- Change BoundsAnimationController to be more consistent:
1) Ensure that on animation end is always called even when cancelled to
ensure animation start/end parity in the callbacks
2) Ensure that setPinnedStackSize() is only called between start/end
3) Prevent calling setPinnedStackSize() to the final bounds if the
animation is cancelled
- With that, we add a flag to cancel the current bounds animation when a
rotation happens while the bounds are animating. In addition, we also
add a check from AM to WM before applying the resize during the animation
in the case where WM sends the bounds to AM, but AM lock is held while
updating the exact stack bounds (once that finishes the old stale bounds
would have been applied)
- In addition, we can then move the handling of the of the rotation to the
config change update in WM, if we handle it before the other checks.
Bug: 36879891
Test: android.server.cts.ActivityManagerPinnedStackTests
Change-Id: I62c6df8b349971cc82a7898ae8b26834723faec5