FontRenderer::flushLargeCaches identifies the large textures used to cache glyphs and visits all the known fonts to mark their glyphs invalid if they belong to one of these large textures. Unfortunately, Font::invalidateTextureCache had a logic error which would make it mark *all glyphs* as invalid, not matter what texture they belong to. This means that any large cache flush would cause all glyphs to be invalidate, thus forcing the rendering system to recreate them on the next draw. Font::invalidateTextureCache is supposed to behave this way: - If the specified cacheTexture is NULL (default value), mark all glyphs as invalid (see FontRenderer::flushAllAndInvalidate()) - If cacheTexture is *not* NULL, invalidate only the glyphs for which glyph.cacheTexture == cacheTexture. The previous condition read: if (cacheTexture || glyph.cacheTexture == cacheTexture) This test *always* passes. Change-Id: I418886cb594c81c6178d0f9e9953d975e991cf22
442 lines
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442 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cutils/compiler.h>
#include <SkUtils.h>
#include "Debug.h"
#include "FontUtil.h"
#include "Font.h"
#include "FontRenderer.h"
#include "Properties.h"
namespace android {
namespace uirenderer {
// Font
Font::Font(FontRenderer* state, uint32_t fontId, float fontSize,
int flags, uint32_t italicStyle, uint32_t scaleX,
SkPaint::Style style, uint32_t strokeWidth) :
mState(state), mFontId(fontId), mFontSize(fontSize),
mFlags(flags), mItalicStyle(italicStyle), mScaleX(scaleX),
mStyle(style), mStrokeWidth(mStrokeWidth) {
Font::~Font() {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mCachedGlyphs.size(); i++) {
delete mCachedGlyphs.valueAt(i);
void Font::invalidateTextureCache(CacheTexture* cacheTexture) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mCachedGlyphs.size(); i++) {
CachedGlyphInfo* cachedGlyph = mCachedGlyphs.valueAt(i);
if (!cacheTexture || cachedGlyph->mCacheTexture == cacheTexture) {
cachedGlyph->mIsValid = false;
void Font::measureCachedGlyph(CachedGlyphInfo *glyph, int x, int y,
uint8_t* bitmap, uint32_t bitmapW, uint32_t bitmapH, Rect* bounds, const float* pos) {
int nPenX = x + glyph->mBitmapLeft;
int nPenY = y + glyph->mBitmapTop;
int width = (int) glyph->mBitmapWidth;
int height = (int) glyph->mBitmapHeight;
if (bounds->bottom > nPenY) {
bounds->bottom = nPenY;
if (bounds->left > nPenX) {
bounds->left = nPenX;
if (bounds->right < nPenX + width) {
bounds->right = nPenX + width;
if (bounds->top < nPenY + height) {
bounds->top = nPenY + height;
void Font::drawCachedGlyph(CachedGlyphInfo* glyph, int x, int y,
uint8_t* bitmap, uint32_t bitmapW, uint32_t bitmapH, Rect* bounds, const float* pos) {
int nPenX = x + glyph->mBitmapLeft;
int nPenY = y + glyph->mBitmapTop + glyph->mBitmapHeight;
float u1 = glyph->mBitmapMinU;
float u2 = glyph->mBitmapMaxU;
float v1 = glyph->mBitmapMinV;
float v2 = glyph->mBitmapMaxV;
int width = (int) glyph->mBitmapWidth;
int height = (int) glyph->mBitmapHeight;
mState->appendMeshQuad(nPenX, nPenY, u1, v2,
nPenX + width, nPenY, u2, v2,
nPenX + width, nPenY - height, u2, v1,
nPenX, nPenY - height, u1, v1, glyph->mCacheTexture);
void Font::drawCachedGlyphBitmap(CachedGlyphInfo* glyph, int x, int y,
uint8_t* bitmap, uint32_t bitmapW, uint32_t bitmapH, Rect* bounds, const float* pos) {
int nPenX = x + glyph->mBitmapLeft;
int nPenY = y + glyph->mBitmapTop;
uint32_t endX = glyph->mStartX + glyph->mBitmapWidth;
uint32_t endY = glyph->mStartY + glyph->mBitmapHeight;
CacheTexture* cacheTexture = glyph->mCacheTexture;
uint32_t cacheWidth = cacheTexture->getWidth();
const uint8_t* cacheBuffer = cacheTexture->getTexture();
uint32_t cacheX = 0, cacheY = 0;
int32_t bX = 0, bY = 0;
for (cacheX = glyph->mStartX, bX = nPenX; cacheX < endX; cacheX++, bX++) {
for (cacheY = glyph->mStartY, bY = nPenY; cacheY < endY; cacheY++, bY++) {
if (bX < 0 || bY < 0 || bX >= (int32_t) bitmapW || bY >= (int32_t) bitmapH) {
ALOGE("Skipping invalid index");
uint8_t tempCol = cacheBuffer[cacheY * cacheWidth + cacheX];
bitmap[bY * bitmapW + bX] = tempCol;
void Font::drawCachedGlyph(CachedGlyphInfo* glyph, float x, float hOffset, float vOffset,
SkPathMeasure& measure, SkPoint* position, SkVector* tangent) {
const float halfWidth = glyph->mBitmapWidth * 0.5f;
const float height = glyph->mBitmapHeight;
vOffset += glyph->mBitmapTop + height;
SkPoint destination[4];
measure.getPosTan(x + hOffset + glyph->mBitmapLeft + halfWidth, position, tangent);
// Move along the tangent and offset by the normal
destination[0].set(-tangent->fX * halfWidth - tangent->fY * vOffset,
-tangent->fY * halfWidth + tangent->fX * vOffset);
destination[1].set(tangent->fX * halfWidth - tangent->fY * vOffset,
tangent->fY * halfWidth + tangent->fX * vOffset);
destination[2].set(destination[1].fX + tangent->fY * height,
destination[1].fY - tangent->fX * height);
destination[3].set(destination[0].fX + tangent->fY * height,
destination[0].fY - tangent->fX * height);
const float u1 = glyph->mBitmapMinU;
const float u2 = glyph->mBitmapMaxU;
const float v1 = glyph->mBitmapMinV;
const float v2 = glyph->mBitmapMaxV;
position->fX + destination[0].fX,
position->fY + destination[0].fY, u1, v2,
position->fX + destination[1].fX,
position->fY + destination[1].fY, u2, v2,
position->fX + destination[2].fX,
position->fY + destination[2].fY, u2, v1,
position->fX + destination[3].fX,
position->fY + destination[3].fY, u1, v1,
CachedGlyphInfo* Font::getCachedGlyph(SkPaint* paint, glyph_t textUnit, bool precaching) {
CachedGlyphInfo* cachedGlyph = NULL;
ssize_t index = mCachedGlyphs.indexOfKey(textUnit);
if (index >= 0) {
cachedGlyph = mCachedGlyphs.valueAt(index);
} else {
cachedGlyph = cacheGlyph(paint, textUnit, precaching);
// Is the glyph still in texture cache?
if (!cachedGlyph->mIsValid) {
const SkGlyph& skiaGlyph = GET_METRICS(paint, textUnit);
updateGlyphCache(paint, skiaGlyph, cachedGlyph, precaching);
return cachedGlyph;
void Font::render(SkPaint* paint, const char* text, uint32_t start, uint32_t len,
int numGlyphs, int x, int y, uint8_t *bitmap, uint32_t bitmapW, uint32_t bitmapH) {
if (bitmap != NULL && bitmapW > 0 && bitmapH > 0) {
render(paint, text, start, len, numGlyphs, x, y, BITMAP, bitmap,
bitmapW, bitmapH, NULL, NULL);
} else {
render(paint, text, start, len, numGlyphs, x, y, FRAMEBUFFER, NULL,
0, 0, NULL, NULL);
void Font::render(SkPaint* paint, const char *text, uint32_t start, uint32_t len,
int numGlyphs, int x, int y, const float* positions) {
render(paint, text, start, len, numGlyphs, x, y, FRAMEBUFFER, NULL,
0, 0, NULL, positions);
void Font::render(SkPaint* paint, const char *text, uint32_t start, uint32_t len,
int numGlyphs, SkPath* path, float hOffset, float vOffset) {
if (numGlyphs == 0 || text == NULL || len == 0) {
text += start;
int glyphsCount = 0;
SkFixed prevRsbDelta = 0;
float penX = 0.0f;
SkPoint position;
SkVector tangent;
SkPathMeasure measure(*path, false);
float pathLength = SkScalarToFloat(measure.getLength());
if (paint->getTextAlign() != SkPaint::kLeft_Align) {
float textWidth = SkScalarToFloat(paint->measureText(text, len));
float pathOffset = pathLength;
if (paint->getTextAlign() == SkPaint::kCenter_Align) {
textWidth *= 0.5f;
pathOffset *= 0.5f;
penX += pathOffset - textWidth;
while (glyphsCount < numGlyphs && penX < pathLength) {
glyph_t glyph = GET_GLYPH(text);
if (IS_END_OF_STRING(glyph)) {
CachedGlyphInfo* cachedGlyph = getCachedGlyph(paint, glyph);
penX += SkFixedToFloat(AUTO_KERN(prevRsbDelta, cachedGlyph->mLsbDelta));
prevRsbDelta = cachedGlyph->mRsbDelta;
if (cachedGlyph->mIsValid) {
drawCachedGlyph(cachedGlyph, penX, hOffset, vOffset, measure, &position, &tangent);
penX += SkFixedToFloat(cachedGlyph->mAdvanceX);
void Font::measure(SkPaint* paint, const char* text, uint32_t start, uint32_t len,
int numGlyphs, Rect *bounds, const float* positions) {
if (bounds == NULL) {
ALOGE("No return rectangle provided to measure text");
bounds->set(1e6, -1e6, -1e6, 1e6);
render(paint, text, start, len, numGlyphs, 0, 0, MEASURE, NULL, 0, 0, bounds, positions);
void Font::precache(SkPaint* paint, const char* text, int numGlyphs) {
if (numGlyphs == 0 || text == NULL) {
int glyphsCount = 0;
while (glyphsCount < numGlyphs) {
glyph_t glyph = GET_GLYPH(text);
// Reached the end of the string
if (IS_END_OF_STRING(glyph)) {
CachedGlyphInfo* cachedGlyph = getCachedGlyph(paint, glyph, true);
void Font::render(SkPaint* paint, const char* text, uint32_t start, uint32_t len,
int numGlyphs, int x, int y, RenderMode mode, uint8_t *bitmap,
uint32_t bitmapW, uint32_t bitmapH, Rect* bounds, const float* positions) {
if (numGlyphs == 0 || text == NULL || len == 0) {
static RenderGlyph gRenderGlyph[] = {
RenderGlyph render = gRenderGlyph[mode];
text += start;
int glyphsCount = 0;
if (CC_LIKELY(positions == NULL)) {
SkFixed prevRsbDelta = 0;
float penX = x + 0.5f;
int penY = y;
while (glyphsCount < numGlyphs) {
glyph_t glyph = GET_GLYPH(text);
// Reached the end of the string
if (IS_END_OF_STRING(glyph)) {
CachedGlyphInfo* cachedGlyph = getCachedGlyph(paint, glyph);
penX += SkFixedToFloat(AUTO_KERN(prevRsbDelta, cachedGlyph->mLsbDelta));
prevRsbDelta = cachedGlyph->mRsbDelta;
// If it's still not valid, we couldn't cache it, so we shouldn't draw garbage
if (cachedGlyph->mIsValid) {
(*this.*render)(cachedGlyph, (int) floorf(penX), penY,
bitmap, bitmapW, bitmapH, bounds, positions);
penX += SkFixedToFloat(cachedGlyph->mAdvanceX);
} else {
const SkPaint::Align align = paint->getTextAlign();
// This is for renderPosText()
while (glyphsCount < numGlyphs) {
glyph_t glyph = GET_GLYPH(text);
// Reached the end of the string
if (IS_END_OF_STRING(glyph)) {
CachedGlyphInfo* cachedGlyph = getCachedGlyph(paint, glyph);
// If it's still not valid, we couldn't cache it, so we shouldn't draw garbage
if (cachedGlyph->mIsValid) {
int penX = x + positions[(glyphsCount << 1)];
int penY = y + positions[(glyphsCount << 1) + 1];
switch (align) {
case SkPaint::kRight_Align:
penX -= SkFixedToFloat(cachedGlyph->mAdvanceX);
penY -= SkFixedToFloat(cachedGlyph->mAdvanceY);
case SkPaint::kCenter_Align:
penX -= SkFixedToFloat(cachedGlyph->mAdvanceX >> 1);
penY -= SkFixedToFloat(cachedGlyph->mAdvanceY >> 1);
(*this.*render)(cachedGlyph, penX, penY,
bitmap, bitmapW, bitmapH, bounds, positions);
void Font::updateGlyphCache(SkPaint* paint, const SkGlyph& skiaGlyph, CachedGlyphInfo* glyph,
bool precaching) {
glyph->mAdvanceX = skiaGlyph.fAdvanceX;
glyph->mAdvanceY = skiaGlyph.fAdvanceY;
glyph->mBitmapLeft = skiaGlyph.fLeft;
glyph->mBitmapTop = skiaGlyph.fTop;
glyph->mLsbDelta = skiaGlyph.fLsbDelta;
glyph->mRsbDelta = skiaGlyph.fRsbDelta;
uint32_t startX = 0;
uint32_t startY = 0;
// Get the bitmap for the glyph
mState->cacheBitmap(skiaGlyph, glyph, &startX, &startY, precaching);
if (!glyph->mIsValid) {
uint32_t endX = startX + skiaGlyph.fWidth;
uint32_t endY = startY + skiaGlyph.fHeight;
glyph->mStartX = startX;
glyph->mStartY = startY;
glyph->mBitmapWidth = skiaGlyph.fWidth;
glyph->mBitmapHeight = skiaGlyph.fHeight;
uint32_t cacheWidth = glyph->mCacheTexture->getWidth();
uint32_t cacheHeight = glyph->mCacheTexture->getHeight();
glyph->mBitmapMinU = startX / (float) cacheWidth;
glyph->mBitmapMinV = startY / (float) cacheHeight;
glyph->mBitmapMaxU = endX / (float) cacheWidth;
glyph->mBitmapMaxV = endY / (float) cacheHeight;
CachedGlyphInfo* Font::cacheGlyph(SkPaint* paint, glyph_t glyph, bool precaching) {
CachedGlyphInfo* newGlyph = new CachedGlyphInfo();
mCachedGlyphs.add(glyph, newGlyph);
const SkGlyph& skiaGlyph = GET_METRICS(paint, glyph);
newGlyph->mGlyphIndex = skiaGlyph.fID;
newGlyph->mIsValid = false;
updateGlyphCache(paint, skiaGlyph, newGlyph, precaching);
return newGlyph;
Font* Font::create(FontRenderer* state, uint32_t fontId, float fontSize,
int flags, uint32_t italicStyle, uint32_t scaleX,
SkPaint::Style style, uint32_t strokeWidth) {
Vector<Font*> &activeFonts = state->mActiveFonts;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < activeFonts.size(); i++) {
Font* font = activeFonts[i];
if (font->mFontId == fontId && font->mFontSize == fontSize &&
font->mFlags == flags && font->mItalicStyle == italicStyle &&
font->mScaleX == scaleX && font->mStyle == style &&
(style == SkPaint::kFill_Style || font->mStrokeWidth == strokeWidth)) {
return font;
Font* newFont = new Font(state, fontId, fontSize, flags, italicStyle,
scaleX, style, strokeWidth);
return newFont;
}; // namespace uirenderer
}; // namespace android