Jason Sams 536923df75 Split ScriptC Lib into CL, GL, and basic.
Change-Id: Iadab35f2a967a1afd7a2fd13216d0a7acf4b6a50
2010-05-18 13:35:45 -07:00

315 lines
9.2 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "rsContext.h"
#include "rsScriptC.h"
// Implements rs_cl.rsh
using namespace android;
using namespace android::renderscript;
static float SC_acospi(float v) {
return acosf(v)/ M_PI;
static float SC_asinpi(float v) {
return asinf(v) / M_PI;
static float SC_atanpi(float v) {
return atanf(v) / M_PI;
static float SC_atan2pi(float y, float x) {
return atan2f(y, x) / M_PI;
static float SC_cospi(float v) {
return cosf(v * M_PI);
static float SC_exp10(float v) {
return pow(10.f, v);
static float SC_fract(float v, int *iptr) {
int i = (int)floor(v);
iptr[0] = i;
return fmin(v - i, 0x1.fffffep-1f);
static float SC_log2(float v) {
return log10(v) / log10(2.f);
static float SC_pown(float v, int p) {
return powf(v, (float)p);
static float SC_powr(float v, float p) {
return powf(v, p);
float SC_rootn(float v, int r) {
return pow(v, 1.f / r);
float SC_rsqrt(float v) {
return 1.f / sqrtf(v);
float SC_sincos(float v, float *cosptr) {
*cosptr = cosf(v);
return sinf(v);
static float SC_sinpi(float v) {
return sinf(v * M_PI);
static float SC_tanpi(float v) {
return tanf(v * M_PI);
//{ "logb", (void *)& },
//{ "mad", (void *)& },
//{ "nan", (void *)& },
//{ "tgamma", (void *)& },
// Integer
static uint32_t SC_abs_i32(int32_t v) {return abs(v);}
static uint16_t SC_abs_i16(int16_t v) {return (uint16_t)abs(v);}
static uint8_t SC_abs_i8(int8_t v) {return (uint8_t)abs(v);}
static uint32_t SC_clz_u32(uint32_t v) {return __builtin_clz(v);}
static uint16_t SC_clz_u16(uint16_t v) {return (uint16_t)__builtin_clz(v);}
static uint8_t SC_clz_u8(uint8_t v) {return (uint8_t)__builtin_clz(v);}
static int32_t SC_clz_i32(int32_t v) {return (int32_t)__builtin_clz((uint32_t)v);}
static int16_t SC_clz_i16(int16_t v) {return (int16_t)__builtin_clz(v);}
static int8_t SC_clz_i8(int8_t v) {return (int8_t)__builtin_clz(v);}
static uint32_t SC_max_u32(uint32_t v, uint32_t v2) {return rsMax(v, v2);}
static uint16_t SC_max_u16(uint16_t v, uint16_t v2) {return rsMax(v, v2);}
static uint8_t SC_max_u8(uint8_t v, uint8_t v2) {return rsMax(v, v2);}
static int32_t SC_max_i32(int32_t v, int32_t v2) {return rsMax(v, v2);}
static int16_t SC_max_i16(int16_t v, int16_t v2) {return rsMax(v, v2);}
static int8_t SC_max_i8(int8_t v, int8_t v2) {return rsMax(v, v2);}
static uint32_t SC_min_u32(uint32_t v, uint32_t v2) {return rsMin(v, v2);}
static uint16_t SC_min_u16(uint16_t v, uint16_t v2) {return rsMin(v, v2);}
static uint8_t SC_min_u8(uint8_t v, uint8_t v2) {return rsMin(v, v2);}
static int32_t SC_min_i32(int32_t v, int32_t v2) {return rsMin(v, v2);}
static int16_t SC_min_i16(int16_t v, int16_t v2) {return rsMin(v, v2);}
static int8_t SC_min_i8(int8_t v, int8_t v2) {return rsMin(v, v2);}
// Float util
static float SC_clamp_f32(float amount, float low, float high)
return amount < low ? low : (amount > high ? high : amount);
static float SC_degrees(float radians)
return radians * (180.f / M_PI);
static float SC_max_f32(float v, float v2)
return rsMax(v, v2);
static float SC_min_f32(float v, float v2)
return rsMin(v, v2);
static float SC_mix_f32(float start, float stop, float amount)
//LOGE("lerpf %f %f %f", start, stop, amount);
return start + (stop - start) * amount;
static float SC_radians(float degrees)
return degrees * (M_PI / 180.f);
static float SC_step_f32(float edge, float v)
if (v < edge) return 0.f;
return 1.f;
static float SC_sign_f32(float value)
if (value > 0) return 1.f;
if (value < 0) return -1.f;
return value;
// Class implementation
// llvm name mangling ref
// <builtin-type> ::= v # void
// ::= b # bool
// ::= c # char
// ::= a # signed char
// ::= h # unsigned char
// ::= s # short
// ::= t # unsigned short
// ::= i # int
// ::= j # unsigned int
// ::= l # long
// ::= m # unsigned long
// ::= x # long long, __int64
// ::= y # unsigned long long, __int64
// ::= f # float
// ::= d # double
static ScriptCState::SymbolTable_t gSyms[] = {
// OpenCL math
{ "_Z4acosf", (void *)&acosf },
{ "_Z5acoshf", (void *)&acoshf },
{ "_Z6acospif", (void *)&SC_acospi },
{ "_Z4asinf", (void *)&asinf },
{ "_Z5asinhf", (void *)&asinhf },
{ "_Z6asinpif", (void *)&SC_asinpi },
{ "_Z4atanf", (void *)&atanf },
{ "_Z5atan2f", (void *)&atan2f },
{ "_Z6atanpif", (void *)&SC_atanpi },
{ "_Z7atan2pif", (void *)&SC_atan2pi },
{ "_Z4cbrtf", (void *)&cbrtf },
{ "_Z4ceilf", (void *)&ceilf },
{ "_Z8copysignff", (void *)&copysignf },
{ "_Z3cosf", (void *)&cosf },
{ "_Z4coshf", (void *)&coshf },
{ "_Z5cospif", (void *)&SC_cospi },
{ "_Z4erfcf", (void *)&erfcf },
{ "_Z3erff", (void *)&erff },
{ "_Z3expf", (void *)&expf },
{ "_Z4exp2f", (void *)&exp2f },
{ "_Z5exp10f", (void *)&SC_exp10 },
{ "_Z5expm1f", (void *)&expm1f },
{ "_Z4fabsf", (void *)&fabsf },
{ "_Z4fdimff", (void *)&fdimf },
{ "_Z5floorf", (void *)&floorf },
{ "_Z3fmafff", (void *)&fmaf },
{ "_Z4fmaxff", (void *)&fmaxf },
{ "_Z4fminff", (void *)&fminf }, // float fmin(float, float)
{ "_Z4fmodff", (void *)&fmodf },
{ "_Z5fractfPf", (void *)&SC_fract },
{ "_Z5frexpfPi", (void *)&frexpf },
{ "_Z5hypotff", (void *)&hypotf },
{ "_Z5ilogbf", (void *)&ilogbf },
{ "_Z5ldexpfi", (void *)&ldexpf },
{ "_Z6lgammaf", (void *)&lgammaf },
{ "_Z3logf", (void *)&logf },
{ "_Z4log2f", (void *)&SC_log2 },
{ "_Z5log10f", (void *)&log10f },
{ "_Z5log1pf", (void *)&log1pf },
//{ "logb", (void *)& },
//{ "mad", (void *)& },
{ "modf", (void *)&modff },
//{ "nan", (void *)& },
{ "_Z9nextafterff", (void *)&nextafterf },
{ "_Z3powff", (void *)&powf },
{ "_Z4pownfi", (void *)&SC_pown },
{ "_Z4powrff", (void *)&SC_powr },
{ "_Z9remainderff", (void *)&remainderf },
{ "remquo", (void *)&remquof },
{ "_Z4rintf", (void *)&rintf },
{ "_Z5rootnfi", (void *)&SC_rootn },
{ "_Z5roundf", (void *)&roundf },
{ "_Z5rsqrtf", (void *)&SC_rsqrt },
{ "_Z3sinf", (void *)&sinf },
{ "sincos", (void *)&SC_sincos },
{ "_Z4sinhf", (void *)&sinhf },
{ "_Z5sinpif", (void *)&SC_sinpi },
{ "_Z4sqrtf", (void *)&sqrtf },
{ "_Z3tanf", (void *)&tanf },
{ "_Z4tanhf", (void *)&tanhf },
{ "_Z5tanpif", (void *)&SC_tanpi },
//{ "tgamma", (void *)& },
{ "_Z5truncf", (void *)&truncf },
// OpenCL Int
{ "_Z3absi", (void *)&SC_abs_i32 },
{ "_Z3abss", (void *)&SC_abs_i16 },
{ "_Z3absc", (void *)&SC_abs_i8 },
{ "_Z3clzj", (void *)&SC_clz_u32 },
{ "_Z3clzt", (void *)&SC_clz_u16 },
{ "_Z3clzh", (void *)&SC_clz_u8 },
{ "_Z3clzi", (void *)&SC_clz_i32 },
{ "_Z3clzs", (void *)&SC_clz_i16 },
{ "_Z3clzc", (void *)&SC_clz_i8 },
{ "_Z3maxjj", (void *)&SC_max_u32 },
{ "_Z3maxtt", (void *)&SC_max_u16 },
{ "_Z3maxhh", (void *)&SC_max_u8 },
{ "_Z3maxii", (void *)&SC_max_i32 },
{ "_Z3maxss", (void *)&SC_max_i16 },
{ "_Z3maxcc", (void *)&SC_max_i8 },
{ "_Z3minjj", (void *)&SC_min_u32 },
{ "_Z3mintt", (void *)&SC_min_u16 },
{ "_Z3minhh", (void *)&SC_min_u8 },
{ "_Z3minii", (void *)&SC_min_i32 },
{ "_Z3minss", (void *)&SC_min_i16 },
{ "_Z3mincc", (void *)&SC_min_i8 },
// OpenCL 6.11.4
{ "_Z5clampfff", (void *)&SC_clamp_f32 },
{ "_Z7degreesf", (void *)&SC_degrees },
{ "_Z3maxff", (void *)&SC_max_f32 },
{ "_Z3minff", (void *)&SC_min_f32 },
{ "_Z3mixfff", (void *)&SC_mix_f32 },
{ "_Z7radiansf", (void *)&SC_radians },
{ "_Z4stepff", (void *)&SC_step_f32 },
//{ "smoothstep", (void *)& },
{ "_Z4signf", (void *)&SC_sign_f32 },
const ScriptCState::SymbolTable_t * ScriptCState::lookupSymbolCL(const char *sym)
ScriptCState::SymbolTable_t *syms = gSyms;
while (syms->mPtr) {
if (!strcmp(syms->mName, sym)) {
return syms;
return NULL;