Unfortunately there is no good way to deal with products in the link phase. Products are like preprocessor defines in that they are processed early and change the composition of the compiled unit. Change-Id: I6d5e15ef60d29df8e83e059ba857c09333993779
713 lines
27 KiB
713 lines
27 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "AppInfo.h"
#include "Debug.h"
#include "Flags.h"
#include "JavaClassGenerator.h"
#include "NameMangler.h"
#include "ProguardRules.h"
#include "XmlDom.h"
#include "compile/IdAssigner.h"
#include "flatten/Archive.h"
#include "flatten/TableFlattener.h"
#include "flatten/XmlFlattener.h"
#include "link/Linkers.h"
#include "link/TableMerger.h"
#include "process/IResourceTableConsumer.h"
#include "process/SymbolTable.h"
#include "unflatten/BinaryResourceParser.h"
#include "unflatten/FileExportHeaderReader.h"
#include "util/Files.h"
#include "util/StringPiece.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <utils/FileMap.h>
#include <vector>
namespace aapt {
struct LinkOptions {
std::string outputPath;
std::string manifestPath;
std::vector<std::string> includePaths;
Maybe<std::string> generateJavaClassPath;
Maybe<std::string> generateProguardRulesPath;
bool noAutoVersion = false;
bool staticLib = false;
bool verbose = false;
bool outputToDirectory = false;
Maybe<std::string> privateSymbols;
struct LinkContext : public IAaptContext {
StdErrDiagnostics mDiagnostics;
std::unique_ptr<NameMangler> mNameMangler;
std::u16string mCompilationPackage;
uint8_t mPackageId;
std::unique_ptr<ISymbolTable> mSymbols;
IDiagnostics* getDiagnostics() override {
return &mDiagnostics;
NameMangler* getNameMangler() override {
return mNameMangler.get();
StringPiece16 getCompilationPackage() override {
return mCompilationPackage;
uint8_t getPackageId() override {
return mPackageId;
ISymbolTable* getExternalSymbols() override {
return mSymbols.get();
struct LinkCommand {
LinkOptions mOptions;
LinkContext mContext;
std::string buildResourceFileName(const ResourceFile& resFile) {
std::stringstream out;
out << "res/" << resFile.name.type;
if (resFile.config != ConfigDescription{}) {
out << "-" << resFile.config;
out << "/";
if (mContext.getNameMangler()->shouldMangle(resFile.name.package)) {
out << NameMangler::mangleEntry(resFile.name.package, resFile.name.entry);
} else {
out << resFile.name.entry;
out << file::getExtension(resFile.source.path);
return out.str();
* Creates a SymbolTable that loads symbols from the various APKs and caches the
* results for faster lookup.
std::unique_ptr<ISymbolTable> createSymbolTableFromIncludePaths() {
AssetManagerSymbolTableBuilder builder;
for (const std::string& path : mOptions.includePaths) {
if (mOptions.verbose) {
DiagMessage(Source{ path }) << "loading include path");
std::unique_ptr<android::AssetManager> assetManager =
int32_t cookie = 0;
if (!assetManager->addAssetPath(android::String8(path.data(), path.size()), &cookie)) {
DiagMessage(Source{ path }) << "failed to load include path");
return {};
return builder.build();
* Loads the resource table (not inside an apk) at the given path.
std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable> loadTable(const std::string& input) {
std::string errorStr;
Maybe<android::FileMap> map = file::mmapPath(input, &errorStr);
if (!map) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(Source{ input }) << errorStr);
return {};
std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable> table = util::make_unique<ResourceTable>();
BinaryResourceParser parser(&mContext, table.get(), Source{ input },
map.value().getDataPtr(), map.value().getDataLength());
if (!parser.parse()) {
return {};
return table;
* Inflates an XML file from the source path.
std::unique_ptr<XmlResource> loadXml(const std::string& path) {
std::ifstream fin(path, std::ifstream::binary);
if (!fin) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(Source{ path }) << strerror(errno));
return {};
return xml::inflate(&fin, mContext.getDiagnostics(), Source{ path });
* Inflates a binary XML file from the source path.
std::unique_ptr<XmlResource> loadBinaryXmlSkipFileExport(const std::string& path) {
// Read header for symbol info and export info.
std::string errorStr;
Maybe<android::FileMap> maybeF = file::mmapPath(path, &errorStr);
if (!maybeF) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(path) << errorStr);
return {};
ssize_t offset = getWrappedDataOffset(maybeF.value().getDataPtr(),
maybeF.value().getDataLength(), &errorStr);
if (offset < 0) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(path) << errorStr);
return {};
std::unique_ptr<XmlResource> xmlRes = xml::inflate(
(const uint8_t*) maybeF.value().getDataPtr() + (size_t) offset,
maybeF.value().getDataLength() - offset,
mContext.getDiagnostics(), Source(path));
if (!xmlRes) {
return {};
return xmlRes;
Maybe<ResourceFile> loadFileExportHeader(const std::string& path) {
// Read header for symbol info and export info.
std::string errorStr;
Maybe<android::FileMap> maybeF = file::mmapPath(path, &errorStr);
if (!maybeF) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(path) << errorStr);
return {};
ResourceFile resFile;
ssize_t offset = unwrapFileExportHeader(maybeF.value().getDataPtr(),
&resFile, &errorStr);
if (offset < 0) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(path) << errorStr);
return {};
return std::move(resFile);
bool copyFileToArchive(const std::string& path, const std::string& outPath, uint32_t flags,
IArchiveWriter* writer) {
std::string errorStr;
Maybe<android::FileMap> maybeF = file::mmapPath(path, &errorStr);
if (!maybeF) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(path) << errorStr);
return false;
ssize_t offset = getWrappedDataOffset(maybeF.value().getDataPtr(),
if (offset < 0) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(path) << errorStr);
return false;
ArchiveEntry* entry = writer->writeEntry(outPath, flags, &maybeF.value(),
offset, maybeF.value().getDataLength() - offset);
if (!entry) {
DiagMessage(mOptions.outputPath) << "failed to write file " << outPath);
return false;
return true;
Maybe<AppInfo> extractAppInfoFromManifest(XmlResource* xmlRes) {
xml::Node* node = xmlRes->root.get();
// Find the first xml::Element.
while (node && !xml::nodeCast<xml::Element>(node)) {
node = !node->children.empty() ? node->children.front().get() : nullptr;
// Make sure the first element is <manifest> with package attribute.
if (xml::Element* manifestEl = xml::nodeCast<xml::Element>(node)) {
if (manifestEl->namespaceUri.empty() && manifestEl->name == u"manifest") {
if (xml::Attribute* packageAttr = manifestEl->findAttribute({}, u"package")) {
return AppInfo{ packageAttr->value };
return {};
bool verifyNoExternalPackages(ResourceTable* table) {
bool error = false;
for (const auto& package : table->packages) {
if (mContext.getCompilationPackage() != package->name ||
!package->id || package->id.value() != mContext.getPackageId()) {
// We have a package that is not related to the one we're building!
for (const auto& type : package->types) {
for (const auto& entry : type->entries) {
for (const auto& configValue : entry->values) {
<< "defined resource '"
<< ResourceNameRef(package->name,
<< "' for external package '"
<< package->name << "'");
error = true;
return !error;
std::unique_ptr<IArchiveWriter> makeArchiveWriter() {
if (mOptions.outputToDirectory) {
return createDirectoryArchiveWriter(mOptions.outputPath);
} else {
return createZipFileArchiveWriter(mOptions.outputPath);
bool flattenTable(ResourceTable* table, IArchiveWriter* writer) {
BigBuffer buffer(1024);
TableFlattenerOptions options = {};
options.useExtendedChunks = mOptions.staticLib;
TableFlattener flattener(&buffer, options);
if (!flattener.consume(&mContext, table)) {
return false;
ArchiveEntry* entry = writer->writeEntry("resources.arsc", ArchiveEntry::kAlign, buffer);
if (!entry) {
DiagMessage() << "failed to write resources.arsc to archive");
return false;
return true;
bool flattenXml(XmlResource* xmlRes, const StringPiece& path, Maybe<size_t> maxSdkLevel,
IArchiveWriter* writer) {
BigBuffer buffer(1024);
XmlFlattenerOptions options = {};
options.keepRawValues = mOptions.staticLib;
options.maxSdkLevel = maxSdkLevel;
XmlFlattener flattener(&buffer, options);
if (!flattener.consume(&mContext, xmlRes)) {
return false;
ArchiveEntry* entry = writer->writeEntry(path, ArchiveEntry::kCompress, buffer);
if (!entry) {
DiagMessage() << "failed to write " << path << " to archive");
return false;
return true;
bool writeJavaFile(ResourceTable* table, const StringPiece16& package) {
if (!mOptions.generateJavaClassPath) {
return true;
std::string outPath = mOptions.generateJavaClassPath.value();
file::appendPath(&outPath, file::packageToPath(util::utf16ToUtf8(package)));
file::appendPath(&outPath, "R.java");
std::ofstream fout(outPath, std::ofstream::binary);
if (!fout) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage() << strerror(errno));
return false;
JavaClassGeneratorOptions javaOptions;
if (mOptions.staticLib) {
javaOptions.useFinal = false;
JavaClassGenerator generator(table, javaOptions);
if (!generator.generate(mContext.getCompilationPackage(), &fout)) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage(outPath) << generator.getError());
return false;
return true;
bool writeProguardFile(const proguard::KeepSet& keepSet) {
if (!mOptions.generateProguardRulesPath) {
return true;
std::ofstream fout(mOptions.generateProguardRulesPath.value(), std::ofstream::binary);
if (!fout) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage() << strerror(errno));
return false;
proguard::writeKeepSet(&fout, keepSet);
if (!fout) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage() << strerror(errno));
return false;
return true;
int run(const std::vector<std::string>& inputFiles) {
// Load the AndroidManifest.xml
std::unique_ptr<XmlResource> manifestXml = loadXml(mOptions.manifestPath);
if (!manifestXml) {
return 1;
if (Maybe<AppInfo> maybeAppInfo = extractAppInfoFromManifest(manifestXml.get())) {
mContext.mCompilationPackage = maybeAppInfo.value().package;
} else {
<< "no package specified in <manifest> tag");
return 1;
if (!util::isJavaPackageName(mContext.mCompilationPackage)) {
<< "invalid package name '"
<< mContext.mCompilationPackage
<< "'");
return 1;
mContext.mNameMangler = util::make_unique<NameMangler>(
NameManglerPolicy{ mContext.mCompilationPackage });
if (mContext.mCompilationPackage == u"android") {
mContext.mPackageId = 0x01;
} else {
mContext.mPackageId = 0x7f;
mContext.mSymbols = createSymbolTableFromIncludePaths();
if (!mContext.mSymbols) {
return 1;
if (mOptions.verbose) {
DiagMessage() << "linking package '" << mContext.mCompilationPackage << "' "
<< "with package ID " << std::hex << (int) mContext.mPackageId);
ResourceTable mergedTable;
TableMerger tableMerger(&mContext, &mergedTable);
struct FilesToProcess {
Source source;
ResourceFile file;
bool error = false;
std::queue<FilesToProcess> filesToProcess;
for (const std::string& input : inputFiles) {
if (util::stringEndsWith<char>(input, ".apk")) {
// TODO(adamlesinski): Load resources from a static library APK
// Merge the table into TableMerger.
} else if (util::stringEndsWith<char>(input, ".arsc.flat")) {
if (mOptions.verbose) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->note(DiagMessage() << "linking " << input);
std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable> table = loadTable(input);
if (!table) {
return 1;
if (!tableMerger.merge(Source(input), table.get())) {
return 1;
} else {
// Extract the exported IDs here so we can build the resource table.
if (Maybe<ResourceFile> maybeF = loadFileExportHeader(input)) {
ResourceFile& f = maybeF.value();
if (f.name.package.empty()) {
f.name.package = mContext.getCompilationPackage().toString();
Maybe<ResourceName> mangledName = mContext.getNameMangler()->mangleName(f.name);
// Add this file to the table.
if (!mergedTable.addFileReference(mangledName ? mangledName.value() : f.name,
f.config, f.source,
mContext.getDiagnostics())) {
error = true;
// Add the exports of this file to the table.
for (SourcedResourceName& exportedSymbol : f.exportedSymbols) {
if (exportedSymbol.name.package.empty()) {
exportedSymbol.name.package = mContext.getCompilationPackage()
Maybe<ResourceName> mangledName = mContext.getNameMangler()->mangleName(
if (!mergedTable.addResource(
mangledName ? mangledName.value() : exportedSymbol.name,
{}, {}, f.source.withLine(exportedSymbol.line),
util::make_unique<Id>(), mContext.getDiagnostics())) {
error = true;
filesToProcess.push(FilesToProcess{ Source(input), std::move(f) });
} else {
return 1;
if (error) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage() << "failed parsing input");
return 1;
if (!verifyNoExternalPackages(&mergedTable)) {
return 1;
if (!mOptions.staticLib) {
PrivateAttributeMover mover;
if (!mover.consume(&mContext, &mergedTable)) {
DiagMessage() << "failed moving private attributes");
return 1;
IdAssigner idAssigner;
if (!idAssigner.consume(&mContext, &mergedTable)) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage() << "failed assigning IDs");
return 1;
mContext.mNameMangler = util::make_unique<NameMangler>(
NameManglerPolicy{ mContext.mCompilationPackage, tableMerger.getMergedPackages() });
mContext.mSymbols = JoinedSymbolTableBuilder()
ReferenceLinker linker;
if (!linker.consume(&mContext, &mergedTable)) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage() << "failed linking references");
return 1;
proguard::KeepSet proguardKeepSet;
std::unique_ptr<IArchiveWriter> archiveWriter = makeArchiveWriter();
if (!archiveWriter) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage() << "failed to create archive");
return 1;
XmlReferenceLinker manifestLinker;
if (manifestLinker.consume(&mContext, manifestXml.get())) {
if (!proguard::collectProguardRulesForManifest(Source(mOptions.manifestPath),
&proguardKeepSet)) {
error = true;
if (!flattenXml(manifestXml.get(), "AndroidManifest.xml", {},
archiveWriter.get())) {
error = true;
} else {
error = true;
for (; !filesToProcess.empty(); filesToProcess.pop()) {
FilesToProcess& f = filesToProcess.front();
if (f.file.name.type != ResourceType::kRaw &&
util::stringEndsWith<char>(f.source.path, ".xml.flat")) {
if (mOptions.verbose) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->note(DiagMessage() << "linking " << f.source.path);
std::unique_ptr<XmlResource> xmlRes = loadBinaryXmlSkipFileExport(f.source.path);
if (!xmlRes) {
return 1;
xmlRes->file = std::move(f.file);
XmlReferenceLinker xmlLinker;
if (xmlLinker.consume(&mContext, xmlRes.get())) {
if (!proguard::collectProguardRules(xmlRes->file.source, xmlRes.get(),
&proguardKeepSet)) {
error = true;
Maybe<size_t> maxSdkLevel;
if (!mOptions.noAutoVersion) {
maxSdkLevel = std::max<size_t>(xmlRes->file.config.sdkVersion, 1u);
if (!flattenXml(xmlRes.get(), buildResourceFileName(xmlRes->file), maxSdkLevel,
archiveWriter.get())) {
error = true;
if (!mOptions.noAutoVersion) {
Maybe<ResourceTable::SearchResult> result = mergedTable.findResource(
for (int sdkLevel : xmlLinker.getSdkLevels()) {
if (sdkLevel > xmlRes->file.config.sdkVersion &&
sdkLevel)) {
xmlRes->file.config.sdkVersion = sdkLevel;
if (!mergedTable.addFileReference(xmlRes->file.name,
mContext.getDiagnostics())) {
error = true;
if (!flattenXml(xmlRes.get(), buildResourceFileName(xmlRes->file),
sdkLevel, archiveWriter.get())) {
error = true;
} else {
error = true;
} else {
if (mOptions.verbose) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->note(DiagMessage() << "copying " << f.source.path);
if (!copyFileToArchive(f.source.path, buildResourceFileName(f.file), 0,
archiveWriter.get())) {
error = true;
if (error) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage() << "failed linking file resources");
return 1;
if (!mOptions.noAutoVersion) {
AutoVersioner versioner;
if (!versioner.consume(&mContext, &mergedTable)) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage() << "failed versioning styles");
return 1;
if (!flattenTable(&mergedTable, archiveWriter.get())) {
mContext.getDiagnostics()->error(DiagMessage() << "failed to write resources.arsc");
return 1;
if (mOptions.generateJavaClassPath) {
if (!writeJavaFile(&mergedTable, mContext.getCompilationPackage())) {
return 1;
if (mOptions.generateProguardRulesPath) {
if (!writeProguardFile(proguardKeepSet)) {
return 1;
if (mOptions.verbose) {
for (; !tableMerger.getFileMergeQueue()->empty();
tableMerger.getFileMergeQueue()->pop()) {
const FileToMerge& f = tableMerger.getFileMergeQueue()->front();
DiagMessage() << f.srcPath << " -> " << f.dstPath << " from (0x"
<< std::hex << (uintptr_t) f.srcTable << std::dec);
return 0;
int link(const std::vector<StringPiece>& args) {
LinkOptions options;
Flags flags = Flags()
.requiredFlag("-o", "Output path", &options.outputPath)
.requiredFlag("--manifest", "Path to the Android manifest to build",
.optionalFlagList("-I", "Adds an Android APK to link against", &options.includePaths)
.optionalFlag("--java", "Directory in which to generate R.java",
.optionalFlag("--proguard", "Output file for generated Proguard rules",
"Disables automatic style and layout SDK versioning",
.optionalSwitch("--output-to-dir", "Outputs the APK contents to a directory specified "
"by -o",
.optionalSwitch("--static-lib", "Generate a static Android library", &options.staticLib)
.optionalFlag("--private-symbols", "Package name to use when generating R.java for "
"private symbols. If not specified, public and private symbols will "
"use the application's package name", &options.privateSymbols)
.optionalSwitch("-v", "Enables verbose logging", &options.verbose);
if (!flags.parse("aapt2 link", args, &std::cerr)) {
return 1;
LinkCommand cmd = { options };
return cmd.run(flags.getArgs());
} // namespace aapt