Mathias Agopian 9042b4564d fix [2143798] Need to figure out how to do video
Use EGLImageKHR instead of copybit directly.
    We now have the basis to use streaming YUV textures (well, in fact
    we already are). When/if we use the GPU instead of the MDP we'll
    need to make sure it supports the appropriate YUV format.

    Also make sure we compile if EGL_ANDROID_image_native_buffer is not supported
2009-10-27 13:13:29 -07:00

530 lines
18 KiB

** Copyright 2009, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "context.h"
#include "fp.h"
#include "state.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "vertex.h"
#include "light.h"
#include "primitives.h"
#include "texture.h"
#include "BufferObjectManager.h"
#include "TextureObjectManager.h"
#include <hardware/gralloc.h>
#include <hardware/copybit.h>
#include <private/ui/android_natives_priv.h>
#include <ui/GraphicBuffer.h>
#include <ui/Region.h>
#include <ui/Rect.h>
#define DEBUG_COPYBIT true
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace android {
static void textureToCopyBitImage(
const GGLSurface* surface, int32_t opFormat,
buffer_handle_t buffer, copybit_image_t* img)
img->w = surface->stride;
img->h = surface->height;
img->format = opFormat;
img->base = surface->data;
img->handle = (native_handle_t *)buffer;
struct clipRectRegion : public copybit_region_t {
clipRectRegion(ogles_context_t* c)
scissor_t const* scissor = &c->rasterizer.state.scissor;
r.l = scissor->left;
r.t = scissor->top;
r.r = scissor->right;
r.b = scissor->bottom;
next = iterate;
static int iterate(copybit_region_t const * self, copybit_rect_t* rect) {
*rect = static_cast<clipRectRegion const*>(self)->r;
const_cast<copybit_region_t *>(self)->next = iterate_done;
return 1;
static int iterate_done(copybit_region_t const *, copybit_rect_t*) {
return 0;
copybit_rect_t r;
static bool supportedCopybitsFormat(int format) {
switch (format) {
return true;
return false;
static bool hasAlpha(int format) {
switch (format) {
return true;
return false;
static inline int fixedToByte(GGLfixed val) {
return (val - (val >> 8)) >> 8;
* Performs a quick check of the rendering state. If this function returns
* false we cannot use the copybit driver.
static bool checkContext(ogles_context_t* c) {
// By convention copybitQuickCheckContext() has already returned true.
// avoid checking the same information again.
if (c->copybits.blitEngine == NULL) {
LOGD_IF(DEBUG_COPYBIT, "no copybit hal");
return false;
if (c->rasterizer.state.enables
LOGD_IF(DEBUG_COPYBIT, "depth test and/or fog");
return false;
// Note: The drawSurfaceBuffer is only set for destination
// surfaces types that are supported by the hardware and
// do not have an alpha channel. So we don't have to re-check that here.
static const int tmu = 0;
texture_unit_t& u(c->textures.tmu[tmu]);
EGLTextureObject* textureObject = u.texture;
if (!supportedCopybitsFormat(textureObject->surface.format)) {
LOGD_IF(DEBUG_COPYBIT, "texture format not supported");
return false;
return true;
static bool copybit(GLint x, GLint y,
GLint w, GLint h,
EGLTextureObject* textureObject,
const GLint* crop_rect,
int transform,
ogles_context_t* c)
// We assume checkContext has already been called and has already
// returned true.
const GGLSurface& cbSurface = c->rasterizer.state.buffers.color.s;
y = cbSurface.height - (y + h);
const GLint Ucr = crop_rect[0];
const GLint Vcr = crop_rect[1];
const GLint Wcr = crop_rect[2];
const GLint Hcr = crop_rect[3];
GLint screen_w = w;
GLint screen_h = h;
int32_t dsdx = Wcr << 16; // dsdx = ((Wcr/screen_w)/Wt)*Wt
int32_t dtdy = Hcr << 16; // dtdy = -((Hcr/screen_h)/Ht)*Ht
if (transform & COPYBIT_TRANSFORM_ROT_90) {
swap(screen_w, screen_h);
if (dsdx!=screen_w || dtdy!=screen_h) {
// in most cases the divide is not needed
dsdx /= screen_w;
dtdy /= screen_h;
dtdy = -dtdy; // see equation of dtdy above
// copybit doesn't say anything about filtering, so we can't
// discriminate. On msm7k, copybit will always filter.
// the code below handles min/mag filters, we keep it as a reference.
int32_t texelArea = gglMulx(dtdy, dsdx);
if (texelArea < FIXED_ONE && textureObject->mag_filter != GL_LINEAR) {
// Non-linear filtering on a texture enlargement.
LOGD_IF(DEBUG_COPYBIT, "mag filter is not GL_LINEAR");
return false;
if (texelArea > FIXED_ONE && textureObject->min_filter != GL_LINEAR) {
// Non-linear filtering on an texture shrink.
LOGD_IF(DEBUG_COPYBIT, "min filter is not GL_LINEAR");
return false;
const uint32_t enables = c->rasterizer.state.enables;
int planeAlpha = 255;
static const int tmu = 0;
texture_t& tev(c->rasterizer.state.texture[tmu]);
int32_t opFormat = textureObject->surface.format;
const bool srcTextureHasAlpha = hasAlpha(opFormat);
if (!srcTextureHasAlpha) {
planeAlpha = fixedToByte(c->currentColorClamped.a);
const bool cbHasAlpha = hasAlpha(cbSurface.format);
bool blending = false;
if ((enables & GGL_ENABLE_BLENDING)
&& !(c->rasterizer.state.blend.src == GL_ONE
&& c->rasterizer.state.blend.dst == GL_ZERO)) {
// Blending is OK if it is
// the exact kind of blending that the copybits hardware supports.
// Note: The hardware only supports
// But the surface flinger uses GL_ONE / GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA.
// We substitute GL_SRC_ALPHA / GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA in that case,
// because the performance is worth it, even if the results are
// not correct.
if (!((c->rasterizer.state.blend.src == GL_SRC_ALPHA
|| c->rasterizer.state.blend.src == GL_ONE)
&& c->rasterizer.state.blend.dst == GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA
&& c->rasterizer.state.blend.alpha_separate == 0)) {
// Incompatible blend mode.
LOGD_IF(DEBUG_COPYBIT, "incompatible blend mode");
return false;
blending = true;
} else {
if (cbHasAlpha) {
// NOTE: the result will be slightly wrong in this case because
// the destination alpha channel will be set to 1.0 instead of
// the iterated alpha value. *shrug*.
// disable plane blending and src blending for supported formats
planeAlpha = 255;
if (opFormat == COPYBIT_FORMAT_RGBA_8888) {
opFormat = COPYBIT_FORMAT_RGBX_8888;
} else {
if (srcTextureHasAlpha) {
LOGD_IF(DEBUG_COPYBIT, "texture format requires blending");
return false;
switch (tev.env) {
// only cases allowed is:
// RGB source, color={1,1,1,a} -> can be done with GL_REPLACE
// RGBA source, color={1,1,1,1} -> can be done with GL_REPLACE
if (blending) {
if (c->currentColorClamped.r == c->currentColorClamped.a &&
c->currentColorClamped.g == c->currentColorClamped.a &&
c->currentColorClamped.b == c->currentColorClamped.a) {
// TODO: Need to emulate: RGBA source, color={a,a,a,a} / premult
// and RGBA source, color={1,1,1,a} / regular-blending
// (both are equivalent)
return false;
// Incompatible texture environment.
LOGD_IF(DEBUG_COPYBIT, "incompatible texture environment");
return false;
copybit_device_t* copybit = c->copybits.blitEngine;
copybit_image_t src;
buffer_handle_t source_hnd = textureObject->buffer->handle;
textureToCopyBitImage(&textureObject->surface, opFormat, source_hnd, &src);
copybit_rect_t srect = { Ucr, Vcr + Hcr, Ucr + Wcr, Vcr };
* Below we perform extra passes needed to emulate things the h/w
* cannot do.
const GLfixed minScaleInv = gglDivQ(0x10000, c->copybits.minScale, 16);
const GLfixed maxScaleInv = gglDivQ(0x10000, c->copybits.maxScale, 16);
sp<GraphicBuffer> tempBitmap;
if (dsdx < maxScaleInv || dsdx > minScaleInv ||
dtdy < maxScaleInv || dtdy > minScaleInv)
// The requested scale is out of the range the hardware
// can support.
"scale out of range dsdx=%08x (Wcr=%d / w=%d), "
"dtdy=%08x (Hcr=%d / h=%d), Ucr=%d, Vcr=%d",
dsdx, Wcr, w, dtdy, Hcr, h, Ucr, Vcr);
int32_t xscale=0x10000, yscale=0x10000;
if (dsdx > minScaleInv) xscale = c->copybits.minScale;
else if (dsdx < maxScaleInv) xscale = c->copybits.maxScale;
if (dtdy > minScaleInv) yscale = c->copybits.minScale;
else if (dtdy < maxScaleInv) yscale = c->copybits.maxScale;
dsdx = gglMulx(dsdx, xscale);
dtdy = gglMulx(dtdy, yscale);
/* we handle only one step of resizing below. Handling an arbitrary
* number is relatively easy (replace "if" above by "while"), but requires
* two intermediate buffers and so far we never had the need.
if (dsdx < maxScaleInv || dsdx > minScaleInv ||
dtdy < maxScaleInv || dtdy > minScaleInv) {
"scale out of range dsdx=%08x (Wcr=%d / w=%d), "
"dtdy=%08x (Hcr=%d / h=%d), Ucr=%d, Vcr=%d",
dsdx, Wcr, w, dtdy, Hcr, h, Ucr, Vcr);
return false;
const int tmp_w = gglMulx(srect.r - srect.l, xscale, 16);
const int tmp_h = gglMulx(srect.b - srect.t, yscale, 16);
"xscale=%08x, yscale=%08x, dsdx=%08x, dtdy=%08x, tmp_w=%d, tmp_h=%d",
xscale, yscale, dsdx, dtdy, tmp_w, tmp_h);
tempBitmap = new GraphicBuffer(
tmp_w, tmp_h, src.format,
status_t err = tempBitmap->initCheck();
if (err == NO_ERROR) {
copybit_image_t tmp_dst;
copybit_rect_t tmp_rect;
tmp_dst.w = tmp_w;
tmp_dst.h = tmp_h;
tmp_dst.format = src.format;
tmp_dst.handle = (native_handle_t*)tempBitmap->getNativeBuffer()->handle;
tmp_rect.l = 0;
tmp_rect.t = 0;
tmp_rect.r = tmp_dst.w;
tmp_rect.b = tmp_dst.h;
region_iterator tmp_it(Region(Rect(tmp_rect.r, tmp_rect.b)));
copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_TRANSFORM, 0);
copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_PLANE_ALPHA, 0xFF);
copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_DITHER, COPYBIT_DISABLE);
err = copybit->stretch(copybit,
&tmp_dst, &src, &tmp_rect, &srect, &tmp_it);
src = tmp_dst;
srect = tmp_rect;
copybit_image_t dst;
buffer_handle_t target_hnd = c->copybits.drawSurfaceBuffer;
textureToCopyBitImage(&cbSurface, cbSurface.format, target_hnd, &dst);
copybit_rect_t drect = {x, y, x+w, y+h};
copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_TRANSFORM, transform);
copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_PLANE_ALPHA, planeAlpha);
copybit->set_parameter(copybit, COPYBIT_DITHER,
clipRectRegion it(c);
status_t err = copybit->stretch(copybit, &dst, &src, &drect, &srect, &it);
if (err != NO_ERROR) {
c->textures.tmu[0].texture->try_copybit = false;
return err == NO_ERROR ? true : false;
* Try to draw a triangle fan with copybit, return false if we fail.
bool drawTriangleFanWithCopybit_impl(ogles_context_t* c, GLint first, GLsizei count)
if (!checkContext(c)) {
return false;
// FIXME: we should handle culling here
c->arrays.compileElements(c, c->vc.vBuffer, 0, 4);
// we detect if we're dealing with a rectangle, by comparing the
// rectangles {v0,v2} and {v1,v3} which should be identical.
// NOTE: we should check that the rectangle is window aligned, however
// if we do that, the optimization won't be taken in a lot of cases.
// Since this code is intended to be used with SurfaceFlinger only,
// so it's okay...
const vec4_t& v0 = c->vc.vBuffer[0].window;
const vec4_t& v1 = c->vc.vBuffer[1].window;
const vec4_t& v2 = c->vc.vBuffer[2].window;
const vec4_t& v3 = c->vc.vBuffer[3].window;
int l = min(v0.x, v2.x);
int b = min(v0.y, v2.y);
int r = max(v0.x, v2.x);
int t = max(v0.y, v2.y);
if ((l != min(v1.x, v3.x)) || (b != min(v1.y, v3.y)) ||
(r != max(v1.x, v3.x)) || (t != max(v1.y, v3.y))) {
LOGD_IF(DEBUG_COPYBIT, "geometry not a rectangle");
return false;
// fetch and transform texture coordinates
// NOTE: maybe it would be better to have a "compileElementsAll" method
// that would ensure all vertex data are fetched and transformed
const transform_t& tr = c->transforms.texture[0].transform;
for (size_t i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) {
const GLubyte* tp = c->arrays.texture[0].element(i);
vertex_t* const v = &c->vc.vBuffer[i];
c->arrays.texture[0].fetch(c, v->texture[0].v, tp);
// FIXME: we should bail if q!=1
c->arrays.tex_transform[0](&tr, &v->texture[0], &v->texture[0]);
const vec4_t& t0 = c->vc.vBuffer[0].texture[0];
const vec4_t& t1 = c->vc.vBuffer[1].texture[0];
const vec4_t& t2 = c->vc.vBuffer[2].texture[0];
const vec4_t& t3 = c->vc.vBuffer[3].texture[0];
int txl = min(t0.x, t2.x);
int txb = min(t0.y, t2.y);
int txr = max(t0.x, t2.x);
int txt = max(t0.y, t2.y);
if ((txl != min(t1.x, t3.x)) || (txb != min(t1.y, t3.y)) ||
(txr != max(t1.x, t3.x)) || (txt != max(t1.y, t3.y))) {
LOGD_IF(DEBUG_COPYBIT, "texcoord not a rectangle");
return false;
if ((txl != 0) || (txb != 0) ||
(txr != FIXED_ONE) || (txt != FIXED_ONE)) {
// we could probably handle this case, if we wanted to
LOGD_IF(DEBUG_COPYBIT, "texture is cropped: %08x,%08x,%08x,%08x",
txl, txb, txr, txt);
return false;
// at this point, we know we are dealing with a rectangle, so we
// only need to consider 3 vertices for computing the jacobians
const int dx01 = v1.x - v0.x;
const int dx02 = v2.x - v0.x;
const int dy01 = v1.y - v0.y;
const int dy02 = v2.y - v0.y;
const int ds01 = t1.S - t0.S;
const int ds02 = t2.S - t0.S;
const int dt01 = t1.T - t0.T;
const int dt02 = t2.T - t0.T;
const int area = dx01*dy02 - dy01*dx02;
int dsdx, dsdy, dtdx, dtdy;
if (area >= 0) {
dsdx = ds01*dy02 - ds02*dy01;
dtdx = dt01*dy02 - dt02*dy01;
dsdy = ds02*dx01 - ds01*dx02;
dtdy = dt02*dx01 - dt01*dx02;
} else {
dsdx = ds02*dy01 - ds01*dy02;
dtdx = dt02*dy01 - dt01*dy02;
dsdy = ds01*dx02 - ds02*dx01;
dtdy = dt01*dx02 - dt02*dx01;
// here we rely on the fact that we know the transform is
// a rigid-body transform AND that it can only rotate in 90 degrees
// increments
int transform = 0;
if (dsdx == 0) {
// 90 deg rotation case
// [ 0 dtdx ]
// [ dsdx 0 ]
transform |= COPYBIT_TRANSFORM_ROT_90;
// FIXME: not sure if FLIP_H and FLIP_V shouldn't be inverted
if (dtdx > 0)
if (dsdy < 0)
} else {
// [ dsdx 0 ]
// [ 0 dtdy ]
if (dsdx < 0)
if (dtdy < 0)
//LOGD("l=%d, b=%d, w=%d, h=%d, tr=%d", x, y, w, h, transform);
// dsdx/65536.0, dtdx/65536.0, dsdy/65536.0, dtdy/65536.0);
int x = l >> 4;
int y = b >> 4;
int w = (r-l) >> 4;
int h = (t-b) >> 4;
texture_unit_t& u(c->textures.tmu[0]);
EGLTextureObject* textureObject = u.texture;
GLint tWidth = textureObject->surface.width;
GLint tHeight = textureObject->surface.height;
GLint crop_rect[4] = {0, tHeight, tWidth, -tHeight};
const GGLSurface& cbSurface = c->rasterizer.state.buffers.color.s;
y = cbSurface.height - (y + h);
return copybit(x, y, w, h, textureObject, crop_rect, transform, c);
* Try to drawTexiOESWithCopybit, return false if we fail.
bool drawTexiOESWithCopybit_impl(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z,
GLint w, GLint h, ogles_context_t* c)
// quickly process empty rects
if ((w|h) <= 0) {
return true;
if (!checkContext(c)) {
return false;
texture_unit_t& u(c->textures.tmu[0]);
EGLTextureObject* textureObject = u.texture;
return copybit(x, y, w, h, textureObject, textureObject->crop_rect, 0, c);
} // namespace android