Adam Lesinski 75f3a55cc5 AAPT2: Change xml file parsing to DOM based
We modify the XML of layouts and AndroidManifest enough
that it warrants we operate on the tree in memory.
These files are never very large so this should be fine.

Change-Id: I5d597abdb3fca2a203cf7c0b40fcd926aecb3137
2015-06-04 11:37:05 -07:00

1201 lines
42 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "AppInfo.h"
#include "BigBuffer.h"
#include "BinaryResourceParser.h"
#include "BindingXmlPullParser.h"
#include "Debug.h"
#include "Files.h"
#include "Flag.h"
#include "JavaClassGenerator.h"
#include "Linker.h"
#include "ManifestParser.h"
#include "ManifestValidator.h"
#include "NameMangler.h"
#include "Png.h"
#include "ResourceParser.h"
#include "ResourceTable.h"
#include "ResourceTableResolver.h"
#include "ResourceValues.h"
#include "SdkConstants.h"
#include "SourceXmlPullParser.h"
#include "StringPiece.h"
#include "TableFlattener.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include "XmlFlattener.h"
#include "ZipFile.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <androidfw/AssetManager.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utils/Errors.h>
constexpr const char* kAaptVersionStr = "2.0-alpha";
using namespace aapt;
* Collect files from 'root', filtering out any files that do not
* match the FileFilter 'filter'.
bool walkTree(const Source& root, const FileFilter& filter,
std::vector<Source>* outEntries) {
bool error = false;
for (const std::string& dirName : listFiles(root.path)) {
std::string dir = root.path;
appendPath(&dir, dirName);
FileType ft = getFileType(dir);
if (!filter(dirName, ft)) {
if (ft != FileType::kDirectory) {
for (const std::string& fileName : listFiles(dir)) {
std::string file(dir);
appendPath(&file, fileName);
FileType ft = getFileType(file);
if (!filter(fileName, ft)) {
if (ft != FileType::kRegular) {
Logger::error(Source{ file }) << "not a regular file." << std::endl;
error = true;
outEntries->push_back(Source{ file });
return !error;
void versionStylesForCompat(const std::shared_ptr<ResourceTable>& table) {
for (auto& type : *table) {
if (type->type != ResourceType::kStyle) {
for (auto& entry : type->entries) {
// Add the versioned styles we want to create
// here. They are added to the table after
// iterating over the original set of styles.
// A stack is used since auto-generated styles
// from later versions should override
// auto-generated styles from earlier versions.
// Iterating over the styles is done in order,
// so we will always visit sdkVersions from smallest
// to largest.
std::stack<ResourceConfigValue> addStack;
for (ResourceConfigValue& configValue : entry->values) {
visitFunc<Style>(*configValue.value, [&](Style& style) {
// Collect which entries we've stripped and the smallest
// SDK level which was stripped.
size_t minSdkStripped = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
std::vector<Style::Entry> stripped;
// Iterate over the style's entries and erase/record the
// attributes whose SDK level exceeds the config's sdkVersion.
auto iter = style.entries.begin();
while (iter != style.entries.end()) {
if (iter-> == u"android") {
size_t sdkLevel = findAttributeSdkLevel(iter->;
if (sdkLevel > 1 && sdkLevel > configValue.config.sdkVersion) {
// Record that we are about to strip this.
minSdkStripped = std::min(minSdkStripped, sdkLevel);
// Erase this from this style.
iter = style.entries.erase(iter);
if (!stripped.empty()) {
// We have stripped attributes, so let's create a new style to hold them.
ConfigDescription versionConfig(configValue.config);
versionConfig.sdkVersion = minSdkStripped;
ResourceConfigValue value = {
// Create a copy of the original style.
Style& newStyle = static_cast<Style&>(*value.value);
// Move the recorded stripped attributes into this new style.
std::move(stripped.begin(), stripped.end(),
// We will add this style to the table later. If we do it now, we will
// mess up iteration.
auto comparator =
[](const ResourceConfigValue& lhs, const ConfigDescription& rhs) -> bool {
return lhs.config < rhs;
while (!addStack.empty()) {
ResourceConfigValue& value =;
auto iter = std::lower_bound(entry->values.begin(), entry->values.end(),
value.config, comparator);
if (iter == entry->values.end() || iter->config != value.config) {
entry->values.insert(iter, std::move(value));
struct CompileItem {
ResourceName name;
ConfigDescription config;
Source source;
std::string extension;
struct LinkItem {
ResourceName name;
ConfigDescription config;
Source source;
std::string originalPath;
ZipFile* apk;
std::u16string originalPackage;
template <typename TChar>
static BasicStringPiece<TChar> getExtension(const BasicStringPiece<TChar>& str) {
auto iter = std::find(str.begin(), str.end(), static_cast<TChar>('.'));
if (iter == str.end()) {
return BasicStringPiece<TChar>();
size_t offset = (iter - str.begin()) + 1;
return str.substr(offset, str.size() - offset);
std::string buildFileReference(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ConfigDescription& config,
const StringPiece& extension) {
std::stringstream path;
path << "res/" << name.type;
if (config != ConfigDescription{}) {
path << "-" << config;
path << "/" << util::utf16ToUtf8(name.entry);
if (!extension.empty()) {
path << "." << extension;
return path.str();
std::string buildFileReference(const CompileItem& item) {
return buildFileReference(, item.config, item.extension);
std::string buildFileReference(const LinkItem& item) {
return buildFileReference(, item.config, getExtension<char>(item.originalPath));
template <typename T>
bool addFileReference(const std::shared_ptr<ResourceTable>& table, const T& item) {
StringPool& pool = table->getValueStringPool();
StringPool::Ref ref = pool.makeRef(util::utf8ToUtf16(buildFileReference(item)),
StringPool::Context{ 0, item.config });
return table->addResource(, item.config, item.source.line(0),
struct AaptOptions {
enum class Phase {
enum class PackageType {
// The phase to process.
Phase phase;
// The type of package to produce.
PackageType packageType = PackageType::StandardApp;
// Details about the app.
AppInfo appInfo;
// The location of the manifest file.
Source manifest;
// The APK files to link.
std::vector<Source> input;
// The libraries these files may reference.
std::vector<Source> libraries;
// Output path. This can be a directory or file
// depending on the phase.
Source output;
// Directory in which to write binding xml files.
Source bindingOutput;
// Directory to in which to generate
Maybe<Source> generateJavaClass;
// Whether to output verbose details about
// compilation.
bool verbose = false;
// Whether or not to auto-version styles or layouts
// referencing attributes defined in a newer SDK
// level than the style or layout is defined for.
bool versionStylesAndLayouts = true;
// The target style that will have it's style hierarchy dumped
// when the phase is DumpStyleGraph.
ResourceName dumpStyleTarget;
struct IdCollector : public xml::Visitor {
IdCollector(const Source& source, const std::shared_ptr<ResourceTable>& table) :
mSource(source), mTable(table) {
virtual void visit(xml::Text* node) override {}
virtual void visit(xml::Namespace* node) override {
for (const auto& child : node->children) {
virtual void visit(xml::Element* node) override {
for (const xml::Attribute& attr : node->attributes) {
bool create = false;
bool priv = false;
ResourceNameRef nameRef;
if (ResourceParser::tryParseReference(attr.value, &nameRef, &create, &priv)) {
if (create) {
mTable->addResource(nameRef, {}, mSource.line(node->lineNumber),
for (const auto& child : node->children) {
Source mSource;
std::shared_ptr<ResourceTable> mTable;
bool compileXml(const AaptOptions& options, const std::shared_ptr<ResourceTable>& table,
const CompileItem& item, ZipFile* outApk) {
std::ifstream in(item.source.path, std::ifstream::binary);
if (!in) {
Logger::error(item.source) << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
return false;
SourceLogger logger(item.source);
std::unique_ptr<xml::Node> root = xml::inflate(&in, &logger);
if (!root) {
return false;
// Collect any resource ID's declared here.
IdCollector idCollector(item.source, table);
BigBuffer outBuffer(1024);
if (!xml::flatten(root.get(), options.appInfo.package, &outBuffer)) {
logger.error() << "failed to encode XML." << std::endl;
return false;
// Write the resulting compiled XML file to the output APK.
if (outApk->add(outBuffer, buildFileReference(item).data(), ZipEntry::kCompressStored,
nullptr) != android::NO_ERROR) {
Logger::error(options.output) << "failed to write compiled '" << item.source
<< "' to apk." << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
* Determines if a layout should be auto generated based on SDK level. We do not
* generate a layout if there is already a layout defined whose SDK version is greater than
* the one we want to generate.
bool shouldGenerateVersionedResource(const std::shared_ptr<const ResourceTable>& table,
const ResourceName& name, const ConfigDescription& config,
int sdkVersionToGenerate) {
assert(sdkVersionToGenerate > config.sdkVersion);
const ResourceTableType* type;
const ResourceEntry* entry;
std::tie(type, entry) = table->findResource(name);
assert(type && entry);
auto iter = std::lower_bound(entry->values.begin(), entry->values.end(), config,
[](const ResourceConfigValue& lhs, const ConfigDescription& config) -> bool {
return lhs.config < config;
assert(iter != entry->values.end());
if (iter == entry->values.end()) {
return true;
ConfigDescription newConfig = config;
newConfig.sdkVersion = sdkVersionToGenerate;
return newConfig < iter->config;
bool linkXml(const AaptOptions& options, const std::shared_ptr<ResourceTable>& table,
const std::shared_ptr<IResolver>& resolver, const LinkItem& item,
const void* data, size_t dataLen, ZipFile* outApk, std::queue<LinkItem>* outQueue) {
SourceLogger logger(item.source);
std::unique_ptr<xml::Node> root = xml::inflate(data, dataLen, &logger);
if (!root) {
return false;
xml::FlattenOptions xmlOptions;
if (options.packageType == AaptOptions::PackageType::StaticLibrary) {
xmlOptions.keepRawValues = true;
if (options.versionStylesAndLayouts) {
// We strip attributes that do not belong in this version of the resource.
// Non-version qualified resources have an implicit version 1 requirement.
xmlOptions.maxSdkAttribute = item.config.sdkVersion ? item.config.sdkVersion : 1;
BigBuffer outBuffer(1024);
Maybe<size_t> minStrippedSdk = xml::flattenAndLink(item.source, root.get(),
item.originalPackage, resolver,
xmlOptions, &outBuffer);
if (!minStrippedSdk) {
logger.error() << "failed to encode XML." << std::endl;
return false;
if (minStrippedSdk.value() > 0) {
// Something was stripped, so let's generate a new file
// with the version of the smallest SDK version stripped.
// We can only generate a versioned layout if there doesn't exist a layout
// with sdk version greater than the current one but less than the one we
// want to generate.
if (shouldGenerateVersionedResource(table,, item.config,
minStrippedSdk.value())) {
LinkItem newWork = item;
newWork.config.sdkVersion = minStrippedSdk.value();
if (!addFileReference(table, newWork)) {
Logger::error(options.output) << "failed to add auto-versioned resource '"
<< << "'." << std::endl;
return false;
if (outApk->add(outBuffer, buildFileReference(item).data(), ZipEntry::kCompressDeflated,
nullptr) != android::NO_ERROR) {
Logger::error(options.output) << "failed to write linked file '"
<< buildFileReference(item) << "' to apk." << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
bool compilePng(const AaptOptions& options, const CompileItem& item, ZipFile* outApk) {
std::ifstream in(item.source.path, std::ifstream::binary);
if (!in) {
Logger::error(item.source) << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
return false;
BigBuffer outBuffer(4096);
std::string err;
Png png;
if (!png.process(item.source, in, &outBuffer, {}, &err)) {
Logger::error(item.source) << err << std::endl;
return false;
if (outApk->add(outBuffer, buildFileReference(item).data(), ZipEntry::kCompressStored,
nullptr) != android::NO_ERROR) {
Logger::error(options.output) << "failed to write compiled '" << item.source
<< "' to apk." << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
bool copyFile(const AaptOptions& options, const CompileItem& item, ZipFile* outApk) {
if (outApk->add(, buildFileReference(item).data(),
ZipEntry::kCompressStored, nullptr) != android::NO_ERROR) {
Logger::error(options.output) << "failed to copy file '" << item.source << "' to apk."
<< std::endl;
return false;
return true;
bool compileManifest(const AaptOptions& options, const std::shared_ptr<IResolver>& resolver,
const android::ResTable& table, ZipFile* outApk) {
if (options.verbose) {
Logger::note(options.manifest) << "compiling AndroidManifest.xml." << std::endl;
std::ifstream in(options.manifest.path, std::ifstream::binary);
if (!in) {
Logger::error(options.manifest) << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
return false;
SourceLogger logger(options.manifest);
std::unique_ptr<xml::Node> root = xml::inflate(&in, &logger);
if (!root) {
return false;
BigBuffer outBuffer(1024);
if (!xml::flattenAndLink(options.manifest, root.get(), options.appInfo.package, resolver, {},
&outBuffer)) {
return false;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> data = util::copy(outBuffer);
android::ResXMLTree tree;
if (tree.setTo(data.get(), outBuffer.size(), false) != android::NO_ERROR) {
return false;
ManifestValidator validator(table);
if (!validator.validate(options.manifest, &tree)) {
return false;
if (outApk->add(data.get(), outBuffer.size(), "AndroidManifest.xml",
ZipEntry::kCompressStored, nullptr) != android::NO_ERROR) {
Logger::error(options.output) << "failed to write 'AndroidManifest.xml' to apk."
<< std::endl;
return false;
return true;
static bool compileValues(const std::shared_ptr<ResourceTable>& table, const Source& source,
const ConfigDescription& config) {
std::ifstream in(source.path, std::ifstream::binary);
if (!in) {
Logger::error(source) << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
return false;
std::shared_ptr<XmlPullParser> xmlParser = std::make_shared<SourceXmlPullParser>(in);
ResourceParser parser(table, source, config, xmlParser);
return parser.parse();
struct ResourcePathData {
std::u16string resourceDir;
std::u16string name;
std::string extension;
ConfigDescription config;
* Resource file paths are expected to look like:
* [--/res/]type[-config]/name
static Maybe<ResourcePathData> extractResourcePathData(const Source& source) {
// TODO(adamlesinski): Use Windows path separator on windows.
std::vector<std::string> parts = util::splitAndLowercase(source.path, '/');
if (parts.size() < 2) {
Logger::error(source) << "bad resource path." << std::endl;
return {};
std::string& dir = parts[parts.size() - 2];
StringPiece dirStr = dir;
ConfigDescription config;
size_t dashPos = dir.find('-');
if (dashPos != std::string::npos) {
StringPiece configStr = dirStr.substr(dashPos + 1, dir.size() - (dashPos + 1));
if (!ConfigDescription::parse(configStr, &config)) {
<< "invalid configuration '"
<< configStr
<< "'."
<< std::endl;
return {};
dirStr = dirStr.substr(0, dashPos);
std::string& filename = parts[parts.size() - 1];
StringPiece name = filename;
StringPiece extension;
size_t dotPos = filename.find('.');
if (dotPos != std::string::npos) {
extension = name.substr(dotPos + 1, filename.size() - (dotPos + 1));
name = name.substr(0, dotPos);
return ResourcePathData{
bool writeResourceTable(const AaptOptions& options, const std::shared_ptr<ResourceTable>& table,
const TableFlattener::Options& flattenerOptions, ZipFile* outApk) {
if (table->begin() != table->end()) {
BigBuffer buffer(1024);
TableFlattener flattener(flattenerOptions);
if (!flattener.flatten(&buffer, *table)) {
Logger::error() << "failed to flatten resource table." << std::endl;
return false;
if (options.verbose) {
Logger::note() << "Final resource table size=" << util::formatSize(buffer.size())
<< std::endl;
if (outApk->add(buffer, "resources.arsc", ZipEntry::kCompressStored, nullptr) !=
android::NO_ERROR) {
Logger::note(options.output) << "failed to store resource table." << std::endl;
return false;
return true;
* For each FileReference in the table, adds a LinkItem to the link queue for processing.
static void addApkFilesToLinkQueue(const std::u16string& package, const Source& source,
const std::shared_ptr<ResourceTable>& table,
const std::unique_ptr<ZipFile>& apk,
std::queue<LinkItem>* outLinkQueue) {
bool mangle = package != table->getPackage();
for (auto& type : *table) {
for (auto& entry : type->entries) {
ResourceName name = { package, type->type, entry->name };
if (mangle) {
NameMangler::mangle(table->getPackage(), &name.entry);
for (auto& value : entry->values) {
visitFunc<FileReference>(*value.value, [&](FileReference& ref) {
std::string pathUtf8 = util::utf16ToUtf8(*ref.path);
Source newSource = source;
newSource.path += "/";
newSource.path += pathUtf8;
name, value.config, newSource, pathUtf8, apk.get(),
table->getPackage() });
// Now rewrite the file path.
if (mangle) {
ref.path = table->getValueStringPool().makeRef(util::utf8ToUtf16(
buildFileReference(name, value.config,
static constexpr int kOpenFlags = ZipFile::kOpenCreate | ZipFile::kOpenTruncate |
struct DeleteMalloc {
void operator()(void* ptr) {
struct StaticLibraryData {
Source source;
std::unique_ptr<ZipFile> apk;
bool link(const AaptOptions& options, const std::shared_ptr<ResourceTable>& outTable,
const std::shared_ptr<IResolver>& resolver) {
std::map<std::shared_ptr<ResourceTable>, StaticLibraryData> apkFiles;
std::unordered_set<std::u16string> linkedPackages;
// Populate the linkedPackages with our own.
// Load all APK files.
for (const Source& source : options.input) {
std::unique_ptr<ZipFile> zipFile = util::make_unique<ZipFile>();
if (zipFile->open(, ZipFile::kOpenReadOnly) != android::NO_ERROR) {
Logger::error(source) << "failed to open: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
return false;
std::shared_ptr<ResourceTable> table = std::make_shared<ResourceTable>();
ZipEntry* entry = zipFile->getEntryByName("resources.arsc");
if (!entry) {
Logger::error(source) << "missing 'resources.arsc'." << std::endl;
return false;
std::unique_ptr<void, DeleteMalloc> uncompressedData = std::unique_ptr<void, DeleteMalloc>(
BinaryResourceParser parser(table, resolver, source, uncompressedData.get(),
if (!parser.parse()) {
return false;
// Keep track of where this table came from.
apkFiles[table] = StaticLibraryData{ source, std::move(zipFile) };
// Add the package to the set of linked packages.
std::queue<LinkItem> linkQueue;
for (auto& p : apkFiles) {
const std::shared_ptr<ResourceTable>& inTable = p.first;
// Collect all FileReferences and add them to the queue for processing.
addApkFilesToLinkQueue(options.appInfo.package, p.second.source, inTable, p.second.apk,
// Merge the tables.
if (!outTable->merge(std::move(*inTable))) {
return false;
// Version all styles referencing attributes outside of their specified SDK version.
if (options.versionStylesAndLayouts) {
// Now that everything is merged, let's link it.
Linker::Options linkerOptions;
if (options.packageType == AaptOptions::PackageType::StaticLibrary) {
linkerOptions.linkResourceIds = false;
Linker linker(outTable, resolver, linkerOptions);
if (!linker.linkAndValidate()) {
return false;
// Verify that all symbols exist.
const auto& unresolvedRefs = linker.getUnresolvedReferences();
if (!unresolvedRefs.empty()) {
for (const auto& entry : unresolvedRefs) {
for (const auto& source : entry.second) {
Logger::error(source) << "unresolved symbol '" << entry.first << "'."
<< std::endl;
return false;
// Open the output APK file for writing.
ZipFile outApk;
if (, kOpenFlags) != android::NO_ERROR) {
Logger::error(options.output) << "failed to open: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
return false;
android::ResTable binTable;
if (!compileManifest(options, resolver, binTable, &outApk)) {
return false;
for (; !linkQueue.empty(); linkQueue.pop()) {
const LinkItem& item = linkQueue.front();
ZipEntry* entry = item.apk->getEntryByName(;
if (!entry) {
Logger::error(item.source) << "failed to find '" << item.originalPath << "'."
<< std::endl;
return false;
if (util::stringEndsWith<char>(item.originalPath, ".xml")) {
void* uncompressedData = item.apk->uncompress(entry);
if (!linkXml(options, outTable, resolver, item, uncompressedData,
entry->getUncompressedLen(), &outApk, &linkQueue)) {
Logger::error(options.output) << "failed to link '" << item.originalPath << "'."
<< std::endl;
return false;
} else {
if (outApk.add(item.apk, entry, buildFileReference(item).data(), 0, nullptr) !=
android::NO_ERROR) {
Logger::error(options.output) << "failed to copy '" << item.originalPath << "'."
<< std::endl;
return false;
// Generate the Java class file.
if (options.generateJavaClass) {
JavaClassGenerator::Options javaOptions;
if (options.packageType == AaptOptions::PackageType::StaticLibrary) {
javaOptions.useFinal = false;
JavaClassGenerator generator(outTable, javaOptions);
for (const std::u16string& package : linkedPackages) {
Source outPath = options.generateJavaClass.value();
// Build the output directory from the package name.
// Eg. -> com/android/app
const std::string packageUtf8 = util::utf16ToUtf8(package);
for (StringPiece part : util::tokenize<char>(packageUtf8, '.')) {
appendPath(&outPath.path, part);
if (!mkdirs(outPath.path)) {
Logger::error(outPath) << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
return false;
appendPath(&outPath.path, "");
if (options.verbose) {
Logger::note(outPath) << "writing Java symbols." << std::endl;
std::ofstream fout(outPath.path);
if (!fout) {
Logger::error(outPath) << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
return false;
if (!generator.generate(package, fout)) {
Logger::error(outPath) << generator.getError() << "." << std::endl;
return false;
[](const StringPool::Entry& a, const StringPool::Entry& b) -> bool {
if (a.context.priority < b.context.priority) {
return true;
if (a.context.priority > b.context.priority) {
return false;
return a.value < b.value;
// Flatten the resource table.
TableFlattener::Options flattenerOptions;
if (options.packageType != AaptOptions::PackageType::StaticLibrary) {
flattenerOptions.useExtendedChunks = false;
if (!writeResourceTable(options, outTable, flattenerOptions, &outApk)) {
return false;
return true;
bool compile(const AaptOptions& options, const std::shared_ptr<ResourceTable>& table,
const std::shared_ptr<IResolver>& resolver) {
std::queue<CompileItem> compileQueue;
bool error = false;
// Compile all the resource files passed in on the command line.
for (const Source& source : options.input) {
// Need to parse the resource type/config/filename.
Maybe<ResourcePathData> maybePathData = extractResourcePathData(source);
if (!maybePathData) {
return false;
const ResourcePathData& pathData = maybePathData.value();
if (pathData.resourceDir == u"values") {
// The file is in the values directory, which means its contents will
// go into the resource table.
if (options.verbose) {
Logger::note(source) << "compiling values." << std::endl;
error |= !compileValues(table, source, pathData.config);
} else {
// The file is in a directory like 'layout' or 'drawable'. Find out
// the type.
const ResourceType* type = parseResourceType(pathData.resourceDir);
if (!type) {
Logger::error(source) << "invalid resource type '" << pathData.resourceDir << "'."
<< std::endl;
return false;
ResourceName{ table->getPackage(), *type, },
if (error) {
return false;
// Open the output APK file for writing.
ZipFile outApk;
if (, kOpenFlags) != android::NO_ERROR) {
Logger::error(options.output) << "failed to open: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
return false;
// Compile each file.
for (; !compileQueue.empty(); compileQueue.pop()) {
const CompileItem& item = compileQueue.front();
// Add the file name to the resource table.
error |= !addFileReference(table, item);
if (item.extension == "xml") {
error |= !compileXml(options, table, item, &outApk);
} else if (item.extension == "png" || item.extension == "9.png") {
error |= !compilePng(options, item, &outApk);
} else {
error |= !copyFile(options, item, &outApk);
if (error) {
return false;
// Link and assign resource IDs.
Linker linker(table, resolver, {});
if (!linker.linkAndValidate()) {
return false;
// Flatten the resource table.
if (!writeResourceTable(options, table, {}, &outApk)) {
return false;
return true;
bool loadAppInfo(const Source& source, AppInfo* outInfo) {
std::ifstream ifs(source.path, std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary);
if (!ifs) {
Logger::error(source) << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
return false;
ManifestParser parser;
std::shared_ptr<XmlPullParser> pullParser = std::make_shared<SourceXmlPullParser>(ifs);
return parser.parse(source, pullParser, outInfo);
static void printCommandsAndDie() {
std::cerr << "The following commands are supported:" << std::endl << std::endl;
std::cerr << "compile compiles a subset of resources" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "link links together compiled resources and libraries" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "dump dumps resource contents to to standard out" << std::endl;
std::cerr << std::endl;
std::cerr << "run aapt2 with one of the commands and the -h flag for extra details."
<< std::endl;
static AaptOptions prepareArgs(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc < 2) {
std::cerr << "no command specified." << std::endl << std::endl;
const StringPiece command(argv[1]);
argc -= 2;
argv += 2;
AaptOptions options;
if (command == "--version" || command == "version") {
std::cout << kAaptVersionStr << std::endl;
} else if (command == "link") {
options.phase = AaptOptions::Phase::Link;
} else if (command == "compile") {
options.phase = AaptOptions::Phase::Compile;
} else if (command == "dump") {
options.phase = AaptOptions::Phase::Dump;
} else if (command == "dump-style-graph") {
options.phase = AaptOptions::Phase::DumpStyleGraph;
} else {
std::cerr << "invalid command '" << command << "'." << std::endl << std::endl;
bool isStaticLib = false;
if (options.phase == AaptOptions::Phase::Compile ||
options.phase == AaptOptions::Phase::Link) {
if (options.phase == AaptOptions::Phase::Compile) {
flag::requiredFlag("--package", "Android package name",
[&options](const StringPiece& arg) {
options.appInfo.package = util::utf8ToUtf16(arg);
} else if (options.phase == AaptOptions::Phase::Link) {
flag::requiredFlag("--manifest", "AndroidManifest.xml of your app",
[&options](const StringPiece& arg) {
options.manifest = Source{ arg.toString() };
flag::optionalFlag("-I", "add an Android APK to link against",
[&options](const StringPiece& arg) {
options.libraries.push_back(Source{ arg.toString() });
flag::optionalFlag("--java", "directory in which to generate",
[&options](const StringPiece& arg) {
options.generateJavaClass = Source{ arg.toString() };
flag::optionalSwitch("--static-lib", "generate a static Android library", true,
flag::optionalFlag("--binding", "Output directory for binding XML files",
[&options](const StringPiece& arg) {
options.bindingOutput = Source{ arg.toString() };
flag::optionalSwitch("--no-version", "Disables automatic style and layout versioning",
false, &options.versionStylesAndLayouts);
// Common flags for all steps.
flag::requiredFlag("-o", "Output path", [&options](const StringPiece& arg) {
options.output = Source{ arg.toString() };
} else if (options.phase == AaptOptions::Phase::DumpStyleGraph) {
flag::requiredFlag("--style", "Name of the style to dump",
[&options](const StringPiece& arg, std::string* outError) -> bool {
Reference styleReference;
if (!ResourceParser::parseStyleParentReference(util::utf8ToUtf16(arg),
&styleReference, outError)) {
return false;
options.dumpStyleTarget =;
return true;
bool help = false;
flag::optionalSwitch("-v", "enables verbose logging", true, &options.verbose);
flag::optionalSwitch("-h", "displays this help menu", true, &help);
// Build the command string for output (eg. "aapt2 compile").
std::string fullCommand = "aapt2";
fullCommand += " ";
fullCommand += command.toString();
// Actually read the command line flags.
flag::parse(argc, argv, fullCommand);
if (help) {
if (isStaticLib) {
options.packageType = AaptOptions::PackageType::StaticLibrary;
// Copy all the remaining arguments.
for (const std::string& arg : flag::getArgs()) {
options.input.push_back(Source{ arg });
return options;
static bool doDump(const AaptOptions& options) {
for (const Source& source : options.input) {
std::unique_ptr<ZipFile> zipFile = util::make_unique<ZipFile>();
if (zipFile->open(, ZipFile::kOpenReadOnly) != android::NO_ERROR) {
Logger::error(source) << "failed to open: " << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
return false;
std::shared_ptr<ResourceTable> table = std::make_shared<ResourceTable>();
std::shared_ptr<ResourceTableResolver> resolver =
table, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const android::AssetManager>>());
ZipEntry* entry = zipFile->getEntryByName("resources.arsc");
if (!entry) {
Logger::error(source) << "missing 'resources.arsc'." << std::endl;
return false;
std::unique_ptr<void, DeleteMalloc> uncompressedData = std::unique_ptr<void, DeleteMalloc>(
BinaryResourceParser parser(table, resolver, source, uncompressedData.get(),
if (!parser.parse()) {
return false;
if (options.phase == AaptOptions::Phase::Dump) {
} else if (options.phase == AaptOptions::Phase::DumpStyleGraph) {
Debug::printStyleGraph(table, options.dumpStyleTarget);
return true;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Logger::setLog(std::make_shared<Log>(std::cerr, std::cerr));
AaptOptions options = prepareArgs(argc, argv);
if (options.phase == AaptOptions::Phase::Dump ||
options.phase == AaptOptions::Phase::DumpStyleGraph) {
if (!doDump(options)) {
return 1;
return 0;
// If we specified a manifest, go ahead and load the package name from the manifest.
if (!options.manifest.path.empty()) {
if (!loadAppInfo(options.manifest, &options.appInfo)) {
return false;
// Verify we have some common options set.
if (options.appInfo.package.empty()) {
Logger::error() << "no package name specified." << std::endl;
return false;
// Every phase needs a resource table.
std::shared_ptr<ResourceTable> table = std::make_shared<ResourceTable>();
if (options.appInfo.package == u"android") {
} else {
// Load the included libraries.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const android::AssetManager>> sources;
for (const Source& source : options.libraries) {
std::shared_ptr<android::AssetManager> assetManager =
int32_t cookie;
if (!assetManager->addAssetPath(android::String8(, &cookie)) {
Logger::error(source) << "failed to load library." << std::endl;
return false;
if (cookie == 0) {
Logger::error(source) << "failed to load library." << std::endl;
return false;
// Make the resolver that will cache IDs for us.
std::shared_ptr<ResourceTableResolver> resolver = std::make_shared<ResourceTableResolver>(
table, sources);
if (options.phase == AaptOptions::Phase::Compile) {
if (!compile(options, table, resolver)) {
Logger::error() << "aapt exiting with failures." << std::endl;
return 1;
} else if (options.phase == AaptOptions::Phase::Link) {
if (!link(options, table, resolver)) {
Logger::error() << "aapt exiting with failures." << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;