Jim Miller 5ecd81154f Move keyguard to its own process.
This is in preparation to moving keyguard into its own process.

Moved keyguard source and resources into new .apk.

Got basic test app working.  Still need to implement MockPatternUtils
and means to pass it into KeyguardService with local binder interface.


Temporarily disabled USER_PRESENT broadcast.

Remove unintentional whitespace changes in PhoneWindowManager, etc.

Checkpoint basic working version.

Move to systemui process.

Synchronize with TOT.

Sync with recent user API changes.

Fix bug with returing interface instead of stub for IKeyguardResult.  Create KeyguardServiceDelegate to allow
for runtime-selectable local or remote interface.

More keyguard crash robustness.

Keyguard crash recovery working.  Currently fails safe (locked).

Fix selector view which was still using frameworks resources.

Remove more references to internal framework variables.  Use aliases for those we should move but
currently have dependencies.

Allow runtime switching between service and local mode.

Fix layout issue on tablets where orientation was reading the incorrect constant
from the framework.  Remove more framework dependencies.

Fix PIN keyboard input.

Remove unnecessary copy of orientation attrs.

Remove unused user selector widget and attempt to get multi user working again.

Fix multi-user avatar icon by grabbing it from UserManager rather than directly since
keyguard can no longer read it.

Merge with AppWidget userId changes in master.

Change-Id: I254d6fc6423ae40f6d7fef50aead4caa701e5ad2
2013-02-27 17:27:53 -08:00

137 lines
6.9 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<!-- Formatting note: terminate all comments with a period, to avoid breaking
the documentation output. To suppress comment lines from the documentation
output, insert an eat-comment element after the comment lines.
<!-- Standard gravity constant that a child supplies to its parent.
Defines how the child view should be positioned, on both the X and Y axes, within its enclosing layout. -->
<attr name="layout_gravity">
<!-- Push object to the top of its container, not changing its size. -->
<flag name="top" value="0x30" />
<!-- Push object to the bottom of its container, not changing its size. -->
<flag name="bottom" value="0x50" />
<!-- Push object to the left of its container, not changing its size. -->
<flag name="left" value="0x03" />
<!-- Push object to the right of its container, not changing its size. -->
<flag name="right" value="0x05" />
<!-- Place object in the vertical center of its container, not changing its size. -->
<flag name="center_vertical" value="0x10" />
<!-- Grow the vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
<flag name="fill_vertical" value="0x70" />
<!-- Place object in the horizontal center of its container, not changing its size. -->
<flag name="center_horizontal" value="0x01" />
<!-- Grow the horizontal size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
<flag name="fill_horizontal" value="0x07" />
<!-- Place the object in the center of its container in both the vertical and horizontal axis, not changing its size. -->
<flag name="center" value="0x11" />
<!-- Grow the horizontal and vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
<flag name="fill" value="0x77" />
<!-- Additional option that can be set to have the top and/or bottom edges of
the child clipped to its container's bounds.
The clip will be based on the vertical gravity: a top gravity will clip the bottom
edge, a bottom gravity will clip the top edge, and neither will clip both edges. -->
<flag name="clip_vertical" value="0x80" />
<!-- Additional option that can be set to have the left and/or right edges of
the child clipped to its container's bounds.
The clip will be based on the horizontal gravity: a left gravity will clip the right
edge, a right gravity will clip the left edge, and neither will clip both edges. -->
<flag name="clip_horizontal" value="0x08" />
<!-- Push object to the beginning of its container, not changing its size. -->
<flag name="start" value="0x00800003" />
<!-- Push object to the end of its container, not changing its size. -->
<flag name="end" value="0x00800005" />
<!-- PagedView specific attributes. These attributes are used to customize
a PagedView view in XML files. -->
<declare-styleable name="PagedView">
<!-- The space between adjacent pages of the PagedView. -->
<attr name="pageSpacing" format="dimension" />
<!-- The padding for the scroll indicator area -->
<attr name="scrollIndicatorPaddingLeft" format="dimension" />
<attr name="scrollIndicatorPaddingRight" format="dimension" />
<declare-styleable name="KeyguardGlowStripView">
<attr name="dotSize" format="dimension" />
<attr name="numDots" format="integer" />
<attr name="glowDot" format="reference" />
<attr name="leftToRight" format="boolean" />
<!-- Some child types have special behavior. -->
<attr name="layout_childType">
<!-- No special behavior. Layout will proceed as normal. -->
<enum name="none" value="0" />
<!-- Widget container.
This will be resized in response to certain events. -->
<enum name="widget" value="1" />
<!-- Security challenge container.
This will be dismissed/shown in response to certain events,
possibly obscuring widget elements. -->
<enum name="challenge" value="2" />
<!-- User switcher.
This will consume space from the total layout area. -->
<enum name="userSwitcher" value="3" />
<!-- Scrim. This will block access to child views that
come before it in the child list in bouncer mode. -->
<enum name="scrim" value="4" />
<!-- The home for widgets. All widgets will be descendents of this. -->
<enum name="widgets" value="5" />
<!-- This is a handle that is used for expanding the
security challenge container when it is collapsed. -->
<enum name="expandChallengeHandle" value="6" />
<!-- Delete drop target. This will be the drop target to delete pages. -->
<enum name="pageDeleteDropTarget" value="7" />
<declare-styleable name="SlidingChallengeLayout_Layout">
<attr name="layout_childType" />
<attr name="layout_maxHeight" format="dimension" />
<declare-styleable name="MultiPaneChallengeLayout">
<!-- Influences how layout_centerWithinArea behaves -->
<attr name="android:orientation" />
<declare-styleable name="MultiPaneChallengeLayout_Layout">
<!-- Percentage of the screen this child should consume or center within.
If 0/default, the view will be measured by standard rules
as if this were a FrameLayout. -->
<attr name="layout_centerWithinArea" format="float" />
<attr name="layout_childType" />
<attr name="layout_gravity" />
<attr name="layout_maxWidth" format="dimension" />
<attr name="layout_maxHeight" />
<declare-styleable name="KeyguardSecurityViewFlipper_Layout">
<attr name="layout_maxWidth" />
<attr name="layout_maxHeight" />
<declare-styleable name="NumPadKey">
<attr name="digit" format="integer" />
<attr name="textView" format="reference" />