The first fix (commit 913af0b4) is problematic because it makes threads in mediaserver process block on the cblk mutex. This is not permitted as it can cause audio to skip or worse have a malicious application prevent all audio playback by keeping the mutex locked. The fix consists in using atomic operations when modifying the control block flags. Also fixed audio_track_cblk_t::framesReady() so that it doesn't block when called from AudioFlinger (only applies when a loop is active). Change-Id: Ibf0abb562ced3e9f64118afdd5036854bb959428
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/* //device/extlibs/pv/android/AudioTrack.cpp
** Copyright 2007, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define LOG_TAG "AudioTrack"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <private/media/AudioTrackShared.h>
#include <media/AudioSystem.h>
#include <media/AudioTrack.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <binder/Parcel.h>
#include <binder/IPCThreadState.h>
#include <utils/Timers.h>
#include <utils/Atomic.h>
#define LIKELY( exp ) (__builtin_expect( (exp) != 0, true ))
#define UNLIKELY( exp ) (__builtin_expect( (exp) != 0, false ))
namespace android {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// static
status_t AudioTrack::getMinFrameCount(
int* frameCount,
int streamType,
uint32_t sampleRate)
int afSampleRate;
if (AudioSystem::getOutputSamplingRate(&afSampleRate, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
return NO_INIT;
int afFrameCount;
if (AudioSystem::getOutputFrameCount(&afFrameCount, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
return NO_INIT;
uint32_t afLatency;
if (AudioSystem::getOutputLatency(&afLatency, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
return NO_INIT;
// Ensure that buffer depth covers at least audio hardware latency
uint32_t minBufCount = afLatency / ((1000 * afFrameCount) / afSampleRate);
if (minBufCount < 2) minBufCount = 2;
*frameCount = (sampleRate == 0) ? afFrameCount * minBufCount :
afFrameCount * minBufCount * sampleRate / afSampleRate;
return NO_ERROR;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: mStatus(NO_INIT)
int streamType,
uint32_t sampleRate,
int format,
int channels,
int frameCount,
uint32_t flags,
callback_t cbf,
void* user,
int notificationFrames,
int sessionId)
: mStatus(NO_INIT)
mStatus = set(streamType, sampleRate, format, channels,
frameCount, flags, cbf, user, notificationFrames,
0, false, sessionId);
int streamType,
uint32_t sampleRate,
int format,
int channels,
const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
uint32_t flags,
callback_t cbf,
void* user,
int notificationFrames,
int sessionId)
: mStatus(NO_INIT)
mStatus = set(streamType, sampleRate, format, channels,
0, flags, cbf, user, notificationFrames,
sharedBuffer, false, sessionId);
LOGV_IF(mSharedBuffer != 0, "Destructor sharedBuffer: %p", mSharedBuffer->pointer());
if (mStatus == NO_ERROR) {
// Make sure that callback function exits in the case where
// it is looping on buffer full condition in obtainBuffer().
// Otherwise the callback thread will never exit.
if (mAudioTrackThread != 0) {
status_t AudioTrack::set(
int streamType,
uint32_t sampleRate,
int format,
int channels,
int frameCount,
uint32_t flags,
callback_t cbf,
void* user,
int notificationFrames,
const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
bool threadCanCallJava,
int sessionId)
LOGV_IF(sharedBuffer != 0, "sharedBuffer: %p, size: %d", sharedBuffer->pointer(), sharedBuffer->size());
AutoMutex lock(mLock);
if (mAudioTrack != 0) {
LOGE("Track already in use");
int afSampleRate;
if (AudioSystem::getOutputSamplingRate(&afSampleRate, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
return NO_INIT;
uint32_t afLatency;
if (AudioSystem::getOutputLatency(&afLatency, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
return NO_INIT;
// handle default values first.
if (streamType == AudioSystem::DEFAULT) {
streamType = AudioSystem::MUSIC;
if (sampleRate == 0) {
sampleRate = afSampleRate;
// these below should probably come from the audioFlinger too...
if (format == 0) {
format = AudioSystem::PCM_16_BIT;
if (channels == 0) {
channels = AudioSystem::CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO;
// validate parameters
if (!AudioSystem::isValidFormat(format)) {
LOGE("Invalid format");
return BAD_VALUE;
// force direct flag if format is not linear PCM
if (!AudioSystem::isLinearPCM(format)) {
flags |= AudioSystem::OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT;
if (!AudioSystem::isOutputChannel(channels)) {
LOGE("Invalid channel mask");
return BAD_VALUE;
uint32_t channelCount = AudioSystem::popCount(channels);
audio_io_handle_t output = AudioSystem::getOutput((AudioSystem::stream_type)streamType,
sampleRate, format, channels, (AudioSystem::output_flags)flags);
if (output == 0) {
LOGE("Could not get audio output for stream type %d", streamType);
return BAD_VALUE;
mVolume[LEFT] = 1.0f;
mVolume[RIGHT] = 1.0f;
mSendLevel = 0;
mFrameCount = frameCount;
mNotificationFramesReq = notificationFrames;
mSessionId = sessionId;
mAuxEffectId = 0;
// create the IAudioTrack
status_t status = createTrack_l(streamType,
if (status != NO_ERROR) {
return status;
if (cbf != 0) {
mAudioTrackThread = new AudioTrackThread(*this, threadCanCallJava);
if (mAudioTrackThread == 0) {
LOGE("Could not create callback thread");
return NO_INIT;
mStatus = NO_ERROR;
mStreamType = streamType;
mFormat = format;
mChannels = channels;
mChannelCount = channelCount;
mSharedBuffer = sharedBuffer;
mMuted = false;
mActive = 0;
mCbf = cbf;
mUserData = user;
mLoopCount = 0;
mMarkerPosition = 0;
mMarkerReached = false;
mNewPosition = 0;
mUpdatePeriod = 0;
mFlags = flags;
return NO_ERROR;
status_t AudioTrack::initCheck() const
return mStatus;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t AudioTrack::latency() const
return mLatency;
int AudioTrack::streamType() const
return mStreamType;
int AudioTrack::format() const
return mFormat;
int AudioTrack::channelCount() const
return mChannelCount;
uint32_t AudioTrack::frameCount() const
return mCblk->frameCount;
int AudioTrack::frameSize() const
if (AudioSystem::isLinearPCM(mFormat)) {
return channelCount()*((format() == AudioSystem::PCM_8_BIT) ? sizeof(uint8_t) : sizeof(int16_t));
} else {
return sizeof(uint8_t);
sp<IMemory>& AudioTrack::sharedBuffer()
return mSharedBuffer;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AudioTrack::start()
sp<AudioTrackThread> t = mAudioTrackThread;
status_t status;
LOGV("start %p", this);
if (t != 0) {
if (t->exitPending()) {
if (t->requestExitAndWait() == WOULD_BLOCK) {
LOGE("AudioTrack::start called from thread");
AutoMutex lock(mLock);
// acquire a strong reference on the IMemory and IAudioTrack so that they cannot be destroyed
// while we are accessing the cblk
sp <IAudioTrack> audioTrack = mAudioTrack;
sp <IMemory> iMem = mCblkMemory;
audio_track_cblk_t* cblk = mCblk;
if (mActive == 0) {
mActive = 1;
mNewPosition = cblk->server + mUpdatePeriod;
cblk->bufferTimeoutMs = MAX_STARTUP_TIMEOUT_MS;
cblk->waitTimeMs = 0;
android_atomic_and(~CBLK_DISABLED_ON, &cblk->flags);
if (t != 0) {
t->run("AudioTrackThread", THREAD_PRIORITY_AUDIO_CLIENT);
} else {
LOGV("start %p before lock cblk %p", this, mCblk);
if (!(cblk->flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK)) {
status = mAudioTrack->start();
if (status == DEAD_OBJECT) {
android_atomic_or(CBLK_INVALID_ON, &cblk->flags);
if (cblk->flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK) {
status = restoreTrack_l(cblk, true);
if (status != NO_ERROR) {
LOGV("start() failed");
mActive = 0;
if (t != 0) {
} else {
if (t != 0) {
void AudioTrack::stop()
sp<AudioTrackThread> t = mAudioTrackThread;
LOGV("stop %p", this);
if (t != 0) {
AutoMutex lock(mLock);
if (mActive == 1) {
mActive = 0;
// Cancel loops (If we are in the middle of a loop, playback
// would not stop until loopCount reaches 0).
setLoop_l(0, 0, 0);
// the playback head position will reset to 0, so if a marker is set, we need
// to activate it again
mMarkerReached = false;
// Force flush if a shared buffer is used otherwise audioflinger
// will not stop before end of buffer is reached.
if (mSharedBuffer != 0) {
if (t != 0) {
} else {
if (t != 0) {
bool AudioTrack::stopped() const
return !mActive;
void AudioTrack::flush()
AutoMutex lock(mLock);
// must be called with mLock held
void AudioTrack::flush_l()
// clear playback marker and periodic update counter
mMarkerPosition = 0;
mMarkerReached = false;
mUpdatePeriod = 0;
if (!mActive) {
// Release AudioTrack callback thread in case it was waiting for new buffers
// in AudioTrack::obtainBuffer()
void AudioTrack::pause()
AutoMutex lock(mLock);
if (mActive == 1) {
mActive = 0;
void AudioTrack::mute(bool e)
mMuted = e;
bool AudioTrack::muted() const
return mMuted;
status_t AudioTrack::setVolume(float left, float right)
if (left > 1.0f || right > 1.0f) {
return BAD_VALUE;
AutoMutex lock(mLock);
mVolume[LEFT] = left;
mVolume[RIGHT] = right;
// write must be atomic
mCblk->volumeLR = (uint32_t(uint16_t(right * 0x1000)) << 16) | uint16_t(left * 0x1000);
return NO_ERROR;
void AudioTrack::getVolume(float* left, float* right)
if (left != NULL) {
*left = mVolume[LEFT];
if (right != NULL) {
*right = mVolume[RIGHT];
status_t AudioTrack::setAuxEffectSendLevel(float level)
LOGV("setAuxEffectSendLevel(%f)", level);
if (level > 1.0f) {
return BAD_VALUE;
AutoMutex lock(mLock);
mSendLevel = level;
mCblk->sendLevel = uint16_t(level * 0x1000);
return NO_ERROR;
void AudioTrack::getAuxEffectSendLevel(float* level)
if (level != NULL) {
*level = mSendLevel;
status_t AudioTrack::setSampleRate(int rate)
int afSamplingRate;
if (AudioSystem::getOutputSamplingRate(&afSamplingRate, mStreamType) != NO_ERROR) {
return NO_INIT;
// Resampler implementation limits input sampling rate to 2 x output sampling rate.
if (rate <= 0 || rate > afSamplingRate*2 ) return BAD_VALUE;
AutoMutex lock(mLock);
mCblk->sampleRate = rate;
return NO_ERROR;
uint32_t AudioTrack::getSampleRate()
AutoMutex lock(mLock);
return mCblk->sampleRate;
status_t AudioTrack::setLoop(uint32_t loopStart, uint32_t loopEnd, int loopCount)
AutoMutex lock(mLock);
return setLoop_l(loopStart, loopEnd, loopCount);
// must be called with mLock held
status_t AudioTrack::setLoop_l(uint32_t loopStart, uint32_t loopEnd, int loopCount)
audio_track_cblk_t* cblk = mCblk;
Mutex::Autolock _l(cblk->lock);
if (loopCount == 0) {
cblk->loopStart = UINT_MAX;
cblk->loopEnd = UINT_MAX;
cblk->loopCount = 0;
mLoopCount = 0;
return NO_ERROR;
if (loopStart >= loopEnd ||
loopEnd - loopStart > cblk->frameCount ||
cblk->server > loopStart) {
LOGE("setLoop invalid value: loopStart %d, loopEnd %d, loopCount %d, framecount %d, user %d", loopStart, loopEnd, loopCount, cblk->frameCount, cblk->user);
return BAD_VALUE;
if ((mSharedBuffer != 0) && (loopEnd > cblk->frameCount)) {
LOGE("setLoop invalid value: loop markers beyond data: loopStart %d, loopEnd %d, framecount %d",
loopStart, loopEnd, cblk->frameCount);
return BAD_VALUE;
cblk->loopStart = loopStart;
cblk->loopEnd = loopEnd;
cblk->loopCount = loopCount;
mLoopCount = loopCount;
return NO_ERROR;
status_t AudioTrack::getLoop(uint32_t *loopStart, uint32_t *loopEnd, int *loopCount)
AutoMutex lock(mLock);
if (loopStart != 0) {
*loopStart = mCblk->loopStart;
if (loopEnd != 0) {
*loopEnd = mCblk->loopEnd;
if (loopCount != 0) {
if (mCblk->loopCount < 0) {
*loopCount = -1;
} else {
*loopCount = mCblk->loopCount;
return NO_ERROR;
status_t AudioTrack::setMarkerPosition(uint32_t marker)
if (mCbf == 0) return INVALID_OPERATION;
mMarkerPosition = marker;
mMarkerReached = false;
return NO_ERROR;
status_t AudioTrack::getMarkerPosition(uint32_t *marker)
if (marker == 0) return BAD_VALUE;
*marker = mMarkerPosition;
return NO_ERROR;
status_t AudioTrack::setPositionUpdatePeriod(uint32_t updatePeriod)
if (mCbf == 0) return INVALID_OPERATION;
uint32_t curPosition;
mNewPosition = curPosition + updatePeriod;
mUpdatePeriod = updatePeriod;
return NO_ERROR;
status_t AudioTrack::getPositionUpdatePeriod(uint32_t *updatePeriod)
if (updatePeriod == 0) return BAD_VALUE;
*updatePeriod = mUpdatePeriod;
return NO_ERROR;
status_t AudioTrack::setPosition(uint32_t position)
AutoMutex lock(mLock);
Mutex::Autolock _l(mCblk->lock);
if (!stopped()) return INVALID_OPERATION;
if (position > mCblk->user) return BAD_VALUE;
mCblk->server = position;
android_atomic_or(CBLK_FORCEREADY_ON, &mCblk->flags);
return NO_ERROR;
status_t AudioTrack::getPosition(uint32_t *position)
if (position == 0) return BAD_VALUE;
AutoMutex lock(mLock);
*position = mCblk->server;
return NO_ERROR;
status_t AudioTrack::reload()
AutoMutex lock(mLock);
if (!stopped()) return INVALID_OPERATION;
return NO_ERROR;
audio_io_handle_t AudioTrack::getOutput()
AutoMutex lock(mLock);
return getOutput_l();
// must be called with mLock held
audio_io_handle_t AudioTrack::getOutput_l()
return AudioSystem::getOutput((AudioSystem::stream_type)mStreamType,
mCblk->sampleRate, mFormat, mChannels, (AudioSystem::output_flags)mFlags);
int AudioTrack::getSessionId()
return mSessionId;
status_t AudioTrack::attachAuxEffect(int effectId)
LOGV("attachAuxEffect(%d)", effectId);
status_t status = mAudioTrack->attachAuxEffect(effectId);
if (status == NO_ERROR) {
mAuxEffectId = effectId;
return status;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// must be called with mLock held
status_t AudioTrack::createTrack_l(
int streamType,
uint32_t sampleRate,
int format,
int channelCount,
int frameCount,
uint32_t flags,
const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
audio_io_handle_t output,
bool enforceFrameCount)
status_t status;
const sp<IAudioFlinger>& audioFlinger = AudioSystem::get_audio_flinger();
if (audioFlinger == 0) {
LOGE("Could not get audioflinger");
return NO_INIT;
int afSampleRate;
if (AudioSystem::getOutputSamplingRate(&afSampleRate, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
return NO_INIT;
int afFrameCount;
if (AudioSystem::getOutputFrameCount(&afFrameCount, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
return NO_INIT;
uint32_t afLatency;
if (AudioSystem::getOutputLatency(&afLatency, streamType) != NO_ERROR) {
return NO_INIT;
mNotificationFramesAct = mNotificationFramesReq;
if (!AudioSystem::isLinearPCM(format)) {
if (sharedBuffer != 0) {
frameCount = sharedBuffer->size();
} else {
// Ensure that buffer depth covers at least audio hardware latency
uint32_t minBufCount = afLatency / ((1000 * afFrameCount)/afSampleRate);
if (minBufCount < 2) minBufCount = 2;
int minFrameCount = (afFrameCount*sampleRate*minBufCount)/afSampleRate;
if (sharedBuffer == 0) {
if (frameCount == 0) {
frameCount = minFrameCount;
if (mNotificationFramesAct == 0) {
mNotificationFramesAct = frameCount/2;
// Make sure that application is notified with sufficient margin
// before underrun
if (mNotificationFramesAct > (uint32_t)frameCount/2) {
mNotificationFramesAct = frameCount/2;
if (frameCount < minFrameCount) {
if (enforceFrameCount) {
LOGE("Invalid buffer size: minFrameCount %d, frameCount %d", minFrameCount, frameCount);
return BAD_VALUE;
} else {
frameCount = minFrameCount;
} else {
// Ensure that buffer alignment matches channelcount
if (((uint32_t)sharedBuffer->pointer() & (channelCount | 1)) != 0) {
LOGE("Invalid buffer alignement: address %p, channelCount %d", sharedBuffer->pointer(), channelCount);
return BAD_VALUE;
frameCount = sharedBuffer->size()/channelCount/sizeof(int16_t);
sp<IAudioTrack> track = audioFlinger->createTrack(getpid(),
((uint16_t)flags) << 16,
if (track == 0) {
LOGE("AudioFlinger could not create track, status: %d", status);
return status;
sp<IMemory> cblk = track->getCblk();
if (cblk == 0) {
LOGE("Could not get control block");
return NO_INIT;
mAudioTrack = track;
mCblkMemory = cblk;
mCblk = static_cast<audio_track_cblk_t*>(cblk->pointer());
android_atomic_or(CBLK_DIRECTION_OUT, &mCblk->flags);
if (sharedBuffer == 0) {
mCblk->buffers = (char*)mCblk + sizeof(audio_track_cblk_t);
} else {
mCblk->buffers = sharedBuffer->pointer();
// Force buffer full condition as data is already present in shared memory
mCblk->volumeLR = (uint32_t(uint16_t(mVolume[RIGHT] * 0x1000)) << 16) | uint16_t(mVolume[LEFT] * 0x1000);
mCblk->sendLevel = uint16_t(mSendLevel * 0x1000);
mCblk->bufferTimeoutMs = MAX_STARTUP_TIMEOUT_MS;
mCblk->waitTimeMs = 0;
mRemainingFrames = mNotificationFramesAct;
mLatency = afLatency + (1000*mCblk->frameCount) / sampleRate;
return NO_ERROR;
status_t AudioTrack::obtainBuffer(Buffer* audioBuffer, int32_t waitCount)
AutoMutex lock(mLock);
int active;
status_t result;
audio_track_cblk_t* cblk = mCblk;
uint32_t framesReq = audioBuffer->frameCount;
uint32_t waitTimeMs = (waitCount < 0) ? cblk->bufferTimeoutMs : WAIT_PERIOD_MS;
audioBuffer->frameCount = 0;
audioBuffer->size = 0;
uint32_t framesAvail = cblk->framesAvailable();
if (cblk->flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK) {
goto create_new_track;
if (framesAvail == 0) {
goto start_loop_here;
while (framesAvail == 0) {
active = mActive;
if (UNLIKELY(!active)) {
LOGV("Not active and NO_MORE_BUFFERS");
if (UNLIKELY(!waitCount)) {
if (!(cblk->flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK)) {
result = cblk->cv.waitRelative(cblk->lock, milliseconds(waitTimeMs));
if (mActive == 0) {
return status_t(STOPPED);
if (cblk->flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK) {
goto create_new_track;
if (__builtin_expect(result!=NO_ERROR, false)) {
cblk->waitTimeMs += waitTimeMs;
if (cblk->waitTimeMs >= cblk->bufferTimeoutMs) {
// timing out when a loop has been set and we have already written upto loop end
// is a normal condition: no need to wake AudioFlinger up.
if (cblk->user < cblk->loopEnd) {
LOGW( "obtainBuffer timed out (is the CPU pegged?) %p "
"user=%08x, server=%08x", this, cblk->user, cblk->server);
//unlock cblk mutex before calling mAudioTrack->start() (see issue #1617140)
result = mAudioTrack->start();
if (result == DEAD_OBJECT) {
android_atomic_or(CBLK_INVALID_ON, &cblk->flags);
result = restoreTrack_l(cblk, false);
if (result != NO_ERROR) {
LOGW("obtainBuffer create Track error %d", result);
return result;
cblk->waitTimeMs = 0;
if (--waitCount == 0) {
return TIMED_OUT;
// read the server count again
framesAvail = cblk->framesAvailable_l();
// restart track if it was disabled by audioflinger due to previous underrun
if (mActive && (cblk->flags & CBLK_DISABLED_MSK)) {
android_atomic_and(~CBLK_DISABLED_ON, &cblk->flags);
LOGW("obtainBuffer() track %p disabled, restarting", this);
cblk->waitTimeMs = 0;
if (framesReq > framesAvail) {
framesReq = framesAvail;
uint32_t u = cblk->user;
uint32_t bufferEnd = cblk->userBase + cblk->frameCount;
if (u + framesReq > bufferEnd) {
framesReq = bufferEnd - u;
audioBuffer->flags = mMuted ? Buffer::MUTE : 0;
audioBuffer->channelCount = mChannelCount;
audioBuffer->frameCount = framesReq;
audioBuffer->size = framesReq * cblk->frameSize;
if (AudioSystem::isLinearPCM(mFormat)) {
audioBuffer->format = AudioSystem::PCM_16_BIT;
} else {
audioBuffer->format = mFormat;
audioBuffer->raw = (int8_t *)cblk->buffer(u);
active = mActive;
return active ? status_t(NO_ERROR) : status_t(STOPPED);
void AudioTrack::releaseBuffer(Buffer* audioBuffer)
AutoMutex lock(mLock);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
ssize_t AudioTrack::write(const void* buffer, size_t userSize)
if (mSharedBuffer != 0) return INVALID_OPERATION;
if (ssize_t(userSize) < 0) {
// sanity-check. user is most-likely passing an error code.
LOGE("AudioTrack::write(buffer=%p, size=%u (%d)",
buffer, userSize, userSize);
return BAD_VALUE;
LOGV("write %p: %d bytes, mActive=%d", this, userSize, mActive);
// acquire a strong reference on the IMemory and IAudioTrack so that they cannot be destroyed
// while we are accessing the cblk
sp <IAudioTrack> audioTrack = mAudioTrack;
sp <IMemory> iMem = mCblkMemory;
ssize_t written = 0;
const int8_t *src = (const int8_t *)buffer;
Buffer audioBuffer;
size_t frameSz = (size_t)frameSize();
do {
audioBuffer.frameCount = userSize/frameSz;
// Calling obtainBuffer() with a negative wait count causes
// an (almost) infinite wait time.
status_t err = obtainBuffer(&audioBuffer, -1);
if (err < 0) {
// out of buffers, return #bytes written
if (err == status_t(NO_MORE_BUFFERS))
return ssize_t(err);
size_t toWrite;
if (mFormat == AudioSystem::PCM_8_BIT && !(mFlags & AudioSystem::OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT)) {
// Divide capacity by 2 to take expansion into account
toWrite = audioBuffer.size>>1;
// 8 to 16 bit conversion
int count = toWrite;
int16_t *dst = (int16_t *)(audioBuffer.i8);
while(count--) {
*dst++ = (int16_t)(*src++^0x80) << 8;
} else {
toWrite = audioBuffer.size;
memcpy(audioBuffer.i8, src, toWrite);
src += toWrite;
userSize -= toWrite;
written += toWrite;
} while (userSize >= frameSz);
return written;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool AudioTrack::processAudioBuffer(const sp<AudioTrackThread>& thread)
Buffer audioBuffer;
uint32_t frames;
size_t writtenSize;
// acquire a strong reference on the IMemory and IAudioTrack so that they cannot be destroyed
// while we are accessing the cblk
sp <IAudioTrack> audioTrack = mAudioTrack;
sp <IMemory> iMem = mCblkMemory;
audio_track_cblk_t* cblk = mCblk;
// Manage underrun callback
if (mActive && (cblk->framesAvailable() == cblk->frameCount)) {
LOGV("Underrun user: %x, server: %x, flags %04x", cblk->user, cblk->server, cblk->flags);
if (!(android_atomic_or(CBLK_UNDERRUN_ON, &cblk->flags) & CBLK_UNDERRUN_MSK)) {
mCbf(EVENT_UNDERRUN, mUserData, 0);
if (cblk->server == cblk->frameCount) {
mCbf(EVENT_BUFFER_END, mUserData, 0);
if (mSharedBuffer != 0) return false;
// Manage loop end callback
while (mLoopCount > cblk->loopCount) {
int loopCount = -1;
if (mLoopCount >= 0) loopCount = mLoopCount;
mCbf(EVENT_LOOP_END, mUserData, (void *)&loopCount);
// Manage marker callback
if (!mMarkerReached && (mMarkerPosition > 0)) {
if (cblk->server >= mMarkerPosition) {
mCbf(EVENT_MARKER, mUserData, (void *)&mMarkerPosition);
mMarkerReached = true;
// Manage new position callback
if (mUpdatePeriod > 0) {
while (cblk->server >= mNewPosition) {
mCbf(EVENT_NEW_POS, mUserData, (void *)&mNewPosition);
mNewPosition += mUpdatePeriod;
// If Shared buffer is used, no data is requested from client.
if (mSharedBuffer != 0) {
frames = 0;
} else {
frames = mRemainingFrames;
do {
audioBuffer.frameCount = frames;
// Calling obtainBuffer() with a wait count of 1
// limits wait time to WAIT_PERIOD_MS. This prevents from being
// stuck here not being able to handle timed events (position, markers, loops).
status_t err = obtainBuffer(&audioBuffer, 1);
if (err < NO_ERROR) {
if (err != TIMED_OUT) {
LOGE_IF(err != status_t(NO_MORE_BUFFERS), "Error obtaining an audio buffer, giving up.");
return false;
if (err == status_t(STOPPED)) return false;
// Divide buffer size by 2 to take into account the expansion
// due to 8 to 16 bit conversion: the callback must fill only half
// of the destination buffer
if (mFormat == AudioSystem::PCM_8_BIT && !(mFlags & AudioSystem::OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT)) {
audioBuffer.size >>= 1;
size_t reqSize = audioBuffer.size;
mCbf(EVENT_MORE_DATA, mUserData, &audioBuffer);
writtenSize = audioBuffer.size;
// Sanity check on returned size
if (ssize_t(writtenSize) <= 0) {
// The callback is done filling buffers
// Keep this thread going to handle timed events and
// still try to get more data in intervals of WAIT_PERIOD_MS
// but don't just loop and block the CPU, so wait
if (writtenSize > reqSize) writtenSize = reqSize;
if (mFormat == AudioSystem::PCM_8_BIT && !(mFlags & AudioSystem::OUTPUT_FLAG_DIRECT)) {
// 8 to 16 bit conversion
const int8_t *src = audioBuffer.i8 + writtenSize-1;
int count = writtenSize;
int16_t *dst = audioBuffer.i16 + writtenSize-1;
while(count--) {
*dst-- = (int16_t)(*src--^0x80) << 8;
writtenSize <<= 1;
audioBuffer.size = writtenSize;
// NOTE: mCblk->frameSize is not equal to AudioTrack::frameSize() for
// 8 bit PCM data: in this case, mCblk->frameSize is based on a sampel size of
// 16 bit.
audioBuffer.frameCount = writtenSize/mCblk->frameSize;
frames -= audioBuffer.frameCount;
while (frames);
if (frames == 0) {
mRemainingFrames = mNotificationFramesAct;
} else {
mRemainingFrames = frames;
return true;
// must be called with mLock and cblk.lock held. Callers must also hold strong references on
// the IAudioTrack and IMemory in case they are recreated here.
// If the IAudioTrack is successfully restored, the cblk pointer is updated
status_t AudioTrack::restoreTrack_l(audio_track_cblk_t*& cblk, bool fromStart)
status_t result;
if (!(android_atomic_or(CBLK_RESTORING_ON, &cblk->flags) & CBLK_RESTORING_MSK)) {
LOGW("dead IAudioTrack, creating a new one from %s",
fromStart ? "start()" : "obtainBuffer()");
// signal old cblk condition so that other threads waiting for available buffers stop
// waiting now
// if the new IAudioTrack is created, createTrack_l() will modify the
// following member variables: mAudioTrack, mCblkMemory and mCblk.
// It will also delete the strong references on previous IAudioTrack and IMemory
result = createTrack_l(mStreamType,
if (result == NO_ERROR) {
// restore write index and set other indexes to reflect empty buffer status
mCblk->user = cblk->user;
mCblk->server = cblk->user;
mCblk->userBase = cblk->user;
mCblk->serverBase = cblk->user;
// restore loop: this is not guaranteed to succeed if new frame count is not
// compatible with loop length
setLoop_l(cblk->loopStart, cblk->loopEnd, cblk->loopCount);
if (!fromStart) {
mCblk->bufferTimeoutMs = MAX_RUN_TIMEOUT_MS;
if (mActive) {
result = mAudioTrack->start();
if (fromStart && result == NO_ERROR) {
mNewPosition = mCblk->server + mUpdatePeriod;
if (result != NO_ERROR) {
mActive = false;
// signal old cblk condition for other threads waiting for restore completion
android_atomic_or(CBLK_RESTORED_ON, &cblk->flags);
} else {
if (!(cblk->flags & CBLK_RESTORED_MSK)) {
LOGW("dead IAudioTrack, waiting for a new one");
result = cblk->cv.waitRelative(cblk->lock, milliseconds(RESTORE_TIMEOUT_MS));
} else {
LOGW("dead IAudioTrack, already restored");
result = NO_ERROR;
if (result != NO_ERROR || mActive == 0) {
result = status_t(STOPPED);
LOGV("restoreTrack_l() status %d mActive %d cblk %p, old cblk %p flags %08x old flags %08x",
result, mActive, mCblk, cblk, mCblk->flags, cblk->flags);
if (result == NO_ERROR) {
// from now on we switch to the newly created cblk
cblk = mCblk;
LOGW_IF(result != NO_ERROR, "restoreTrack_l() error %d", result);
return result;
status_t AudioTrack::dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args) const
const size_t SIZE = 256;
char buffer[SIZE];
String8 result;
result.append(" AudioTrack::dump\n");
snprintf(buffer, 255, " stream type(%d), left - right volume(%f, %f)\n", mStreamType, mVolume[0], mVolume[1]);
snprintf(buffer, 255, " format(%d), channel count(%d), frame count(%d)\n", mFormat, mChannelCount, mCblk->frameCount);
snprintf(buffer, 255, " sample rate(%d), status(%d), muted(%d)\n", (mCblk == 0) ? 0 : mCblk->sampleRate, mStatus, mMuted);
snprintf(buffer, 255, " active(%d), latency (%d)\n", mActive, mLatency);
::write(fd, result.string(), result.size());
return NO_ERROR;
// =========================================================================
AudioTrack::AudioTrackThread::AudioTrackThread(AudioTrack& receiver, bool bCanCallJava)
: Thread(bCanCallJava), mReceiver(receiver)
bool AudioTrack::AudioTrackThread::threadLoop()
return mReceiver.processAudioBuffer(this);
status_t AudioTrack::AudioTrackThread::readyToRun()
return NO_ERROR;
void AudioTrack::AudioTrackThread::onFirstRef()
// =========================================================================
: lock(Mutex::SHARED), cv(Condition::SHARED), user(0), server(0),
userBase(0), serverBase(0), buffers(0), frameCount(0),
loopStart(UINT_MAX), loopEnd(UINT_MAX), loopCount(0), volumeLR(0),
sendLevel(0), flags(0)
uint32_t audio_track_cblk_t::stepUser(uint32_t frameCount)
uint32_t u = this->user;
u += frameCount;
// Ensure that user is never ahead of server for AudioRecord
if (flags & CBLK_DIRECTION_MSK) {
// If stepServer() has been called once, switch to normal obtainBuffer() timeout period
if (bufferTimeoutMs == MAX_STARTUP_TIMEOUT_MS-1) {
bufferTimeoutMs = MAX_RUN_TIMEOUT_MS;
} else if (u > this->server) {
LOGW("stepServer occured after track reset");
u = this->server;
if (u >= userBase + this->frameCount) {
userBase += this->frameCount;
this->user = u;
// Clear flow control error condition as new data has been written/read to/from buffer.
if (flags & CBLK_UNDERRUN_MSK) {
android_atomic_and(~CBLK_UNDERRUN_MSK, &flags);
return u;
bool audio_track_cblk_t::stepServer(uint32_t frameCount)
if (!tryLock()) {
LOGW("stepServer() could not lock cblk");
return false;
uint32_t s = this->server;
s += frameCount;
if (flags & CBLK_DIRECTION_MSK) {
// Mark that we have read the first buffer so that next time stepUser() is called
// we switch to normal obtainBuffer() timeout period
if (bufferTimeoutMs == MAX_STARTUP_TIMEOUT_MS) {
bufferTimeoutMs = MAX_STARTUP_TIMEOUT_MS - 1;
// It is possible that we receive a flush()
// while the mixer is processing a block: in this case,
// stepServer() is called After the flush() has reset u & s and
// we have s > u
if (s > this->user) {
LOGW("stepServer occured after track reset");
s = this->user;
if (s >= loopEnd) {
LOGW_IF(s > loopEnd, "stepServer: s %u > loopEnd %u", s, loopEnd);
s = loopStart;
if (--loopCount == 0) {
loopEnd = UINT_MAX;
loopStart = UINT_MAX;
if (s >= serverBase + this->frameCount) {
serverBase += this->frameCount;
this->server = s;
if (!(flags & CBLK_INVALID_MSK)) {
return true;
void* audio_track_cblk_t::buffer(uint32_t offset) const
return (int8_t *)this->buffers + (offset - userBase) * this->frameSize;
uint32_t audio_track_cblk_t::framesAvailable()
Mutex::Autolock _l(lock);
return framesAvailable_l();
uint32_t audio_track_cblk_t::framesAvailable_l()
uint32_t u = this->user;
uint32_t s = this->server;
if (flags & CBLK_DIRECTION_MSK) {
uint32_t limit = (s < loopStart) ? s : loopStart;
return limit + frameCount - u;
} else {
return frameCount + u - s;
uint32_t audio_track_cblk_t::framesReady()
uint32_t u = this->user;
uint32_t s = this->server;
if (flags & CBLK_DIRECTION_MSK) {
if (u < loopEnd) {
return u - s;
} else {
// do not block on mutex shared with client on AudioFlinger side
if (!tryLock()) {
LOGW("framesReady() could not lock cblk");
return 0;
uint32_t frames = UINT_MAX;
if (loopCount >= 0) {
frames = (loopEnd - loopStart)*loopCount + u - s;
return frames;
} else {
return s - u;
bool audio_track_cblk_t::tryLock()
// the code below simulates lock-with-timeout
// we MUST do this to protect the AudioFlinger server
// as this lock is shared with the client.
status_t err;
err = lock.tryLock();
if (err == -EBUSY) { // just wait a bit
err = lock.tryLock();
if (err != NO_ERROR) {
// probably, the client just died.
return false;
return true;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
}; // namespace android