Yangster-mac 9def8e3995 Reduce statsd log data size.
1. Hash the strings in metric dimensions.
2. Optimize the timestamp encoding in bucket.
   Use bucket num for full bucket and millis for
   partial bucket.
3. Encode the dimension path per metric and avoid
   deduping it across dimensons.

Test: statsd test
Change-Id: I18f69654de85edb21a9c835c73edead756295e05
BUG: b/77813755
2018-04-26 04:30:18 -07:00

322 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/stats_log.pb.h"
#include "frameworks/base/cmds/statsd/src/statsd_config.pb.h"
#include "src/StatsLogProcessor.h"
#include "src/logd/LogEvent.h"
#include "src/hash.h"
#include "src/stats_log_util.h"
#include "statslog.h"
namespace android {
namespace os {
namespace statsd {
using google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField;
// Create AtomMatcher proto to simply match a specific atom type.
AtomMatcher CreateSimpleAtomMatcher(const string& name, int atomId);
// Create AtomMatcher proto for temperature atom.
AtomMatcher CreateTemperatureAtomMatcher();
// Create AtomMatcher proto for scheduled job state changed.
AtomMatcher CreateScheduledJobStateChangedAtomMatcher();
// Create AtomMatcher proto for starting a scheduled job.
AtomMatcher CreateStartScheduledJobAtomMatcher();
// Create AtomMatcher proto for a scheduled job is done.
AtomMatcher CreateFinishScheduledJobAtomMatcher();
// Create AtomMatcher proto for screen brightness state changed.
AtomMatcher CreateScreenBrightnessChangedAtomMatcher();
// Create AtomMatcher proto for starting battery save mode.
AtomMatcher CreateBatterySaverModeStartAtomMatcher();
// Create AtomMatcher proto for stopping battery save mode.
AtomMatcher CreateBatterySaverModeStopAtomMatcher();
// Create AtomMatcher proto for process state changed.
AtomMatcher CreateUidProcessStateChangedAtomMatcher();
// Create AtomMatcher proto for acquiring wakelock.
AtomMatcher CreateAcquireWakelockAtomMatcher();
// Create AtomMatcher proto for releasing wakelock.
AtomMatcher CreateReleaseWakelockAtomMatcher() ;
// Create AtomMatcher proto for screen turned on.
AtomMatcher CreateScreenTurnedOnAtomMatcher();
// Create AtomMatcher proto for screen turned off.
AtomMatcher CreateScreenTurnedOffAtomMatcher();
// Create AtomMatcher proto for app sync turned on.
AtomMatcher CreateSyncStartAtomMatcher();
// Create AtomMatcher proto for app sync turned off.
AtomMatcher CreateSyncEndAtomMatcher();
// Create AtomMatcher proto for app sync moves to background.
AtomMatcher CreateMoveToBackgroundAtomMatcher();
// Create AtomMatcher proto for app sync moves to foreground.
AtomMatcher CreateMoveToForegroundAtomMatcher();
// Create AtomMatcher proto for process crashes
AtomMatcher CreateProcessCrashAtomMatcher() ;
// Create Predicate proto for screen is on.
Predicate CreateScreenIsOnPredicate();
// Create Predicate proto for screen is off.
Predicate CreateScreenIsOffPredicate();
// Create Predicate proto for a running scheduled job.
Predicate CreateScheduledJobPredicate();
// Create Predicate proto for battery saver mode.
Predicate CreateBatterySaverModePredicate();
// Create Predicate proto for holding wakelock.
Predicate CreateHoldingWakelockPredicate();
// Create a Predicate proto for app syncing.
Predicate CreateIsSyncingPredicate();
// Create a Predicate proto for app is in background.
Predicate CreateIsInBackgroundPredicate();
// Add a predicate to the predicate combination.
void addPredicateToPredicateCombination(const Predicate& predicate, Predicate* combination);
// Create dimensions from primitive fields.
FieldMatcher CreateDimensions(const int atomId, const std::vector<int>& fields);
// Create dimensions by attribution uid and tag.
FieldMatcher CreateAttributionUidAndTagDimensions(const int atomId,
const std::vector<Position>& positions);
// Create dimensions by attribution uid only.
FieldMatcher CreateAttributionUidDimensions(const int atomId,
const std::vector<Position>& positions);
// Create log event for screen state changed.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateScreenStateChangedEvent(
const android::view::DisplayStateEnum state, uint64_t timestampNs);
// Create log event for screen brightness state changed.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateScreenBrightnessChangedEvent(
int level, uint64_t timestampNs);
// Create log event when scheduled job starts.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateStartScheduledJobEvent(
const std::vector<AttributionNodeInternal>& attributions,
const string& name, uint64_t timestampNs);
// Create log event when scheduled job finishes.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateFinishScheduledJobEvent(
const std::vector<AttributionNodeInternal>& attributions,
const string& name, uint64_t timestampNs);
// Create log event when battery saver starts.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateBatterySaverOnEvent(uint64_t timestampNs);
// Create log event when battery saver stops.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateBatterySaverOffEvent(uint64_t timestampNs);
// Create log event for app moving to background.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateMoveToBackgroundEvent(const int uid, uint64_t timestampNs);
// Create log event for app moving to foreground.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateMoveToForegroundEvent(const int uid, uint64_t timestampNs);
// Create log event when the app sync starts.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateSyncStartEvent(
const std::vector<AttributionNodeInternal>& attributions, const string& name,
uint64_t timestampNs);
// Create log event when the app sync ends.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateSyncEndEvent(
const std::vector<AttributionNodeInternal>& attributions, const string& name,
uint64_t timestampNs);
// Create log event when the app sync ends.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateAppCrashEvent(
const int uid, uint64_t timestampNs);
// Create log event for acquiring wakelock.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateAcquireWakelockEvent(
const std::vector<AttributionNodeInternal>& attributions, const string& wakelockName,
uint64_t timestampNs);
// Create log event for releasing wakelock.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateReleaseWakelockEvent(
const std::vector<AttributionNodeInternal>& attributions, const string& wakelockName,
uint64_t timestampNs);
// Create log event for releasing wakelock.
std::unique_ptr<LogEvent> CreateIsolatedUidChangedEvent(
int isolatedUid, int hostUid, bool is_create, uint64_t timestampNs);
// Helper function to create an AttributionNodeInternal proto.
AttributionNodeInternal CreateAttribution(const int& uid, const string& tag);
// Create a statsd log event processor upon the start time in seconds, config and key.
sp<StatsLogProcessor> CreateStatsLogProcessor(const int64_t timeBaseNs,
const int64_t currentTimeNs,
const StatsdConfig& config, const ConfigKey& key);
// Util function to sort the log events by timestamp.
void sortLogEventsByTimestamp(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LogEvent>> *events);
int64_t StringToId(const string& str);
void ValidateUidDimension(const DimensionsValue& value, int node_idx, int atomId, int uid);
void ValidateAttributionUidDimension(const DimensionsValue& value, int atomId, int uid);
void ValidateAttributionUidAndTagDimension(
const DimensionsValue& value, int atomId, int uid, const std::string& tag);
void ValidateAttributionUidAndTagDimension(
const DimensionsValue& value, int node_idx, int atomId, int uid, const std::string& tag);
struct DimensionsPair {
DimensionsPair(DimensionsValue m1, DimensionsValue m2) : dimInWhat(m1), dimInCondition(m2){};
DimensionsValue dimInWhat;
DimensionsValue dimInCondition;
bool LessThan(const DimensionsValue& s1, const DimensionsValue& s2);
bool LessThan(const DimensionsPair& s1, const DimensionsPair& s2);
void backfillStartEndTimestamp(ConfigMetricsReport *config_report);
void backfillStartEndTimestamp(ConfigMetricsReportList *config_report_list);
void backfillStringInReport(ConfigMetricsReportList *config_report_list);
void backfillStringInDimension(const std::map<uint64_t, string>& str_map,
DimensionsValue* dimension);
template <typename T>
void backfillStringInDimension(const std::map<uint64_t, string>& str_map,
T* metrics) {
for (int i = 0; i < metrics->data_size(); ++i) {
auto data = metrics->mutable_data(i);
if (data->has_dimensions_in_what()) {
backfillStringInDimension(str_map, data->mutable_dimensions_in_what());
if (data->has_dimensions_in_condition()) {
backfillStringInDimension(str_map, data->mutable_dimensions_in_condition());
void backfillDimensionPath(ConfigMetricsReportList* config_report_list);
bool backfillDimensionPath(const DimensionsValue& path,
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<DimensionsValue>& leafValues,
DimensionsValue* dimension);
template <typename T>
void backfillDimensionPath(const DimensionsValue& whatPath,
const DimensionsValue& conditionPath,
T* metricData) {
for (int i = 0; i < metricData->data_size(); ++i) {
auto data = metricData->mutable_data(i);
if (data->dimension_leaf_values_in_what_size() > 0) {
backfillDimensionPath(whatPath, data->dimension_leaf_values_in_what(),
if (data->dimension_leaf_values_in_condition_size() > 0) {
backfillDimensionPath(conditionPath, data->dimension_leaf_values_in_condition(),
struct DimensionCompare {
bool operator()(const DimensionsPair& s1, const DimensionsPair& s2) const {
return LessThan(s1, s2);
template <typename T>
void sortMetricDataByDimensionsValue(const T& metricData, T* sortedMetricData) {
std::map<DimensionsPair, int, DimensionCompare> dimensionIndexMap;
for (int i = 0; i < metricData.data_size(); ++i) {
for (const auto& itr : dimensionIndexMap) {
*sortedMetricData->add_data() = metricData.data(itr.second);
template <typename T>
void backfillStartEndTimestampForFullBucket(
const int64_t timeBaseNs, const int64_t bucketSizeNs, T* bucket) {
bucket->set_start_bucket_elapsed_nanos(timeBaseNs + bucketSizeNs * bucket->bucket_num());
timeBaseNs + bucketSizeNs * bucket->bucket_num() + bucketSizeNs);
template <typename T>
void backfillStartEndTimestampForPartialBucket(const int64_t timeBaseNs, T* bucket) {
if (bucket->has_start_bucket_elapsed_millis()) {
if (bucket->has_end_bucket_elapsed_millis()) {
template <typename T>
void backfillStartEndTimestampForMetrics(const int64_t timeBaseNs, const int64_t bucketSizeNs,
T* metrics) {
for (int i = 0; i < metrics->data_size(); ++i) {
auto data = metrics->mutable_data(i);
for (int j = 0; j < data->bucket_info_size(); ++j) {
auto bucket = data->mutable_bucket_info(j);
if (bucket->has_bucket_num()) {
backfillStartEndTimestampForFullBucket(timeBaseNs, bucketSizeNs, bucket);
} else {
backfillStartEndTimestampForPartialBucket(timeBaseNs, bucket);
template <typename T>
void backfillStartEndTimestampForSkippedBuckets(const int64_t timeBaseNs, T* metrics) {
for (int i = 0; i < metrics->skipped_size(); ++i) {
backfillStartEndTimestampForPartialBucket(timeBaseNs, metrics->mutable_skipped(i));
} // namespace statsd
} // namespace os
} // namespace android