We need the attributes to remain public because people might still be linking against them, but we don't want them showing up in the documentation any more. Them showing up in the documentation also had the side effect that it would accidentally mark the parent class of attributes as @removed, which was not intended. Bug: 28663748 Change-Id: I2f6eb09455fddf1086e6b24bc3bea5292e8e32b7
558 lines
22 KiB
558 lines
22 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "NameMangler.h"
#include "Resource.h"
#include "ResourceTable.h"
#include "ResourceValues.h"
#include "ValueVisitor.h"
#include "java/AnnotationProcessor.h"
#include "java/ClassDefinition.h"
#include "java/JavaClassGenerator.h"
#include "process/SymbolTable.h"
#include "util/StringPiece.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <tuple>
namespace aapt {
JavaClassGenerator::JavaClassGenerator(IAaptContext* context, ResourceTable* table,
const JavaClassGeneratorOptions& options) :
mContext(context), mTable(table), mOptions(options) {
static const std::set<StringPiece16> sJavaIdentifiers = {
u"abstract", u"assert", u"boolean", u"break", u"byte",
u"case", u"catch", u"char", u"class", u"const", u"continue",
u"default", u"do", u"double", u"else", u"enum", u"extends",
u"final", u"finally", u"float", u"for", u"goto", u"if",
u"implements", u"import", u"instanceof", u"int", u"interface",
u"long", u"native", u"new", u"package", u"private", u"protected",
u"public", u"return", u"short", u"static", u"strictfp", u"super",
u"switch", u"synchronized", u"this", u"throw", u"throws",
u"transient", u"try", u"void", u"volatile", u"while", u"true",
u"false", u"null"
static bool isValidSymbol(const StringPiece16& symbol) {
return sJavaIdentifiers.find(symbol) == sJavaIdentifiers.end();
* Java symbols can not contain . or -, but those are valid in a resource name.
* Replace those with '_'.
static std::string transform(const StringPiece16& symbol) {
std::string output = util::utf16ToUtf8(symbol);
for (char& c : output) {
if (c == '.' || c == '-') {
c = '_';
return output;
* Transforms an attribute in a styleable to the Java field name:
* <declare-styleable name="Foo">
* <attr name="android:bar" />
* <attr name="bar" />
* </declare-styleable>
* Foo_android_bar
* Foo_bar
static std::string transformNestedAttr(const ResourceNameRef& attrName,
const std::string& styleableClassName,
const StringPiece16& packageNameToGenerate) {
std::string output = styleableClassName;
// We may reference IDs from other packages, so prefix the entry name with
// the package.
if (!attrName.package.empty() && packageNameToGenerate != attrName.package) {
output += "_" + transform(attrName.package);
output += "_" + transform(attrName.entry);
return output;
static void addAttributeFormatDoc(AnnotationProcessor* processor, Attribute* attr) {
const uint32_t typeMask = attr->typeMask;
if (typeMask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_REFERENCE) {
"<p>May be a reference to another resource, in the form\n"
"\"<code>@[+][<i>package</i>:]<i>type</i>/<i>name</i></code>\" or a theme\n"
"attribute in the form\n"
if (typeMask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_STRING) {
"<p>May be a string value, using '\\\\;' to escape characters such as\n"
"'\\\\n' or '\\\\uxxxx' for a unicode character;");
if (typeMask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_INTEGER) {
processor->appendComment("<p>May be an integer value, such as \"<code>100</code>\".");
if (typeMask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_BOOLEAN) {
"<p>May be a boolean value, such as \"<code>true</code>\" or\n"
if (typeMask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_COLOR) {
"<p>May be a color value, in the form of \"<code>#<i>rgb</i></code>\",\n"
"\"<code>#<i>argb</i></code>\", \"<code>#<i>rrggbb</i></code\", or \n"
if (typeMask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FLOAT) {
"<p>May be a floating point value, such as \"<code>1.2</code>\".");
if (typeMask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_DIMENSION) {
"<p>May be a dimension value, which is a floating point number appended with a\n"
"unit such as \"<code>14.5sp</code>\".\n"
"Available units are: px (pixels), dp (density-independent pixels),\n"
"sp (scaled pixels based on preferred font size), in (inches), and\n"
"mm (millimeters).");
if (typeMask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FRACTION) {
"<p>May be a fractional value, which is a floating point number appended with\n"
"either % or %p, such as \"<code>14.5%</code>\".\n"
"The % suffix always means a percentage of the base size;\n"
"the optional %p suffix provides a size relative to some parent container.");
if (typeMask & (android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FLAGS | android::ResTable_map::TYPE_ENUM)) {
if (typeMask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FLAGS) {
"<p>Must be one or more (separated by '|') of the following "
"constant values.</p>");
} else {
processor->appendComment("<p>Must be one of the following constant values.</p>");
processor->appendComment("<table>\n<colgroup align=\"left\" />\n"
"<colgroup align=\"left\" />\n"
"<colgroup align=\"left\" />\n"
for (const Attribute::Symbol& symbol : attr->symbols) {
std::stringstream line;
line << "<tr><td>" << symbol.symbol.name.value().entry << "</td>"
<< "<td>" << std::hex << symbol.value << std::dec << "</td>"
<< "<td>" << util::trimWhitespace(symbol.symbol.getComment()) << "</td></tr>";
bool JavaClassGenerator::skipSymbol(SymbolState state) {
switch (mOptions.types) {
case JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kAll:
return false;
case JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kPublicPrivate:
return state == SymbolState::kUndefined;
case JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kPublic:
return state != SymbolState::kPublic;
return true;
struct StyleableAttr {
const Reference* attrRef;
std::string fieldName;
std::unique_ptr<SymbolTable::Symbol> symbol;
static bool lessStyleableAttr(const StyleableAttr& lhs, const StyleableAttr& rhs) {
const ResourceId lhsId = lhs.attrRef->id ? lhs.attrRef->id.value() : ResourceId(0);
const ResourceId rhsId = rhs.attrRef->id ? rhs.attrRef->id.value() : ResourceId(0);
if (lhsId < rhsId) {
return true;
} else if (lhsId > rhsId) {
return false;
} else {
return lhs.attrRef->name.value() < rhs.attrRef->name.value();
void JavaClassGenerator::addMembersToStyleableClass(const StringPiece16& packageNameToGenerate,
const std::u16string& entryName,
const Styleable* styleable,
ClassDefinition* outStyleableClassDef) {
const std::string className = transform(entryName);
std::unique_ptr<ResourceArrayMember> styleableArrayDef =
// This must be sorted by resource ID.
std::vector<StyleableAttr> sortedAttributes;
for (const auto& attr : styleable->entries) {
// If we are not encoding final attributes, the styleable entry may have no ID
// if we are building a static library.
assert((!mOptions.useFinal || attr.id) && "no ID set for Styleable entry");
assert(attr.name && "no name set for Styleable entry");
// We will need the unmangled, transformed name in the comments and the field,
// so create it once and cache it in this StyleableAttr data structure.
StyleableAttr styleableAttr = {};
styleableAttr.attrRef = &attr;
styleableAttr.fieldName = transformNestedAttr(attr.name.value(), className,
Reference mangledReference;
mangledReference.id = attr.id;
mangledReference.name = attr.name;
if (mangledReference.name.value().package.empty()) {
mangledReference.name.value().package = mContext->getCompilationPackage();
if (Maybe<ResourceName> mangledName =
mContext->getNameMangler()->mangleName(mangledReference.name.value())) {
mangledReference.name = mangledName;
// Look up the symbol so that we can write out in the comments what are possible
// legal values for this attribute.
const SymbolTable::Symbol* symbol = mContext->getExternalSymbols()->findByReference(
if (symbol && symbol->attribute) {
// Copy the symbol data structure because the returned instance can be destroyed.
styleableAttr.symbol = util::make_unique<SymbolTable::Symbol>(*symbol);
// Sort the attributes by ID.
std::sort(sortedAttributes.begin(), sortedAttributes.end(), lessStyleableAttr);
const size_t attrCount = sortedAttributes.size();
if (attrCount > 0) {
// Build the comment string for the Styleable. It includes details about the
// child attributes.
std::stringstream styleableComment;
if (!styleable->getComment().empty()) {
styleableComment << styleable->getComment() << "\n";
} else {
styleableComment << "Attributes that can be used with a " << className << ".\n";
styleableComment <<
"<p>Includes the following attributes:</p>\n"
"<colgroup align=\"left\" />\n"
"<colgroup align=\"left\" />\n"
for (const StyleableAttr& entry : sortedAttributes) {
if (!entry.symbol) {
if (mOptions.types == JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kPublic &&
!entry.symbol->isPublic) {
// Don't write entries for non-public attributes.
StringPiece16 attrCommentLine = entry.symbol->attribute->getComment();
if (attrCommentLine.contains(StringPiece16(u"@removed"))) {
// Removed attributes are public but hidden from the documentation, so don't emit
// them as part of the class documentation.
const ResourceName& attrName = entry.attrRef->name.value();
styleableComment << "<tr><td>";
styleableComment << "<code>{@link #"
<< entry.fieldName << " "
<< (!attrName.package.empty()
? attrName.package : mContext->getCompilationPackage())
<< ":" << attrName.entry
<< "}</code>";
styleableComment << "</td>";
styleableComment << "<td>";
// Only use the comment up until the first '.'. This is to stay compatible with
// the way old AAPT did it (presumably to keep it short and to avoid including
// annotations like @hide which would affect this Styleable).
auto iter = std::find(attrCommentLine.begin(), attrCommentLine.end(), u'.');
if (iter != attrCommentLine.end()) {
attrCommentLine = attrCommentLine.substr(
0, (iter - attrCommentLine.begin()) + 1);
styleableComment << attrCommentLine << "</td></tr>\n";
styleableComment << "</table>\n";
for (const StyleableAttr& entry : sortedAttributes) {
if (!entry.symbol) {
if (mOptions.types == JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kPublic &&
!entry.symbol->isPublic) {
// Don't write entries for non-public attributes.
styleableComment << "@see #" << entry.fieldName << "\n";
// Add the ResourceIds to the array member.
for (const StyleableAttr& styleableAttr : sortedAttributes) {
styleableAttr.attrRef->id ? styleableAttr.attrRef->id.value() : ResourceId(0));
// Add the Styleable array to the Styleable class.
// Now we emit the indices into the array.
for (size_t i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) {
const StyleableAttr& styleableAttr = sortedAttributes[i];
if (!styleableAttr.symbol) {
if (mOptions.types == JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kPublic &&
!styleableAttr.symbol->isPublic) {
// Don't write entries for non-public attributes.
StringPiece16 comment = styleableAttr.attrRef->getComment();
if (styleableAttr.symbol->attribute && comment.empty()) {
comment = styleableAttr.symbol->attribute->getComment();
if (comment.contains(StringPiece16(u"@removed"))) {
// Removed attributes are public but hidden from the documentation, so don't emit them
// as part of the class documentation.
const ResourceName& attrName = styleableAttr.attrRef->name.value();
StringPiece16 packageName = attrName.package;
if (packageName.empty()) {
packageName = mContext->getCompilationPackage();
std::unique_ptr<IntMember> indexMember = util::make_unique<IntMember>(
sortedAttributes[i].fieldName, static_cast<uint32_t>(i));
AnnotationProcessor* attrProcessor = indexMember->getCommentBuilder();
if (!comment.empty()) {
attrProcessor->appendComment("<p>\n@attr description");
} else {
std::stringstream defaultComment;
<< "<p>This symbol is the offset where the "
<< "{@link " << packageName << ".R.attr#" << transform(attrName.entry) << "}\n"
<< "attribute's value can be found in the "
<< "{@link #" << className << "} array.";
addAttributeFormatDoc(attrProcessor, styleableAttr.symbol->attribute.get());
std::stringstream doclavaName;
doclavaName << "@attr name " << packageName << ":" << attrName.entry;;
bool JavaClassGenerator::addMembersToTypeClass(const StringPiece16& packageNameToGenerate,
const ResourceTablePackage* package,
const ResourceTableType* type,
ClassDefinition* outTypeClassDef) {
for (const auto& entry : type->entries) {
if (skipSymbol(entry->symbolStatus.state)) {
ResourceId id;
if (package->id && type->id && entry->id) {
id = ResourceId(package->id.value(), type->id.value(), entry->id.value());
std::u16string unmangledPackage;
std::u16string unmangledName = entry->name;
if (NameMangler::unmangle(&unmangledName, &unmangledPackage)) {
// The entry name was mangled, and we successfully unmangled it.
// Check that we want to emit this symbol.
if (package->name != unmangledPackage) {
// Skip the entry if it doesn't belong to the package we're writing.
} else if (packageNameToGenerate != package->name) {
// We are processing a mangled package name,
// but this is a non-mangled resource.
if (!isValidSymbol(unmangledName)) {
ResourceNameRef resourceName(packageNameToGenerate, type->type, unmangledName);
std::stringstream err;
err << "invalid symbol name '" << resourceName << "'";
mError = err.str();
return false;
if (type->type == ResourceType::kStyleable) {
const Styleable* styleable = static_cast<const Styleable*>(
// Comments are handled within this method.
addMembersToStyleableClass(packageNameToGenerate, unmangledName, styleable,
} else {
std::unique_ptr<ResourceMember> resourceMember =
util::make_unique<ResourceMember>(transform(unmangledName), id);
// Build the comments and annotations for this entry.
AnnotationProcessor* processor = resourceMember->getCommentBuilder();
// Add the comments from any <public> tags.
if (entry->symbolStatus.state != SymbolState::kUndefined) {
// Add the comments from all configurations of this entry.
for (const auto& configValue : entry->values) {
// If this is an Attribute, append the format Javadoc.
if (!entry->values.empty()) {
if (Attribute* attr = valueCast<Attribute>(entry->values.front()->value.get())) {
// We list out the available values for the given attribute.
addAttributeFormatDoc(processor, attr);
return true;
bool JavaClassGenerator::generate(const StringPiece16& packageNameToGenerate, std::ostream* out) {
return generate(packageNameToGenerate, packageNameToGenerate, out);
static void appendJavaDocAnnotations(const std::vector<std::string>& annotations,
AnnotationProcessor* processor) {
for (const std::string& annotation : annotations) {
std::string properAnnotation = "@";
properAnnotation += annotation;
bool JavaClassGenerator::generate(const StringPiece16& packageNameToGenerate,
const StringPiece16& outPackageName, std::ostream* out) {
ClassDefinition rClass("R", ClassQualifier::None, true);
for (const auto& package : mTable->packages) {
for (const auto& type : package->types) {
if (type->type == ResourceType::kAttrPrivate) {
const bool forceCreationIfEmpty =
(mOptions.types == JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kPublic);
std::unique_ptr<ClassDefinition> classDef = util::make_unique<ClassDefinition>(
util::utf16ToUtf8(toString(type->type)), ClassQualifier::Static,
bool result = addMembersToTypeClass(packageNameToGenerate, package.get(), type.get(),
if (!result) {
return false;
if (type->type == ResourceType::kAttr) {
// Also include private attributes in this same class.
ResourceTableType* privType = package->findType(ResourceType::kAttrPrivate);
if (privType) {
result = addMembersToTypeClass(packageNameToGenerate, package.get(), privType,
if (!result) {
return false;
if (type->type == ResourceType::kStyleable &&
mOptions.types == JavaClassGeneratorOptions::SymbolTypes::kPublic) {
// When generating a public R class, we don't want Styleable to be part of the API.
// It is only emitted for documentation purposes.
appendJavaDocAnnotations(mOptions.javadocAnnotations, classDef->getCommentBuilder());
appendJavaDocAnnotations(mOptions.javadocAnnotations, rClass.getCommentBuilder());
if (!ClassDefinition::writeJavaFile(&rClass, util::utf16ToUtf8(outPackageName),
mOptions.useFinal, out)) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace aapt