1. address the feeback from API review:
throw exception rather than a boolean return
throw Security exception for permission denial and non-default dailer app.
throw invalidStateException if telephonyServie unavaialble.
2. sendDialerCode API will only check permission and package match without
enforcing the format of secret code(*#*# CODE #*#*) as throwing an unchecked
exception for wrong bad format seems to be an overkill regarding the API usage.
Dialer calls this API for each keyboard press to check format and send the intent
altogether which is no longer appropriate if we plan to return void and will
reduce frquent API calls.
3. allow callers with carrier privilege
4. not require MODIFY_PHONE_STATE as third party dialer apps won't be
5. TODO mark android.provider.Telephony.SECRET_CODE to be protected
after calling apps move to this API.
Test: Manual
Change-Id: I8287aa93f2f79d356935a48cf808705d9b49984b