Add option '--streaming' to 'am start' and 'am profile' commands. If the option is given, the output of method trace profiling will be streamed into the specified file, so the output is no longer limited by the buffer size. Test: m -j48 test-art-host; m -j48 ART_TEST_TRACE=true ART_TEST_TRACE_STREAM=true test-art-host; I also tested manually. Tried all 8 combinations of sampling/instrumention streaming/non-streaming 'am start --start-profiler' / 'am profile start' The output files are all in expected shape. Bug: 33300765 Merged-In: I8a5136a1c7330c8260b7c6c8da63f42a73aee275 Change-Id: I8a5136a1c7330c8260b7c6c8da63f42a73aee275