "<script type='text/javascript' src='"
+ id +
/* Reveal a tab (playlist) box
* @param name The name of the tab
function showBox(name) {
return false;
/* Highlight a video thumbnail, including all duplicates that there may be
* @param link The link <a> object that was clicked
function setSelected(link) {
var videoId = $(link).attr("class");
if (videoId.indexOf("selected") != -1) { // this means this video is already selected and playing, so bail out
return false;
$(".videoPreviews .selected").removeClass("selected");
$("a." + videoId).addClass("selected").each( function (i) {
if ($(this).is(":hidden")) {
var boxName = $(this).parent().parent().parent().attr("id").split("Box");
$("#"+boxName[0]+"Tab a").click();
return false;
/* Reveal and hide the long/short descriptions for a video in the playlist
* @param link The link <a> object that was clicked
function toggleDescription(link) {
var aToggle = $(link);
$("span", aToggle).toggle();
var aDescription = $(">a", aToggle.parent().parent());
$("p.short", aDescription).toggle();
$("p.full", aDescription).toggle();
if ($("span.less", aToggle).is(":visible")) {
aDescription.css("height", "auto");
} else {
aDescription.css("height", "90px");
return false;
/* Add actions to the page onload event so that we load a video right away */
addLoadEvent(function () {
// if there's a video url in the hash, click that video
if (location.href.indexOf("#v=") != -1) {
var videoId = location.href.split("#v=");
} else { // otherwise, click the default video
var clickVideoAttempts = 0; // Used with clickVideo()
/* Click a video in order to load it and select it
* @param videoId The ID of the video to click
function clickVideo(videoId) {
if ($("." + videoId).length != 0) { // if we find the video, click it and return
$("." + videoId).addClass("noplay"); // add class to indicate we should NOT autoplay (class removed by loadVideo)
$("." + videoId + ":first").click();
} else { // if we don't find it, increment clickVideoAttempts
console.log("video NOT found: " + videoId);
// if we don't find it after 20 attempts (2 seconds), click the first feature video
if (clickVideoAttempts > 10) {
console.log("video never found, clicking default...");
clickVideoAttempts = 0;
} else { // try again after 100 milliseconds
setTimeout('clickVideo("'+videoId+'")', 100);
/* Click the default video that should be loaded on page load (the first video in the featured list) */
function clickDefaultVideo() {
if ($("#mainBodyRight .videoPreviews a:first").length != 0) {
var videoId = $("#mainBodyRight .videoPreviews a:first").attr("class");
$("." + videoId).addClass("noplay"); // add class to indicate we should NOT autoplay (class removed by loadVideo)
$("." + videoId + ":first").click();
} else { // if we don't find it, increment clickVideoAttempts
console.log("default video NOT found");
// if we don't find it after 50 attempts (5 seconds), just fail
if (clickVideoAttempts > 50) {
console.log("default video never found...");
} else { // try again after 100 milliseconds
setTimeout('clickDefaultVideo()', 100);
<div id="mainBodyFixed">
<div id="mainBodyLeft" class="videoPlayer" >
<div id="videoPlayerBox">
<div id="videoBorder">
<div id="videoPlayerTitle"></div>
<div id="objectWrapper">
<object id="player"></object>
</div><!-- end mainBodyLeft -->
<div id="mainBodyRight" class="videoPlayer">
<h2>Featured Videos</h2>
<ul class="videoPreviews"></ul>
</div><!-- end mainBodyRight -->
<ul id="videoTabs">
<li id="aboutTab" class="selected"><a onclick="return showBox('about');" href="#">About the Platform</a></li>
<li id="developertipsTab"><a onclick="return showBox('developertips');" href="#">Developer Tips</a></li>
<li id="googleioTab"><a onclick="return showBox('googleio');" href="#">Google I/O Sessions</a></li>
<li id="developersandboxTab"><a onclick="return showBox('developersandbox');" href="#">Developer Sandbox</a></li>
<div id="videos">
<div id="aboutBox" class="selected"></div>
<div id="developertipsBox"></div>
<div id="googleioBox"></div>
<div id="developersandboxBox"></div>
</div><!-- end mainBodyFixed -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// Initialization actions
showFeatured(); // load featured videos
showPlaylists(); // load playslists