Mathias Agopian 73e0bc805a 9-axis sensor fusion with Kalman filter
Add support for 9-axis gravity and linear-acceleration sensors
virtual orientation sensor using 9-axis fusion

Change-Id: I6717539373fce781c10e97b6fa59f68a831a592f
2011-05-27 17:04:55 -07:00

432 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include "Fusion.h"
namespace android {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename TYPE>
static inline TYPE sqr(TYPE x) {
return x*x;
template <typename T>
static inline T clamp(T v) {
return v < 0 ? 0 : v;
template <typename TYPE, size_t C, size_t R>
static mat<TYPE, R, R> scaleCovariance(
const mat<TYPE, C, R>& A,
const mat<TYPE, C, C>& P) {
// A*P*transpose(A);
mat<TYPE, R, R> APAt;
for (size_t r=0 ; r<R ; r++) {
for (size_t j=r ; j<R ; j++) {
double apat(0);
for (size_t c=0 ; c<C ; c++) {
double v(A[c][r]*P[c][c]*0.5);
for (size_t k=c+1 ; k<C ; k++)
v += A[k][r] * P[c][k];
apat += 2 * v * A[c][j];
APAt[j][r] = apat;
APAt[r][j] = apat;
return APAt;
template <typename TYPE, typename OTHER_TYPE>
static mat<TYPE, 3, 3> crossMatrix(const vec<TYPE, 3>& p, OTHER_TYPE diag) {
mat<TYPE, 3, 3> r;
r[0][0] = diag;
r[1][1] = diag;
r[2][2] = diag;
r[0][1] = p.z;
r[1][0] =-p.z;
r[0][2] =-p.y;
r[2][0] = p.y;
r[1][2] = p.x;
r[2][1] =-p.x;
return r;
template <typename TYPE>
static mat<TYPE, 3, 3> MRPsToMatrix(const vec<TYPE, 3>& p) {
mat<TYPE, 3, 3> res(1);
const mat<TYPE, 3, 3> px(crossMatrix(p, 0));
const TYPE ptp(dot_product(p,p));
const TYPE t = 4/sqr(1+ptp);
res -= t * (1-ptp) * px;
res += t * 2 * sqr(px);
return res;
template <typename TYPE>
vec<TYPE, 3> matrixToMRPs(const mat<TYPE, 3, 3>& R) {
// matrix to MRPs
vec<TYPE, 3> q;
const float Hx = R[0].x;
const float My = R[1].y;
const float Az = R[2].z;
const float w = 1 / (1 + sqrtf( clamp( Hx + My + Az + 1) * 0.25f ));
q.x = sqrtf( clamp( Hx - My - Az + 1) * 0.25f ) * w;
q.y = sqrtf( clamp(-Hx + My - Az + 1) * 0.25f ) * w;
q.z = sqrtf( clamp(-Hx - My + Az + 1) * 0.25f ) * w;
q.x = copysignf(q.x, R[2].y - R[1].z);
q.y = copysignf(q.y, R[0].z - R[2].x);
q.z = copysignf(q.z, R[1].x - R[0].y);
return q;
template<typename TYPE, size_t SIZE>
class Covariance {
vec<TYPE, SIZE> mSumX;
size_t mN;
Covariance() : mSumXX(0.0f), mSumX(0.0f), mN(0) { }
void update(const vec<TYPE, SIZE>& x) {
mSumXX += x*transpose(x);
mSumX += x;
mat<TYPE, SIZE, SIZE> operator()() const {
const float N = 1.0f / mN;
return mSumXX*N - (mSumX*transpose(mSumX))*(N*N);
void reset() {
mN = 0;
mSumXX = 0;
mSumX = 0;
size_t getCount() const {
return mN;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Fusion::Fusion() {
// process noise covariance matrix
const float w1 = gyroSTDEV;
const float w2 = biasSTDEV;
Q[0] = w1*w1;
Q[1] = w2*w2;
Ba.x = 0;
Ba.y = 0;
Ba.z = 1;
Bm.x = 0;
Bm.y = 1;
Bm.z = 0;
void Fusion::init() {
// initial estimate: E{ x(t0) }
x = 0;
// initial covariance: Var{ x(t0) }
P = 0;
mInitState = 0;
mCount[0] = 0;
mCount[1] = 0;
mCount[2] = 0;
mData = 0;
bool Fusion::hasEstimate() const {
return (mInitState == (MAG|ACC|GYRO));
bool Fusion::checkInitComplete(int what, const vec3_t& d) {
if (mInitState == (MAG|ACC|GYRO))
return true;
if (what == ACC) {
mData[0] += d * (1/length(d));
mInitState |= ACC;
} else if (what == MAG) {
mData[1] += d * (1/length(d));
mInitState |= MAG;
} else if (what == GYRO) {
mData[2] += d;
if (mCount[2] == 64) {
// 64 samples is good enough to estimate the gyro drift and
// doesn't take too much time.
mInitState |= GYRO;
if (mInitState == (MAG|ACC|GYRO)) {
// Average all the values we collected so far
mData[0] *= 1.0f/mCount[0];
mData[1] *= 1.0f/mCount[1];
mData[2] *= 1.0f/mCount[2];
// calculate the MRPs from the data collection, this gives us
// a rough estimate of our initial state
mat33_t R;
vec3_t up(mData[0]);
vec3_t east(cross_product(mData[1], up));
east *= 1/length(east);
vec3_t north(cross_product(up, east));
R << east << north << up;
x[0] = matrixToMRPs(R);
// NOTE: we could try to use the average of the gyro data
// to estimate the initial bias, but this only works if
// the device is not moving. For now, we don't use that value
// and start with a bias of 0.
x[1] = 0;
// initial covariance
P = 0;
return false;
void Fusion::handleGyro(const vec3_t& w, float dT) {
const vec3_t wdT(w * dT); // rad/s * s -> rad
if (!checkInitComplete(GYRO, wdT))
status_t Fusion::handleAcc(const vec3_t& a) {
if (length(a) < 0.981f)
return BAD_VALUE;
if (!checkInitComplete(ACC, a))
return BAD_VALUE;
// ignore acceleration data if we're close to free-fall
const float l = 1/length(a);
update(a*l, Ba, accSTDEV*l);
return NO_ERROR;
status_t Fusion::handleMag(const vec3_t& m) {
// the geomagnetic-field should be between 30uT and 60uT
// reject obviously wrong magnetic-fields
if (length(m) > 100)
return BAD_VALUE;
if (!checkInitComplete(MAG, m))
return BAD_VALUE;
const vec3_t up( getRotationMatrix() * Ba );
const vec3_t east( cross_product(m, up) );
vec3_t north( cross_product(up, east) );
const float l = 1 / length(north);
north *= l;
#if 0
// in practice the magnetic-field sensor is so wrong
// that there is no point trying to use it to constantly
// correct the gyro. instead, we use the mag-sensor only when
// the device points north (just to give us a reference).
// We're hoping that it'll actually point north, if it doesn't
// we'll be offset, but at least the instantaneous posture
// of the device will be correct.
const float cos_30 = 0.8660254f;
if (dot_product(north, Bm) < cos_30)
return BAD_VALUE;
update(north, Bm, magSTDEV*l);
return NO_ERROR;
bool Fusion::checkState(const vec3_t& v) {
if (isnanf(length(v))) {
LOGW("9-axis fusion diverged. reseting state.");
P = 0;
x[1] = 0;
mInitState = 0;
mCount[0] = 0;
mCount[1] = 0;
mCount[2] = 0;
mData = 0;
return false;
return true;
vec3_t Fusion::getAttitude() const {
return x[0];
vec3_t Fusion::getBias() const {
return x[1];
mat33_t Fusion::getRotationMatrix() const {
return MRPsToMatrix(x[0]);
mat33_t Fusion::getF(const vec3_t& p) {
const float p0 = p.x;
const float p1 = p.y;
const float p2 = p.z;
// f(p, w)
const float p0p1 = p0*p1;
const float p0p2 = p0*p2;
const float p1p2 = p1*p2;
const float p0p0 = p0*p0;
const float p1p1 = p1*p1;
const float p2p2 = p2*p2;
const float pp = 0.5f * (1 - (p0p0 + p1p1 + p2p2));
mat33_t F;
F[0][0] = 0.5f*(p0p0 + pp);
F[0][1] = 0.5f*(p0p1 + p2);
F[0][2] = 0.5f*(p0p2 - p1);
F[1][0] = 0.5f*(p0p1 - p2);
F[1][1] = 0.5f*(p1p1 + pp);
F[1][2] = 0.5f*(p1p2 + p0);
F[2][0] = 0.5f*(p0p2 + p1);
F[2][1] = 0.5f*(p1p2 - p0);
F[2][2] = 0.5f*(p2p2 + pp);
return F;
mat33_t Fusion::getdFdp(const vec3_t& p, const vec3_t& we) {
// dF = | A = df/dp -F |
// | 0 0 |
mat33_t A;
A[0][0] = A[1][1] = A[2][2] = 0.5f * (p.x*we.x + p.y*we.y + p.z*we.z);
A[0][1] = 0.5f * (p.y*we.x - p.x*we.y - we.z);
A[0][2] = 0.5f * (p.z*we.x - p.x*we.z + we.y);
A[1][2] = 0.5f * (p.z*we.y - p.y*we.z - we.x);
A[1][0] = -A[0][1];
A[2][0] = -A[0][2];
A[2][1] = -A[1][2];
return A;
void Fusion::predict(const vec3_t& w) {
// f(p, w)
vec3_t& p(x[0]);
// There is a discontinuity at 2.pi, to avoid it we need to switch to
// the shadow of p when pT.p gets too big.
const float ptp(dot_product(p,p));
if (ptp >= 2.0f) {
p = -p * (1/ptp);
const mat33_t F(getF(p));
// compute w with the bias correction:
// w_estimated = w - b_estimated
const vec3_t& b(x[1]);
const vec3_t we(w - b);
// prediction
const vec3_t dX(F*we);
if (!checkState(dX))
p += dX;
const mat33_t A(getdFdp(p, we));
// G = | G0 0 | = | -F 0 |
// | 0 1 | | 0 1 |
// P += A*P + P*At + F*Q*Ft
const mat33_t AP(A*transpose(P[0][0]));
const mat33_t PAt(P[0][0]*transpose(A));
const mat33_t FPSt(F*transpose(P[1][0]));
const mat33_t PSFt(P[1][0]*transpose(F));
const mat33_t FQFt(scaleCovariance(F, Q[0]));
P[0][0] += AP + PAt - FPSt - PSFt + FQFt;
P[1][0] += A*P[1][0] - F*P[1][1];
P[1][1] += Q[1];
void Fusion::update(const vec3_t& z, const vec3_t& Bi, float sigma) {
const vec3_t p(x[0]);
// measured vector in body space: h(p) = A(p)*Bi
const mat33_t A(MRPsToMatrix(p));
const vec3_t Bb(A*Bi);
// Sensitivity matrix H = dh(p)/dp
// H = [ L 0 ]
const float ptp(dot_product(p,p));
const mat33_t px(crossMatrix(p, 0.5f*(ptp-1)));
const mat33_t ppt(p*transpose(p));
const mat33_t L((8 / sqr(1+ptp))*crossMatrix(Bb, 0)*(ppt-px));
// update...
const mat33_t R(sigma*sigma);
const mat33_t S(scaleCovariance(L, P[0][0]) + R);
const mat33_t Si(invert(S));
const mat33_t LtSi(transpose(L)*Si);
vec<mat33_t, 2> K;
K[0] = P[0][0] * LtSi;
K[1] = transpose(P[1][0])*LtSi;
const vec3_t e(z - Bb);
const vec3_t K0e(K[0]*e);
const vec3_t K1e(K[1]*e);
if (!checkState(K0e))
if (!checkState(K1e))
x[0] += K0e;
x[1] += K1e;
// P -= K*H*P;
const mat33_t K0L(K[0] * L);
const mat33_t K1L(K[1] * L);
P[0][0] -= K0L*P[0][0];
P[1][1] -= K1L*P[1][0];
P[1][0] -= K0L*P[1][0];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
}; // namespace android