First effect factory and effect library API implementation. Also added default effect libraries for reverb and equalizer effects. These libraries are for functional test only and are not fine tuned with regard to audio quality. They will probably be replaced by other implementations before the release. Change-Id: I6868f8612146ae282c64052765c61a52ec789ec8
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* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <media/AudioCommon.h>
#if __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Effect control interface
// The effect control interface is exposed by each effect engine implementation. It consists of
// a set of functions controlling the configuration, activation and process of the engine.
// The functions are grouped in a structure of type effect_interface_s:
// struct effect_interface_s {
// effect_process_t process;
// effect_command_t command;
// };
// effect_interface_t: Effect control interface handle.
// The effect_interface_t serves two purposes regarding the implementation of the effect engine:
// - 1 it is the address of a pointer to an effect_interface_s structure where the functions
// of the effect control API for a particular effect are located.
// - 2 it is the address of the context of a particular effect instance.
// A typical implementation in the effect library would define a structure as follows:
// struct effect_module_s {
// const struct effect_interface_s *itfe;
// effect_config_t config;
// effect_context_t context;
// }
// The implementation of EffectCreate() function would then allocate a structure of this
// type and return its address as effect_interface_t
typedef struct effect_interface_s **effect_interface_t;
// Effect API version 1.0
#define EFFECT_API_VERSION 0x0100 // Format 0xMMmm MM: Major version, mm: minor version
// Maximum length of character strings in structures defines by this API.
//--- Effect descriptor structure effect_descriptor_t
// Unique effect ID (can be generated from the following site:
// This format is used for both "type" and "uuid" fields of the effect descriptor structure.
// - When used for effect type and the engine is implementing and effect corresponding to a standard OpenSL ES
// interface, this ID must be the one defined in OpenSLES_IID.h for that interface.
// - When used as uuid, it should be a unique UUID for this particular implementation.
typedef struct effect_uuid_s {
uint32_t timeLow;
uint16_t timeMid;
uint16_t timeHiAndVersion;
uint16_t clockSeq;
uint8_t node[6];
} effect_uuid_t;
// NULL UUID definition (matches SL_IID_NULL_)
#define EFFECT_UUID_INITIALIZER { 0xec7178ec, 0xe5e1, 0x4432, 0xa3f4, { 0x46, 0x57, 0xe6, 0x79, 0x52, 0x10 } }
static const effect_uuid_t EFFECT_UUID_NULL_ = EFFECT_UUID_INITIALIZER;
const effect_uuid_t * const EFFECT_UUID_NULL = &EFFECT_UUID_NULL_;
const char * const EFFECT_UUID_NULL_STR = "ec7178ec-e5e1-4432-a3f4-4657e6795210";
// the effect descriptor contains necessary information to facilitate the enumeration of the effect
// engines present in a library.
typedef struct effect_descriptor_s {
effect_uuid_t type; // UUID corresponding to the OpenSL ES interface implemented by this effect
effect_uuid_t uuid; // UUID for this particular implementation
uint16_t apiVersion; // Version of the effect API implemented: must match current EFFECT_API_VERSION
uint32_t flags; // effect engine capabilities/requirements flags (see below)
char name[EFFECT_STRING_LEN_MAX] ; // human readable effect name
char implementor[EFFECT_STRING_LEN_MAX] ; // human readable effect implementor name
} effect_descriptor_t;
// definitions for flags field of effect descriptor.
// +---------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------
// | description | bits | values
// +---------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------
// | connection mode | 0..1 | 0 insert: after track process
// | | | 1 auxiliary: connect to track auxiliary
// | | | output and use send level
// | | | 2 replace: replaces track process function;
// | | | must implement SRC, volume and mono to stereo.
// | | | 3 reserved
// +---------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------
// | insertion preference | 2..4 | 0 none
// | | | 1 first of the chain
// | | | 2 last of the chain
// | | | 3 exclusive (only effect in the insert chain)
// | | | 4..7 reserved
// +---------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------
// | Volume management | 5..6 | 0 none
// | | | 1 implements volume control
// | | | 2..3 reserved
// +---------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------
// | Device management | 7..8 | 0 none
// | | | 1 requires device updates
// | | | 2..3 reserved
// +---------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------
// | Sample input mode | 9..10 | 0 direct: process() function or EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE
// | | | command must specify a buffer descriptor
// | | | 1 provider: process() function uses the
// | | | bufferProvider indicated by the
// | | | EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE command to request input buffers.
// | | | 2 both: both input modes are supported
// | | | 3 reserved
// +---------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------
// | Sample output mode | 11..12 | 0 direct: process() function or EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE
// | | | command must specify a buffer descriptor
// | | | 1 provider: process() function uses the
// | | | bufferProvider indicated by the
// | | | EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE command to request output buffers.
// | | | 2 both: both output modes are supported
// | | | 3 reserved
// +---------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------
// insert mode
#define EFFECT_FLAG_TYPE_MASK 0x00000003
#define EFFECT_FLAG_TYPE_INSERT 0x00000000
#define EFFECT_FLAG_TYPE_REPLACE 0x00000002
// insert preference
#define EFFECT_FLAG_INSERT_MASK 0x0000001C
#define EFFECT_FLAG_INSERT_ANY 0x00000000
#define EFFECT_FLAG_INSERT_FIRST 0x00000004
#define EFFECT_FLAG_INSERT_LAST 0x00000008
// volume control
#define EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_MASK 0x00000060
#define EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_CTRL 0x00000020
#define EFFECT_FLAG_VOLUME_NONE 0x00000000
// device control
#define EFFECT_FLAG_DEVICE_MASK 0x00000180
#define EFFECT_FLAG_DEVICE_IND 0x00000080
#define EFFECT_FLAG_DEVICE_NONE 0x00000000
// sample input modes
#define EFFECT_FLAG_INPUT_MASK 0x00000600
#define EFFECT_FLAG_INPUT_DIRECT 0x00000000
#define EFFECT_FLAG_INPUT_BOTH 0x00000400
// sample output modes
#define EFFECT_FLAG_OUTPUT_MASK 0x00001800
#define EFFECT_FLAG_OUTPUT_DIRECT 0x00000000
#define EFFECT_FLAG_OUTPUT_BOTH 0x00001000
// forward definition of type audio_buffer_t
typedef struct audio_buffer_s audio_buffer_t;
// Function: process
// Description: Effect process function. Takes input samples as specified
// (count and location) in input buffer descriptor and output processed
// samples as specified in output buffer descriptor. If the buffer descriptor
// is not specified the function must use either the buffer or the
// buffer provider function installed by the EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE command.
// NOTE: the process() function implementation should be "real-time safe" that is
// it should not perform blocking calls: malloc/free, sleep, read/write/open/close,
// pthread_cond_wait/pthread_mutex_lock...
// Input:
// effect_interface_t: handle to the effect interface this function
// is called on.
// inBuffer: buffer descriptor indicating where to read samples to process.
// If NULL, use the configuration passed by EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE command.
// inBuffer: buffer descriptor indicating where to write processed samples.
// If NULL, use the configuration passed by EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE command.
// Output:
// returned value: 0 successful operation
// -EINVAL invalid interface handle or
// invalid input/output buffer description
typedef int32_t (*effect_process_t)(effect_interface_t self, audio_buffer_t *inBuffer, audio_buffer_t *outBuffer);
// Function: command
// Description: Send a command and receive a response to/from effect engine.
// Input:
// effect_interface_t: handle to the effect interface this function
// is called on.
// cmdCode: command code: the command can be a standardized command defined in
// effect_command_e (see below) or a proprietary command.
// cmdSize: size of command in bytes
// pCmdData: pointer to command data
// pReplyData: pointer to reply data
// Input/Output:
// replySize: maximum size of reply data as input
// actual size of reply data as output
// Output:
// returned value: 0 successful operation
// -EINVAL invalid interface handle or
// invalid command/reply size or format according to command code
// The return code should be restricted to indicate problems related to the this
// API specification. Status related to the execution of a particular command should be
// indicated as part of the reply field.
// *pReplyData updated with command response
typedef int32_t (*effect_command_t)(effect_interface_t self, int32_t cmdCode, int32_t cmdSize, void *pCmdData, int32_t *replySize, void *pReplyData);
// Effect control interface definition
struct effect_interface_s {
effect_process_t process;
effect_command_t command;
//--- Standardized command codes for command function
// +--------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------
// | description | command code | command format | reply format
// +--------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------
// | Initialize effect engine: | EFFECT_CMD_INIT | size: 0 | size: sizeof(int)
// | All configurations return to | | data: N/A | data: status
// | default | | |
// +--------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------
// | Apply new audio parameters | EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE | size: sizeof(effect_config_t) | size: sizeof(int)
// | configurations for input and | | data: effect_config_t | data: status
// | output buffers | | |
// +--------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------
// | Reset effect engine: keep | EFFECT_CMD_RESET | size: 0 | size: 0
// | configuration but reset state | | data: N/A | data: N/A
// | and buffer content. | | |
// | Called by the framework before | | |
// | enabling the effect | | |
// +--------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------
// | Enable the process | EFFECT_CMD_ENABLE | size: 0 | size: sizeof(int)
// | Called by the framework before | | data: N/A | data: status
// | the first call to process() | | |
// +--------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------
// | Disable the process | EFFECT_CMD_DISABLE | size: 0 | size: sizeof(int)
// | Called by the framework after | | data: N/A | data: status
// | the last call to process() | | |
// +--------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------
// | Set a parameter and apply it | EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM | size: sizeof(effect_param_t) | size: sizeof(int)
// | immediately | | + size of param + value | data: status
// | | | data: effect_param_t |
// +--------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------
// | Set a parameter but apply it | EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM_DEFERRED | size: sizeof(effect_param_t) | size: 0
// | only when receiving command | | + size of param + value | data: N/A
// | EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM_COMMIT | | data: effect_param_t |
// +--------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------
// | Apply all previously received | EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM_COMMIT | size: 0 | size: sizeof(int)
// | EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM_DEFERRED | | data: N/A | data: status
// | commands | | |
// +--------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------
// | Get a parameter value | EFFECT_CMD_GET_PARAM | size: sizeof(effect_param_t) | size: sizeof(effect_param_t)
// | | | + size of param | + size of param + value
// | | | data: effect_param_t | data: effect_param_t
// +--------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------
// | Set the rendering device the | EFFECT_CMD_SET_DEVICE | size: sizeof(uint32_t) | size: 0
// | audio output path is connected | | data: audio_device_e | data: N/A
// | to. See audio_device_e in | | |
// | AudioCommon.h for device values| | |
// +--------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------
// | Set and get volume. Used by | EFFECT_CMD_SET_VOLUME | size: n * sizeof(uint32_t) | size: n * sizeof(uint32_t)
// | audio framework to delegate | | data: volume for each channel | data: volume for each channel
// | volume control to effect engine| | defined in effect_config_t in | defined in effect_config_t in
// | The engine must return the | | 8.24 fixed point format | 8.24 fixed point format
// | volume that should be applied | | |
// | before the effect is processed | | |
// | The overall volume (the volume | | |
// | actually applied by the effect | | |
// | multiplied by the returned | | |
// | value) should match the | | |
// | requested value | | |
// +--------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------
// | All proprietary effect commands| EFFECT_CMD_FIRST_PROPRIETARY | |
// | must use command codes above | | |
// | this value. The size and format| | |
// | of command and response fields | | |
// | is free in this case. | | |
// +--------------------------------+-------------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------
enum effect_command_e {
EFFECT_CMD_INIT, // initialize effect engine
EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE, // configure effect engine (see effect_config_t)
EFFECT_CMD_RESET, // reset effect engine
EFFECT_CMD_ENABLE, // enable effect process
EFFECT_CMD_DISABLE, // disable effect process
EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM, // set parameter immediately (see effect_param_t)
EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM_DEFERRED, // set parameter deferred
EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM_COMMIT, // commit previous set parameter deferred
EFFECT_CMD_GET_PARAM, // get parameter
EFFECT_CMD_SET_DEVICE, // set audio device (see audio_device_e in AudioCommon.h)
EFFECT_CMD_SET_VOLUME, // set volume
EFFECT_CMD_FIRST_PROPRIETARY = 0x10000 // first proprietary command code
// Audio buffer descriptor used by process(), bufferProvider() functions and buffer_config_t structure
// Multi-channel audio is always interleaved. The channel order is from LSB to MSB with regard to the
// channel mask definition in audio_channels_e (AudioCommon.h) e.g :
// Stereo: left, right
// 5 point 1: front left, front right, front center, low frequency, back left, back right
// The buffer size is expressed in frame count, a frame being composed of samples for all
// channels at a given time
struct audio_buffer_s {
size_t frameCount; // number of frames in buffer
union {
void* raw; // raw pointer to start of buffer
int32_t* s32; // pointer to signed 32 bit data at start of buffer
int16_t* s16; // pointer to signed 16 bit data at start of buffer
uint8_t* u8; // pointer to unsigned 8 bit data at start of buffer
// the buffer_provider_s structure contains functions that can be used
// by the effect engine process() function to query and release input
// or output audio buffer.
// The getBuffer() function is called to retrieve a buffer where data
// should read from or written to by process() function.
// The releaseBuffer() function MUST be called when the buffer retrieved
// with getBuffer() is not needed anymore.
// The process function should use the buffer provider mechanism to retrieve
// input or output buffer if the inBuffer or outBuffer passed as argument is NULL
// and the buffer configuration (buffer_config_t) given by the EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE
// command did not specify an audio buffer.
typedef int32_t (* buffer_function_t)(void *cookie, audio_buffer_t *buffer);
typedef struct buffer_provider_s {
buffer_function_t getBuffer; // retrieve next buffer
buffer_function_t releaseBuffer; // release used buffer
void *cookie; // for use by client of buffer provider functions
} buffer_provider_t;
// The buffer_config_s structure specifies the input or output audio format
// to be used by the effect engine. It is part of the effect_config_t
// structure that defines both input and output buffer configurations and is
// passed by the EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE command.
typedef struct buffer_config_s {
audio_buffer_t buffer; // buffer for use by process() function is not passed explicitly
uint32_t samplingRate; // sampling rate
uint32_t channels; // channel mask (see audio_channels_e in AudioCommon.h)
buffer_provider_t bufferProvider; // buffer provider
uint8_t format; // PCM format (see audio_format_e in AudioCommon.h)
uint8_t accessMode; // read/write or accumulate in buffer (effect_buffer_access_e)
uint16_t mask; // indicates which of the above fields is valid
} buffer_config_t;
// values for "accessMode" field of buffer_config_t:
// overwrite, read only, accumulate (read/modify/write)
enum effect_buffer_access_e {
// values for bit field "mask" in buffer_config_t. If a bit is set, the corresponding field
// in buffer_config_t must be taken into account when executing the EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE command
#define EFFECT_CONFIG_BUFFER 0x0001 // buffer field must be taken into account
#define EFFECT_CONFIG_SMP_RATE 0x0002 // samplingRate field must be taken into account
#define EFFECT_CONFIG_CHANNELS 0x0004 // channels field must be taken into account
#define EFFECT_CONFIG_FORMAT 0x0008 // format field must be taken into account
#define EFFECT_CONFIG_ACC_MODE 0x0010 // accessMode field must be taken into account
#define EFFECT_CONFIG_PROVIDER 0x0020 // bufferProvider field must be taken into account
// effect_config_s structure describes the format of the pCmdData argument of EFFECT_CMD_CONFIGURE command
// to configure audio parameters and buffers for effect engine input and output.
typedef struct effect_config_s {
buffer_config_t inputCfg;
buffer_config_t outputCfg;;
} effect_config_t;
// effect_param_s structure describes the format of the pCmdData argument of EFFECT_CMD_SET_PARAM
// command and pCmdData and pReplyData of EFFECT_CMD_GET_PARAM command.
// psize and vsize represent the actual size of parameter and value.
// NOTE: the start of value field inside the data field is always on a 32 bit boundary:
// +-----------+
// | status | sizeof(int)
// +-----------+
// | psize | sizeof(int)
// +-----------+
// | vsize | sizeof(int)
// +-----------+
// | | | |
// ~ parameter ~ > psize |
// | | | > ((psize - 1)/sizeof(int) + 1) * sizeof(int)
// +-----------+ |
// | padding | |
// +-----------+
// | | |
// ~ value ~ > vsize
// | | |
// +-----------+
typedef struct effect_param_s {
int32_t status; // Transaction status (unused for command, used for reply)
uint32_t psize; // Parameter size
uint32_t vsize; // Value size
char data[]; // Start of Parameter + Value data
} effect_param_t;
// Effect library interface
// An effect library is required to implement and expose the following functions
// to enable effect enumeration and instantiation. The name of these functions must be as
// specified here as the effect framework will get the function address with dlsym():
// - effect_QueryNumberEffects_t EffectQueryNumberEffects;
// - effect_QueryNextEffect_t EffectQueryNext;
// - effect_CreateEffect_t EffectCreate;
// - effect_ReleaseEffect_t EffectRelease;
// Function: EffectQueryNumberEffects
// Description: Returns the number of different effect exposed by the
// library. Each effect must have a unique effect uuid (see
// effect_descriptor_t). This function together with EffectQueryNext()
// is used to enumerate all effects present in the library.
// Each time EffectQueryNumberEffects() is called, the library must
// reset the index of the effect descriptor returned by next call to
// EffectQueryNext() to restart enumeration from the beginning.
// Input/Output:
// pNumEffects: address where the number of effects should be returned.
// Output:
// returned value: 0 successful operation.
// -ENODEV library failed to initialize
// -EINVAL invalid pNumEffects
// *pNumEffects: updated with number of effects in library
typedef int32_t (*effect_QueryNumberEffects_t)(int32_t *pNumEffects);
// Function: EffectQueryNext
// Description: Returns a descriptor of the next available effect.
// See effect_descriptor_t for details on effect descriptors.
// This function together with EffectQueryNext() is used to enumerate all
// effects present in the library. The enumeration sequence is:
// EffectQueryNumberEffects(&num_effects);
// while (num_effects--)
// EffectQueryNext();
// Input/Output:
// pDescriptor: address where to return the effect descriptor.
// Output:
// returned value: 0 successful operation.
// -ENODEV library failed to initialize
// -EINVAL invalid pDescriptor
// -ENOENT no more effect available
// *pDescriptor: updated with the effect descriptor.
typedef int32_t (*effect_QueryNextEffect_t)(effect_descriptor_t *pDescriptor);
// Function: EffectCreate
// Description: Creates an effect engine of the specified type and returns an
// effect control interface on this engine. The function will allocate the
// resources for an instance of the requested effect engine and return
// a handle on the effect control interface.
// Input:
// pEffectUuid: pointer to the effect uuid.
// Input/Output:
// pInterface: address where to return the effect interface.
// Output:
// returned value: 0 successful operation.
// -ENODEV library failed to initialize
// -EINVAL invalid pEffectUuid or pInterface
// -ENOENT No effect with this uuid found
// *pInterface: updated with the effect interface handle.
typedef int32_t (*effect_CreateEffect_t)(effect_uuid_t *uuid, effect_interface_t *pInterface);
// Function: EffectRelease
// Description: Releases the effect engine whose handle is given as argument.
// All resources allocated to this particular instance of the effect are
// released.
// Input:
// interface: handle on the effect interface to be released.
// Output:
// returned value: 0 successful operation.
// -ENODEV library failed to initialize
// -EINVAL invalid interface handle
typedef int32_t (*effect_ReleaseEffect_t)(effect_interface_t interface);
#if __cplusplus
} // extern "C"