BUG=5888007 rsAtomicMax/Min did not have proper semantics for unsigned integers. They were always using signed comparisons. rsAtomicCas had the wrong function signature in our math library, leading to no way to properly link/execute it. Change-Id: I336cdd8cd9f2d8093f12e101b55b2797515f039b
568 lines
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568 lines
20 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cutils/compiler.h>
#include "rsContext.h"
#include "rsScriptC.h"
#include "rsMatrix4x4.h"
#include "rsMatrix3x3.h"
#include "rsMatrix2x2.h"
#include "rsdCore.h"
#include "rsdRuntime.h"
using namespace android;
using namespace android::renderscript;
static float SC_exp10(float v) {
return pow(10.f, v);
static float SC_fract(float v, int *iptr) {
int i = (int)floor(v);
iptr[0] = i;
return fmin(v - i, 0x1.fffffep-1f);
static float SC_log2(float v) {
return log10(v) / log10(2.f);
static float SC_mad(float v1, float v2, float v3) {
return v1 * v2 + v3;
#if 0
static float SC_pown(float v, int p) {
return powf(v, (float)p);
static float SC_powr(float v, float p) {
return powf(v, p);
float SC_rootn(float v, int r) {
return pow(v, 1.f / r);
float SC_rsqrt(float v) {
return 1.f / sqrtf(v);
float SC_sincos(float v, float *cosptr) {
*cosptr = cosf(v);
return sinf(v);
// Integer
static uint32_t SC_abs_i32(int32_t v) {return abs(v);}
static uint16_t SC_abs_i16(int16_t v) {return (uint16_t)abs(v);}
static uint8_t SC_abs_i8(int8_t v) {return (uint8_t)abs(v);}
static uint32_t SC_clz_u32(uint32_t v) {return __builtin_clz(v);}
static uint16_t SC_clz_u16(uint16_t v) {return (uint16_t)__builtin_clz(v);}
static uint8_t SC_clz_u8(uint8_t v) {return (uint8_t)__builtin_clz(v);}
static int32_t SC_clz_i32(int32_t v) {return (int32_t)__builtin_clz((uint32_t)v);}
static int16_t SC_clz_i16(int16_t v) {return (int16_t)__builtin_clz(v);}
static int8_t SC_clz_i8(int8_t v) {return (int8_t)__builtin_clz(v);}
static uint32_t SC_max_u32(uint32_t v, uint32_t v2) {return rsMax(v, v2);}
static uint16_t SC_max_u16(uint16_t v, uint16_t v2) {return rsMax(v, v2);}
static uint8_t SC_max_u8(uint8_t v, uint8_t v2) {return rsMax(v, v2);}
static int32_t SC_max_i32(int32_t v, int32_t v2) {return rsMax(v, v2);}
static int16_t SC_max_i16(int16_t v, int16_t v2) {return rsMax(v, v2);}
static int8_t SC_max_i8(int8_t v, int8_t v2) {return rsMax(v, v2);}
static uint32_t SC_min_u32(uint32_t v, uint32_t v2) {return rsMin(v, v2);}
static uint16_t SC_min_u16(uint16_t v, uint16_t v2) {return rsMin(v, v2);}
static uint8_t SC_min_u8(uint8_t v, uint8_t v2) {return rsMin(v, v2);}
static int32_t SC_min_i32(int32_t v, int32_t v2) {return rsMin(v, v2);}
static int16_t SC_min_i16(int16_t v, int16_t v2) {return rsMin(v, v2);}
static int8_t SC_min_i8(int8_t v, int8_t v2) {return rsMin(v, v2);}
// Float util
static float SC_clamp_f32(float amount, float low, float high) {
return amount < low ? low : (amount > high ? high : amount);
static float SC_degrees(float radians) {
return radians * (180.f / M_PI);
static float SC_max_f32(float v, float v2) {
return rsMax(v, v2);
static float SC_min_f32(float v, float v2) {
return rsMin(v, v2);
static float SC_mix_f32(float start, float stop, float amount) {
//ALOGE("lerpf %f %f %f", start, stop, amount);
return start + (stop - start) * amount;
static float SC_radians(float degrees) {
return degrees * (M_PI / 180.f);
static float SC_step_f32(float edge, float v) {
if (v < edge) return 0.f;
return 1.f;
static float SC_sign_f32(float value) {
if (value > 0) return 1.f;
if (value < 0) return -1.f;
return value;
static void SC_MatrixLoadIdentity_4x4(Matrix4x4 *m) {
static void SC_MatrixLoadIdentity_3x3(Matrix3x3 *m) {
static void SC_MatrixLoadIdentity_2x2(Matrix2x2 *m) {
static void SC_MatrixLoad_4x4_f(Matrix4x4 *m, const float *f) {
static void SC_MatrixLoad_3x3_f(Matrix3x3 *m, const float *f) {
static void SC_MatrixLoad_2x2_f(Matrix2x2 *m, const float *f) {
static void SC_MatrixLoad_4x4_4x4(Matrix4x4 *m, const Matrix4x4 *s) {
static void SC_MatrixLoad_4x4_3x3(Matrix4x4 *m, const Matrix3x3 *s) {
static void SC_MatrixLoad_4x4_2x2(Matrix4x4 *m, const Matrix2x2 *s) {
static void SC_MatrixLoad_3x3_3x3(Matrix3x3 *m, const Matrix3x3 *s) {
static void SC_MatrixLoad_2x2_2x2(Matrix2x2 *m, const Matrix2x2 *s) {
static void SC_MatrixLoadRotate(Matrix4x4 *m, float rot, float x, float y, float z) {
m->loadRotate(rot, x, y, z);
static void SC_MatrixLoadScale(Matrix4x4 *m, float x, float y, float z) {
m->loadScale(x, y, z);
static void SC_MatrixLoadTranslate(Matrix4x4 *m, float x, float y, float z) {
m->loadTranslate(x, y, z);
static void SC_MatrixRotate(Matrix4x4 *m, float rot, float x, float y, float z) {
m->rotate(rot, x, y, z);
static void SC_MatrixScale(Matrix4x4 *m, float x, float y, float z) {
m->scale(x, y, z);
static void SC_MatrixTranslate(Matrix4x4 *m, float x, float y, float z) {
m->translate(x, y, z);
static void SC_MatrixLoadMultiply_4x4_4x4_4x4(Matrix4x4 *m, const Matrix4x4 *lhs, const Matrix4x4 *rhs) {
m->loadMultiply(lhs, rhs);
static void SC_MatrixLoadMultiply_3x3_3x3_3x3(Matrix3x3 *m, const Matrix3x3 *lhs, const Matrix3x3 *rhs) {
m->loadMultiply(lhs, rhs);
static void SC_MatrixLoadMultiply_2x2_2x2_2x2(Matrix2x2 *m, const Matrix2x2 *lhs, const Matrix2x2 *rhs) {
m->loadMultiply(lhs, rhs);
static void SC_MatrixMultiply_4x4_4x4(Matrix4x4 *m, const Matrix4x4 *rhs) {
static void SC_MatrixMultiply_3x3_3x3(Matrix3x3 *m, const Matrix3x3 *rhs) {
static void SC_MatrixMultiply_2x2_2x2(Matrix2x2 *m, const Matrix2x2 *rhs) {
static void SC_MatrixLoadOrtho(Matrix4x4 *m, float l, float r, float b, float t, float n, float f) {
m->loadOrtho(l, r, b, t, n, f);
static void SC_MatrixLoadFrustum(Matrix4x4 *m, float l, float r, float b, float t, float n, float f) {
m->loadFrustum(l, r, b, t, n, f);
static void SC_MatrixLoadPerspective(Matrix4x4 *m, float fovy, float aspect, float near, float far) {
m->loadPerspective(fovy, aspect, near, far);
static bool SC_MatrixInverse_4x4(Matrix4x4 *m) {
return m->inverse();
static bool SC_MatrixInverseTranspose_4x4(Matrix4x4 *m) {
return m->inverseTranspose();
static void SC_MatrixTranspose_4x4(Matrix4x4 *m) {
static void SC_MatrixTranspose_3x3(Matrix3x3 *m) {
static void SC_MatrixTranspose_2x2(Matrix2x2 *m) {
static float SC_randf(float max) {
float r = (float)rand();
r *= max;
r /= RAND_MAX;
return r;
static float SC_randf2(float min, float max) {
float r = (float)rand();
r /= RAND_MAX;
r = r * (max - min) + min;
return r;
static int SC_randi(int max) {
return (int)SC_randf(max);
static int SC_randi2(int min, int max) {
return (int)SC_randf2(min, max);
static float SC_frac(float v) {
int i = (int)floor(v);
return fmin(v - i, 0x1.fffffep-1f);
static int32_t SC_AtomicCas(volatile int32_t *ptr, int32_t expectedValue, int32_t newValue) {
int32_t prev;
do {
int32_t ret = android_atomic_release_cas(expectedValue, newValue, ptr);
if (!ret) {
// The android cas return 0 if it wrote the value. This means the
// previous value was the expected value and we can return.
return expectedValue;
// We didn't write the value and need to load the "previous" value.
prev = *ptr;
// A race condition exists where the expected value could appear after our cas failed
// above. In this case loop until we have a legit previous value or the
// write passes.
} while (prev == expectedValue);
return prev;
static int32_t SC_AtomicInc(volatile int32_t *ptr) {
return android_atomic_inc(ptr);
static int32_t SC_AtomicDec(volatile int32_t *ptr) {
return android_atomic_dec(ptr);
static int32_t SC_AtomicAdd(volatile int32_t *ptr, int32_t value) {
return android_atomic_add(value, ptr);
static int32_t SC_AtomicSub(volatile int32_t *ptr, int32_t value) {
int32_t prev, status;
do {
prev = *ptr;
status = android_atomic_release_cas(prev, prev - value, ptr);
} while (CC_UNLIKELY(status != 0));
return prev;
static int32_t SC_AtomicAnd(volatile int32_t *ptr, int32_t value) {
return android_atomic_and(value, ptr);
static int32_t SC_AtomicOr(volatile int32_t *ptr, int32_t value) {
return android_atomic_or(value, ptr);
static int32_t SC_AtomicXor(volatile int32_t *ptr, int32_t value) {
int32_t prev, status;
do {
prev = *ptr;
status = android_atomic_release_cas(prev, prev ^ value, ptr);
} while (CC_UNLIKELY(status != 0));
return prev;
static uint32_t SC_AtomicUMin(volatile uint32_t *ptr, uint32_t value) {
uint32_t prev, status;
do {
prev = *ptr;
uint32_t n = rsMin(value, prev);
status = android_atomic_release_cas((int32_t) prev, (int32_t)n, (volatile int32_t*) ptr);
} while (CC_UNLIKELY(status != 0));
return prev;
static int32_t SC_AtomicMin(volatile int32_t *ptr, int32_t value) {
int32_t prev, status;
do {
prev = *ptr;
int32_t n = rsMin(value, prev);
status = android_atomic_release_cas(prev, n, ptr);
} while (CC_UNLIKELY(status != 0));
return prev;
static uint32_t SC_AtomicUMax(volatile uint32_t *ptr, uint32_t value) {
uint32_t prev, status;
do {
prev = *ptr;
uint32_t n = rsMax(value, prev);
status = android_atomic_release_cas((int32_t) prev, (int32_t) n, (volatile int32_t*) ptr);
} while (CC_UNLIKELY(status != 0));
return prev;
static int32_t SC_AtomicMax(volatile int32_t *ptr, int32_t value) {
int32_t prev, status;
do {
prev = *ptr;
int32_t n = rsMax(value, prev);
status = android_atomic_release_cas(prev, n, ptr);
} while (CC_UNLIKELY(status != 0));
return prev;
// Class implementation
// llvm name mangling ref
// <builtin-type> ::= v # void
// ::= b # bool
// ::= c # char
// ::= a # signed char
// ::= h # unsigned char
// ::= s # short
// ::= t # unsigned short
// ::= i # int
// ::= j # unsigned int
// ::= l # long
// ::= m # unsigned long
// ::= x # long long, __int64
// ::= y # unsigned long long, __int64
// ::= f # float
// ::= d # double
static RsdSymbolTable gSyms[] = {
{ "_Z4acosf", (void *)&acosf, true },
{ "_Z5acoshf", (void *)&acoshf, true },
{ "_Z4asinf", (void *)&asinf, true },
{ "_Z5asinhf", (void *)&asinhf, true },
{ "_Z4atanf", (void *)&atanf, true },
{ "_Z5atan2ff", (void *)&atan2f, true },
{ "_Z5atanhf", (void *)&atanhf, true },
{ "_Z4cbrtf", (void *)&cbrtf, true },
{ "_Z4ceilf", (void *)&ceilf, true },
{ "_Z8copysignff", (void *)©signf, true },
{ "_Z3cosf", (void *)&cosf, true },
{ "_Z4coshf", (void *)&coshf, true },
{ "_Z4erfcf", (void *)&erfcf, true },
{ "_Z3erff", (void *)&erff, true },
{ "_Z3expf", (void *)&expf, true },
{ "_Z4exp2f", (void *)&exp2f, true },
{ "_Z5exp10f", (void *)&SC_exp10, true },
{ "_Z5expm1f", (void *)&expm1f, true },
{ "_Z4fabsf", (void *)&fabsf, true },
{ "_Z4fdimff", (void *)&fdimf, true },
{ "_Z5floorf", (void *)&floorf, true },
{ "_Z3fmafff", (void *)&fmaf, true },
{ "_Z4fmaxff", (void *)&fmaxf, true },
{ "_Z4fminff", (void *)&fminf, true }, // float fmin(float, float)
{ "_Z4fmodff", (void *)&fmodf, true },
{ "_Z5fractfPf", (void *)&SC_fract, true },
{ "_Z5frexpfPi", (void *)&frexpf, true },
{ "_Z5hypotff", (void *)&hypotf, true },
{ "_Z5ilogbf", (void *)&ilogbf, true },
{ "_Z5ldexpfi", (void *)&ldexpf, true },
{ "_Z6lgammaf", (void *)&lgammaf, true },
{ "_Z6lgammafPi", (void *)&lgammaf_r, true },
{ "_Z3logf", (void *)&logf, true },
{ "_Z4log2f", (void *)&SC_log2, true },
{ "_Z5log10f", (void *)&log10f, true },
{ "_Z5log1pf", (void *)&log1pf, true },
{ "_Z4logbf", (void *)&logbf, true },
{ "_Z3madfff", (void *)&SC_mad, true },
{ "_Z4modffPf", (void *)&modff, true },
//{ "_Z3nanj", (void *)&SC_nan, true },
{ "_Z9nextafterff", (void *)&nextafterf, true },
{ "_Z3powff", (void *)&powf, true },
{ "_Z9remainderff", (void *)&remainderf, true },
{ "_Z6remquoffPi", (void *)&remquof, true },
{ "_Z4rintf", (void *)&rintf, true },
{ "_Z5rootnfi", (void *)&SC_rootn, true },
{ "_Z5roundf", (void *)&roundf, true },
{ "_Z5rsqrtf", (void *)&SC_rsqrt, true },
{ "_Z3sinf", (void *)&sinf, true },
{ "_Z6sincosfPf", (void *)&SC_sincos, true },
{ "_Z4sinhf", (void *)&sinhf, true },
{ "_Z4sqrtf", (void *)&sqrtf, true },
{ "_Z3tanf", (void *)&tanf, true },
{ "_Z4tanhf", (void *)&tanhf, true },
{ "_Z6tgammaf", (void *)&tgammaf, true },
{ "_Z5truncf", (void *)&truncf, true },
{ "_Z3absi", (void *)&SC_abs_i32, true },
{ "_Z3abss", (void *)&SC_abs_i16, true },
{ "_Z3absc", (void *)&SC_abs_i8, true },
{ "_Z3clzj", (void *)&SC_clz_u32, true },
{ "_Z3clzt", (void *)&SC_clz_u16, true },
{ "_Z3clzh", (void *)&SC_clz_u8, true },
{ "_Z3clzi", (void *)&SC_clz_i32, true },
{ "_Z3clzs", (void *)&SC_clz_i16, true },
{ "_Z3clzc", (void *)&SC_clz_i8, true },
{ "_Z3maxjj", (void *)&SC_max_u32, true },
{ "_Z3maxtt", (void *)&SC_max_u16, true },
{ "_Z3maxhh", (void *)&SC_max_u8, true },
{ "_Z3maxii", (void *)&SC_max_i32, true },
{ "_Z3maxss", (void *)&SC_max_i16, true },
{ "_Z3maxcc", (void *)&SC_max_i8, true },
{ "_Z3minjj", (void *)&SC_min_u32, true },
{ "_Z3mintt", (void *)&SC_min_u16, true },
{ "_Z3minhh", (void *)&SC_min_u8, true },
{ "_Z3minii", (void *)&SC_min_i32, true },
{ "_Z3minss", (void *)&SC_min_i16, true },
{ "_Z3mincc", (void *)&SC_min_i8, true },
{ "_Z5clampfff", (void *)&SC_clamp_f32, true },
{ "_Z7degreesf", (void *)&SC_degrees, true },
{ "_Z3maxff", (void *)&SC_max_f32, true },
{ "_Z3minff", (void *)&SC_min_f32, true },
{ "_Z3mixfff", (void *)&SC_mix_f32, true },
{ "_Z7radiansf", (void *)&SC_radians, true },
{ "_Z4stepff", (void *)&SC_step_f32, true },
//{ "smoothstep", (void *)&, true },
{ "_Z4signf", (void *)&SC_sign_f32, true },
// matrix
{ "_Z20rsMatrixLoadIdentityP12rs_matrix4x4", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoadIdentity_4x4, true },
{ "_Z20rsMatrixLoadIdentityP12rs_matrix3x3", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoadIdentity_3x3, true },
{ "_Z20rsMatrixLoadIdentityP12rs_matrix2x2", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoadIdentity_2x2, true },
{ "_Z12rsMatrixLoadP12rs_matrix4x4PKf", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoad_4x4_f, true },
{ "_Z12rsMatrixLoadP12rs_matrix3x3PKf", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoad_3x3_f, true },
{ "_Z12rsMatrixLoadP12rs_matrix2x2PKf", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoad_2x2_f, true },
{ "_Z12rsMatrixLoadP12rs_matrix4x4PKS_", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoad_4x4_4x4, true },
{ "_Z12rsMatrixLoadP12rs_matrix4x4PK12rs_matrix3x3", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoad_4x4_3x3, true },
{ "_Z12rsMatrixLoadP12rs_matrix4x4PK12rs_matrix2x2", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoad_4x4_2x2, true },
{ "_Z12rsMatrixLoadP12rs_matrix3x3PKS_", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoad_3x3_3x3, true },
{ "_Z12rsMatrixLoadP12rs_matrix2x2PKS_", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoad_2x2_2x2, true },
{ "_Z18rsMatrixLoadRotateP12rs_matrix4x4ffff", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoadRotate, true },
{ "_Z17rsMatrixLoadScaleP12rs_matrix4x4fff", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoadScale, true },
{ "_Z21rsMatrixLoadTranslateP12rs_matrix4x4fff", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoadTranslate, true },
{ "_Z14rsMatrixRotateP12rs_matrix4x4ffff", (void *)&SC_MatrixRotate, true },
{ "_Z13rsMatrixScaleP12rs_matrix4x4fff", (void *)&SC_MatrixScale, true },
{ "_Z17rsMatrixTranslateP12rs_matrix4x4fff", (void *)&SC_MatrixTranslate, true },
{ "_Z20rsMatrixLoadMultiplyP12rs_matrix4x4PKS_S2_", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoadMultiply_4x4_4x4_4x4, true },
{ "_Z16rsMatrixMultiplyP12rs_matrix4x4PKS_", (void *)&SC_MatrixMultiply_4x4_4x4, true },
{ "_Z20rsMatrixLoadMultiplyP12rs_matrix3x3PKS_S2_", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoadMultiply_3x3_3x3_3x3, true },
{ "_Z16rsMatrixMultiplyP12rs_matrix3x3PKS_", (void *)&SC_MatrixMultiply_3x3_3x3, true },
{ "_Z20rsMatrixLoadMultiplyP12rs_matrix2x2PKS_S2_", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoadMultiply_2x2_2x2_2x2, true },
{ "_Z16rsMatrixMultiplyP12rs_matrix2x2PKS_", (void *)&SC_MatrixMultiply_2x2_2x2, true },
{ "_Z17rsMatrixLoadOrthoP12rs_matrix4x4ffffff", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoadOrtho, true },
{ "_Z19rsMatrixLoadFrustumP12rs_matrix4x4ffffff", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoadFrustum, true },
{ "_Z23rsMatrixLoadPerspectiveP12rs_matrix4x4ffff", (void *)&SC_MatrixLoadPerspective, true },
{ "_Z15rsMatrixInverseP12rs_matrix4x4", (void *)&SC_MatrixInverse_4x4, true },
{ "_Z24rsMatrixInverseTransposeP12rs_matrix4x4", (void *)&SC_MatrixInverseTranspose_4x4, true },
{ "_Z17rsMatrixTransposeP12rs_matrix4x4", (void *)&SC_MatrixTranspose_4x4, true },
{ "_Z17rsMatrixTransposeP12rs_matrix4x4", (void *)&SC_MatrixTranspose_3x3, true },
{ "_Z17rsMatrixTransposeP12rs_matrix4x4", (void *)&SC_MatrixTranspose_2x2, true },
// RS Math
{ "_Z6rsRandi", (void *)&SC_randi, true },
{ "_Z6rsRandii", (void *)&SC_randi2, true },
{ "_Z6rsRandf", (void *)&SC_randf, true },
{ "_Z6rsRandff", (void *)&SC_randf2, true },
{ "_Z6rsFracf", (void *)&SC_frac, true },
// Atomics
{ "_Z11rsAtomicIncPVi", (void *)&SC_AtomicInc, true },
{ "_Z11rsAtomicIncPVj", (void *)&SC_AtomicInc, true },
{ "_Z11rsAtomicDecPVi", (void *)&SC_AtomicDec, true },
{ "_Z11rsAtomicDecPVj", (void *)&SC_AtomicDec, true },
{ "_Z11rsAtomicAddPVii", (void *)&SC_AtomicAdd, true },
{ "_Z11rsAtomicAddPVjj", (void *)&SC_AtomicAdd, true },
{ "_Z11rsAtomicSubPVii", (void *)&SC_AtomicSub, true },
{ "_Z11rsAtomicSubPVjj", (void *)&SC_AtomicSub, true },
{ "_Z11rsAtomicAndPVii", (void *)&SC_AtomicAnd, true },
{ "_Z11rsAtomicAndPVjj", (void *)&SC_AtomicAnd, true },
{ "_Z10rsAtomicOrPVii", (void *)&SC_AtomicOr, true },
{ "_Z10rsAtomicOrPVjj", (void *)&SC_AtomicOr, true },
{ "_Z11rsAtomicXorPVii", (void *)&SC_AtomicXor, true },
{ "_Z11rsAtomicXorPVjj", (void *)&SC_AtomicXor, true },
{ "_Z11rsAtomicMinPVii", (void *)&SC_AtomicMin, true },
{ "_Z11rsAtomicMinPVjj", (void *)&SC_AtomicUMin, true },
{ "_Z11rsAtomicMaxPVii", (void *)&SC_AtomicMax, true },
{ "_Z11rsAtomicMaxPVjj", (void *)&SC_AtomicUMax, true },
{ "_Z11rsAtomicCasPViii", (void *)&SC_AtomicCas, true },
{ "_Z11rsAtomicCasPVjjj", (void *)&SC_AtomicCas, true },
{ NULL, NULL, false }
const RsdSymbolTable * rsdLookupSymbolMath(const char *sym) {
const RsdSymbolTable *syms = gSyms;
while (syms->mPtr) {
if (!strcmp(syms->mName, sym)) {
return syms;
return NULL;