ResourceLoaders allow inserting another .apk/.arsc into AssetManager's resource resolution search. The effect is similar to overlays, where a entry of >= config later in the path list will return that ApkAsset's resource value instead. Because loading from an .arsc is supported, which doesn't contain any actual files, ResourceLoader exposes loadDrawable and loadXmlResourceParser to allow an application load those files from anywhere or create them in code. The data being loaded is either pushed into an .apk or .arsc that mocks itself as the package being "overlaid" and is passed in through ResourcesProvider, an interface with static methods that supports loading from a readable path on disk or a FileDescriptor. The APIs are accessed through a Context's getResources(), which has been changed to be unique per "Context-scope", which is usually the lifetime of the Java object. The exception is that Activities who get their Resources object persisted across recreations maintain that logic for persisting ResourceLoaders. Bug: 135270223 Test: atest FrameworksResourceLoaderTests Change-Id: I6929f0828629ad39a21fa155e7fec73bd75eec7d
968 lines
24 KiB
968 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Provide access to a read-only asset.
#define LOG_TAG "asset"
//#define NDEBUG 0
#include <androidfw/Asset.h>
#include <androidfw/StreamingZipInflater.h>
#include <androidfw/Util.h>
#include <androidfw/ZipFileRO.h>
#include <androidfw/ZipUtils.h>
#include <cutils/atomic.h>
#include <utils/FileMap.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <utils/threads.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
using namespace android;
#ifndef O_BINARY
# define O_BINARY 0
static const bool kIsDebug = false;
static Mutex gAssetLock;
static int32_t gCount = 0;
static Asset* gHead = NULL;
static Asset* gTail = NULL;
void Asset::registerAsset(Asset* asset)
AutoMutex _l(gAssetLock);
asset->mNext = asset->mPrev = NULL;
if (gTail == NULL) {
gHead = gTail = asset;
} else {
asset->mPrev = gTail;
gTail->mNext = asset;
gTail = asset;
if (kIsDebug) {
ALOGI("Creating Asset %p #%d\n", asset, gCount);
void Asset::unregisterAsset(Asset* asset)
AutoMutex _l(gAssetLock);
if (gHead == asset) {
gHead = asset->mNext;
if (gTail == asset) {
gTail = asset->mPrev;
if (asset->mNext != NULL) {
asset->mNext->mPrev = asset->mPrev;
if (asset->mPrev != NULL) {
asset->mPrev->mNext = asset->mNext;
asset->mNext = asset->mPrev = NULL;
if (kIsDebug) {
ALOGI("Destroying Asset in %p #%d\n", asset, gCount);
int32_t Asset::getGlobalCount()
AutoMutex _l(gAssetLock);
return gCount;
String8 Asset::getAssetAllocations()
AutoMutex _l(gAssetLock);
String8 res;
Asset* cur = gHead;
while (cur != NULL) {
if (cur->isAllocated()) {
res.append(" ");
off64_t size = (cur->getLength()+512)/1024;
char buf[64];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), ": %dK\n", (int)size);
cur = cur->mNext;
return res;
: mAccessMode(ACCESS_UNKNOWN), mNext(NULL), mPrev(NULL)
* Create a new Asset from a file on disk. There is a fair chance that
* the file doesn't actually exist.
* We can use "mode" to decide how we want to go about it.
/*static*/ Asset* Asset::createFromFile(const char* fileName, AccessMode mode)
return createFromFd(open(fileName, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY), fileName, mode);
* Create a new Asset from a file on disk. There is a fair chance that
* the file doesn't actually exist.
* We can use "mode" to decide how we want to go about it.
/*static*/ Asset* Asset::createFromFd(const int fd, const char* fileName, AccessMode mode)
if (fd < 0) {
return NULL;
_FileAsset* pAsset;
status_t result;
off64_t length;
* Under Linux, the lseek fails if we actually opened a directory. To
* be correct we should test the file type explicitly, but since we
* always open things read-only it doesn't really matter, so there's
* no value in incurring the extra overhead of an fstat() call.
// TODO(kroot): replace this with fstat despite the plea above.
#if 1
length = lseek64(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
if (length < 0) {
return NULL;
(void) lseek64(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
struct stat st;
if (fstat(fd, &st) < 0) {
return NULL;
if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
return NULL;
pAsset = new _FileAsset;
result = pAsset->openChunk(fileName, fd, 0, length);
if (result != NO_ERROR) {
delete pAsset;
return NULL;
pAsset->mAccessMode = mode;
return pAsset;
* Create a new Asset from a compressed file on disk. There is a fair chance
* that the file doesn't actually exist.
* We currently support gzip files. We might want to handle .bz2 someday.
/*static*/ Asset* Asset::createFromCompressedFile(const char* fileName,
AccessMode mode)
_CompressedAsset* pAsset;
status_t result;
off64_t fileLen;
bool scanResult;
long offset;
int method;
long uncompressedLen, compressedLen;
int fd;
fd = open(fileName, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
if (fd < 0)
return NULL;
fileLen = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
if (fileLen < 0) {
return NULL;
(void) lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
/* want buffered I/O for the file scan; must dup so fclose() is safe */
FILE* fp = fdopen(dup(fd), "rb");
if (fp == NULL) {
return NULL;
unsigned long crc32;
scanResult = ZipUtils::examineGzip(fp, &method, &uncompressedLen,
&compressedLen, &crc32);
offset = ftell(fp);
if (!scanResult) {
ALOGD("File '%s' is not in gzip format\n", fileName);
return NULL;
pAsset = new _CompressedAsset;
result = pAsset->openChunk(fd, offset, method, uncompressedLen,
if (result != NO_ERROR) {
delete pAsset;
return NULL;
pAsset->mAccessMode = mode;
return pAsset;
#if 0
* Create a new Asset from part of an open file.
/*static*/ Asset* Asset::createFromFileSegment(int fd, off64_t offset,
size_t length, AccessMode mode)
_FileAsset* pAsset;
status_t result;
pAsset = new _FileAsset;
result = pAsset->openChunk(NULL, fd, offset, length);
if (result != NO_ERROR) {
delete pAsset;
return NULL;
pAsset->mAccessMode = mode;
return pAsset;
* Create a new Asset from compressed data in an open file.
/*static*/ Asset* Asset::createFromCompressedData(int fd, off64_t offset,
int compressionMethod, size_t uncompressedLen, size_t compressedLen,
AccessMode mode)
_CompressedAsset* pAsset;
status_t result;
pAsset = new _CompressedAsset;
result = pAsset->openChunk(fd, offset, compressionMethod,
uncompressedLen, compressedLen);
if (result != NO_ERROR) {
delete pAsset;
return NULL;
pAsset->mAccessMode = mode;
return pAsset;
* Create a new Asset from a memory mapping.
/*static*/ Asset* Asset::createFromUncompressedMap(FileMap* dataMap,
AccessMode mode)
_FileAsset* pAsset;
status_t result;
pAsset = new _FileAsset;
result = pAsset->openChunk(dataMap);
if (result != NO_ERROR) {
delete pAsset;
return NULL;
pAsset->mAccessMode = mode;
return pAsset;
/*static*/ std::unique_ptr<Asset> Asset::createFromUncompressedMap(std::unique_ptr<FileMap> dataMap,
AccessMode mode)
std::unique_ptr<_FileAsset> pAsset = util::make_unique<_FileAsset>();
status_t result = pAsset->openChunk(dataMap.get());
if (result != NO_ERROR) {
return NULL;
// We succeeded, so relinquish control of dataMap
(void) dataMap.release();
pAsset->mAccessMode = mode;
return std::move(pAsset);
* Create a new Asset from compressed data in a memory mapping.
/*static*/ Asset* Asset::createFromCompressedMap(FileMap* dataMap,
size_t uncompressedLen, AccessMode mode)
_CompressedAsset* pAsset;
status_t result;
pAsset = new _CompressedAsset;
result = pAsset->openChunk(dataMap, uncompressedLen);
if (result != NO_ERROR) {
delete pAsset;
return NULL;
pAsset->mAccessMode = mode;
return pAsset;
/*static*/ std::unique_ptr<Asset> Asset::createFromCompressedMap(std::unique_ptr<FileMap> dataMap,
size_t uncompressedLen, AccessMode mode)
std::unique_ptr<_CompressedAsset> pAsset = util::make_unique<_CompressedAsset>();
status_t result = pAsset->openChunk(dataMap.get(), uncompressedLen);
if (result != NO_ERROR) {
return NULL;
// We succeeded, so relinquish control of dataMap
(void) dataMap.release();
pAsset->mAccessMode = mode;
return std::move(pAsset);
* Do generic seek() housekeeping. Pass in the offset/whence values from
* the seek request, along with the current chunk offset and the chunk
* length.
* Returns the new chunk offset, or -1 if the seek is illegal.
off64_t Asset::handleSeek(off64_t offset, int whence, off64_t curPosn, off64_t maxPosn)
off64_t newOffset;
switch (whence) {
case SEEK_SET:
newOffset = offset;
case SEEK_CUR:
newOffset = curPosn + offset;
case SEEK_END:
newOffset = maxPosn + offset;
ALOGW("unexpected whence %d\n", whence);
// this was happening due to an off64_t size mismatch
return (off64_t) -1;
if (newOffset < 0 || newOffset > maxPosn) {
ALOGW("seek out of range: want %ld, end=%ld\n",
(long) newOffset, (long) maxPosn);
return (off64_t) -1;
return newOffset;
* ===========================================================================
* _FileAsset
* ===========================================================================
* Constructor.
: mStart(0), mLength(0), mOffset(0), mFp(NULL), mFileName(NULL), mMap(NULL), mBuf(NULL)
// Register the Asset with the global list here after it is fully constructed and its
// vtable pointer points to this concrete type. b/31113965
* Destructor. Release resources.
// Unregister the Asset from the global list here before it is destructed and while its vtable
// pointer still points to this concrete type. b/31113965
* Operate on a chunk of an uncompressed file.
* Zero-length chunks are allowed.
status_t _FileAsset::openChunk(const char* fileName, int fd, off64_t offset, size_t length)
assert(mFp == NULL); // no reopen
assert(mMap == NULL);
assert(fd >= 0);
assert(offset >= 0);
* Seek to end to get file length.
off64_t fileLength;
fileLength = lseek64(fd, 0, SEEK_END);
if (fileLength == (off64_t) -1) {
// probably a bad file descriptor
ALOGD("failed lseek (errno=%d)\n", errno);
if ((off64_t) (offset + length) > fileLength) {
ALOGD("start (%ld) + len (%ld) > end (%ld)\n",
(long) offset, (long) length, (long) fileLength);
return BAD_INDEX;
/* after fdopen, the fd will be closed on fclose() */
mFp = fdopen(fd, "rb");
if (mFp == NULL)
mStart = offset;
mLength = length;
assert(mOffset == 0);
/* seek the FILE* to the start of chunk */
if (fseek(mFp, mStart, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
mFileName = fileName != NULL ? strdup(fileName) : NULL;
return NO_ERROR;
* Create the chunk from the map.
status_t _FileAsset::openChunk(FileMap* dataMap)
assert(mFp == NULL); // no reopen
assert(mMap == NULL);
assert(dataMap != NULL);
mMap = dataMap;
mStart = -1; // not used
mLength = dataMap->getDataLength();
assert(mOffset == 0);
return NO_ERROR;
* Read a chunk of data.
ssize_t _FileAsset::read(void* buf, size_t count)
size_t maxLen;
size_t actual;
assert(mOffset >= 0 && mOffset <= mLength);
if (getAccessMode() == ACCESS_BUFFER) {
* On first access, read or map the entire file. The caller has
* requested buffer access, either because they're going to be
* using the buffer or because what they're doing has appropriate
* performance needs and access patterns.
if (mBuf == NULL)
/* adjust count if we're near EOF */
maxLen = mLength - mOffset;
if (count > maxLen)
count = maxLen;
if (!count)
return 0;
if (mMap != NULL) {
/* copy from mapped area */
//printf("map read\n");
memcpy(buf, (char*)mMap->getDataPtr() + mOffset, count);
actual = count;
} else if (mBuf != NULL) {
/* copy from buffer */
//printf("buf read\n");
memcpy(buf, (char*)mBuf + mOffset, count);
actual = count;
} else {
/* read from the file */
//printf("file read\n");
if (ftell(mFp) != mStart + mOffset) {
ALOGE("Hosed: %ld != %ld+%ld\n",
ftell(mFp), (long) mStart, (long) mOffset);
* This returns 0 on error or eof. We need to use ferror() or feof()
* to tell the difference, but we don't currently have those on the
* device. However, we know how much data is *supposed* to be in the
* file, so if we don't read the full amount we know something is
* hosed.
actual = fread(buf, 1, count, mFp);
if (actual == 0) // something failed -- I/O error?
return -1;
assert(actual == count);
mOffset += actual;
return actual;
* Seek to a new position.
off64_t _FileAsset::seek(off64_t offset, int whence)
off64_t newPosn;
off64_t actualOffset;
// compute new position within chunk
newPosn = handleSeek(offset, whence, mOffset, mLength);
if (newPosn == (off64_t) -1)
return newPosn;
actualOffset = mStart + newPosn;
if (mFp != NULL) {
if (fseek(mFp, (long) actualOffset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
return (off64_t) -1;
mOffset = actualOffset - mStart;
return mOffset;
* Close the asset.
void _FileAsset::close(void)
if (mMap != NULL) {
delete mMap;
mMap = NULL;
if (mBuf != NULL) {
delete[] mBuf;
mBuf = NULL;
if (mFileName != NULL) {
mFileName = NULL;
if (mFp != NULL) {
// can only be NULL when called from destructor
// (otherwise we would never return this object)
mFp = NULL;
* Return a read-only pointer to a buffer.
* We can either read the whole thing in or map the relevant piece of
* the source file. Ideally a map would be established at a higher
* level and we'd be using a different object, but we didn't, so we
* deal with it here.
const void* _FileAsset::getBuffer(bool wordAligned)
/* subsequent requests just use what we did previously */
if (mBuf != NULL)
return mBuf;
if (mMap != NULL) {
if (!wordAligned) {
return mMap->getDataPtr();
return ensureAlignment(mMap);
assert(mFp != NULL);
if (mLength < kReadVsMapThreshold) {
unsigned char* buf;
long allocLen;
/* zero-length files are allowed; not sure about zero-len allocs */
/* (works fine with gcc + x86linux) */
allocLen = mLength;
if (mLength == 0)
allocLen = 1;
buf = new unsigned char[allocLen];
if (buf == NULL) {
ALOGE("alloc of %ld bytes failed\n", (long) allocLen);
return NULL;
ALOGV("Asset %p allocating buffer size %d (smaller than threshold)", this, (int)allocLen);
if (mLength > 0) {
long oldPosn = ftell(mFp);
fseek(mFp, mStart, SEEK_SET);
if (fread(buf, 1, mLength, mFp) != (size_t) mLength) {
ALOGE("failed reading %ld bytes\n", (long) mLength);
delete[] buf;
return NULL;
fseek(mFp, oldPosn, SEEK_SET);
ALOGV(" getBuffer: loaded into buffer\n");
mBuf = buf;
return mBuf;
} else {
FileMap* map;
map = new FileMap;
if (!map->create(NULL, fileno(mFp), mStart, mLength, true)) {
delete map;
return NULL;
ALOGV(" getBuffer: mapped\n");
mMap = map;
if (!wordAligned) {
return mMap->getDataPtr();
return ensureAlignment(mMap);
int _FileAsset::openFileDescriptor(off64_t* outStart, off64_t* outLength) const
if (mMap != NULL) {
const char* fname = mMap->getFileName();
if (fname == NULL) {
fname = mFileName;
if (fname == NULL) {
return -1;
*outStart = mMap->getDataOffset();
*outLength = mMap->getDataLength();
return open(fname, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
if (mFileName == NULL) {
return -1;
*outStart = mStart;
*outLength = mLength;
return open(mFileName, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
const void* _FileAsset::ensureAlignment(FileMap* map)
void* data = map->getDataPtr();
if ((((size_t)data)&0x3) == 0) {
// We can return this directly if it is aligned on a word
// boundary.
ALOGV("Returning aligned FileAsset %p (%s).", this,
return data;
// If not aligned on a word boundary, then we need to copy it into
// our own buffer.
ALOGV("Copying FileAsset %p (%s) to buffer size %d to make it aligned.", this,
getAssetSource(), (int)mLength);
unsigned char* buf = new unsigned char[mLength];
if (buf == NULL) {
ALOGE("alloc of %ld bytes failed\n", (long) mLength);
return NULL;
memcpy(buf, data, mLength);
mBuf = buf;
return buf;
* ===========================================================================
* _CompressedAsset
* ===========================================================================
* Constructor.
: mStart(0), mCompressedLen(0), mUncompressedLen(0), mOffset(0),
mMap(NULL), mFd(-1), mZipInflater(NULL), mBuf(NULL)
// Register the Asset with the global list here after it is fully constructed and its
// vtable pointer points to this concrete type. b/31113965
* Destructor. Release resources.
// Unregister the Asset from the global list here before it is destructed and while its vtable
// pointer still points to this concrete type. b/31113965
* Open a chunk of compressed data inside a file.
* This currently just sets up some values and returns. On the first
* read, we expand the entire file into a buffer and return data from it.
status_t _CompressedAsset::openChunk(int fd, off64_t offset,
int compressionMethod, size_t uncompressedLen, size_t compressedLen)
assert(mFd < 0); // no re-open
assert(mMap == NULL);
assert(fd >= 0);
assert(offset >= 0);
assert(compressedLen > 0);
if (compressionMethod != ZipFileRO::kCompressDeflated) {
mStart = offset;
mCompressedLen = compressedLen;
mUncompressedLen = uncompressedLen;
assert(mOffset == 0);
mFd = fd;
assert(mBuf == NULL);
if (uncompressedLen > StreamingZipInflater::OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE) {
mZipInflater = new StreamingZipInflater(mFd, offset, uncompressedLen, compressedLen);
return NO_ERROR;
* Open a chunk of compressed data in a mapped region.
* Nothing is expanded until the first read call.
status_t _CompressedAsset::openChunk(FileMap* dataMap, size_t uncompressedLen)
assert(mFd < 0); // no re-open
assert(mMap == NULL);
assert(dataMap != NULL);
mMap = dataMap;
mStart = -1; // not used
mCompressedLen = dataMap->getDataLength();
mUncompressedLen = uncompressedLen;
assert(mOffset == 0);
if (uncompressedLen > StreamingZipInflater::OUTPUT_CHUNK_SIZE) {
mZipInflater = new StreamingZipInflater(dataMap, uncompressedLen);
return NO_ERROR;
* Read data from a chunk of compressed data.
* [For now, that's just copying data out of a buffer.]
ssize_t _CompressedAsset::read(void* buf, size_t count)
size_t maxLen;
size_t actual;
assert(mOffset >= 0 && mOffset <= mUncompressedLen);
/* If we're relying on a streaming inflater, go through that */
if (mZipInflater) {
actual = mZipInflater->read(buf, count);
} else {
if (mBuf == NULL) {
if (getBuffer(false) == NULL)
return -1;
assert(mBuf != NULL);
/* adjust count if we're near EOF */
maxLen = mUncompressedLen - mOffset;
if (count > maxLen)
count = maxLen;
if (!count)
return 0;
/* copy from buffer */
//printf("comp buf read\n");
memcpy(buf, (char*)mBuf + mOffset, count);
actual = count;
mOffset += actual;
return actual;
* Handle a seek request.
* If we're working in a streaming mode, this is going to be fairly
* expensive, because it requires plowing through a bunch of compressed
* data.
off64_t _CompressedAsset::seek(off64_t offset, int whence)
off64_t newPosn;
// compute new position within chunk
newPosn = handleSeek(offset, whence, mOffset, mUncompressedLen);
if (newPosn == (off64_t) -1)
return newPosn;
if (mZipInflater) {
mOffset = newPosn;
return mOffset;
* Close the asset.
void _CompressedAsset::close(void)
if (mMap != NULL) {
delete mMap;
mMap = NULL;
delete[] mBuf;
mBuf = NULL;
delete mZipInflater;
mZipInflater = NULL;
if (mFd > 0) {
mFd = -1;
* Get a pointer to a read-only buffer of data.
* The first time this is called, we expand the compressed data into a
* buffer.
const void* _CompressedAsset::getBuffer(bool)
unsigned char* buf = NULL;
if (mBuf != NULL)
return mBuf;
* Allocate a buffer and read the file into it.
buf = new unsigned char[mUncompressedLen];
if (buf == NULL) {
ALOGW("alloc %ld bytes failed\n", (long) mUncompressedLen);
goto bail;
if (mMap != NULL) {
if (!ZipUtils::inflateToBuffer(mMap->getDataPtr(), buf,
mUncompressedLen, mCompressedLen))
goto bail;
} else {
assert(mFd >= 0);
* Seek to the start of the compressed data.
if (lseek(mFd, mStart, SEEK_SET) != mStart)
goto bail;
* Expand the data into it.
if (!ZipUtils::inflateToBuffer(mFd, buf, mUncompressedLen,
goto bail;
* Success - now that we have the full asset in RAM we
* no longer need the streaming inflater
delete mZipInflater;
mZipInflater = NULL;
mBuf = buf;
buf = NULL;
delete[] buf;
return mBuf;