Colin Cross cebc382d5f Move inserted method after end of try block
Methods inserted at the end of a synchronized {} block also need to
be outside of the implicit try{} block.  Make sure the next
instruction is the virtual end label for the try block, and put
the inserted method after the label.

Bug: 64301866
Test: locked_region_code_injection test
Test: m -j checkbuild
Change-Id: I6626aa45580b4df692e02fc6127a2947a6075e2e
2017-08-03 20:55:37 -07:00

16 lines
345 B

LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_JAR_MANIFEST := manifest.txt
LOCAL_MODULE := lockedregioncodeinjection
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under,src)
asm-5.2 \
asm-commons-5.2 \
asm-tree-5.2 \
asm-analysis-5.2 \
guava-20.0 \