View.setSystemUiVisibility() now properly accepts a bitfield, including: * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE: "lights out mode" (previously known, erroneously, as STATUS_BAR_HIDDEN) * SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION: for when you need every single pixel on a device that also has a navigation bar These flags are painstakingly aggregated across the entire view hierarchy and carefully delivered to the status bar service, which in turn gently passes them along to the bar implementation. To really get access to the whole screen, you need to use HIDE_NAVIGATION in conjunction with FLAG_FULLSCREEN and FLAG_LAYOUT_IN_SCREEN. See development/samples/Overscan for an example of how to do this. Change-Id: I5fbfe009d9ceebbbf71db73f14a7008ea7c1d4da