system_server crashed because the system_error "resource_deadlock_would_occur"
occurred while calling thread::join(). It is caused by the value of thread is same
with the calling thread. Correct it using std::this_thread::get_id() to check
whether it is the same thread with the calling thread.
Bug: 70603039
Test step:
Step 1 : Flash DUT and boot it.
Step 2 : Connect with PC via USB.
Step 3 : Run the following adb command and check the DUT:
adb shell
ps -A | grep broadcastradio
kill xxx(the process id of android.hardware.broadcastradio@intel-service)
Change-Id: Ia21282c4cc631a0788496081b1821be28929fae6
Signed-off-by: Lei,RayX <>