Test: manual (building shared support library demo) Change-Id: I4730645aa92ba1893baf67ffe35fbd4aac0f8e46
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* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include "androidfw/StringPiece.h"
#include "ResourceTable.h"
#include "ResourceValues.h"
#include "process/IResourceTableConsumer.h"
#include "process/SymbolTable.h"
namespace aapt {
class AnnotationProcessor;
class ClassDefinition;
class MethodDefinition;
// Options for generating onResourcesLoaded callback in R.java.
struct OnResourcesLoadedCallbackOptions {
// Other R classes to delegate the same callback to (with the same package ID).
std::vector<std::string> packages_to_callback;
struct JavaClassGeneratorOptions {
// Specifies whether to use the 'final' modifier on resource entries. Default is true.
bool use_final = true;
// If set, generates code to rewrite the package ID of resources.
// Implies use_final == true. Default is unset.
Maybe<OnResourcesLoadedCallbackOptions> rewrite_callback_options;
enum class SymbolTypes {
SymbolTypes types = SymbolTypes::kAll;
// A list of JavaDoc annotations to add to the comments of all generated classes.
std::vector<std::string> javadoc_annotations;
// Generates the R.java file for a resource table.
class JavaClassGenerator {
JavaClassGenerator(IAaptContext* context, ResourceTable* table,
const JavaClassGeneratorOptions& options);
// Writes the R.java file to `out`. Only symbols belonging to `package` are written.
// All symbols technically belong to a single package, but linked libraries will
// have their names mangled, denoting that they came from a different package.
// We need to generate these symbols in a separate file. Returns true on success.
bool Generate(const android::StringPiece& package_name_to_generate, std::ostream* out);
bool Generate(const android::StringPiece& package_name_to_generate,
const android::StringPiece& output_package_name, std::ostream* out);
const std::string& getError() const;
bool SkipSymbol(SymbolState state);
bool SkipSymbol(const Maybe<SymbolTable::Symbol>& symbol);
// Returns the unmangled resource entry name if the unmangled package is the same as
// package_name_to_generate. Returns nothing if the resource should be skipped.
Maybe<std::string> UnmangleResource(const android::StringPiece& package_name,
const android::StringPiece& package_name_to_generate,
const ResourceEntry& entry);
bool ProcessType(const android::StringPiece& package_name_to_generate,
const ResourceTablePackage& package, const ResourceTableType& type,
ClassDefinition* out_type_class_def, MethodDefinition* out_rewrite_method_def);
// Writes a resource to the R.java file, optionally writing out a rewrite rule for its package
// ID if `out_rewrite_method` is not nullptr.
void ProcessResource(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ResourceId& id,
const ResourceEntry& entry, ClassDefinition* out_class_def,
MethodDefinition* out_rewrite_method);
// Writes a styleable resource to the R.java file, optionally writing out a rewrite rule for
// its package ID if `out_rewrite_method` is not nullptr.
// `package_name_to_generate` is the package
void ProcessStyleable(const ResourceNameRef& name, const ResourceId& id,
const Styleable& styleable,
const android::StringPiece& package_name_to_generate,
ClassDefinition* out_class_def, MethodDefinition* out_rewrite_method);
IAaptContext* context_;
ResourceTable* table_;
JavaClassGeneratorOptions options_;
std::string error_;
inline const std::string& JavaClassGenerator::getError() const {
return error_;
} // namespace aapt