When the A2DP headset is connected, there is a possible race condition when the audio tracks are moved from the mixer thread attached to the speaker output to the thread attached to A2DP output. As the request to clear the stream type to output mapping cache in the client process is asynchronous, it is possible that the flag indicating to the client audio track to re-create the IAudioTrack on the new thread is processed before the cache is invalidated. In this case, the track will be attached to the old thread and music will continue playing over the device speaker instead of being redirected to A2DP headset. Change-Id: Ib2ce1eb5320eaff83287b93779061bf4e7a330df
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* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <utils/threads.h>
#include <media/IAudioFlinger.h>
#include <system/audio.h>
#include <system/audio_policy.h>
/* XXX: Should be include by all the users instead */
#include <media/AudioParameter.h>
namespace android {
typedef void (*audio_error_callback)(status_t err);
class IAudioPolicyService;
class String8;
class AudioSystem
/* These are static methods to control the system-wide AudioFlinger
* only privileged processes can have access to them
// mute/unmute microphone
static status_t muteMicrophone(bool state);
static status_t isMicrophoneMuted(bool *state);
// set/get master volume
static status_t setMasterVolume(float value);
static status_t getMasterVolume(float* volume);
// mute/unmute audio outputs
static status_t setMasterMute(bool mute);
static status_t getMasterMute(bool* mute);
// set/get stream volume on specified output
static status_t setStreamVolume(int stream, float value, int output);
static status_t getStreamVolume(int stream, float* volume, int output);
// mute/unmute stream
static status_t setStreamMute(int stream, bool mute);
static status_t getStreamMute(int stream, bool* mute);
// set audio mode in audio hardware (see audio_mode_t)
static status_t setMode(int mode);
// returns true in *state if tracks are active on the specified stream or has been active
// in the past inPastMs milliseconds
static status_t isStreamActive(int stream, bool *state, uint32_t inPastMs = 0);
// set/get audio hardware parameters. The function accepts a list of parameters
// key value pairs in the form: key1=value1;key2=value2;...
// Some keys are reserved for standard parameters (See AudioParameter class).
static status_t setParameters(audio_io_handle_t ioHandle, const String8& keyValuePairs);
static String8 getParameters(audio_io_handle_t ioHandle, const String8& keys);
static void setErrorCallback(audio_error_callback cb);
// helper function to obtain AudioFlinger service handle
static const sp<IAudioFlinger>& get_audio_flinger();
static float linearToLog(int volume);
static int logToLinear(float volume);
static status_t getOutputSamplingRate(int* samplingRate, int stream = AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT);
static status_t getOutputFrameCount(int* frameCount, int stream = AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT);
static status_t getOutputLatency(uint32_t* latency, int stream = AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT);
static bool routedToA2dpOutput(int streamType);
static status_t getInputBufferSize(uint32_t sampleRate, int format, int channelCount,
size_t* buffSize);
static status_t setVoiceVolume(float volume);
// return the number of audio frames written by AudioFlinger to audio HAL and
// audio dsp to DAC since the output on which the specified stream is playing
// has exited standby.
// returned status (from utils/Errors.h) can be:
// - NO_ERROR: successful operation, halFrames and dspFrames point to valid data
// - INVALID_OPERATION: Not supported on current hardware platform
// - BAD_VALUE: invalid parameter
// NOTE: this feature is not supported on all hardware platforms and it is
// necessary to check returned status before using the returned values.
static status_t getRenderPosition(uint32_t *halFrames, uint32_t *dspFrames, int stream = AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT);
static unsigned int getInputFramesLost(audio_io_handle_t ioHandle);
static int newAudioSessionId();
static void acquireAudioSessionId(int audioSession);
static void releaseAudioSessionId(int audioSession);
// types of io configuration change events received with ioConfigChanged()
enum io_config_event {
// audio output descritor used to cache output configurations in client process to avoid frequent calls
// through IAudioFlinger
class OutputDescriptor {
: samplingRate(0), format(0), channels(0), frameCount(0), latency(0) {}
uint32_t samplingRate;
int32_t format;
int32_t channels;
size_t frameCount;
uint32_t latency;
// IAudioPolicyService interface (see AudioPolicyInterface for method descriptions)
static status_t setDeviceConnectionState(audio_devices_t device, audio_policy_dev_state_t state, const char *device_address);
static audio_policy_dev_state_t getDeviceConnectionState(audio_devices_t device, const char *device_address);
static status_t setPhoneState(int state);
static status_t setRingerMode(uint32_t mode, uint32_t mask);
static status_t setForceUse(audio_policy_force_use_t usage, audio_policy_forced_cfg_t config);
static audio_policy_forced_cfg_t getForceUse(audio_policy_force_use_t usage);
static audio_io_handle_t getOutput(audio_stream_type_t stream,
uint32_t samplingRate = 0,
uint32_t format = AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT,
uint32_t channels = AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO,
audio_policy_output_flags_t flags = AUDIO_POLICY_OUTPUT_FLAG_INDIRECT);
static status_t startOutput(audio_io_handle_t output,
audio_stream_type_t stream,
int session = 0);
static status_t stopOutput(audio_io_handle_t output,
audio_stream_type_t stream,
int session = 0);
static void releaseOutput(audio_io_handle_t output);
static audio_io_handle_t getInput(int inputSource,
uint32_t samplingRate = 0,
uint32_t format = AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT,
uint32_t channels = AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_MONO,
audio_in_acoustics_t acoustics = (audio_in_acoustics_t)0,
int sessionId = 0);
static status_t startInput(audio_io_handle_t input);
static status_t stopInput(audio_io_handle_t input);
static void releaseInput(audio_io_handle_t input);
static status_t initStreamVolume(audio_stream_type_t stream,
int indexMin,
int indexMax);
static status_t setStreamVolumeIndex(audio_stream_type_t stream, int index);
static status_t getStreamVolumeIndex(audio_stream_type_t stream, int *index);
static uint32_t getStrategyForStream(audio_stream_type_t stream);
static uint32_t getDevicesForStream(audio_stream_type_t stream);
static audio_io_handle_t getOutputForEffect(effect_descriptor_t *desc);
static status_t registerEffect(effect_descriptor_t *desc,
audio_io_handle_t io,
uint32_t strategy,
int session,
int id);
static status_t unregisterEffect(int id);
static status_t setEffectEnabled(int id, bool enabled);
// clear stream to output mapping cache (gStreamOutputMap)
// and output configuration cache (gOutputs)
static void clearAudioConfigCache();
static const sp<IAudioPolicyService>& get_audio_policy_service();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class AudioFlingerClient: public IBinder::DeathRecipient, public BnAudioFlingerClient
AudioFlingerClient() {
// DeathRecipient
virtual void binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who);
// IAudioFlingerClient
// indicate a change in the configuration of an output or input: keeps the cached
// values for output/input parameters upto date in client process
virtual void ioConfigChanged(int event, int ioHandle, void *param2);
class AudioPolicyServiceClient: public IBinder::DeathRecipient
AudioPolicyServiceClient() {
// DeathRecipient
virtual void binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who);
static sp<AudioFlingerClient> gAudioFlingerClient;
static sp<AudioPolicyServiceClient> gAudioPolicyServiceClient;
friend class AudioFlingerClient;
friend class AudioPolicyServiceClient;
static Mutex gLock;
static sp<IAudioFlinger> gAudioFlinger;
static audio_error_callback gAudioErrorCallback;
static size_t gInBuffSize;
// previous parameters for recording buffer size queries
static uint32_t gPrevInSamplingRate;
static int gPrevInFormat;
static int gPrevInChannelCount;
static sp<IAudioPolicyService> gAudioPolicyService;
// mapping between stream types and outputs
static DefaultKeyedVector<int, audio_io_handle_t> gStreamOutputMap;
// list of output descriptors containing cached parameters
// (sampling rate, framecount, channel count...)
static DefaultKeyedVector<audio_io_handle_t, OutputDescriptor *> gOutputs;
}; // namespace android