Have BpfInterfaceMapUpdater to update bpf interface map: adding the interface and index mapping to bpf interface map when interface added. Bug: 215095957 Test: atest FrameworkNetTests Change-Id: I2189a50c4869cfc0c33fc6f0228f40ee9f3ac1d4
242 lines
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242 lines
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package {
// See: http://go/android-license-faq
// A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import
// all of the 'license_kinds' from "frameworks_base_license"
// to get the below license kinds:
// SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0
default_applicable_licenses: ["frameworks_base_license"],
// Defaults for platform code that runs inside system_server
java_defaults {
name: "platform_service_defaults",
plugins: ["error_prone_android_framework"],
errorprone: {
javacflags: [
// "-Xep:AndroidFrameworkBinderIdentity:ERROR",
// "-Xep:AndroidFrameworkUid:ERROR",
// NOTE: only enable to generate local patchfiles
// "-XepPatchChecks:refaster:frameworks/base/errorprone/refaster/EfficientXml.java.refaster",
// "-XepPatchLocation:/tmp/refaster/",
// Opt-in config for optimizing and shrinking the services target using R8.
// Enabled via `export SYSTEM_OPTIMIZE_JAVA=true`, or explicitly in Make via the
// TODO(b/196084106): Enable optimizations by default after stabilizing and
// building out retrace infrastructure.
soong_config_module_type {
name: "system_optimized_java_defaults",
module_type: "java_defaults",
config_namespace: "ANDROID",
bool_variables: ["SYSTEM_OPTIMIZE_JAVA"],
properties: ["optimize"],
system_optimized_java_defaults {
name: "services_java_defaults",
soong_config_variables: {
optimize: {
enabled: true,
optimize: true,
shrink: true,
proguard_flags_files: ["proguard.flags"],
// Note: Optimizations are disabled by default if unspecified in
// the java_library rule.
conditions_default: {},
filegroup {
name: "services-main-sources",
srcs: [
path: "java",
visibility: ["//visibility:private"],
filegroup {
name: "services-non-updatable-sources",
srcs: [
":services.bluetooth-sources", // TODO(b/214988855) : Remove once apex/service-bluetooth jar is ready
visibility: ["//visibility:private"],
java_library {
name: "Slogf",
srcs: ["core/java/com/android/server/utils/Slogf.java"],
// merge all required services into one jar
// ============================================================
java_library {
name: "services",
defaults: ["services_java_defaults"],
installable: true,
dex_preopt: {
app_image: true,
profile: "art-profile",
srcs: [":services-main-sources"],
// The convention is to name each service module 'services.$(module_name)'
static_libs: [
libs: [
// Uncomment to enable output of certain warnings (deprecated, unchecked)
//javacflags: ["-Xlint"],
// native library
// =============================================================
cc_library_shared {
name: "libandroid_servers",
defaults: ["libservices.core-libs"],
whole_static_libs: ["libservices.core"],
required: [
// TODO: remove after NetworkStatsService is moved to the mainline module.
platform_compat_config {
name: "services-platform-compat-config",
src: ":services",
filegroup {
name: "art-profile",
srcs: ["art-profile"],
// API stub
// =============================================================
stubs_defaults {
name: "services-stubs-default",
installable: false,
args: " --show-annotation android.annotation.SystemApi\\(client=android.annotation.SystemApi.Client.SYSTEM_SERVER\\)" +
" --hide-annotation android.annotation.Hide" +
" --hide InternalClasses" + // com.android.* classes are okay in this interface
// TODO: remove the --hide options below
" --hide-package com.google.android.startop.iorap" +
" --hide DeprecationMismatch" +
" --hide HiddenTypedefConstant",
visibility: ["//frameworks/base:__subpackages__"],
filter_packages: ["com.android."],
droidstubs {
name: "services-non-updatable-stubs",
srcs: [":services-non-updatable-sources"],
defaults: ["services-stubs-default"],
check_api: {
current: {
api_file: "api/current.txt",
removed_api_file: "api/removed.txt",
api_lint: {
enabled: true,
new_since: ":android-non-updatable.api.system-server.latest",
baseline_file: "api/lint-baseline.txt",
dists: [
targets: ["sdk"],
dir: "apistubs/android/system-server/api",
dest: "android-non-updatable.txt",
tag: ".api.txt",
targets: ["sdk"],
dir: "apistubs/android/system-server/api",
dest: "android-non-updatable-removed.txt",
tag: ".removed-api.txt",