- Explicitly split View methods into Assist and AutoFill methods, rather
than use an overloaded method that takes flags.
- Simarly, renamed ASSIST_FLAG_SANITIZED_TEXT and
- Created a AutoFillUI class to host the auto-fill bar and other UI
- Moved the temporary notifications to AutoFillUI (eventually that
class will host the real UI).
- Moved FillData to android.app.view.autofill package.
- Split IAutoFillCallback in 2 (IAutoFillAppCallback and
IAutoFillServerCallback, residing at the app and system_server
respectively), so service cannot fill the app directly (which lets
the framework control the UI).
- Moved assist's IResultReceiver to AutoFillServiceImpl so
system_server can act as a mediator between the AutoFillService
implementation and the app being auto-filled.
- Replaced FillData and FillableInputFields by a bunch of new objects:
- FillResponse contains a group of Datasets, each representing
different values
that can be used to auto-fill an activity (for example, different
user accounts), optional id of fields the service is interested
to save, and an optional bundle for service-side extras.
- Dataset contains a name, Fields, and an optional bundle for
service-side extras.
- Fields contain an AutoFillId (parcelable) and a value (Bundle)
- Changed the temporary notifications to emulate the new workflow:
- Initial notification requests the auto-fill data but do not
- Once service calls back, a new notification is shown with the
- Then if the user selects a dataset, the activity is auto-filled
with it.
- It also shows a notification to emulate what can be saved.
- Created an VirtualViewDelegate for views that uses a virtual
hierarchy for assist data.
- Added new methods on ViewStructure to add children with virtual ids.
- Added 2 methods on View to support auto-fill:
- autoFill(Bundle) to auto-fill the view.
- getAutoFillType() to return how the view can be auto-filled.
- AutoFillType defines the input fields that support auto-fill:
- Text fields (like EditText)
- Toggle fields (like CheckBox)
- Lists (like RadioGroup)
- AutoFillType can also have a sub-type representing its semantic (for
now only text fields have it, and it's the same as getInputType()).
- etc :-)
Bug: 31001899
Test: manual verification
Change-Id: I2dd2fdedcb3ecd1e4403f9c32fa644cb914e186f