Winson 62ac8b56a9 Refactor overlayable policy
To make it easier to add the actor policy in a follow up CL,
move most of the policy handling to a central location.

The strings and transformation between strings and flags is
now handled in libidmap2policies, with libandroidfw
containing the single source of policy flags.

This also extracts all the test resource IDs into an R.h
so they can be swapped without having to edit a dozen files
each time.

Bug: 130563563

Test: m aapt2_tests idmapt2_tests and run from host test output
Test: atest libandroidfw_tests

Change-Id: Ie533c9cebf938215df7586f00c38763ae467e606
2020-02-26 15:59:43 -08:00

324 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "Diagnostics.h"
#include "Resource.h"
#include "ResourceValues.h"
#include "Source.h"
#include "StringPool.h"
#include "io/File.h"
#include "android-base/macros.h"
#include "androidfw/ConfigDescription.h"
#include "androidfw/StringPiece.h"
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
using PolicyFlags = android::ResTable_overlayable_policy_header::PolicyFlags;
namespace aapt {
// The Public status of a resource.
struct Visibility {
enum class Level {
Level level = Level::kUndefined;
Source source;
std::string comment;
// Represents <add-resource> in an overlay.
struct AllowNew {
Source source;
std::string comment;
struct Overlayable {
Overlayable() = default;
Overlayable(const android::StringPiece& name, const android::StringPiece& actor)
: name(name.to_string()), actor(actor.to_string()) {}
Overlayable(const android::StringPiece& name, const android::StringPiece& actor,
const Source& source)
: name(name.to_string()), actor(actor.to_string()), source(source ){}
static const char* kActorScheme;
std::string name;
std::string actor;
Source source;
// Represents a declaration that a resource is overlayable at runtime.
struct OverlayableItem {
explicit OverlayableItem(const std::shared_ptr<Overlayable>& overlayable)
: overlayable(overlayable) {}
std::shared_ptr<Overlayable> overlayable;
PolicyFlags policies = PolicyFlags::NONE;
std::string comment;
Source source;
class ResourceConfigValue {
// The configuration for which this value is defined.
const android::ConfigDescription config;
// The product for which this value is defined.
const std::string product;
// The actual Value.
std::unique_ptr<Value> value;
ResourceConfigValue(const android::ConfigDescription& config, const android::StringPiece& product)
: config(config), product(product.to_string()) {}
// Represents a resource entry, which may have varying values for each defined configuration.
class ResourceEntry {
// The name of the resource. Immutable, as this determines the order of this resource
// when doing lookups.
const std::string name;
// The entry ID for this resource (the EEEE in 0xPPTTEEEE).
Maybe<uint16_t> id;
// Whether this resource is public (and must maintain the same entry ID across builds).
Visibility visibility;
Maybe<AllowNew> allow_new;
// The declarations of this resource as overlayable for RROs
Maybe<OverlayableItem> overlayable_item;
// The resource's values for each configuration.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ResourceConfigValue>> values;
explicit ResourceEntry(const android::StringPiece& name) : name(name.to_string()) {}
ResourceConfigValue* FindValue(const android::ConfigDescription& config);
ResourceConfigValue* FindValue(const android::ConfigDescription& config,
const android::StringPiece& product);
ResourceConfigValue* FindOrCreateValue(const android::ConfigDescription& config,
const android::StringPiece& product);
std::vector<ResourceConfigValue*> FindAllValues(const android::ConfigDescription& config);
template <typename Func>
std::vector<ResourceConfigValue*> FindValuesIf(Func f) {
std::vector<ResourceConfigValue*> results;
for (auto& config_value : values) {
if (f(config_value.get())) {
return results;
bool HasDefaultValue() const;
// Represents a resource type (eg. string, drawable, layout, etc.) containing resource entries.
class ResourceTableType {
// The logical type of resource (string, drawable, layout, etc.).
const ResourceType type;
// The type ID for this resource (the TT in 0xPPTTEEEE).
Maybe<uint8_t> id;
// Whether this type is public (and must maintain the same type ID across builds).
Visibility::Level visibility_level = Visibility::Level::kUndefined;
// List of resources for this type.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ResourceEntry>> entries;
explicit ResourceTableType(const ResourceType type) : type(type) {}
ResourceEntry* FindEntry(const android::StringPiece& name,
Maybe<uint16_t> id = Maybe<uint16_t>());
ResourceEntry* FindOrCreateEntry(const android::StringPiece& name,
Maybe<uint16_t> id = Maybe<uint16_t>());
class ResourceTablePackage {
std::string name;
// The package ID (the PP in 0xPPTTEEEE).
Maybe<uint8_t> id;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ResourceTableType>> types;
ResourceTablePackage() = default;
ResourceTableType* FindType(ResourceType type, Maybe<uint8_t> id = Maybe<uint8_t>());
ResourceTableType* FindOrCreateType(const ResourceType type,
Maybe<uint8_t> id = Maybe<uint8_t>());
// The container and index for all resources defined for an app.
class ResourceTable {
ResourceTable() = default;
explicit ResourceTable(bool validate_resources) : validate_resources_(validate_resources) {}
enum class CollisionResult { kKeepBoth, kKeepOriginal, kConflict, kTakeNew };
using CollisionResolverFunc = std::function<CollisionResult(Value*, Value*)>;
// When a collision of resources occurs, this method decides which value to keep.
static CollisionResult ResolveValueCollision(Value* existing, Value* incoming);
// When a collision of resources occurs, this method keeps both values
static CollisionResult IgnoreCollision(Value* existing, Value* incoming);
bool AddResource(const ResourceNameRef& name, const android::ConfigDescription& config,
const android::StringPiece& product, std::unique_ptr<Value> value,
IDiagnostics* diag);
bool AddResourceWithId(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ResourceId& res_id,
const android::ConfigDescription& config,
const android::StringPiece& product, std::unique_ptr<Value> value,
IDiagnostics* diag);
// Same as AddResource, but doesn't verify the validity of the name. This is used
// when loading resources from an existing binary resource table that may have mangled names.
bool AddResourceMangled(const ResourceNameRef& name, const android::ConfigDescription& config,
const android::StringPiece& product, std::unique_ptr<Value> value,
IDiagnostics* diag);
bool AddResourceWithIdMangled(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ResourceId& id,
const android::ConfigDescription& config,
const android::StringPiece& product, std::unique_ptr<Value> value,
IDiagnostics* diag);
bool GetValidateResources();
bool SetVisibility(const ResourceNameRef& name, const Visibility& visibility, IDiagnostics* diag);
bool SetVisibilityWithId(const ResourceNameRef& name, const Visibility& visibility,
const ResourceId& res_id, IDiagnostics* diag);
bool SetVisibilityWithIdMangled(const ResourceNameRef& name, const Visibility& visibility,
const ResourceId& res_id, IDiagnostics* diag);
bool SetOverlayable(const ResourceNameRef& name, const OverlayableItem& overlayable,
IDiagnostics *diag);
bool SetAllowNew(const ResourceNameRef& name, const AllowNew& allow_new, IDiagnostics* diag);
bool SetAllowNewMangled(const ResourceNameRef& name, const AllowNew& allow_new,
IDiagnostics* diag);
struct SearchResult {
ResourceTablePackage* package;
ResourceTableType* type;
ResourceEntry* entry;
Maybe<SearchResult> FindResource(const ResourceNameRef& name) const;
// Returns the package struct with the given name, or nullptr if such a package does not
// exist. The empty string is a valid package and typically is used to represent the
// 'current' package before it is known to the ResourceTable.
ResourceTablePackage* FindPackage(const android::StringPiece& name) const;
ResourceTablePackage* FindPackageById(uint8_t id) const;
ResourceTablePackage* CreatePackage(const android::StringPiece& name, Maybe<uint8_t> id = {});
// Attempts to find a package having the specified name and ID. If not found, a new package
// of the specified parameters is created and returned.
ResourceTablePackage* CreatePackageAllowingDuplicateNames(const android::StringPiece& name,
const Maybe<uint8_t> id);
std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable> Clone() const;
// The string pool used by this resource table. Values that reference strings must use
// this pool to create their strings.
// NOTE: `string_pool` must come before `packages` so that it is destroyed after.
// When `string_pool` references are destroyed (as they will be when `packages` is destroyed),
// they decrement a refCount, which would cause invalid memory access if the pool was already
// destroyed.
StringPool string_pool;
// The list of packages in this table, sorted alphabetically by package name and increasing
// package ID (missing ID being the lowest).
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ResourceTablePackage>> packages;
// Set of dynamic packages that this table may reference. Their package names get encoded
// into the resources.arsc along with their compile-time assigned IDs.
std::map<size_t, std::string> included_packages_;
// The function type that validates a symbol name. Returns a non-empty StringPiece representing
// the offending character (which may be more than one byte in UTF-8). Returns an empty string
// if the name was valid.
using NameValidator = android::StringPiece(const android::StringPiece&);
ResourceTablePackage* FindOrCreatePackage(const android::StringPiece& name);
bool ValidateName(NameValidator validator, const ResourceNameRef& name, const Source& source,
IDiagnostics* diag);
bool AddResourceImpl(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ResourceId& res_id,
const android::ConfigDescription& config,
const android::StringPiece& product, std::unique_ptr<Value> value,
NameValidator name_validator, const CollisionResolverFunc& conflict_resolver,
IDiagnostics* diag);
bool SetVisibilityImpl(const ResourceNameRef& name, const Visibility& visibility,
const ResourceId& res_id, NameValidator name_validator,
IDiagnostics* diag);
bool SetAllowNewImpl(const ResourceNameRef& name, const AllowNew& allow_new,
NameValidator name_validator, IDiagnostics* diag);
bool SetOverlayableImpl(const ResourceNameRef &name, const OverlayableItem& overlayable,
NameValidator name_validator, IDiagnostics *diag);
// Controls whether the table validates resource names and prevents duplicate resource names
bool validate_resources_ = true;
} // namespace aapt