The constructor of RecoverySystem was accidentally made public before. @Removed it. Bug: 19797138 Change-Id: I4c7bba99695a3aeb56da9c126125c3e9075c0181
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package {
public class AudioFormat {
ctor public AudioFormat();
package {
public class SSLCertificateSocketFactory extends {
method public static deprecated org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLSocketFactory getHttpSocketFactory(int,;
package android.os {
public class BatteryManager {
ctor public BatteryManager();
public final class PowerManager {
method public void goToSleep(long);
method public deprecated void userActivity(long, boolean);
method public void wakeUp(long);
public class RecoverySystem {
ctor public RecoverySystem();
public class UserManager {
method public getBadgedDrawableForUser(, android.os.UserHandle,, int);
method public getBadgedIconForUser(, android.os.UserHandle);
method public java.lang.CharSequence getBadgedLabelForUser(java.lang.CharSequence, android.os.UserHandle);
package android.provider {
public static final class Settings.System extends android.provider.Settings.NameValueTable {
field public static final java.lang.String APPEND_FOR_LAST_AUDIBLE = "_last_audible";
field public static final java.lang.String VOLUME_ALARM = "volume_alarm";
field public static final java.lang.String VOLUME_BLUETOOTH_SCO = "volume_bluetooth_sco";
field public static final java.lang.String VOLUME_MUSIC = "volume_music";
field public static final java.lang.String VOLUME_NOTIFICATION = "volume_notification";
field public static final java.lang.String VOLUME_RING = "volume_ring";
field public static final java.lang.String[] VOLUME_SETTINGS;
field public static final java.lang.String VOLUME_SYSTEM = "volume_system";
field public static final java.lang.String VOLUME_VOICE = "volume_voice";
package android.text.format {
public class DateFormat {
field public static final deprecated char AM_PM = 97; // 0x0061 'a'
field public static final deprecated char CAPITAL_AM_PM = 65; // 0x0041 'A'
field public static final deprecated char DATE = 100; // 0x0064 'd'
field public static final deprecated char DAY = 69; // 0x0045 'E'
field public static final deprecated char HOUR = 104; // 0x0068 'h'
field public static final deprecated char HOUR_OF_DAY = 107; // 0x006b 'k'
field public static final deprecated char MINUTE = 109; // 0x006d 'm'
field public static final deprecated char MONTH = 77; // 0x004d 'M'
field public static final deprecated char QUOTE = 39; // 0x0027 '\''
field public static final deprecated char SECONDS = 115; // 0x0073 's'
field public static final deprecated char STANDALONE_MONTH = 76; // 0x004c 'L'
field public static final deprecated char TIME_ZONE = 122; // 0x007a 'z'
field public static final deprecated char YEAR = 121; // 0x0079 'y'
package android.view {
public class View implements android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEventSource android.view.KeyEvent.Callback {
method protected void initializeFadingEdge(android.content.res.TypedArray);
method protected void initializeScrollbars(android.content.res.TypedArray);
public static class WindowManager.LayoutParams extends android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams implements android.os.Parcelable {
field public static final int TYPE_KEYGUARD = 2004; // 0x7d4
package android.widget {
public class TextView extends android.view.View implements android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener {
method public static int getTextColor(android.content.Context, android.content.res.TypedArray, int);
method public static android.content.res.ColorStateList getTextColors(android.content.Context, android.content.res.TypedArray);