Ryan Mitchell 326e35ffaf Add <macro> tag to aapt2
AAPT2 Macros are compile-time resources definitions that are expanded
when referenced during the link phase.

A macro must be defined in the res/values.xml directory. A macro
definition for a macro named "foo" looks like the following:
 <macro name="foo">contents</macro>

When "@macro/foo" is used in the res/values directory or in a compiled
XML file, the contents of the macro replace the macro reference and
then the substituted contents are compiled and linked. If the macro
contents reference xml namespaces from its original definition, the
namespaces of the original macro definition will be used to determine
which package is being referenced.

Macros can be used anywhere resources can be referenced using the
@package:type/entry syntax.

Macros are not included in the final resource table or the R.java since
they are not actual resources.

Bug: 175616308
Test: aapt2_tests
Change-Id: I48b29ab6564357b32b4b4e32bff7ef06036382bc
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Android Asset Packaging Tool 2.0 (AAPT2) release notes

Version 2.19

  • Added navigation resource type.
  • Fixed issue with resource deduplication. (bug 64397629)
  • Added a daemon mode for issuing commands. This is invoked with aapt2 daemon. Command line arguments are separated by newlines, with an empty line signalling the end of a command. Sending EOF (Ctrl+D) to the daemon will exit.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple permissions defined in AndroidManifest.xml would generate conflicting definitions for the same Java constant in Manifest.java. Changed the implementation to match that of aapt, which will take the last definition as the sole definition. A warning is logged if such a scenario occurs. (bug 64472942)
  • Made improvements to handling of paths on Windows. This should resolve a lot of issues with Unicode paths. (bug 62336414, 63830502)

Version 2.18

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  • Fixed issue where enum values were interpreted as integers and range checked. (bug 62358540)
  • Fixed issue where ints and floats with trailing whitespace would not be parsed. (bug 62902869)
  • Fixed issue where --custom-package was not honored when writing Manifest.java. (bug 62826426)
  • Add <key-sets> and its nested tags to the allowed set of XML tags in AndroidManifest.xml. (bug 62839863)
  • Fixed issue where Java classes referenced from fragments and menus were not added to the set of Proguard keep rules. (bug 62216174)
  • Fixed issue where escaped unicode characters would generate malformed UTF-8. (bug 62839202)
  • Fixed issue where apostrophes or quotes used in XML attribute values were ignored. (bug 62840406, 62840718)

Version 2.17

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  • Fixed issue where symlinks would not be followed when compiling PNGs. (bug 62144459)
  • Fixed issue where overlays that declared <add-resource> did not compile. (bug 38355988)
  • Fixed issue where %n in a string resource was interpreted as a format argument. (bug 37132275)
  • Allow empty resources to compile, giving them a value of "" or @null, depending on the accepted formats. (bug 38425050)
  • Resources declared via <item> with no format attribute were changed to accept all resource types. (bug 62260121)
  • Allow <layout> element under <activity> in AndroidManifest.xml. (bug 62189611)
  • Fix issue where --no-version-vector did not apply to pathInterpolator and objectAnimator. (bug 62211148)
  • Fix issue where overlaid <style> would not be merged, and would replace the original resource instead. This fix brings behavior in-line with AAPT. (bug 38355988)

Version 2.16

  • Versioning of XML files is more intelligent, using a small set of rules to degrade specific newer attributes to backwards compatible versions of them. Ex: android:paddingHorizontal degrades to android:paddingLeft and android:paddingRight.

Version 2.15

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  • Add --no-crunch option to avoid processing PNGs during the compile phase. Note that this shouldn't be used as a performance optimization, as once the PNG is processed, its result is cached for incremental linking. This should only be used if the developer has specially pre-processed the PNG and wants it byte-for-byte identical to the input. NOTE: 9-patches will not be processed correctly with this flag set.

Version 2.14

  • If an app is building with a minSdkVersion < 26 and a --package-id XX where XX > 7F, aapt2 will automatically convert any 'id' resource references from the resource ID 0xPPTTEEEE to 0x7FPPEEEE.
  • This is done to workaround a bug in previous versions of the platform that would validate a resource ID by assuming it is larger than 0. In Java, a resource ID with package ID greater than 0x7F is interpreted as a negative number, causing valid feature split IDs like 0x80010000 to fail the check.
  • '@id/foo' resources are just sentinel values and do not actually need to resolve to anything. Rewriting these resource IDs to use the package ID 7F while maintaining their definitions under the original package ID is safe. Collisions against the base APK are checked to ensure these rewritten IDs to not overlap with the base.

Version 2.13

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  • aapt2 optimize can now split a binary APK with the same --split parameters as the link phase.

Version 2.12

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  • aapt2 optimize now understands map (complex) values under the type id. It ignores their contents and interprets them as a sentinel id type. This was added to support existing apps that build with their id types as map values. AAPT and AAPT2 always generate a simple value for the type ID, so it is unclear how some these apps are encoded.

Version 2.11

  • Adds the ability to specify assets directories with the -A parameter. Assets work just like assets in the original AAPT. It is not recommended to package assets with aapt2, however, since the resulting APK is post-processed by other tools anyways. Assets do not get processed by AAPT2, just copied, so incremental building gets slower if they are included early on.

Version 2.10

  • Add ability to specify package ID to compile with for regular apps (not shared or static libs). This package ID is limited to the range 0x7f-0xff inclusive. Specified with the --package-id flag.
  • Fixed issue with resources being stripped for locales and other configuration.
  • Fixed issue with escaping strings in XML resources.

Version 2.9

  • Added sparse resource type encoding, which encodes resource entries that are sparse with a binary search tree representation. Only available when minSdkVersion >= API O or resource qualifier of resource types is >= v26 (or whatever API level O becomes). Enabled with --enable-sparse-encoding flag.

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  • Adds an optimization pass that supports:
    • stripping out any density assets that do not match the --target-densities list of densities.
    • resource deduping when the resources are dominated and identical (already happens during link phase but this covers apps built with aapt).
    • new sparse resource type encoding with the --enable-sparse-encoding flag if possible (minSdkVersion >= O or resource qualifier >= v26).

Version 2.8

  • Adds shared library support. Build a shared library with the --shared-lib flag. Build a client of a shared library by simply including it via -I.

Version 2.7

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  • Fixes bug where psuedolocalization auto-translated strings marked 'translateable="false"'.

Version 2.6


  • Support legacy configVarying resource type.
  • Support <bag> tag and treat as <style> regardless of type.
  • Add <feature-group> manifest tag verification.
  • Add <meta-data> tag support to <instrumentation>.

Version 2.5

  • Transition XML versioning: Adds a new flag --no-version-transitions to disable automatic versioning of Transition XML resources.

Version 2.4

  • Supports <meta-data> tags in <manifest>.

Version 2.3


  • Support new font resource type.

Version 2.2

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  • Duplicate resource filtering: removes duplicate resources in dominated configurations that are always identical when selected at runtime. This can be disabled with --no-resource-deduping.

Version 2.1

  • Configuration Split APK support: supports splitting resources that match a set of configurations to a separate APK which can be loaded alongside the base APK on API 21+ devices. This is done using the flag --split path/to/split.apk:<config1>[,<config2>,...].
  • SDK version resource filtering: Resources with an SDK version qualifier that is unreachable at runtime due to the minimum SDK level declared by the AndroidManifest.xml are stripped.

Version 2.0

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  • Pseudo-localization: generates pseudolocalized versions of default strings when the --pseudo-localize option is specified.
  • Legacy mode: treats some class of errors as warnings in order to be more compatible with AAPT when --legacy is specified.
  • Compile directory: treats the input file as a directory when --dir is specified. This will emit a zip of compiled files, one for each file in the directory. The directory must follow the Android resource directory structure (res/values-[qualifiers]/file.ext).
  • Automatic attribute versioning: adds version qualifiers to resources that use attributes introduced in a later SDK level. This can be disabled with --no-auto-version.
  • Min SDK resource filtering: removes resources that can't possibly be selected at runtime due to the application's minimum supported SDK level.