The man bent over his hourglass, A programmer of sorts. The day was green. They said, "You have a blue hourglass, You do not fire alarms when they're asked." The man replied, "Alarms as they're asked are changed within the blue hourglass." And they said then, "But fire, you must Alarms beyond us, yet themselves, Alarms within the blue hourglass That trigger exactly when they're asked." --- Fix the delivery-fuzzing semantics that had been introduced in 81f9882b5aadd6a2289c9f521a06a7af5f35ebf0. That patch turned out to be incomplete; in particular, alarms scheduled later might require the validity of an already-scheduled kernel alarm even if they did not affect the head alarm batch directly, and this was not being addressed. For now, roll back the fuzzed delivery logic entirely. (This is not a full revert because that patch also caused exact alarms to be considered standalone for batching purposes, and we need to preserve that new policy.) Bug 18726690 Bug 18765436 This is a 'git revert' of 81f9882b5aadd6a2289c9f521a06a7af5f35ebf0 *except* that this CL preserves the "exact alarms are treated as standalone" portion of the original patch. Change-Id: I54c763775877de5b6eeb5617544aa6100bb17526