This allows us to keep the assigned permissions when apps are temporarily removed due to the SD card being unmounted, and also if you use the facility to uninstall an app but keep its data. Also fixes issue #2515189: Potential permission spoofing attack in Android (external bug 7166) Change-Id: I2a120ec938552028c989f9e0e890c32773957738
583 lines
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583 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.Slog;
import android.util.LogPrinter;
import android.util.Printer;
import android.util.Config;
import android.content.ContentResolver;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
* {@hide}
public class IntentResolver<F extends IntentFilter, R extends Object> {
final private static String TAG = "IntentResolver";
final private static boolean DEBUG = false;
final private static boolean localLOGV = DEBUG || Config.LOGV;
public void addFilter(F f) {
if (localLOGV) {
Slog.v(TAG, "Adding filter: " + f);
f.dump(new LogPrinter(Log.VERBOSE, TAG, Log.LOG_ID_SYSTEM), " ");
Slog.v(TAG, " Building Lookup Maps:");
int numS = register_intent_filter(f, f.schemesIterator(),
mSchemeToFilter, " Scheme: ");
int numT = register_mime_types(f, " Type: ");
if (numS == 0 && numT == 0) {
register_intent_filter(f, f.actionsIterator(),
mActionToFilter, " Action: ");
if (numT != 0) {
register_intent_filter(f, f.actionsIterator(),
mTypedActionToFilter, " TypedAction: ");
public void removeFilter(F f) {
void removeFilterInternal(F f) {
if (localLOGV) {
Slog.v(TAG, "Removing filter: " + f);
f.dump(new LogPrinter(Log.VERBOSE, TAG, Log.LOG_ID_SYSTEM), " ");
Slog.v(TAG, " Cleaning Lookup Maps:");
int numS = unregister_intent_filter(f, f.schemesIterator(),
mSchemeToFilter, " Scheme: ");
int numT = unregister_mime_types(f, " Type: ");
if (numS == 0 && numT == 0) {
unregister_intent_filter(f, f.actionsIterator(),
mActionToFilter, " Action: ");
if (numT != 0) {
unregister_intent_filter(f, f.actionsIterator(),
mTypedActionToFilter, " TypedAction: ");
boolean dumpMap(PrintWriter out, String titlePrefix, String title,
String prefix, Map<String, ArrayList<F>> map, String packageName) {
String eprefix = prefix + " ";
String fprefix = prefix + " ";
boolean printedSomething = false;
for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<F>> e : map.entrySet()) {
ArrayList<F> a = e.getValue();
final int N = a.size();
boolean printedHeader = false;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
F filter = a.get(i);
if (packageName != null && !packageName.equals(packageForFilter(filter))) {
if (title != null) {
out.print(titlePrefix); out.println(title);
title = null;
if (!printedHeader) {
out.print(eprefix); out.print(e.getKey()); out.println(":");
printedHeader = true;
printedSomething = true;
dumpFilter(out, fprefix, filter);
return printedSomething;
public boolean dump(PrintWriter out, String title, String prefix, String packageName) {
String innerPrefix = prefix + " ";
String sepPrefix = "\n" + prefix;
String curPrefix = title + "\n" + prefix;
if (dumpMap(out, curPrefix, "Full MIME Types:", innerPrefix,
mTypeToFilter, packageName)) {
curPrefix = sepPrefix;
if (dumpMap(out, curPrefix, "Base MIME Types:", innerPrefix,
mBaseTypeToFilter, packageName)) {
curPrefix = sepPrefix;
if (dumpMap(out, curPrefix, "Wild MIME Types:", innerPrefix,
mWildTypeToFilter, packageName)) {
curPrefix = sepPrefix;
if (dumpMap(out, curPrefix, "Schemes:", innerPrefix,
mSchemeToFilter, packageName)) {
curPrefix = sepPrefix;
if (dumpMap(out, curPrefix, "Non-Data Actions:", innerPrefix,
mActionToFilter, packageName)) {
curPrefix = sepPrefix;
if (dumpMap(out, curPrefix, "MIME Typed Actions:", innerPrefix,
mTypedActionToFilter, packageName)) {
curPrefix = sepPrefix;
return curPrefix == sepPrefix;
private class IteratorWrapper implements Iterator<F> {
private final Iterator<F> mI;
private F mCur;
IteratorWrapper(Iterator<F> it) {
mI = it;
public boolean hasNext() {
return mI.hasNext();
public F next() {
return (mCur =;
public void remove() {
if (mCur != null) {
* Returns an iterator allowing filters to be removed.
public Iterator<F> filterIterator() {
return new IteratorWrapper(mFilters.iterator());
* Returns a read-only set of the filters.
public Set<F> filterSet() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(mFilters);
public List<R> queryIntentFromList(Intent intent, String resolvedType,
boolean defaultOnly, ArrayList<ArrayList<F>> listCut) {
ArrayList<R> resultList = new ArrayList<R>();
final boolean debug = localLOGV ||
((intent.getFlags() & Intent.FLAG_DEBUG_LOG_RESOLUTION) != 0);
final String scheme = intent.getScheme();
int N = listCut.size();
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
buildResolveList(intent, debug, defaultOnly,
resolvedType, scheme, listCut.get(i), resultList);
return resultList;
public List<R> queryIntent(Intent intent, String resolvedType, boolean defaultOnly) {
String scheme = intent.getScheme();
ArrayList<R> finalList = new ArrayList<R>();
final boolean debug = localLOGV ||
((intent.getFlags() & Intent.FLAG_DEBUG_LOG_RESOLUTION) != 0);
if (debug) Slog.v(
TAG, "Resolving type " + resolvedType + " scheme " + scheme
+ " of intent " + intent);
ArrayList<F> firstTypeCut = null;
ArrayList<F> secondTypeCut = null;
ArrayList<F> thirdTypeCut = null;
ArrayList<F> schemeCut = null;
// If the intent includes a MIME type, then we want to collect all of
// the filters that match that MIME type.
if (resolvedType != null) {
int slashpos = resolvedType.indexOf('/');
if (slashpos > 0) {
final String baseType = resolvedType.substring(0, slashpos);
if (!baseType.equals("*")) {
if (resolvedType.length() != slashpos+2
|| resolvedType.charAt(slashpos+1) != '*') {
// Not a wild card, so we can just look for all filters that
// completely match or wildcards whose base type matches.
firstTypeCut = mTypeToFilter.get(resolvedType);
if (debug) Slog.v(TAG, "First type cut: " + firstTypeCut);
secondTypeCut = mWildTypeToFilter.get(baseType);
if (debug) Slog.v(TAG, "Second type cut: " + secondTypeCut);
} else {
// We can match anything with our base type.
firstTypeCut = mBaseTypeToFilter.get(baseType);
if (debug) Slog.v(TAG, "First type cut: " + firstTypeCut);
secondTypeCut = mWildTypeToFilter.get(baseType);
if (debug) Slog.v(TAG, "Second type cut: " + secondTypeCut);
// Any */* types always apply, but we only need to do this
// if the intent type was not already */*.
thirdTypeCut = mWildTypeToFilter.get("*");
if (debug) Slog.v(TAG, "Third type cut: " + thirdTypeCut);
} else if (intent.getAction() != null) {
// The intent specified any type ({@literal *}/*). This
// can be a whole heck of a lot of things, so as a first
// cut let's use the action instead.
firstTypeCut = mTypedActionToFilter.get(intent.getAction());
if (debug) Slog.v(TAG, "Typed Action list: " + firstTypeCut);
// If the intent includes a data URI, then we want to collect all of
// the filters that match its scheme (we will further refine matches
// on the authority and path by directly matching each resulting filter).
if (scheme != null) {
schemeCut = mSchemeToFilter.get(scheme);
if (debug) Slog.v(TAG, "Scheme list: " + schemeCut);
// If the intent does not specify any data -- either a MIME type or
// a URI -- then we will only be looking for matches against empty
// data.
if (resolvedType == null && scheme == null && intent.getAction() != null) {
firstTypeCut = mActionToFilter.get(intent.getAction());
if (debug) Slog.v(TAG, "Action list: " + firstTypeCut);
if (firstTypeCut != null) {
buildResolveList(intent, debug, defaultOnly,
resolvedType, scheme, firstTypeCut, finalList);
if (secondTypeCut != null) {
buildResolveList(intent, debug, defaultOnly,
resolvedType, scheme, secondTypeCut, finalList);
if (thirdTypeCut != null) {
buildResolveList(intent, debug, defaultOnly,
resolvedType, scheme, thirdTypeCut, finalList);
if (schemeCut != null) {
buildResolveList(intent, debug, defaultOnly,
resolvedType, scheme, schemeCut, finalList);
if (debug) {
Slog.v(TAG, "Final result list:");
for (R r : finalList) {
Slog.v(TAG, " " + r);
return finalList;
* Control whether the given filter is allowed to go into the result
* list. Mainly intended to prevent adding multiple filters for the
* same target object.
protected boolean allowFilterResult(F filter, List<R> dest) {
return true;
protected String packageForFilter(F filter) {
return null;
protected R newResult(F filter, int match) {
return (R)filter;
protected void sortResults(List<R> results) {
Collections.sort(results, mResolvePrioritySorter);
protected void dumpFilter(PrintWriter out, String prefix, F filter) {
out.print(prefix); out.println(filter);
private final int register_mime_types(F filter, String prefix) {
final Iterator<String> i = filter.typesIterator();
if (i == null) {
return 0;
int num = 0;
while (i.hasNext()) {
String name = (String);
if (localLOGV) Slog.v(TAG, prefix + name);
String baseName = name;
final int slashpos = name.indexOf('/');
if (slashpos > 0) {
baseName = name.substring(0, slashpos).intern();
} else {
name = name + "/*";
ArrayList<F> array = mTypeToFilter.get(name);
if (array == null) {
//Slog.v(TAG, "Creating new array for " + name);
array = new ArrayList<F>();
mTypeToFilter.put(name, array);
if (slashpos > 0) {
array = mBaseTypeToFilter.get(baseName);
if (array == null) {
//Slog.v(TAG, "Creating new array for " + name);
array = new ArrayList<F>();
mBaseTypeToFilter.put(baseName, array);
} else {
array = mWildTypeToFilter.get(baseName);
if (array == null) {
//Slog.v(TAG, "Creating new array for " + name);
array = new ArrayList<F>();
mWildTypeToFilter.put(baseName, array);
return num;
private final int unregister_mime_types(F filter, String prefix) {
final Iterator<String> i = filter.typesIterator();
if (i == null) {
return 0;
int num = 0;
while (i.hasNext()) {
String name = (String);
if (localLOGV) Slog.v(TAG, prefix + name);
String baseName = name;
final int slashpos = name.indexOf('/');
if (slashpos > 0) {
baseName = name.substring(0, slashpos).intern();
} else {
name = name + "/*";
if (!remove_all_objects(mTypeToFilter.get(name), filter)) {
if (slashpos > 0) {
if (!remove_all_objects(mBaseTypeToFilter.get(baseName), filter)) {
} else {
if (!remove_all_objects(mWildTypeToFilter.get(baseName), filter)) {
return num;
private final int register_intent_filter(F filter, Iterator<String> i,
HashMap<String, ArrayList<F>> dest, String prefix) {
if (i == null) {
return 0;
int num = 0;
while (i.hasNext()) {
String name =;
if (localLOGV) Slog.v(TAG, prefix + name);
ArrayList<F> array = dest.get(name);
if (array == null) {
//Slog.v(TAG, "Creating new array for " + name);
array = new ArrayList<F>();
dest.put(name, array);
return num;
private final int unregister_intent_filter(F filter, Iterator<String> i,
HashMap<String, ArrayList<F>> dest, String prefix) {
if (i == null) {
return 0;
int num = 0;
while (i.hasNext()) {
String name =;
if (localLOGV) Slog.v(TAG, prefix + name);
if (!remove_all_objects(dest.get(name), filter)) {
return num;
private final boolean remove_all_objects(List<F> list, Object object) {
if (list != null) {
int N = list.size();
for (int idx=0; idx<N; idx++) {
if (list.get(idx) == object) {
return N > 0;
return false;
private void buildResolveList(Intent intent, boolean debug, boolean defaultOnly,
String resolvedType, String scheme, List<F> src, List<R> dest) {
Set<String> categories = intent.getCategories();
final int N = src != null ? src.size() : 0;
boolean hasNonDefaults = false;
int i;
for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
F filter = src.get(i);
int match;
if (debug) Slog.v(TAG, "Matching against filter " + filter);
// Do we already have this one?
if (!allowFilterResult(filter, dest)) {
if (debug) {
Slog.v(TAG, " Filter's target already added");
match = filter.match(
intent.getAction(), resolvedType, scheme, intent.getData(), categories, TAG);
if (match >= 0) {
if (debug) Slog.v(TAG, " Filter matched! match=0x" +
if (!defaultOnly || filter.hasCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_DEFAULT)) {
final R oneResult = newResult(filter, match);
if (oneResult != null) {
} else {
hasNonDefaults = true;
} else {
if (debug) {
String reason;
switch (match) {
case IntentFilter.NO_MATCH_ACTION: reason = "action"; break;
case IntentFilter.NO_MATCH_CATEGORY: reason = "category"; break;
case IntentFilter.NO_MATCH_DATA: reason = "data"; break;
case IntentFilter.NO_MATCH_TYPE: reason = "type"; break;
default: reason = "unknown reason"; break;
Slog.v(TAG, " Filter did not match: " + reason);
if (dest.size() == 0 && hasNonDefaults) {
Slog.w(TAG, "resolveIntent failed: found match, but none with Intent.CATEGORY_DEFAULT");
// Sorts a List of IntentFilter objects into descending priority order.
private static final Comparator mResolvePrioritySorter = new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
float q1 = ((IntentFilter)o1).getPriority();
float q2 = ((IntentFilter)o2).getPriority();
return (q1 > q2) ? -1 : ((q1 < q2) ? 1 : 0);
* All filters that have been registered.
private final HashSet<F> mFilters = new HashSet<F>();
* All of the MIME types that have been registered, such as "image/jpeg",
* "image/*", or "{@literal *}/*".
private final HashMap<String, ArrayList<F>> mTypeToFilter
= new HashMap<String, ArrayList<F>>();
* The base names of all of all fully qualified MIME types that have been
* registered, such as "image" or "*". Wild card MIME types such as
* "image/*" will not be here.
private final HashMap<String, ArrayList<F>> mBaseTypeToFilter
= new HashMap<String, ArrayList<F>>();
* The base names of all of the MIME types with a sub-type wildcard that
* have been registered. For example, a filter with "image/*" will be
* included here as "image" but one with "image/jpeg" will not be
* included here. This also includes the "*" for the "{@literal *}/*"
* MIME type.
private final HashMap<String, ArrayList<F>> mWildTypeToFilter
= new HashMap<String, ArrayList<F>>();
* All of the URI schemes (such as http) that have been registered.
private final HashMap<String, ArrayList<F>> mSchemeToFilter
= new HashMap<String, ArrayList<F>>();
* All of the actions that have been registered, but only those that did
* not specify data.
private final HashMap<String, ArrayList<F>> mActionToFilter
= new HashMap<String, ArrayList<F>>();
* All of the actions that have been registered and specified a MIME type.
private final HashMap<String, ArrayList<F>> mTypedActionToFilter
= new HashMap<String, ArrayList<F>>();