Martin Storsjo c0dea96491 Calculate specular lighting correctly
Since the lighting calculations are done in object space, the vector
from the object to the viewer also needs to be transformed to object
2009-08-25 18:35:54 -07:00

652 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <bionic_tls.h>
#include <private/pixelflinger/ggl_context.h>
#include <hardware/copybit.h>
#include <hardware/gralloc.h>
#include <GLES/gl.h>
#include <GLES/glext.h>
namespace android {
class EGLTextureObject;
class EGLSurfaceManager;
class EGLBufferObjectManager;
namespace gl {
struct ogles_context_t;
struct matrixx_t;
struct transform_t;
struct buffer_t;
ogles_context_t* getGlContext();
template<typename T>
static inline void swap(T& a, T& b) {
T t(a); a = b; b = t;
template<typename T>
inline T max(T a, T b) {
return a<b ? b : a;
template<typename T>
inline T max(T a, T b, T c) {
return max(a, max(b, c));
template<typename T>
inline T min(T a, T b) {
return a<b ? a : b;
template<typename T>
inline T min(T a, T b, T c) {
return min(a, min(b, c));
template<typename T>
inline T min(T a, T b, T c, T d) {
return min(min(a,b), min(c,d));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// vertices
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct vec3_t {
union {
struct { GLfixed x, y, z; };
struct { GLfixed r, g, b; };
struct { GLfixed S, T, R; };
GLfixed v[3];
struct vec4_t {
union {
struct { GLfixed x, y, z, w; };
struct { GLfixed r, g, b, a; };
struct { GLfixed S, T, R, Q; };
GLfixed v[4];
struct vertex_t {
enum {
// these constant matter for our clipping
CLIP_L = 0x0001, // clipping flags
CLIP_R = 0x0002,
CLIP_B = 0x0004,
CLIP_T = 0x0008,
CLIP_N = 0x0010,
CLIP_F = 0x0020,
EYE = 0x0040,
RESERVED = 0x0080,
USER_CLIP_0 = 0x0100, // user clipping flags
USER_CLIP_1 = 0x0200,
USER_CLIP_2 = 0x0400,
USER_CLIP_3 = 0x0800,
USER_CLIP_4 = 0x1000,
USER_CLIP_5 = 0x2000,
LIT = 0x4000, // lighting has been applied
TT = 0x8000, // texture coords transformed
CLIP_ALL = 0x3F3F,
// the fields below are arranged to minimize d-cache usage
// we group together, by cache-line, the fields most likely to be used
union {
vec4_t obj;
vec4_t eye;
vec4_t clip;
uint32_t flags;
size_t index; // cache tag, and vertex index
GLfixed fog;
uint8_t locked;
uint8_t mru;
uint8_t reserved[2];
vec4_t window;
vec4_t color;
vec4_t texture[GGL_TEXTURE_UNIT_COUNT];
uint32_t reserved1[4];
inline void clear() {
flags = index = locked = mru = 0;
struct point_size_t {
GGLcoord size;
GLboolean smooth;
struct line_width_t {
GGLcoord width;
GLboolean smooth;
struct polygon_offset_t {
GLfixed factor;
GLfixed units;
GLboolean enable;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// arrays
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct array_t {
typedef void (*fetcher_t)(ogles_context_t*, GLfixed*, const GLvoid*);
fetcher_t fetch;
GLvoid const* physical_pointer;
GLint size;
GLsizei stride;
GLvoid const* pointer;
buffer_t const* bo;
uint16_t type;
GLboolean enable;
GLboolean pad;
GLsizei bounds;
void init(GLint, GLenum, GLsizei, const GLvoid *, const buffer_t*, GLsizei);
inline void resolve();
inline const GLubyte* element(GLint i) const {
return (const GLubyte*)physical_pointer + i * stride;
struct array_machine_t {
array_t vertex;
array_t normal;
array_t color;
array_t texture[GGL_TEXTURE_UNIT_COUNT];
uint8_t activeTexture;
uint8_t tmu;
uint16_t cull;
uint32_t flags;
GLenum indicesType;
buffer_t const* array_buffer;
buffer_t const* element_array_buffer;
void (*compileElements)(ogles_context_t*, vertex_t*, GLint, GLsizei);
void (*compileElement)(ogles_context_t*, vertex_t*, GLint);
void (*mvp_transform)(transform_t const*, vec4_t*, vec4_t const*);
void (*mv_transform)(transform_t const*, vec4_t*, vec4_t const*);
void (*tex_transform[2])(transform_t const*, vec4_t*, vec4_t const*);
void (*perspective)(ogles_context_t*c, vertex_t* v);
void (*clipVertex)(ogles_context_t* c, vertex_t* nv,
GGLfixed t, const vertex_t* s, const vertex_t* p);
void (*clipEye)(ogles_context_t* c, vertex_t* nv,
GGLfixed t, const vertex_t* s, const vertex_t* p);
struct vertex_cache_t {
enum {
// must be at least 4
// 3 vertice for triangles
// or 2 + 2 for indexed triangles w/ cache contention
// must be a power of two and at least 3
vertex_t* vBuffer;
vertex_t* vCache;
uint32_t sequence;
void* base;
uint32_t total;
uint32_t misses;
int64_t startTime;
void init();
void uninit();
void clear();
void dump_stats(GLenum mode);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// fog
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct fog_t {
GLfixed density;
GLfixed start;
GLfixed end;
GLfixed invEndMinusStart;
GLenum mode;
GLfixed (*fog)(ogles_context_t* c, GLfixed z);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// user clip planes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const unsigned int OGLES_MAX_CLIP_PLANES = 6;
struct clip_plane_t {
vec4_t equation;
struct user_clip_planes_t {
clip_plane_t plane[OGLES_MAX_CLIP_PLANES];
uint32_t enable;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// lighting
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const unsigned int OGLES_MAX_LIGHTS = 8;
struct light_t {
vec4_t ambient;
vec4_t diffuse;
vec4_t specular;
vec4_t implicitAmbient;
vec4_t implicitDiffuse;
vec4_t implicitSpecular;
vec4_t position; // position in eye space
vec4_t objPosition;
vec4_t normalizedObjPosition;
vec4_t spotDir;
vec4_t normalizedSpotDir;
vec4_t objViewer;
GLfixed spotExp;
GLfixed spotCutoff;
GLfixed spotCutoffCosine;
GLfixed attenuation[3];
GLfixed rConstAttenuation;
GLboolean enable;
struct material_t {
vec4_t ambient;
vec4_t diffuse;
vec4_t specular;
vec4_t emission;
GLfixed shininess;
struct light_model_t {
vec4_t ambient;
GLboolean twoSide;
struct color_material_t {
GLenum face;
GLenum mode;
GLboolean enable;
struct lighting_t {
light_t lights[OGLES_MAX_LIGHTS];
material_t front;
light_model_t lightModel;
color_material_t colorMaterial;
uint32_t enabledLights;
GLboolean enable;
vec4_t implicitSceneEmissionAndAmbient;
GLenum shadeModel;
typedef void (*light_fct_t)(ogles_context_t*, vertex_t*);
void (*lightVertex)(ogles_context_t* c, vertex_t* v);
void (*lightTriangle)(ogles_context_t* c,
vertex_t* v0, vertex_t* v1, vertex_t* v2);
struct culling_t {
GLenum cullFace;
GLenum frontFace;
GLboolean enable;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// textures
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct texture_unit_t {
GLuint name;
EGLTextureObject* texture;
uint8_t dirty;
struct texture_state_t
texture_unit_t tmu[GGL_TEXTURE_UNIT_COUNT];
int active; // active tmu
EGLTextureObject* defaultTexture;
GGLContext* ggl;
uint8_t packAlignment;
uint8_t unpackAlignment;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// transformation and matrices
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct matrixf_t;
struct matrixx_t {
GLfixed m[16];
void load(const matrixf_t& rhs);
struct matrix_stack_t;
struct matrixf_t {
void loadIdentity();
void load(const matrixf_t& rhs);
inline GLfloat* editElements() { return m; }
inline GLfloat const* elements() const { return m; }
void set(const GLfixed* rhs);
void set(const GLfloat* rhs);
static void multiply(matrixf_t& r,
const matrixf_t& lhs, const matrixf_t& rhs);
void dump(const char* what);
friend struct matrix_stack_t;
GLfloat m[16];
void load(const GLfixed* rhs);
void load(const GLfloat* rhs);
void multiply(const matrixf_t& rhs);
void translate(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z);
void scale(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z);
void rotate(GLfloat a, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z);
enum {
OP_SCALE = 0x05,
OP_ROTATE = 0x08,
OP_SKEW = 0x10,
OP_ALL = 0x1F
struct transform_t {
enum {
matrixx_t matrix;
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t ops;
union {
struct {
void (*point2)(transform_t const* t, vec4_t*, vec4_t const*);
void (*point3)(transform_t const* t, vec4_t*, vec4_t const*);
void (*point4)(transform_t const* t, vec4_t*, vec4_t const*);
void (*pointv[3])(transform_t const* t, vec4_t*, vec4_t const*);
void loadIdentity();
void picker();
void dump(const char* what);
struct mvui_transform_t : public transform_t
void picker();
struct matrix_stack_t {
enum {
DO_PICKER = 0x1,
transform_t transform;
uint8_t maxDepth;
uint8_t depth;
uint8_t dirty;
uint8_t reserved;
matrixf_t *stack;
uint8_t *ops;
void init(int depth);
void uninit();
void loadIdentity();
void load(const GLfixed* rhs);
void load(const GLfloat* rhs);
void multiply(const matrixf_t& rhs);
void translate(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z);
void scale(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z);
void rotate(GLfloat a, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z);
GLint push();
GLint pop();
void validate();
matrixf_t& top() { return stack[depth]; }
const matrixf_t& top() const { return stack[depth]; }
uint32_t top_ops() const { return ops[depth]; }
inline bool isRigidBody() const {
return !(ops[depth] & ~(OP_TRANSLATE|OP_UNIFORM_SCALE|OP_ROTATE));
struct vp_transform_t {
transform_t transform;
matrixf_t matrix;
GLfloat zNear;
GLfloat zFar;
void loadIdentity();
struct transform_state_t {
enum {
VIEWPORT = 0x04,
TEXTURE = 0x08,
MVUI = 0x10,
MVIT = 0x20,
MVP = 0x40,
matrix_stack_t *current;
matrix_stack_t modelview;
matrix_stack_t projection;
matrix_stack_t texture[GGL_TEXTURE_UNIT_COUNT];
// modelview * projection
transform_t mvp __attribute__((aligned(32)));
// viewport transformation
vp_transform_t vpt __attribute__((aligned(32)));
// same for 4-D vertices
transform_t mvp4;
// full modelview inverse transpose
transform_t mvit4;
// upper 3x3 of mv-inverse-transpose (for normals)
mvui_transform_t mvui;
GLenum matrixMode;
GLenum rescaleNormals;
uint32_t dirty;
void invalidate();
void update_mvp();
void update_mvit();
void update_mvui();
struct viewport_t {
GLint x;
GLint y;
GLsizei w;
GLsizei h;
struct {
GLint x;
GLint y;
} surfaceport;
struct {
GLint x;
GLint y;
GLsizei w;
GLsizei h;
} scissor;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Lerping
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct compute_iterators_t
void initTriangle(
vertex_t const* v0,
vertex_t const* v1,
vertex_t const* v2);
void initLine(
vertex_t const* v0,
vertex_t const* v1);
inline void initLerp(vertex_t const* v0, uint32_t enables);
int iteratorsScale(int32_t it[3],
int32_t c0, int32_t c1, int32_t c2) const;
void iterators1616(GGLfixed it[3],
GGLfixed c0, GGLfixed c1, GGLfixed c2) const;
void iterators0032(int32_t it[3],
int32_t c0, int32_t c1, int32_t c2) const;
void iterators0032(int64_t it[3],
int32_t c0, int32_t c1, int32_t c2) const;
GGLcoord area() const { return m_area; }
// don't change order of members here -- used by iterators.S
GGLcoord m_dx01, m_dy10, m_dx20, m_dy02;
GGLcoord m_x0, m_y0;
GGLcoord m_area;
uint8_t m_scale;
uint8_t m_area_scale;
uint8_t m_reserved[2];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// state
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// We have a dedicated TLS slot in bionic
inline void setGlThreadSpecific(ogles_context_t *value) {
((uint32_t *)__get_tls())[TLS_SLOT_OPENGL] = (uint32_t)value;
inline ogles_context_t* getGlThreadSpecific() {
return (ogles_context_t *)(((unsigned *)__get_tls())[TLS_SLOT_OPENGL]);
extern pthread_key_t gGLKey;
inline void setGlThreadSpecific(ogles_context_t *value) {
pthread_setspecific(gGLKey, value);
inline ogles_context_t* getGlThreadSpecific() {
return static_cast<ogles_context_t*>(pthread_getspecific(gGLKey));
struct prims_t {
typedef ogles_context_t* GL;
void (*renderPoint)(GL, vertex_t*);
void (*renderLine)(GL, vertex_t*, vertex_t*);
void (*renderTriangle)(GL, vertex_t*, vertex_t*, vertex_t*);
struct copybits_context_t {
// A handle to the blit engine, if it exists, else NULL.
copybit_device_t* blitEngine;
int32_t minScale;
int32_t maxScale;
buffer_handle_t drawSurfaceBuffer;
struct ogles_context_t {
context_t rasterizer;
array_machine_t arrays __attribute__((aligned(32)));
texture_state_t textures;
transform_state_t transforms;
vertex_cache_t vc;
prims_t prims;
culling_t cull;
lighting_t lighting;
user_clip_planes_t clipPlanes;
compute_iterators_t lerp; __attribute__((aligned(32)));
vertex_t current;
vec4_t currentColorClamped;
vec3_t currentNormal;
viewport_t viewport;
point_size_t point;
line_width_t line;
polygon_offset_t polygonOffset;
fog_t fog;
uint32_t perspective : 1;
uint32_t transformTextures : 1;
EGLSurfaceManager* surfaceManager;
EGLBufferObjectManager* bufferObjectManager;
// copybits is only used if LIBAGL_USE_GRALLOC_COPYBITS is
// defined, but it is always present because ogles_context_t is a public
// struct that is used by clients of libagl. We want the size and offsets
// to stay the same, whether or not LIBAGL_USE_GRALLOC_COPYBITS is defined.
copybits_context_t copybits;
GLenum error;
static inline ogles_context_t* get() {
return getGlThreadSpecific();
}; // namespace gl
}; // namespace android