Some drivers report individual finger updates one at a time instead of all at once. When 10 fingers are down, this can cause the framework to have to handle 10 times as many events each with 10 times as much data. Applications like PointerLocation would get significantly bogged down by all of the redundant samples. This change coalesces samples that are closely spaced in time, before they are dispatched, as part of the motion event batching protocol. Increased the size of the InputChannel shared memory buffer so that applications can catch up faster if they accumulate a backlog of samples. Added logging code to help measure input dispatch and drawing latency issues in the view hierarchy. See ViewDebug.DEBUG_LATENCY. Change-Id: Ia5898f781f19901d2225c529a910c32bdf4f504f
1074 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <ui/Input.h>
#include <ui/InputTransport.h>
#include <utils/KeyedVector.h>
#include <utils/Vector.h>
#include <utils/threads.h>
#include <utils/Timers.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <utils/String8.h>
#include <utils/Looper.h>
#include <utils/Pool.h>
#include <utils/BitSet.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include "InputWindow.h"
#include "InputApplication.h"
namespace android {
* Constants used to report the outcome of input event injection.
enum {
/* (INTERNAL USE ONLY) Specifies that injection is pending and its outcome is unknown. */
/* Injection succeeded. */
/* Injection failed because the injector did not have permission to inject
* into the application with input focus. */
/* Injection failed because there were no available input targets. */
/* Injection failed due to a timeout. */
* Constants used to determine the input event injection synchronization mode.
enum {
/* Injection is asynchronous and is assumed always to be successful. */
/* Waits for previous events to be dispatched so that the input dispatcher can determine
* whether input event injection willbe permitted based on the current input focus.
* Does not wait for the input event to finish processing. */
/* Waits for the input event to be completely processed. */
* An input target specifies how an input event is to be dispatched to a particular window
* including the window's input channel, control flags, a timeout, and an X / Y offset to
* be added to input event coordinates to compensate for the absolute position of the
* window area.
struct InputTarget {
enum {
/* This flag indicates that the event is being delivered to a foreground application. */
/* This flag indicates that the target of a MotionEvent is partly or wholly
* obscured by another visible window above it. The motion event should be
/* This flag indicates that a motion event is being split across multiple windows. */
FLAG_SPLIT = 1 << 2,
/* This flag indicates that the event should be sent as is.
* Should always be set unless the event is to be transmuted. */
/* This flag indicates that a MotionEvent with AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN falls outside
* of the area of this target and so should instead be delivered as an
/* This flag indicates that a hover sequence is starting in the given window.
* The event is transmuted into ACTION_HOVER_ENTER. */
/* This flag indicates that a hover event happened outside of a window which handled
* previous hover events, signifying the end of the current hover sequence for that
* window.
* The event is transmuted into ACTION_HOVER_ENTER. */
/* Mask for all dispatch modes. */
// The input channel to be targeted.
sp<InputChannel> inputChannel;
// Flags for the input target.
int32_t flags;
// The x and y offset to add to a MotionEvent as it is delivered.
// (ignored for KeyEvents)
float xOffset, yOffset;
// The subset of pointer ids to include in motion events dispatched to this input target
// if FLAG_SPLIT is set.
BitSet32 pointerIds;
* Input dispatcher policy interface.
* The input reader policy is used by the input reader to interact with the Window Manager
* and other system components.
* The actual implementation is partially supported by callbacks into the DVM
* via JNI. This interface is also mocked in the unit tests.
class InputDispatcherPolicyInterface : public virtual RefBase {
InputDispatcherPolicyInterface() { }
virtual ~InputDispatcherPolicyInterface() { }
/* Notifies the system that a configuration change has occurred. */
virtual void notifyConfigurationChanged(nsecs_t when) = 0;
/* Notifies the system that an application is not responding.
* Returns a new timeout to continue waiting, or 0 to abort dispatch. */
virtual nsecs_t notifyANR(const sp<InputApplicationHandle>& inputApplicationHandle,
const sp<InputWindowHandle>& inputWindowHandle) = 0;
/* Notifies the system that an input channel is unrecoverably broken. */
virtual void notifyInputChannelBroken(const sp<InputWindowHandle>& inputWindowHandle) = 0;
/* Gets the key repeat initial timeout or -1 if automatic key repeating is disabled. */
virtual nsecs_t getKeyRepeatTimeout() = 0;
/* Gets the key repeat inter-key delay. */
virtual nsecs_t getKeyRepeatDelay() = 0;
/* Gets the maximum suggested event delivery rate per second.
* This value is used to throttle motion event movement actions on a per-device
* basis. It is not intended to be a hard limit.
virtual int32_t getMaxEventsPerSecond() = 0;
/* Filters an input event.
* Return true to dispatch the event unmodified, false to consume the event.
* A filter can also transform and inject events later by passing POLICY_FLAG_FILTERED
* to injectInputEvent.
virtual bool filterInputEvent(const InputEvent* inputEvent, uint32_t policyFlags) = 0;
/* Intercepts a key event immediately before queueing it.
* The policy can use this method as an opportunity to perform power management functions
* and early event preprocessing such as updating policy flags.
* This method is expected to set the POLICY_FLAG_PASS_TO_USER policy flag if the event
* should be dispatched to applications.
virtual void interceptKeyBeforeQueueing(const KeyEvent* keyEvent, uint32_t& policyFlags) = 0;
/* Intercepts a touch, trackball or other motion event before queueing it.
* The policy can use this method as an opportunity to perform power management functions
* and early event preprocessing such as updating policy flags.
* This method is expected to set the POLICY_FLAG_PASS_TO_USER policy flag if the event
* should be dispatched to applications.
virtual void interceptMotionBeforeQueueing(nsecs_t when, uint32_t& policyFlags) = 0;
/* Allows the policy a chance to intercept a key before dispatching. */
virtual bool interceptKeyBeforeDispatching(const sp<InputWindowHandle>& inputWindowHandle,
const KeyEvent* keyEvent, uint32_t policyFlags) = 0;
/* Allows the policy a chance to perform default processing for an unhandled key.
* Returns an alternate keycode to redispatch as a fallback, or 0 to give up. */
virtual bool dispatchUnhandledKey(const sp<InputWindowHandle>& inputWindowHandle,
const KeyEvent* keyEvent, uint32_t policyFlags, KeyEvent* outFallbackKeyEvent) = 0;
/* Notifies the policy about switch events.
virtual void notifySwitch(nsecs_t when,
int32_t switchCode, int32_t switchValue, uint32_t policyFlags) = 0;
/* Poke user activity for an event dispatched to a window. */
virtual void pokeUserActivity(nsecs_t eventTime, int32_t eventType) = 0;
/* Checks whether a given application pid/uid has permission to inject input events
* into other applications.
* This method is special in that its implementation promises to be non-reentrant and
* is safe to call while holding other locks. (Most other methods make no such guarantees!)
virtual bool checkInjectEventsPermissionNonReentrant(
int32_t injectorPid, int32_t injectorUid) = 0;
/* Notifies the system about input events generated by the input reader.
* The dispatcher is expected to be mostly asynchronous. */
class InputDispatcherInterface : public virtual RefBase {
InputDispatcherInterface() { }
virtual ~InputDispatcherInterface() { }
/* Dumps the state of the input dispatcher.
* This method may be called on any thread (usually by the input manager). */
virtual void dump(String8& dump) = 0;
/* Runs a single iteration of the dispatch loop.
* Nominally processes one queued event, a timeout, or a response from an input consumer.
* This method should only be called on the input dispatcher thread.
virtual void dispatchOnce() = 0;
/* Notifies the dispatcher about new events.
* These methods should only be called on the input reader thread.
virtual void notifyConfigurationChanged(nsecs_t eventTime) = 0;
virtual void notifyKey(nsecs_t eventTime, int32_t deviceId, uint32_t source,
uint32_t policyFlags, int32_t action, int32_t flags, int32_t keyCode,
int32_t scanCode, int32_t metaState, nsecs_t downTime) = 0;
virtual void notifyMotion(nsecs_t eventTime, int32_t deviceId, uint32_t source,
uint32_t policyFlags, int32_t action, int32_t flags,
int32_t metaState, int32_t edgeFlags,
uint32_t pointerCount, const int32_t* pointerIds, const PointerCoords* pointerCoords,
float xPrecision, float yPrecision, nsecs_t downTime) = 0;
virtual void notifySwitch(nsecs_t when,
int32_t switchCode, int32_t switchValue, uint32_t policyFlags) = 0;
/* Injects an input event and optionally waits for sync.
* The synchronization mode determines whether the method blocks while waiting for
* input injection to proceed.
* Returns one of the INPUT_EVENT_INJECTION_XXX constants.
* This method may be called on any thread (usually by the input manager).
virtual int32_t injectInputEvent(const InputEvent* event,
int32_t injectorPid, int32_t injectorUid, int32_t syncMode, int32_t timeoutMillis,
uint32_t policyFlags) = 0;
/* Sets the list of input windows.
* This method may be called on any thread (usually by the input manager).
virtual void setInputWindows(const Vector<InputWindow>& inputWindows) = 0;
/* Sets the focused application.
* This method may be called on any thread (usually by the input manager).
virtual void setFocusedApplication(const InputApplication* inputApplication) = 0;
/* Sets the input dispatching mode.
* This method may be called on any thread (usually by the input manager).
virtual void setInputDispatchMode(bool enabled, bool frozen) = 0;
/* Sets whether input event filtering is enabled.
* When enabled, incoming input events are sent to the policy's filterInputEvent
* method instead of being dispatched. The filter is expected to use
* injectInputEvent to inject the events it would like to have dispatched.
* It should include POLICY_FLAG_FILTERED in the policy flags during injection.
virtual void setInputFilterEnabled(bool enabled) = 0;
/* Transfers touch focus from the window associated with one channel to the
* window associated with the other channel.
* Returns true on success. False if the window did not actually have touch focus.
virtual bool transferTouchFocus(const sp<InputChannel>& fromChannel,
const sp<InputChannel>& toChannel) = 0;
/* Registers or unregister input channels that may be used as targets for input events.
* If monitor is true, the channel will receive a copy of all input events.
* These methods may be called on any thread (usually by the input manager).
virtual status_t registerInputChannel(const sp<InputChannel>& inputChannel,
const sp<InputWindowHandle>& inputWindowHandle, bool monitor) = 0;
virtual status_t unregisterInputChannel(const sp<InputChannel>& inputChannel) = 0;
/* Dispatches events to input targets. Some functions of the input dispatcher, such as
* identifying input targets, are controlled by a separate policy object.
* Because the policy can potentially block or cause re-entrance into the input dispatcher,
* the input dispatcher never calls into the policy while holding its internal locks.
* The implementation is also carefully designed to recover from scenarios such as an
* input channel becoming unregistered while identifying input targets or processing timeouts.
* Methods marked 'Locked' must be called with the lock acquired.
* Methods marked 'LockedInterruptible' must be called with the lock acquired but
* may during the course of their execution release the lock, call into the policy, and
* then reacquire the lock. The caller is responsible for recovering gracefully.
* A 'LockedInterruptible' method may called a 'Locked' method, but NOT vice-versa.
class InputDispatcher : public InputDispatcherInterface {
virtual ~InputDispatcher();
explicit InputDispatcher(const sp<InputDispatcherPolicyInterface>& policy);
virtual void dump(String8& dump);
virtual void dispatchOnce();
virtual void notifyConfigurationChanged(nsecs_t eventTime);
virtual void notifyKey(nsecs_t eventTime, int32_t deviceId, uint32_t source,
uint32_t policyFlags, int32_t action, int32_t flags, int32_t keyCode,
int32_t scanCode, int32_t metaState, nsecs_t downTime);
virtual void notifyMotion(nsecs_t eventTime, int32_t deviceId, uint32_t source,
uint32_t policyFlags, int32_t action, int32_t flags,
int32_t metaState, int32_t edgeFlags,
uint32_t pointerCount, const int32_t* pointerIds, const PointerCoords* pointerCoords,
float xPrecision, float yPrecision, nsecs_t downTime);
virtual void notifySwitch(nsecs_t when,
int32_t switchCode, int32_t switchValue, uint32_t policyFlags) ;
virtual int32_t injectInputEvent(const InputEvent* event,
int32_t injectorPid, int32_t injectorUid, int32_t syncMode, int32_t timeoutMillis,
uint32_t policyFlags);
virtual void setInputWindows(const Vector<InputWindow>& inputWindows);
virtual void setFocusedApplication(const InputApplication* inputApplication);
virtual void setInputDispatchMode(bool enabled, bool frozen);
virtual void setInputFilterEnabled(bool enabled);
virtual bool transferTouchFocus(const sp<InputChannel>& fromChannel,
const sp<InputChannel>& toChannel);
virtual status_t registerInputChannel(const sp<InputChannel>& inputChannel,
const sp<InputWindowHandle>& inputWindowHandle, bool monitor);
virtual status_t unregisterInputChannel(const sp<InputChannel>& inputChannel);
template <typename T>
struct Link {
T* next;
T* prev;
struct InjectionState {
mutable int32_t refCount;
int32_t injectorPid;
int32_t injectorUid;
int32_t injectionResult; // initially INPUT_EVENT_INJECTION_PENDING
bool injectionIsAsync; // set to true if injection is not waiting for the result
int32_t pendingForegroundDispatches; // the number of foreground dispatches in progress
struct EventEntry : Link<EventEntry> {
enum {
mutable int32_t refCount;
int32_t type;
nsecs_t eventTime;
uint32_t policyFlags;
InjectionState* injectionState;
bool dispatchInProgress; // initially false, set to true while dispatching
inline bool isInjected() const { return injectionState != NULL; }
struct ConfigurationChangedEntry : EventEntry {
struct KeyEntry : EventEntry {
int32_t deviceId;
uint32_t source;
int32_t action;
int32_t flags;
int32_t keyCode;
int32_t scanCode;
int32_t metaState;
int32_t repeatCount;
nsecs_t downTime;
bool syntheticRepeat; // set to true for synthetic key repeats
enum InterceptKeyResult {
InterceptKeyResult interceptKeyResult; // set based on the interception result
struct MotionSample {
MotionSample* next;
nsecs_t eventTime; // may be updated during coalescing
nsecs_t eventTimeBeforeCoalescing; // not updated during coalescing
PointerCoords pointerCoords[MAX_POINTERS];
struct MotionEntry : EventEntry {
int32_t deviceId;
uint32_t source;
int32_t action;
int32_t flags;
int32_t metaState;
int32_t edgeFlags;
float xPrecision;
float yPrecision;
nsecs_t downTime;
uint32_t pointerCount;
int32_t pointerIds[MAX_POINTERS];
// Linked list of motion samples associated with this motion event.
MotionSample firstSample;
MotionSample* lastSample;
uint32_t countSamples() const;
// Checks whether we can append samples, assuming the device id and source are the same.
bool canAppendSamples(int32_t action, uint32_t pointerCount,
const int32_t* pointerIds) const;
// Tracks the progress of dispatching a particular event to a particular connection.
struct DispatchEntry : Link<DispatchEntry> {
EventEntry* eventEntry; // the event to dispatch
int32_t targetFlags;
float xOffset;
float yOffset;
// True if dispatch has started.
bool inProgress;
// For motion events:
// Pointer to the first motion sample to dispatch in this cycle.
// Usually NULL to indicate that the list of motion samples begins at
// MotionEntry::firstSample. Otherwise, some samples were dispatched in a previous
// cycle and this pointer indicates the location of the first remainining sample
// to dispatch during the current cycle.
MotionSample* headMotionSample;
// Pointer to a motion sample to dispatch in the next cycle if the dispatcher was
// unable to send all motion samples during this cycle. On the next cycle,
// headMotionSample will be initialized to tailMotionSample and tailMotionSample
// will be set to NULL.
MotionSample* tailMotionSample;
inline bool hasForegroundTarget() const {
return targetFlags & InputTarget::FLAG_FOREGROUND;
inline bool isSplit() const {
return targetFlags & InputTarget::FLAG_SPLIT;
// A command entry captures state and behavior for an action to be performed in the
// dispatch loop after the initial processing has taken place. It is essentially
// a kind of continuation used to postpone sensitive policy interactions to a point
// in the dispatch loop where it is safe to release the lock (generally after finishing
// the critical parts of the dispatch cycle).
// The special thing about commands is that they can voluntarily release and reacquire
// the dispatcher lock at will. Initially when the command starts running, the
// dispatcher lock is held. However, if the command needs to call into the policy to
// do some work, it can release the lock, do the work, then reacquire the lock again
// before returning.
// This mechanism is a bit clunky but it helps to preserve the invariant that the dispatch
// never calls into the policy while holding its lock.
// Commands are implicitly 'LockedInterruptible'.
struct CommandEntry;
typedef void (InputDispatcher::*Command)(CommandEntry* commandEntry);
class Connection;
struct CommandEntry : Link<CommandEntry> {
Command command;
// parameters for the command (usage varies by command)
sp<Connection> connection;
nsecs_t eventTime;
KeyEntry* keyEntry;
sp<InputChannel> inputChannel;
sp<InputApplicationHandle> inputApplicationHandle;
sp<InputWindowHandle> inputWindowHandle;
int32_t userActivityEventType;
bool handled;
// Generic queue implementation.
template <typename T>
struct Queue {
T headSentinel;
T tailSentinel;
inline Queue() {
headSentinel.prev = NULL;
| = & tailSentinel;
tailSentinel.prev = & headSentinel;
| = NULL;
inline bool isEmpty() const {
return == & tailSentinel;
inline void enqueueAtTail(T* entry) {
T* last = tailSentinel.prev;
last->next = entry;
entry->prev = last;
entry->next = & tailSentinel;
tailSentinel.prev = entry;
inline void enqueueAtHead(T* entry) {
T* first =;
| = entry;
entry->prev = & headSentinel;
entry->next = first;
first->prev = entry;
inline void dequeue(T* entry) {
entry->prev->next = entry->next;
entry->next->prev = entry->prev;
inline T* dequeueAtHead() {
T* first =;
return first;
uint32_t count() const;
/* Allocates queue entries and performs reference counting as needed. */
class Allocator {
InjectionState* obtainInjectionState(int32_t injectorPid, int32_t injectorUid);
ConfigurationChangedEntry* obtainConfigurationChangedEntry(nsecs_t eventTime);
KeyEntry* obtainKeyEntry(nsecs_t eventTime,
int32_t deviceId, uint32_t source, uint32_t policyFlags, int32_t action,
int32_t flags, int32_t keyCode, int32_t scanCode, int32_t metaState,
int32_t repeatCount, nsecs_t downTime);
MotionEntry* obtainMotionEntry(nsecs_t eventTime,
int32_t deviceId, uint32_t source, uint32_t policyFlags, int32_t action,
int32_t flags, int32_t metaState, int32_t edgeFlags,
float xPrecision, float yPrecision,
nsecs_t downTime, uint32_t pointerCount,
const int32_t* pointerIds, const PointerCoords* pointerCoords);
DispatchEntry* obtainDispatchEntry(EventEntry* eventEntry,
int32_t targetFlags, float xOffset, float yOffset);
CommandEntry* obtainCommandEntry(Command command);
void releaseInjectionState(InjectionState* injectionState);
void releaseEventEntry(EventEntry* entry);
void releaseConfigurationChangedEntry(ConfigurationChangedEntry* entry);
void releaseKeyEntry(KeyEntry* entry);
void releaseMotionEntry(MotionEntry* entry);
void freeMotionSample(MotionSample* sample);
void releaseDispatchEntry(DispatchEntry* entry);
void releaseCommandEntry(CommandEntry* entry);
void recycleKeyEntry(KeyEntry* entry);
void appendMotionSample(MotionEntry* motionEntry,
nsecs_t eventTime, const PointerCoords* pointerCoords);
Pool<InjectionState> mInjectionStatePool;
Pool<ConfigurationChangedEntry> mConfigurationChangeEntryPool;
Pool<KeyEntry> mKeyEntryPool;
Pool<MotionEntry> mMotionEntryPool;
Pool<MotionSample> mMotionSamplePool;
Pool<DispatchEntry> mDispatchEntryPool;
Pool<CommandEntry> mCommandEntryPool;
void initializeEventEntry(EventEntry* entry, int32_t type, nsecs_t eventTime,
uint32_t policyFlags);
void releaseEventEntryInjectionState(EventEntry* entry);
/* Specifies which events are to be canceled and why. */
struct CancelationOptions {
enum Mode {
// The criterion to use to determine which events should be canceled.
Mode mode;
// Descriptive reason for the cancelation.
const char* reason;
// The specific keycode of the key event to cancel, or -1 to cancel any key event.
int32_t keyCode;
CancelationOptions(Mode mode, const char* reason) :
mode(mode), reason(reason), keyCode(-1) { }
/* Tracks dispatched key and motion event state so that cancelation events can be
* synthesized when events are dropped. */
class InputState {
// Returns true if there is no state to be canceled.
bool isNeutral() const;
// Records tracking information for an event that has just been published.
void trackEvent(const EventEntry* entry, int32_t action);
// Records tracking information for a key event that has just been published.
void trackKey(const KeyEntry* entry, int32_t action);
// Records tracking information for a motion event that has just been published.
void trackMotion(const MotionEntry* entry, int32_t action);
// Synthesizes cancelation events for the current state and resets the tracked state.
void synthesizeCancelationEvents(nsecs_t currentTime, Allocator* allocator,
Vector<EventEntry*>& outEvents, const CancelationOptions& options);
// Clears the current state.
void clear();
// Copies pointer-related parts of the input state to another instance.
void copyPointerStateTo(InputState& other) const;
// Gets the fallback key associated with a keycode.
// Returns -1 if none.
// Returns AKEYCODE_UNKNOWN if we are only dispatching the unhandled key to the policy.
int32_t getFallbackKey(int32_t originalKeyCode);
// Sets the fallback key for a particular keycode.
void setFallbackKey(int32_t originalKeyCode, int32_t fallbackKeyCode);
// Removes the fallback key for a particular keycode.
void removeFallbackKey(int32_t originalKeyCode);
inline const KeyedVector<int32_t, int32_t>& getFallbackKeys() const {
return mFallbackKeys;
struct KeyMemento {
int32_t deviceId;
uint32_t source;
int32_t keyCode;
int32_t scanCode;
int32_t flags;
nsecs_t downTime;
struct MotionMemento {
int32_t deviceId;
uint32_t source;
float xPrecision;
float yPrecision;
nsecs_t downTime;
uint32_t pointerCount;
int32_t pointerIds[MAX_POINTERS];
PointerCoords pointerCoords[MAX_POINTERS];
bool hovering;
void setPointers(const MotionEntry* entry);
Vector<KeyMemento> mKeyMementos;
Vector<MotionMemento> mMotionMementos;
KeyedVector<int32_t, int32_t> mFallbackKeys;
static bool shouldCancelKey(const KeyMemento& memento,
const CancelationOptions& options);
static bool shouldCancelMotion(const MotionMemento& memento,
const CancelationOptions& options);
/* Manages the dispatch state associated with a single input channel. */
class Connection : public RefBase {
virtual ~Connection();
enum Status {
// Everything is peachy.
// An unrecoverable communication error has occurred.
// The input channel has been unregistered.
Status status;
sp<InputChannel> inputChannel; // never null
sp<InputWindowHandle> inputWindowHandle; // may be null
InputPublisher inputPublisher;
InputState inputState;
Queue<DispatchEntry> outboundQueue;
nsecs_t lastEventTime; // the time when the event was originally captured
nsecs_t lastDispatchTime; // the time when the last event was dispatched
explicit Connection(const sp<InputChannel>& inputChannel,
const sp<InputWindowHandle>& inputWindowHandle);
inline const char* getInputChannelName() const { return inputChannel->getName().string(); }
const char* getStatusLabel() const;
// Finds a DispatchEntry in the outbound queue associated with the specified event.
// Returns NULL if not found.
DispatchEntry* findQueuedDispatchEntryForEvent(const EventEntry* eventEntry) const;
// Gets the time since the current event was originally obtained from the input driver.
inline double getEventLatencyMillis(nsecs_t currentTime) const {
return (currentTime - lastEventTime) / 1000000.0;
// Gets the time since the current event entered the outbound dispatch queue.
inline double getDispatchLatencyMillis(nsecs_t currentTime) const {
return (currentTime - lastDispatchTime) / 1000000.0;
status_t initialize();
enum DropReason {
sp<InputDispatcherPolicyInterface> mPolicy;
Mutex mLock;
Allocator mAllocator;
sp<Looper> mLooper;
EventEntry* mPendingEvent;
Queue<EventEntry> mInboundQueue;
Queue<CommandEntry> mCommandQueue;
Vector<EventEntry*> mTempCancelationEvents;
void dispatchOnceInnerLocked(nsecs_t keyRepeatTimeout, nsecs_t keyRepeatDelay,
nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime);
// Batches a new sample onto a motion entry.
// Assumes that the we have already checked that we can append samples.
void batchMotionLocked(MotionEntry* entry, nsecs_t eventTime, int32_t metaState,
const PointerCoords* pointerCoords, const char* eventDescription);
// Enqueues an inbound event. Returns true if mLooper->wake() should be called.
bool enqueueInboundEventLocked(EventEntry* entry);
// Cleans up input state when dropping an inbound event.
void dropInboundEventLocked(EventEntry* entry, DropReason dropReason);
// App switch latency optimization.
bool mAppSwitchSawKeyDown;
nsecs_t mAppSwitchDueTime;
static bool isAppSwitchKeyCode(int32_t keyCode);
bool isAppSwitchKeyEventLocked(KeyEntry* keyEntry);
bool isAppSwitchPendingLocked();
void resetPendingAppSwitchLocked(bool handled);
// Stale event latency optimization.
static bool isStaleEventLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, EventEntry* entry);
// Blocked event latency optimization. Drops old events when the user intends
// to transfer focus to a new application.
EventEntry* mNextUnblockedEvent;
const InputWindow* findTouchedWindowAtLocked(int32_t x, int32_t y);
// All registered connections mapped by receive pipe file descriptor.
KeyedVector<int, sp<Connection> > mConnectionsByReceiveFd;
ssize_t getConnectionIndexLocked(const sp<InputChannel>& inputChannel);
// Active connections are connections that have a non-empty outbound queue.
// We don't use a ref-counted pointer here because we explicitly abort connections
// during unregistration which causes the connection's outbound queue to be cleared
// and the connection itself to be deactivated.
Vector<Connection*> mActiveConnections;
// Input channels that will receive a copy of all input events.
Vector<sp<InputChannel> > mMonitoringChannels;
// Event injection and synchronization.
Condition mInjectionResultAvailableCondition;
bool hasInjectionPermission(int32_t injectorPid, int32_t injectorUid);
void setInjectionResultLocked(EventEntry* entry, int32_t injectionResult);
Condition mInjectionSyncFinishedCondition;
void incrementPendingForegroundDispatchesLocked(EventEntry* entry);
void decrementPendingForegroundDispatchesLocked(EventEntry* entry);
// Throttling state.
struct ThrottleState {
nsecs_t minTimeBetweenEvents;
nsecs_t lastEventTime;
int32_t lastDeviceId;
uint32_t lastSource;
uint32_t originalSampleCount; // only collected during debugging
} mThrottleState;
// Key repeat tracking.
struct KeyRepeatState {
KeyEntry* lastKeyEntry; // or null if no repeat
nsecs_t nextRepeatTime;
} mKeyRepeatState;
void resetKeyRepeatLocked();
KeyEntry* synthesizeKeyRepeatLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, nsecs_t keyRepeatTimeout);
// Deferred command processing.
bool runCommandsLockedInterruptible();
CommandEntry* postCommandLocked(Command command);
// Inbound event processing.
void drainInboundQueueLocked();
void releasePendingEventLocked();
void releaseInboundEventLocked(EventEntry* entry);
// Dispatch state.
bool mDispatchEnabled;
bool mDispatchFrozen;
bool mInputFilterEnabled;
Vector<InputWindow> mWindows;
const InputWindow* getWindowLocked(const sp<InputChannel>& inputChannel);
// Focus tracking for keys, trackball, etc.
const InputWindow* mFocusedWindow;
// Focus tracking for touch.
struct TouchedWindow {
const InputWindow* window;
int32_t targetFlags;
BitSet32 pointerIds; // zero unless target flag FLAG_SPLIT is set
sp<InputChannel> channel;
struct TouchState {
bool down;
bool split;
int32_t deviceId; // id of the device that is currently down, others are rejected
uint32_t source; // source of the device that is current down, others are rejected
Vector<TouchedWindow> windows;
void reset();
void copyFrom(const TouchState& other);
void addOrUpdateWindow(const InputWindow* window, int32_t targetFlags, BitSet32 pointerIds);
void filterNonAsIsTouchWindows();
const InputWindow* getFirstForegroundWindow();
TouchState mTouchState;
TouchState mTempTouchState;
// Focused application.
InputApplication* mFocusedApplication;
InputApplication mFocusedApplicationStorage; // preallocated storage for mFocusedApplication
void releaseFocusedApplicationLocked();
// Dispatch inbound events.
bool dispatchConfigurationChangedLocked(
nsecs_t currentTime, ConfigurationChangedEntry* entry);
bool dispatchKeyLocked(
nsecs_t currentTime, KeyEntry* entry, nsecs_t keyRepeatTimeout,
DropReason* dropReason, nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime);
bool dispatchMotionLocked(
nsecs_t currentTime, MotionEntry* entry,
DropReason* dropReason, nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime);
void dispatchEventToCurrentInputTargetsLocked(
nsecs_t currentTime, EventEntry* entry, bool resumeWithAppendedMotionSample);
void logOutboundKeyDetailsLocked(const char* prefix, const KeyEntry* entry);
void logOutboundMotionDetailsLocked(const char* prefix, const MotionEntry* entry);
// The input targets that were most recently identified for dispatch.
bool mCurrentInputTargetsValid; // false while targets are being recomputed
Vector<InputTarget> mCurrentInputTargets;
enum InputTargetWaitCause {
InputTargetWaitCause mInputTargetWaitCause;
nsecs_t mInputTargetWaitStartTime;
nsecs_t mInputTargetWaitTimeoutTime;
bool mInputTargetWaitTimeoutExpired;
sp<InputApplicationHandle> mInputTargetWaitApplication;
// Contains the last window which received a hover event.
const InputWindow* mLastHoverWindow;
// Finding targets for input events.
void resetTargetsLocked();
void commitTargetsLocked();
int32_t handleTargetsNotReadyLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const EventEntry* entry,
const InputApplication* application, const InputWindow* window,
nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime);
void resumeAfterTargetsNotReadyTimeoutLocked(nsecs_t newTimeout,
const sp<InputChannel>& inputChannel);
nsecs_t getTimeSpentWaitingForApplicationLocked(nsecs_t currentTime);
void resetANRTimeoutsLocked();
int32_t findFocusedWindowTargetsLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const EventEntry* entry,
nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime);
int32_t findTouchedWindowTargetsLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const MotionEntry* entry,
nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime, bool* outConflictingPointerActions,
const MotionSample** outSplitBatchAfterSample);
void addWindowTargetLocked(const InputWindow* window, int32_t targetFlags,
BitSet32 pointerIds);
void addMonitoringTargetsLocked();
void pokeUserActivityLocked(const EventEntry* eventEntry);
bool checkInjectionPermission(const InputWindow* window, const InjectionState* injectionState);
bool isWindowObscuredAtPointLocked(const InputWindow* window, int32_t x, int32_t y) const;
bool isWindowFinishedWithPreviousInputLocked(const InputWindow* window);
String8 getApplicationWindowLabelLocked(const InputApplication* application,
const InputWindow* window);
// Manage the dispatch cycle for a single connection.
// These methods are deliberately not Interruptible because doing all of the work
// with the mutex held makes it easier to ensure that connection invariants are maintained.
// If needed, the methods post commands to run later once the critical bits are done.
void prepareDispatchCycleLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const sp<Connection>& connection,
EventEntry* eventEntry, const InputTarget* inputTarget,
bool resumeWithAppendedMotionSample);
void enqueueDispatchEntryLocked(const sp<Connection>& connection,
EventEntry* eventEntry, const InputTarget* inputTarget,
bool resumeWithAppendedMotionSample, int32_t dispatchMode);
void startDispatchCycleLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const sp<Connection>& connection);
void finishDispatchCycleLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const sp<Connection>& connection,
bool handled);
void startNextDispatchCycleLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const sp<Connection>& connection);
void abortBrokenDispatchCycleLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const sp<Connection>& connection);
void drainOutboundQueueLocked(Connection* connection);
static int handleReceiveCallback(int receiveFd, int events, void* data);
void synthesizeCancelationEventsForAllConnectionsLocked(
const CancelationOptions& options);
void synthesizeCancelationEventsForInputChannelLocked(const sp<InputChannel>& channel,
const CancelationOptions& options);
void synthesizeCancelationEventsForConnectionLocked(const sp<Connection>& connection,
const CancelationOptions& options);
// Splitting motion events across windows.
MotionEntry* splitMotionEvent(const MotionEntry* originalMotionEntry, BitSet32 pointerIds);
// Reset and drop everything the dispatcher is doing.
void resetAndDropEverythingLocked(const char* reason);
// Dump state.
void dumpDispatchStateLocked(String8& dump);
void logDispatchStateLocked();
// Add or remove a connection to the mActiveConnections vector.
void activateConnectionLocked(Connection* connection);
void deactivateConnectionLocked(Connection* connection);
// Interesting events that we might like to log or tell the framework about.
void onDispatchCycleStartedLocked(
nsecs_t currentTime, const sp<Connection>& connection);
void onDispatchCycleFinishedLocked(
nsecs_t currentTime, const sp<Connection>& connection, bool handled);
void onDispatchCycleBrokenLocked(
nsecs_t currentTime, const sp<Connection>& connection);
void onANRLocked(
nsecs_t currentTime, const InputApplication* application, const InputWindow* window,
nsecs_t eventTime, nsecs_t waitStartTime);
// Outbound policy interactions.
void doNotifyConfigurationChangedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry);
void doNotifyInputChannelBrokenLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry);
void doNotifyANRLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry);
void doInterceptKeyBeforeDispatchingLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry);
void doDispatchCycleFinishedLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry);
void doPokeUserActivityLockedInterruptible(CommandEntry* commandEntry);
void initializeKeyEvent(KeyEvent* event, const KeyEntry* entry);
// Statistics gathering.
void updateDispatchStatisticsLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, const EventEntry* entry,
int32_t injectionResult, nsecs_t timeSpentWaitingForApplication);
/* Enqueues and dispatches input events, endlessly. */
class InputDispatcherThread : public Thread {
explicit InputDispatcherThread(const sp<InputDispatcherInterface>& dispatcher);
virtual bool threadLoop();
sp<InputDispatcherInterface> mDispatcher;
} // namespace android