There are now two "rebuilder" classes, each of which consumes a Notification.Builder and modifies its behavior. (Inheritance in Builder classes is...not advisable.) - BigPictureStyle: includes a large Bitmap above the usual notification strip. - BigTextStyle: shows the contentText in a large, wrapping TextView instead of truncating to one line. As for SystemUI, the notification panel now shows the expanded form if it is available, otherwise the usual contentView is shown. (Note that the structure of largeIcon notifications has changed a bit: The largeIcon is no longer handled by the status bar at all; it's entirely inside the template now. Not only does this make the code simpler, and make large notifications possible, but it fixes the longstanding irritation that tapping on a largeIcon doesn't highlight the whole notification row. Man, that feels good.) Change-Id: I2b9d8a6ea4385659d8cb1ed467c1caf5e12628dd