Android Q will support all region flags in UNSUPPORTED_FLAGS list. BL - Saint Barthélemy BQ - Caribbean Netherlands MQ - Martinique RE - Réunion TF - French Southern Territories Bug: 127811703 Test: Verified on device. Test: m fontchain_lint Test: minikin_tests --gtest_filter=EmojiTest.cpp Test: atest cts/tests/tests/text/src/android/text/cts/ Test: atest frameworks/base/core/tests/coretests/src/android/text/ Change-Id: Ice1fb10af35dc4e180735d9712167b71635920da
689 lines
24 KiB
Executable File
689 lines
24 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
import collections
import copy
import glob
from os import path
import sys
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from fontTools import ttLib
'as': 'Beng',
'be': 'Cyrl',
'bg': 'Cyrl',
'bn': 'Beng',
'cu': 'Cyrl',
'cy': 'Latn',
'da': 'Latn',
'de': 'Latn',
'en': 'Latn',
'es': 'Latn',
'et': 'Latn',
'eu': 'Latn',
'fr': 'Latn',
'ga': 'Latn',
'gu': 'Gujr',
'hi': 'Deva',
'hr': 'Latn',
'hu': 'Latn',
'hy': 'Armn',
'ja': 'Jpan',
'kn': 'Knda',
'ko': 'Kore',
'la': 'Latn',
'ml': 'Mlym',
'mn': 'Cyrl',
'mr': 'Deva',
'nb': 'Latn',
'nn': 'Latn',
'or': 'Orya',
'pa': 'Guru',
'pt': 'Latn',
'sl': 'Latn',
'ta': 'Taml',
'te': 'Telu',
'tk': 'Latn',
def lang_to_script(lang_code):
lang = lang_code.lower()
while lang not in LANG_TO_SCRIPT:
hyphen_idx = lang.rfind('-')
assert hyphen_idx != -1, (
'We do not know what script the "%s" language is written in.'
% lang_code)
assumed_script = lang[hyphen_idx+1:]
if len(assumed_script) == 4 and assumed_script.isalpha():
# This is actually the script
return assumed_script.title()
lang = lang[:hyphen_idx]
return LANG_TO_SCRIPT[lang]
def printable(inp):
if type(inp) is set: # set of character sequences
return '{' + ', '.join([printable(seq) for seq in inp]) + '}'
if type(inp) is tuple: # character sequence
return '<' + (', '.join([printable(ch) for ch in inp])) + '>'
else: # single character
return 'U+%04X' % inp
def open_font(font):
font_file, index = font
font_path = path.join(_fonts_dir, font_file)
if index is not None:
return ttLib.TTFont(font_path, fontNumber=index)
return ttLib.TTFont(font_path)
def get_best_cmap(font):
ttfont = open_font(font)
all_unicode_cmap = None
bmp_cmap = None
for cmap in ttfont['cmap'].tables:
specifier = (cmap.format, cmap.platformID, cmap.platEncID)
if specifier == (4, 3, 1):
assert bmp_cmap is None, 'More than one BMP cmap in %s' % (font, )
bmp_cmap = cmap
elif specifier == (12, 3, 10):
assert all_unicode_cmap is None, (
'More than one UCS-4 cmap in %s' % (font, ))
all_unicode_cmap = cmap
return all_unicode_cmap.cmap if all_unicode_cmap else bmp_cmap.cmap
def get_variation_sequences_cmap(font):
ttfont = open_font(font)
vs_cmap = None
for cmap in ttfont['cmap'].tables:
specifier = (cmap.format, cmap.platformID, cmap.platEncID)
if specifier == (14, 0, 5):
assert vs_cmap is None, 'More than one VS cmap in %s' % (font, )
vs_cmap = cmap
return vs_cmap
def get_emoji_map(font):
# Add normal characters
emoji_map = copy.copy(get_best_cmap(font))
reverse_cmap = {glyph: code for code, glyph in emoji_map.items()}
# Add variation sequences
vs_dict = get_variation_sequences_cmap(font).uvsDict
for vs in vs_dict:
for base, glyph in vs_dict[vs]:
if glyph is None:
emoji_map[(base, vs)] = emoji_map[base]
emoji_map[(base, vs)] = glyph
# Add GSUB rules
ttfont = open_font(font)
for lookup in ttfont['GSUB'].table.LookupList.Lookup:
if lookup.LookupType != 4:
# Other lookups are used in the emoji font for fallback.
# We ignore them for now.
for subtable in lookup.SubTable:
ligatures = subtable.ligatures
for first_glyph in ligatures:
for ligature in ligatures[first_glyph]:
sequence = [first_glyph] + ligature.Component
sequence = [reverse_cmap[glyph] for glyph in sequence]
sequence = tuple(sequence)
# Make sure no starting subsequence of 'sequence' has been
# seen before.
for sub_len in range(2, len(sequence)+1):
subsequence = sequence[:sub_len]
assert subsequence not in emoji_map
emoji_map[sequence] = ligature.LigGlyph
return emoji_map
def assert_font_supports_any_of_chars(font, chars):
best_cmap = get_best_cmap(font)
for char in chars:
if char in best_cmap:
sys.exit('None of characters in %s were found in %s' % (chars, font))
def assert_font_supports_all_of_chars(font, chars):
best_cmap = get_best_cmap(font)
for char in chars:
assert char in best_cmap, (
'U+%04X was not found in %s' % (char, font))
def assert_font_supports_none_of_chars(font, chars, fallbackName):
best_cmap = get_best_cmap(font)
for char in chars:
if fallbackName:
assert char not in best_cmap, 'U+%04X was found in %s' % (char, font)
assert char not in best_cmap, (
'U+%04X was found in %s in fallback %s' % (char, font, fallbackName))
def assert_font_supports_all_sequences(font, sequences):
vs_dict = get_variation_sequences_cmap(font).uvsDict
for base, vs in sorted(sequences):
assert vs in vs_dict and (base, None) in vs_dict[vs], (
'<U+%04X, U+%04X> was not found in %s' % (base, vs, font))
def check_hyphens(hyphens_dir):
# Find all the scripts that need automatic hyphenation
scripts = set()
for hyb_file in glob.iglob(path.join(hyphens_dir, '*.hyb')):
hyb_file = path.basename(hyb_file)
assert hyb_file.startswith('hyph-'), (
'Unknown hyphenation file %s' % hyb_file)
lang_code = hyb_file[hyb_file.index('-')+1:hyb_file.index('.')]
HYPHENS = {0x002D, 0x2010}
for script in scripts:
fonts = _script_to_font_map[script]
assert fonts, 'No fonts found for the "%s" script' % script
for font in fonts:
assert_font_supports_any_of_chars(font, HYPHENS)
class FontRecord(object):
def __init__(self, name, scripts, variant, weight, style, fallback_for, font):
| = name
self.scripts = scripts
self.variant = variant
self.weight = weight
| = style
self.fallback_for = fallback_for
self.font = font
def parse_fonts_xml(fonts_xml_path):
global _script_to_font_map, _fallback_chains, _all_fonts
_script_to_font_map = collections.defaultdict(set)
_fallback_chains = {}
_all_fonts = []
tree = ElementTree.parse(fonts_xml_path)
families = tree.findall('family')
# Minikin supports up to 254 but users can place their own font at the first
# place. Thus, 253 is the maximum allowed number of font families in the
# default collection.
assert len(families) < 254, (
'System font collection can contains up to 253 font families.')
for family in families:
name = family.get('name')
variant = family.get('variant')
langs = family.get('lang')
if name:
assert variant is None, (
'No variant expected for LGC font %s.' % name)
assert langs is None, (
'No language expected for LGC fonts %s.' % name)
assert name not in _fallback_chains, 'Duplicated name entry %s' % name
_fallback_chains[name] = []
assert variant in {None, 'elegant', 'compact'}, (
'Unexpected value for variant: %s' % variant)
for family in families:
name = family.get('name')
variant = family.get('variant')
langs = family.get('lang')
if langs:
langs = langs.split()
scripts = {lang_to_script(lang) for lang in langs}
scripts = set()
for child in family:
assert child.tag == 'font', (
'Unknown tag <%s>' % child.tag)
font_file = child.text.rstrip()
weight = int(child.get('weight'))
assert weight % 100 == 0, (
'Font weight "%d" is not a multiple of 100.' % weight)
style = child.get('style')
assert style in {'normal', 'italic'}, (
'Unknown style "%s"' % style)
fallback_for = child.get('fallbackFor')
assert not name or not fallback_for, (
'name and fallbackFor cannot be present at the same time')
assert not fallback_for or fallback_for in _fallback_chains, (
'Unknown fallback name: %s' % fallback_for)
index = child.get('index')
if index:
index = int(index)
if not path.exists(path.join(_fonts_dir, font_file)):
continue # Missing font is a valid case. Just ignore the missing font files.
record = FontRecord(
(font_file, index))
if not fallback_for:
if not name or name == 'sans-serif':
for _, fallback in _fallback_chains.iteritems():
if name: # non-empty names are used for default LGC fonts
map_scripts = {'Latn', 'Grek', 'Cyrl'}
map_scripts = scripts
for script in map_scripts:
_script_to_font_map[script].add((font_file, index))
def check_emoji_coverage(all_emoji, equivalent_emoji):
emoji_font = get_emoji_font()
check_emoji_font_coverage(emoji_font, all_emoji, equivalent_emoji)
def get_emoji_font():
emoji_fonts = [
record.font for record in _all_fonts
if 'Zsye' in record.scripts]
assert len(emoji_fonts) == 1, 'There are %d emoji fonts.' % len(emoji_fonts)
return emoji_fonts[0]
def check_emoji_font_coverage(emoji_font, all_emoji, equivalent_emoji):
coverage = get_emoji_map(emoji_font)
for sequence in all_emoji:
assert sequence in coverage, (
'%s is not supported in the emoji font.' % printable(sequence))
for sequence in coverage:
if sequence in {0x0000, 0x000D, 0x0020}:
# The font needs to support a few extra characters, which is OK
assert sequence in all_emoji, (
'Emoji font should not support %s.' % printable(sequence))
for first, second in sorted(equivalent_emoji.items()):
assert coverage[first] == coverage[second], (
'%s and %s should map to the same glyph.' % (
for glyph in set(coverage.values()):
maps_to_glyph = [seq for seq in coverage if coverage[seq] == glyph]
if len(maps_to_glyph) > 1:
# There are more than one sequences mapping to the same glyph. We
# need to make sure they were expected to be equivalent.
equivalent_seqs = set()
for seq in maps_to_glyph:
equivalent_seq = seq
while equivalent_seq in equivalent_emoji:
equivalent_seq = equivalent_emoji[equivalent_seq]
assert len(equivalent_seqs) == 1, (
'The sequences %s should not result in the same glyph %s' % (
def check_emoji_defaults(default_emoji):
missing_text_chars = _emoji_properties['Emoji'] - default_emoji
for name, fallback_chain in _fallback_chains.iteritems():
emoji_font_seen = False
for record in fallback_chain:
if 'Zsye' in record.scripts:
emoji_font_seen = True
# No need to check the emoji font
# For later fonts, we only check them if they have a script
# defined, since the defined script may get them to a higher
# score even if they appear after the emoji font. However,
# we should skip checking the text symbols font, since
# symbol fonts should be able to override the emoji display
# style when 'Zsym' is explicitly specified by the user.
if emoji_font_seen and (not record.scripts or 'Zsym' in record.scripts):
# Check default emoji-style characters
assert_font_supports_none_of_chars(record.font, sorted(default_emoji), name)
# Mark default text-style characters appearing in fonts above the emoji
# font as seen
if not emoji_font_seen:
missing_text_chars -= set(get_best_cmap(record.font))
# Noto does not have monochrome glyphs for Unicode 7.0 wingdings and
# webdings yet.
missing_text_chars -= _chars_by_age['7.0']
assert missing_text_chars == set(), (
'Text style version of some emoji characters are missing: ' +
# Setting reverse to true returns a dictionary that maps the values to sets of
# characters, useful for some binary properties. Otherwise, we get a
# dictionary that maps characters to the property values, assuming there's only
# one property in the file.
def parse_unicode_datafile(file_path, reverse=False):
if reverse:
output_dict = collections.defaultdict(set)
output_dict = {}
with open(file_path) as datafile:
for line in datafile:
if '#' in line:
line = line[:line.index('#')]
line = line.strip()
if not line:
chars, prop = line.split(';')[:2]
chars = chars.strip()
prop = prop.strip()
if ' ' in chars: # character sequence
sequence = [int(ch, 16) for ch in chars.split(' ')]
additions = [tuple(sequence)]
elif '..' in chars: # character range
char_start, char_end = chars.split('..')
char_start = int(char_start, 16)
char_end = int(char_end, 16)
additions = xrange(char_start, char_end+1)
else: # singe character
additions = [int(chars, 16)]
if reverse:
for addition in additions:
assert addition not in output_dict
output_dict[addition] = prop
return output_dict
def parse_emoji_variants(file_path):
emoji_set = set()
text_set = set()
with open(file_path) as datafile:
for line in datafile:
if '#' in line:
line = line[:line.index('#')]
line = line.strip()
if not line:
sequence, description, _ = line.split(';')
sequence = sequence.strip().split(' ')
base = int(sequence[0], 16)
vs = int(sequence[1], 16)
description = description.strip()
if description == 'text style':
text_set.add((base, vs))
elif description == 'emoji style':
emoji_set.add((base, vs))
return text_set, emoji_set
def parse_ucd(ucd_path):
global _emoji_properties, _chars_by_age
global _text_variation_sequences, _emoji_variation_sequences
global _emoji_sequences, _emoji_zwj_sequences
_emoji_properties = parse_unicode_datafile(
path.join(ucd_path, 'emoji-data.txt'), reverse=True)
emoji_properties_additions = parse_unicode_datafile(
path.join(ucd_path, 'additions', 'emoji-data.txt'), reverse=True)
for prop in emoji_properties_additions.keys():
_chars_by_age = parse_unicode_datafile(
path.join(ucd_path, 'DerivedAge.txt'), reverse=True)
sequences = parse_emoji_variants(
path.join(ucd_path, 'emoji-variation-sequences.txt'))
_text_variation_sequences, _emoji_variation_sequences = sequences
_emoji_sequences = parse_unicode_datafile(
path.join(ucd_path, 'emoji-sequences.txt'))
path.join(ucd_path, 'additions', 'emoji-sequences.txt')))
_emoji_zwj_sequences = parse_unicode_datafile(
path.join(ucd_path, 'emoji-zwj-sequences.txt'))
path.join(ucd_path, 'additions', 'emoji-zwj-sequences.txt')))
exclusions = parse_unicode_datafile(path.join(ucd_path, 'additions', 'emoji-exclusions.txt'))
_emoji_sequences = remove_emoji_exclude(_emoji_sequences, exclusions)
_emoji_zwj_sequences = remove_emoji_exclude(_emoji_zwj_sequences, exclusions)
_emoji_variation_sequences = remove_emoji_variation_exclude(_emoji_variation_sequences, exclusions)
# Unicode 12.0 adds Basic_Emoji in emoji-sequences.txt. We ignore them here since we are already
# checking the emoji presentations with emoji-variation-sequences.txt.
# Please refer to .
_emoji_sequences = {k: v for k, v in _emoji_sequences.iteritems() if not v == 'Basic_Emoji' }
def remove_emoji_variation_exclude(source, items):
return source.difference(items.keys())
def remove_emoji_exclude(source, items):
return {k: v for k, v in source.items() if k not in items}
def flag_sequence(territory_code):
return tuple(0x1F1E6 + ord(ch) - ord('A') for ch in territory_code)
flag_sequence('BV'): flag_sequence('NO'),
flag_sequence('CP'): flag_sequence('FR'),
flag_sequence('HM'): flag_sequence('AU'),
flag_sequence('SJ'): flag_sequence('NO'),
flag_sequence('UM'): flag_sequence('US'),
0xFE4E5: flag_sequence('JP'),
0xFE4E6: flag_sequence('US'),
0xFE4E7: flag_sequence('FR'),
0xFE4E8: flag_sequence('DE'),
0xFE4E9: flag_sequence('IT'),
0xFE4EA: flag_sequence('GB'),
0xFE4EB: flag_sequence('ES'),
0xFE4EC: flag_sequence('RU'),
0xFE4ED: flag_sequence('CN'),
0xFE4EE: flag_sequence('KR'),
0xFE82C: (ord('#'), COMBINING_KEYCAP),
0xFE82E: (ord('1'), COMBINING_KEYCAP),
0xFE82F: (ord('2'), COMBINING_KEYCAP),
0xFE830: (ord('3'), COMBINING_KEYCAP),
0xFE831: (ord('4'), COMBINING_KEYCAP),
0xFE832: (ord('5'), COMBINING_KEYCAP),
0xFE833: (ord('6'), COMBINING_KEYCAP),
0xFE834: (ord('7'), COMBINING_KEYCAP),
0xFE835: (ord('8'), COMBINING_KEYCAP),
0xFE836: (ord('9'), COMBINING_KEYCAP),
0xFE837: (ord('0'), COMBINING_KEYCAP),
# This is used to define the emoji that should have the same glyph.
# i.e. previously we had gender based Kiss (0x1F48F), which had the same glyph
# with Kiss: Woman, Man (0x1F469, 0x200D, 0x2764, 0x200D, 0x1F48B, 0x200D, 0x1F468)
# in that case a valid row would be:
# (0x1F469, 0x200D, 0x2764, 0x200D, 0x1F48B, 0x200D, 0x1F468): 0x1F48F,
# Diego Garcia and British Indian Ocean Territory
((0x1F1EE, 0x1F1F4), (0x1F1E9, 0x1F1EC)),
# St. Martin and France
((0x1F1F2, 0x1F1EB), (0x1F1EB, 0x1F1F7)),
# Spain and Ceuta & Melilla
((0x1F1EA, 0x1F1F8), (0x1F1EA, 0x1F1E6)),
ZWJ = 0x200D
def is_fitzpatrick_modifier(cp):
return 0x1F3FB <= cp <= 0x1F3FF
def reverse_emoji(seq):
rev = list(reversed(seq))
# if there are fitzpatrick modifiers in the sequence, keep them after
# the emoji they modify
for i in xrange(1, len(rev)):
if is_fitzpatrick_modifier(rev[i-1]):
rev[i], rev[i-1] = rev[i-1], rev[i]
return tuple(rev)
def compute_expected_emoji():
equivalent_emoji = {}
sequence_pieces = set()
all_sequences = set()
# add zwj sequences not in the current emoji-zwj-sequences.txt
adjusted_emoji_zwj_sequences = dict(_emoji_zwj_sequences)
# Add empty flag tag sequence that is supported as fallback
_emoji_sequences[(0x1F3F4, 0xE007F)] = 'Emoji_Tag_Sequence'
for sequence in _emoji_sequences.keys():
sequence = tuple(ch for ch in sequence if ch != EMOJI_VS)
if _emoji_sequences.get(sequence, None) == 'Emoji_Tag_Sequence':
# Add reverse of all emoji ZWJ sequences, which are added to the
# fonts as a workaround to get the sequences work in RTL text.
# TODO: test if these are actually needed by Minikin/HarfBuzz.
reversed_seq = reverse_emoji(sequence)
equivalent_emoji[reversed_seq] = sequence
for sequence in adjusted_emoji_zwj_sequences.keys():
sequence = tuple(ch for ch in sequence if ch != EMOJI_VS)
# Add reverse of all emoji ZWJ sequences, which are added to the fonts
# as a workaround to get the sequences work in RTL text.
reversed_seq = reverse_emoji(sequence)
equivalent_emoji[reversed_seq] = sequence
for first, second in SAME_FLAG_MAPPINGS:
equivalent_emoji[first] = second
# Add all tag characters used in flags
sequence_pieces.update(range(0xE0030, 0xE0039 + 1))
sequence_pieces.update(range(0xE0061, 0xE007A + 1))
all_emoji = (
_emoji_properties['Emoji'] |
all_sequences |
sequence_pieces |
default_emoji = (
_emoji_properties['Emoji_Presentation'] |
all_sequences |
for seq in _emoji_variation_sequences:
equivalent_emoji[seq] = seq[0]
return all_emoji, default_emoji, equivalent_emoji
def check_compact_only_fallback():
for name, fallback_chain in _fallback_chains.iteritems():
for record in fallback_chain:
if record.variant == 'compact':
same_script_elegants = [x for x in fallback_chain
if x.scripts == record.scripts and x.variant == 'elegant']
assert same_script_elegants, (
'%s must be in elegant of %s as fallback of "%s" too' % (
record.font, record.scripts, record.fallback_for),)
def check_vertical_metrics():
for record in _all_fonts:
if in ['sans-serif', 'sans-serif-condensed']:
font = open_font(record.font)
assert font['head'].yMax == 2163 and font['head'].yMin == -555, (
'yMax and yMin of %s do not match expected values.' % (
if in ['sans-serif', 'sans-serif-condensed',
'serif', 'monospace']:
font = open_font(record.font)
assert (font['hhea'].ascent == 1900 and
font['hhea'].descent == -500), (
'ascent and descent of %s do not match expected '
'values.' % (record.font,))
def check_cjk_punctuation():
cjk_scripts = {'Hans', 'Hant', 'Jpan', 'Kore'}
cjk_punctuation = range(0x3000, 0x301F + 1)
for name, fallback_chain in _fallback_chains.iteritems():
for record in fallback_chain:
if record.scripts.intersection(cjk_scripts):
# CJK font seen. Stop checking the rest of the fonts.
assert_font_supports_none_of_chars(record.font, cjk_punctuation, name)
def main():
global _fonts_dir
target_out = sys.argv[1]
_fonts_dir = path.join(target_out, 'fonts')
fonts_xml_path = path.join(target_out, 'etc', 'fonts.xml')
hyphens_dir = path.join(target_out, 'usr', 'hyphen-data')
check_emoji = sys.argv[2]
if check_emoji == 'true':
ucd_path = sys.argv[3]
all_emoji, default_emoji, equivalent_emoji = compute_expected_emoji()
check_emoji_coverage(all_emoji, equivalent_emoji)
if __name__ == '__main__':