Eric Laurent 464d5b3da2 Audio framework: support for audio pre processing
Audio effect framework is extended to suport effects on
output and input audio path.

AudioFlinger: Support for audio effects and effect chains is
moved from PlaybackThread class to ThreadBase class so that
RecordThread can manage effects.
Effects of type pre processing are allowed on record thread
only. When a pre processing is enabled, the effect interface handle is
passed down to the input stream so that the audio HAL can call the
process function. The record thread loop calls the effect chain process
function that will only manage the effect state and commands and skip the
process function.

AudioRecord: The audio session is allocated before calling getInput() into
audio policy serice so that the session is known before the input theead is
created and pre processings can be created on the correct session.

AudioPolicyService: default pre processing for a given input source are
loaded from audio_effects.conf file.
When an input is created, corresponding effects are created and enabled.

Change-Id: Id17119e0979b4dcf189b5c7957fec30dc3478790
2011-07-18 09:42:57 -07:00

428 lines
17 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <media/IAudioFlinger.h>
#include <media/IEffect.h>
#include <media/IEffectClient.h>
#include <hardware/audio_effect.h>
#include <media/AudioSystem.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <binder/IInterface.h>
namespace android {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class effect_param_cblk_t;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class AudioEffect : public RefBase
* Static methods for effects enumeration.
* Returns the number of effects available. This method together
* with queryEffect() is used to enumerate all effects:
* The enumeration sequence is:
* queryNumberEffects(&num_effects);
* for (i = 0; i < num_effects; i++)
* queryEffect(i,...);
* Parameters:
* numEffects: address where the number of effects should be returned.
* Returned status (from utils/Errors.h) can be:
* NO_ERROR successful operation.
* PERMISSION_DENIED could not get AudioFlinger interface
* NO_INIT effect library failed to initialize
* BAD_VALUE invalid numEffects pointer
* Returned value
* *numEffects: updated with number of effects available
static status_t queryNumberEffects(uint32_t *numEffects);
* Returns an effect descriptor during effect
* enumeration.
* Parameters:
* index: index of the queried effect.
* descriptor: address where the effect descriptor should be returned.
* Returned status (from utils/Errors.h) can be:
* NO_ERROR successful operation.
* PERMISSION_DENIED could not get AudioFlinger interface
* NO_INIT effect library failed to initialize
* BAD_VALUE invalid descriptor pointer or index
* INVALID_OPERATION effect list has changed since last execution of queryNumberEffects()
* Returned value
* *descriptor: updated with effect descriptor
static status_t queryEffect(uint32_t index, effect_descriptor_t *descriptor);
* Returns the descriptor for the specified effect uuid.
* Parameters:
* uuid: pointer to effect uuid.
* descriptor: address where the effect descriptor should be returned.
* Returned status (from utils/Errors.h) can be:
* NO_ERROR successful operation.
* PERMISSION_DENIED could not get AudioFlinger interface
* NO_INIT effect library failed to initialize
* BAD_VALUE invalid uuid or descriptor pointers
* NAME_NOT_FOUND no effect with this uuid found
* Returned value
* *descriptor updated with effect descriptor
static status_t getEffectDescriptor(effect_uuid_t *uuid, effect_descriptor_t *descriptor);
* Events used by callback function (effect_callback_t).
enum event_type {
/* Callback function notifying client application of a change in effect engine state or
* configuration.
* An effect engine can be shared by several applications but only one has the control
* of the engine activity and configuration at a time.
* The EVENT_CONTROL_STATUS_CHANGED event is received when an application loses or
* retrieves the control of the effect engine. Loss of control happens
* if another application requests the use of the engine by creating an AudioEffect for
* the same effect type but with a higher priority. Control is returned when the
* application having the control deletes its AudioEffect object.
* The EVENT_ENABLE_STATUS_CHANGED event is received by all applications not having the
* control of the effect engine when the effect is enabled or disabled.
* The EVENT_PARAMETER_CHANGED event is received by all applications not having the
* control of the effect engine when an effect parameter is changed.
* The EVENT_ERROR event is received when the media server process dies.
* Parameters:
* event: type of event notified (see enum AudioEffect::event_type).
* user: Pointer to context for use by the callback receiver.
* info: Pointer to optional parameter according to event type:
* - EVENT_CONTROL_STATUS_CHANGED: boolean indicating if control is granted (true)
* or stolen (false).
* - EVENT_ENABLE_STATUS_CHANGED: boolean indicating if effect is now enabled (true)
* or disabled (false).
* - EVENT_PARAMETER_CHANGED: pointer to a effect_param_t structure.
* - EVENT_ERROR: status_t indicating the error (DEAD_OBJECT when media server dies).
typedef void (*effect_callback_t)(int32_t event, void* user, void *info);
/* Constructor.
* AudioEffect is the base class for creating and controlling an effect engine from
* the application process. Creating an AudioEffect object will create the effect engine
* in the AudioFlinger if no engine of the specified type exists. If one exists, this engine
* will be used. The application creating the AudioEffect object (or a derived class like
* Reverb for instance) will either receive control of the effect engine or not, depending
* on the priority parameter. If priority is higher than the priority used by the current
* effect engine owner, the control will be transfered to the new application. Otherwise
* control will remain to the previous application. In this case, the new application will be
* notified of changes in effect engine state or control ownership by the effect callback.
* After creating the AudioEffect, the application must call the initCheck() method and
* check the creation status before trying to control the effect engine (see initCheck()).
* If the effect is to be applied to an AudioTrack or MediaPlayer only the application
* must specify the audio session ID corresponding to this player.
/* Simple Constructor.
/* Constructor.
* Parameters:
* type: type of effect created: can be null if uuid is specified. This corresponds to
* the OpenSL ES interface implemented by this effect.
* uuid: Uuid of effect created: can be null if type is specified. This uuid corresponds to
* a particular implementation of an effect type.
* priority: requested priority for effect control: the priority level corresponds to the
* value of priority parameter: negative values indicate lower priorities, positive values
* higher priorities, 0 being the normal priority.
* cbf: optional callback function (see effect_callback_t)
* user: pointer to context for use by the callback receiver.
* sessionID: audio session this effect is associated to. If 0, the effect will be global to
* the output mix. If not 0, the effect will be applied to all players
* (AudioTrack or MediaPLayer) within the same audio session.
* io: HAL audio output or input stream to which this effect must be attached. Leave at 0 for
* automatic output selection by AudioFlinger.
AudioEffect(const effect_uuid_t *type,
const effect_uuid_t *uuid = NULL,
int32_t priority = 0,
effect_callback_t cbf = 0,
void* user = 0,
int sessionId = 0,
audio_io_handle_t io = 0
/* Constructor.
* Same as above but with type and uuid specified by character strings
AudioEffect(const char *typeStr,
const char *uuidStr = NULL,
int32_t priority = 0,
effect_callback_t cbf = 0,
void* user = 0,
int sessionId = 0,
audio_io_handle_t io = 0
/* Terminates the AudioEffect and unregisters it from AudioFlinger.
* The effect engine is also destroyed if this AudioEffect was the last controlling
* the engine.
/* Initialize an uninitialized AudioEffect.
* Returned status (from utils/Errors.h) can be:
* - NO_ERROR or ALREADY_EXISTS: successful initialization
* - INVALID_OPERATION: AudioEffect is already initialized
* - BAD_VALUE: invalid parameter
* - NO_INIT: audio flinger or audio hardware not initialized
* */
status_t set(const effect_uuid_t *type,
const effect_uuid_t *uuid = NULL,
int32_t priority = 0,
effect_callback_t cbf = 0,
void* user = 0,
int sessionId = 0,
audio_io_handle_t io = 0
/* Result of constructing the AudioEffect. This must be checked
* before using any AudioEffect API.
* initCheck() can return:
* - NO_ERROR: the effect engine is successfully created and the application has control.
* - ALREADY_EXISTS: the effect engine is successfully created but the application does not
* have control.
* - NO_INIT: the effect creation failed.
status_t initCheck() const;
/* Returns the unique effect Id for the controlled effect engine. This ID is unique
* system wide and is used for instance in the case of auxiliary effects to attach
* the effect to an AudioTrack or MediaPlayer.
int32_t id() const { return mId; }
/* Returns a descriptor for the effect (see effect_descriptor_t in audio_effect.h).
effect_descriptor_t descriptor() const;
/* Returns effect control priority of this AudioEffect object.
int32_t priority() const { return mPriority; }
/* Enables or disables the effect engine.
* Parameters:
* enabled: requested enable state.
* Returned status (from utils/Errors.h) can be:
* - NO_ERROR: successful operation
* - INVALID_OPERATION: the application does not have control of the effect engine or the
* effect is already in the requested state.
virtual status_t setEnabled(bool enabled);
bool getEnabled() const;
/* Sets a parameter value.
* Parameters:
* param: pointer to effect_param_t structure containing the parameter
* and its value (See audio_effect.h).
* Returned status (from utils/Errors.h) can be:
* - NO_ERROR: successful operation.
* - INVALID_OPERATION: the application does not have control of the effect engine.
* - BAD_VALUE: invalid parameter identifier or value.
* - DEAD_OBJECT: the effect engine has been deleted.
virtual status_t setParameter(effect_param_t *param);
/* Prepare a new parameter value that will be set by next call to
* setParameterCommit(). This method can be used to set multiple parameters
* in a synchronous manner or to avoid multiple binder calls for each
* parameter.
* Parameters:
* param: pointer to effect_param_t structure containing the parameter
* and its value (See audio_effect.h).
* Returned status (from utils/Errors.h) can be:
* - NO_ERROR: successful operation.
* - INVALID_OPERATION: the application does not have control of the effect engine.
* - NO_MEMORY: no more space available in shared memory used for deferred parameter
* setting.
virtual status_t setParameterDeferred(effect_param_t *param);
/* Commit all parameter values previously prepared by setParameterDeferred().
* Parameters:
* none
* Returned status (from utils/Errors.h) can be:
* - NO_ERROR: successful operation.
* - INVALID_OPERATION: No new parameter values ready for commit.
* - BAD_VALUE: invalid parameter identifier or value: there is no indication
* as to which of the parameters caused this error.
* - DEAD_OBJECT: the effect engine has been deleted.
virtual status_t setParameterCommit();
/* Gets a parameter value.
* Parameters:
* param: pointer to effect_param_t structure containing the parameter
* and the returned value (See audio_effect.h).
* Returned status (from utils/Errors.h) can be:
* - NO_ERROR: successful operation.
* - INVALID_OPERATION: the AudioEffect was not successfully initialized.
* - BAD_VALUE: invalid parameter identifier.
* - DEAD_OBJECT: the effect engine has been deleted.
virtual status_t getParameter(effect_param_t *param);
/* Sends a command and receives a response to/from effect engine.
* See audio_effect.h for details on effect command() function, valid command codes
* and formats.
virtual status_t command(uint32_t cmdCode,
uint32_t cmdSize,
void *cmdData,
uint32_t *replySize,
void *replyData);
* Utility functions.
/* Converts the string passed as first argument to the effect_uuid_t
* pointed to by second argument
static status_t stringToGuid(const char *str, effect_uuid_t *guid);
/* Converts the effect_uuid_t pointed to by first argument to the
* string passed as second argument
static status_t guidToString(const effect_uuid_t *guid, char *str, size_t maxLen);
bool mEnabled; // enable state
int32_t mSessionId; // audio session ID
int32_t mPriority; // priority for effect control
status_t mStatus; // effect status
effect_callback_t mCbf; // callback function for status, control and
// parameter changes notifications
void* mUserData; // client context for callback function
effect_descriptor_t mDescriptor; // effect descriptor
int32_t mId; // system wide unique effect engine instance ID
Mutex mLock; // Mutex for mEnabled access
// Implements the IEffectClient interface
class EffectClient : public android::BnEffectClient, public android::IBinder::DeathRecipient
EffectClient(AudioEffect *effect) : mEffect(effect){}
// IEffectClient
virtual void controlStatusChanged(bool controlGranted) {
virtual void enableStatusChanged(bool enabled) {
virtual void commandExecuted(uint32_t cmdCode,
uint32_t cmdSize,
void *pCmdData,
uint32_t replySize,
void *pReplyData) {
mEffect->commandExecuted(cmdCode, cmdSize, pCmdData, replySize, pReplyData);
// IBinder::DeathRecipient
virtual void binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who) {mEffect->binderDied();}
AudioEffect *mEffect;
friend class EffectClient;
// IEffectClient
void controlStatusChanged(bool controlGranted);
void enableStatusChanged(bool enabled);
void commandExecuted(uint32_t cmdCode,
uint32_t cmdSize,
void *pCmdData,
uint32_t replySize,
void *pReplyData);
void binderDied();
sp<IEffect> mIEffect; // IEffect binder interface
sp<EffectClient> mIEffectClient; // IEffectClient implementation
sp<IMemory> mCblkMemory; // shared memory for deferred parameter setting
effect_param_cblk_t* mCblk; // control block for deferred parameter setting
}; // namespace android