Ignores and increments the ID if the entry contains removed_, to prevent shifting IDs by leaving a hole, allowing staging resources to be removed before finalization. This was broken out from the parent change to allow other CLs fixing the resource IDs to be merged without splitting public.xml. Bug: 222537368 Test: manual, see bug for other changes Change-Id: I56f4fd70824bd42ec62f4fa0a2f067e2a3c094b5
1852 lines
69 KiB
1852 lines
69 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "ResourceParser.h"
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <sstream>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <idmap2/Policies.h>
#include "ResourceTable.h"
#include "ResourceUtils.h"
#include "ResourceValues.h"
#include "ValueVisitor.h"
#include "text/Utf8Iterator.h"
#include "util/ImmutableMap.h"
#include "util/Util.h"
#include "xml/XmlPullParser.h"
using ::aapt::ResourceUtils::StringBuilder;
using ::aapt::text::Utf8Iterator;
using ::android::ConfigDescription;
using ::android::StringPiece;
using android::idmap2::policy::kPolicyStringToFlag;
namespace aapt {
namespace {
constexpr const char* kPublicGroupTag = "public-group";
constexpr const char* kStagingPublicGroupTag = "staging-public-group";
constexpr const char* kStagingPublicGroupFinalTag = "staging-public-group-final";
} // namespace
constexpr const char* sXliffNamespaceUri = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2";
// Returns true if the element is <skip> or <eat-comment> and can be safely ignored.
static bool ShouldIgnoreElement(const StringPiece& ns, const StringPiece& name) {
return ns.empty() && (name == "skip" || name == "eat-comment");
static uint32_t ParseFormatTypeNoEnumsOrFlags(const StringPiece& piece) {
if (piece == "reference") {
return android::ResTable_map::TYPE_REFERENCE;
} else if (piece == "string") {
return android::ResTable_map::TYPE_STRING;
} else if (piece == "integer") {
return android::ResTable_map::TYPE_INTEGER;
} else if (piece == "boolean") {
return android::ResTable_map::TYPE_BOOLEAN;
} else if (piece == "color") {
return android::ResTable_map::TYPE_COLOR;
} else if (piece == "float") {
return android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FLOAT;
} else if (piece == "dimension") {
return android::ResTable_map::TYPE_DIMENSION;
} else if (piece == "fraction") {
return android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FRACTION;
return 0;
static uint32_t ParseFormatType(const StringPiece& piece) {
if (piece == "enum") {
return android::ResTable_map::TYPE_ENUM;
} else if (piece == "flags") {
return android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FLAGS;
return ParseFormatTypeNoEnumsOrFlags(piece);
static uint32_t ParseFormatAttribute(const StringPiece& str) {
uint32_t mask = 0;
for (const StringPiece& part : util::Tokenize(str, '|')) {
StringPiece trimmed_part = util::TrimWhitespace(part);
uint32_t type = ParseFormatType(trimmed_part);
if (type == 0) {
return 0;
mask |= type;
return mask;
// A parsed resource ready to be added to the ResourceTable.
struct ParsedResource {
ResourceName name;
ConfigDescription config;
std::string product;
Source source;
ResourceId id;
Visibility::Level visibility_level = Visibility::Level::kUndefined;
bool staged_api = false;
bool allow_new = false;
std::optional<OverlayableItem> overlayable_item;
std::optional<StagedId> staged_alias;
std::string comment;
std::unique_ptr<Value> value;
std::list<ParsedResource> child_resources;
// Recursively adds resources to the ResourceTable.
static bool AddResourcesToTable(ResourceTable* table, IDiagnostics* diag, ParsedResource* res) {
StringPiece trimmed_comment = util::TrimWhitespace(res->comment);
if (trimmed_comment.size() != res->comment.size()) {
// Only if there was a change do we re-assign.
res->comment = trimmed_comment.to_string();
NewResourceBuilder res_builder(res->name);
if (res->visibility_level != Visibility::Level::kUndefined) {
Visibility visibility;
visibility.level = res->visibility_level;
visibility.staged_api = res->staged_api;
visibility.source = res->source;
visibility.comment = res->comment;
if (res->id.is_valid()) {
if (res->allow_new) {
AllowNew allow_new;
allow_new.source = res->source;
allow_new.comment = res->comment;
if (res->overlayable_item) {
if (res->value != nullptr) {
// Attach the comment, source and config to the value.
res_builder.SetValue(std::move(res->value), res->config, res->product);
if (res->staged_alias) {
bool error = false;
if (!res->name.entry.empty()) {
if (!table->AddResource(res_builder.Build(), diag)) {
return false;
for (ParsedResource& child : res->child_resources) {
error |= !AddResourcesToTable(table, diag, &child);
return !error;
// Convenient aliases for more readable function calls.
enum { kAllowRawString = true, kNoRawString = false };
ResourceParser::ResourceParser(IDiagnostics* diag, ResourceTable* table,
const Source& source,
const ConfigDescription& config,
const ResourceParserOptions& options)
: diag_(diag),
options_(options) {}
// Base class Node for representing the various Spans and UntranslatableSections of an XML string.
// This will be used to traverse and flatten the XML string into a single std::string, with all
// Span and Untranslatable data maintained in parallel, as indices into the string.
class Node {
virtual ~Node() = default;
// Adds the given child node to this parent node's set of child nodes, moving ownership to the
// parent node as well.
// Returns a pointer to the child node that was added as a convenience.
template <typename T>
T* AddChild(std::unique_ptr<T> node) {
T* raw_ptr = node.get();
return raw_ptr;
virtual void Build(StringBuilder* builder) const {
for (const auto& child : children) {
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Node>> children;
// A chunk of text in the XML string. This lives between other tags, such as XLIFF tags and Spans.
class SegmentNode : public Node {
std::string data;
void Build(StringBuilder* builder) const override {
// A tag that will be encoded into the final flattened string. Tags like <b> or <i>.
class SpanNode : public Node {
std::string name;
void Build(StringBuilder* builder) const override {
StringBuilder::SpanHandle span_handle = builder->StartSpan(name);
// An XLIFF 'g' tag, which marks a section of the string as untranslatable.
class UntranslatableNode : public Node {
void Build(StringBuilder* builder) const override {
StringBuilder::UntranslatableHandle handle = builder->StartUntranslatable();
// Build a string from XML that converts nested elements into Span objects.
bool ResourceParser::FlattenXmlSubtree(
xml::XmlPullParser* parser, std::string* out_raw_string, StyleString* out_style_string,
std::vector<UntranslatableSection>* out_untranslatable_sections) {
std::string raw_string;
std::string current_text;
// The first occurrence of a <xliff:g> tag. Nested <xliff:g> tags are illegal.
std::optional<size_t> untranslatable_start_depth;
Node root;
std::vector<Node*> node_stack;
bool saw_span_node = false;
SegmentNode* first_segment = nullptr;
SegmentNode* last_segment = nullptr;
size_t depth = 1;
while (depth > 0 && xml::XmlPullParser::IsGoodEvent(parser->Next())) {
const xml::XmlPullParser::Event event = parser->event();
// First take care of any SegmentNodes that should be created.
if (event == xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kStartElement
|| event == xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kEndElement) {
if (!current_text.empty()) {
auto segment_node = util::make_unique<SegmentNode>();
segment_node->data = std::move(current_text);
last_segment = node_stack.back()->AddChild(std::move(segment_node));
if (first_segment == nullptr) {
first_segment = last_segment;
current_text = {};
switch (event) {
case xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kText: {
current_text += parser->text();
raw_string += parser->text();
} break;
case xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kStartElement: {
if (parser->element_namespace().empty()) {
// This is an HTML tag which we encode as a span. Add it to the span stack.
std::unique_ptr<SpanNode> span_node = util::make_unique<SpanNode>();
span_node->name = parser->element_name();
const auto end_attr_iter = parser->end_attributes();
for (auto attr_iter = parser->begin_attributes(); attr_iter != end_attr_iter;
++attr_iter) {
span_node->name += ";";
span_node->name += attr_iter->name;
span_node->name += "=";
span_node->name += attr_iter->value;
saw_span_node = true;
} else if (parser->element_namespace() == sXliffNamespaceUri) {
// This is an XLIFF tag, which is not encoded as a span.
if (parser->element_name() == "g") {
// Check that an 'untranslatable' tag is not already being processed. Nested
// <xliff:g> tags are illegal.
if (untranslatable_start_depth) {
<< "illegal nested XLIFF 'g' tag");
return false;
} else {
// Mark the beginning of an 'untranslatable' section.
untranslatable_start_depth = depth;
} else {
// Ignore unknown XLIFF tags, but don't warn.
} else {
// Besides XLIFF, any other namespaced tag is unsupported and ignored.
<< "ignoring element '" << parser->element_name()
<< "' with unknown namespace '" << parser->element_namespace() << "'");
// Enter one level inside the element.
} break;
case xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kEndElement: {
// Return one level from within the element.
if (depth == 0) {
if (untranslatable_start_depth == depth) {
// This is the end of an untranslatable section.
untranslatable_start_depth = {};
} break;
// ignore.
// Validity check to make sure we processed all the nodes.
CHECK(node_stack.size() == 1u);
CHECK(node_stack.back() == &root);
if (!saw_span_node) {
// If there were no spans, we must treat this string a little differently (according to AAPT).
// Find and strip the leading whitespace from the first segment, and the trailing whitespace
// from the last segment.
if (first_segment != nullptr) {
// Trim leading whitespace.
StringPiece trimmed = util::TrimLeadingWhitespace(first_segment->data);
if (trimmed.size() != first_segment->data.size()) {
first_segment->data = trimmed.to_string();
if (last_segment != nullptr) {
// Trim trailing whitespace.
StringPiece trimmed = util::TrimTrailingWhitespace(last_segment->data);
if (trimmed.size() != last_segment->data.size()) {
last_segment->data = trimmed.to_string();
// Have the XML structure flatten itself into the StringBuilder. The StringBuilder will take
// care of recording the correctly adjusted Spans and UntranslatableSections.
StringBuilder builder;
if (!builder) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_.WithLine(parser->line_number())) << builder.GetError());
return false;
ResourceUtils::FlattenedXmlString flattened_string = builder.GetFlattenedString();
*out_raw_string = std::move(raw_string);
*out_untranslatable_sections = std::move(flattened_string.untranslatable_sections);
out_style_string->str = std::move(flattened_string.text);
out_style_string->spans = std::move(flattened_string.spans);
return true;
bool ResourceParser::Parse(xml::XmlPullParser* parser) {
bool error = false;
const size_t depth = parser->depth();
while (xml::XmlPullParser::NextChildNode(parser, depth)) {
if (parser->event() != xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kStartElement) {
// Skip comments and text.
if (!parser->element_namespace().empty() || parser->element_name() != "resources") {
<< "root element must be <resources>");
return false;
error |= !ParseResources(parser);
if (parser->event() == xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kBadDocument) {
<< "xml parser error: " << parser->error());
return false;
return !error;
bool ResourceParser::ParseResources(xml::XmlPullParser* parser) {
std::set<ResourceName> stripped_resources;
bool error = false;
std::string comment;
const size_t depth = parser->depth();
while (xml::XmlPullParser::NextChildNode(parser, depth)) {
const xml::XmlPullParser::Event event = parser->event();
if (event == xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kComment) {
comment = parser->comment();
if (event == xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kText) {
if (!util::TrimWhitespace(parser->text()).empty()) {
<< "plain text not allowed here");
error = true;
CHECK(event == xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kStartElement);
if (!parser->element_namespace().empty()) {
// Skip unknown namespace.
std::string element_name = parser->element_name();
if (element_name == "skip" || element_name == "eat-comment") {
comment = "";
ParsedResource parsed_resource;
parsed_resource.config = config_;
parsed_resource.source = source_.WithLine(parser->line_number());
parsed_resource.comment = std::move(comment);
if (options_.visibility) {
parsed_resource.visibility_level = options_.visibility.value();
// Extract the product name if it exists.
if (std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_product = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "product")) {
parsed_resource.product = maybe_product.value().to_string();
// Parse the resource regardless of product.
if (!ParseResource(parser, &parsed_resource)) {
error = true;
if (!AddResourcesToTable(table_, diag_, &parsed_resource)) {
error = true;
// Check that we included at least one variant of each stripped resource.
for (const ResourceName& stripped_resource : stripped_resources) {
if (!table_->FindResource(stripped_resource)) {
// Failed to find the resource.
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source_) << "resource '" << stripped_resource
<< "' was filtered out but no product variant remains");
error = true;
return !error;
bool ResourceParser::ParseResource(xml::XmlPullParser* parser,
ParsedResource* out_resource) {
struct ItemTypeFormat {
ResourceType type;
uint32_t format;
using BagParseFunc = std::function<bool(ResourceParser*, xml::XmlPullParser*,
static const auto elToItemMap = ImmutableMap<std::string, ItemTypeFormat>::CreatePreSorted({
{"bool", {ResourceType::kBool, android::ResTable_map::TYPE_BOOLEAN}},
{"color", {ResourceType::kColor, android::ResTable_map::TYPE_COLOR}},
{"configVarying", {ResourceType::kConfigVarying, android::ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY}},
android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FLOAT | android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FRACTION |
{"drawable", {ResourceType::kDrawable, android::ResTable_map::TYPE_COLOR}},
android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FLOAT | android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FRACTION |
{"integer", {ResourceType::kInteger, android::ResTable_map::TYPE_INTEGER}},
{"string", {ResourceType::kString, android::ResTable_map::TYPE_STRING}},
static const auto elToBagMap = ImmutableMap<std::string, BagParseFunc>::CreatePreSorted({
{"add-resource", std::mem_fn(&ResourceParser::ParseAddResource)},
{"array", std::mem_fn(&ResourceParser::ParseArray)},
{"attr", std::mem_fn(&ResourceParser::ParseAttr)},
std::bind(&ResourceParser::ParseStyle, std::placeholders::_1, ResourceType::kConfigVarying,
std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3)},
{"declare-styleable", std::mem_fn(&ResourceParser::ParseDeclareStyleable)},
{"integer-array", std::mem_fn(&ResourceParser::ParseIntegerArray)},
{"java-symbol", std::mem_fn(&ResourceParser::ParseSymbol)},
{"overlayable", std::mem_fn(&ResourceParser::ParseOverlayable)},
{"plurals", std::mem_fn(&ResourceParser::ParsePlural)},
{"public", std::mem_fn(&ResourceParser::ParsePublic)},
{"public-group", std::mem_fn(&ResourceParser::ParsePublicGroup)},
{"staging-public-group", std::mem_fn(&ResourceParser::ParseStagingPublicGroup)},
{"staging-public-group-final", std::mem_fn(&ResourceParser::ParseStagingPublicGroupFinal)},
{"string-array", std::mem_fn(&ResourceParser::ParseStringArray)},
{"style", std::bind(&ResourceParser::ParseStyle, std::placeholders::_1, ResourceType::kStyle,
std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3)},
{"symbol", std::mem_fn(&ResourceParser::ParseSymbol)},
std::string resource_type = parser->element_name();
// The value format accepted for this resource.
uint32_t resource_format = 0u;
bool can_be_item = true;
bool can_be_bag = true;
if (resource_type == "item") {
can_be_bag = false;
// The default format for <item> is any. If a format attribute is present, that one will
// override the default.
resource_format = android::ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY;
// Items have their type encoded in the type attribute.
if (std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_type = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "type")) {
resource_type = maybe_type.value().to_string();
} else {
<< "<item> must have a 'type' attribute");
return false;
if (std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_format = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "format")) {
// An explicit format for this resource was specified. The resource will
// retain its type in its name, but the accepted value for this type is
// overridden.
resource_format = ParseFormatTypeNoEnumsOrFlags(maybe_format.value());
if (!resource_format) {
<< "'" << maybe_format.value()
<< "' is an invalid format");
return false;
} else if (resource_type == "bag") {
can_be_item = false;
// Bags have their type encoded in the type attribute.
if (std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_type = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "type")) {
resource_type = maybe_type.value().to_string();
} else {
<< "<bag> must have a 'type' attribute");
return false;
// Get the name of the resource. This will be checked later, because not all
// XML elements require a name.
std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_name = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "name");
if (resource_type == "id") {
if (!maybe_name) {
<< "<" << parser->element_name()
<< "> missing 'name' attribute");
return false;
out_resource->name.type =
out_resource->name.entry = maybe_name.value().to_string();
// Ids either represent a unique resource id or reference another resource id
auto item = ParseItem(parser, out_resource, resource_format);
if (!item) {
return false;
String* empty = ValueCast<String>(out_resource->value.get());
if (empty && *empty->value == "") {
// If no inner element exists, represent a unique identifier
out_resource->value = util::make_unique<Id>();
} else {
Reference* ref = ValueCast<Reference>(out_resource->value.get());
if (ref && !ref->name && !ref->id) {
// A null reference also means there is no inner element when ids are in the form:
// <id name="name"/>
out_resource->value = util::make_unique<Id>();
} else if (!ref || ref->name.value().type.type != ResourceType::kId) {
// If an inner element exists, the inner element must be a reference to another resource id
<< "<" << parser->element_name()
<< "> inner element must either be a resource reference or empty");
return false;
return true;
} else if (resource_type == "macro") {
if (!maybe_name) {
<< "<" << parser->element_name() << "> missing 'name' attribute");
return false;
out_resource->name.type =
out_resource->name.entry = maybe_name.value().to_string();
return ParseMacro(parser, out_resource);
if (can_be_item) {
const auto item_iter = elToItemMap.find(resource_type);
if (item_iter != elToItemMap.end()) {
// This is an item, record its type and format and start parsing.
if (!maybe_name) {
<< "<" << parser->element_name() << "> missing 'name' attribute");
return false;
out_resource->name.type =
out_resource->name.entry = maybe_name.value().to_string();
// Only use the implied format of the type when there is no explicit format.
if (resource_format == 0u) {
resource_format = item_iter->second.format;
if (!ParseItem(parser, out_resource, resource_format)) {
return false;
return true;
// This might be a bag or something.
if (can_be_bag) {
const auto bag_iter = elToBagMap.find(resource_type);
if (bag_iter != elToBagMap.end()) {
// Ensure we have a name (unless this is a <public-group> or <overlayable>).
if (resource_type != kPublicGroupTag && resource_type != kStagingPublicGroupTag &&
resource_type != kStagingPublicGroupFinalTag && resource_type != "overlayable") {
if (!maybe_name) {
<< "<" << parser->element_name() << "> missing 'name' attribute");
return false;
out_resource->name.entry = maybe_name.value().to_string();
// Call the associated parse method. The type will be filled in by the
// parse func.
if (!bag_iter->second(this, parser, out_resource)) {
return false;
return true;
if (can_be_item) {
// Try parsing the elementName (or type) as a resource. These shall only be
// resources like 'layout' or 'xml' and they can only be references.
std::optional<ResourceNamedTypeRef> parsed_type = ParseResourceNamedType(resource_type);
if (parsed_type) {
if (!maybe_name) {
<< "<" << parser->element_name()
<< "> missing 'name' attribute");
return false;
out_resource->name.type = parsed_type->ToResourceNamedType();
out_resource->name.entry = maybe_name.value().to_string();
out_resource->value = ParseXml(parser, android::ResTable_map::TYPE_REFERENCE, kNoRawString);
if (!out_resource->value) {
<< "invalid value for type '" << *parsed_type << "'. Expected a reference");
return false;
return true;
// If the resource type was not recognized, write the error and return false.
<< "unknown resource type '" << resource_type << "'");
return false;
bool ResourceParser::ParseItem(xml::XmlPullParser* parser,
ParsedResource* out_resource,
const uint32_t format) {
if (format == android::ResTable_map::TYPE_STRING) {
return ParseString(parser, out_resource);
out_resource->value = ParseXml(parser, format, kNoRawString);
if (!out_resource->value) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(out_resource->source) << "invalid "
<< out_resource->name.type);
return false;
return true;
std::optional<FlattenedXmlSubTree> ResourceParser::CreateFlattenSubTree(
xml::XmlPullParser* parser) {
const size_t begin_xml_line = parser->line_number();
std::string raw_value;
StyleString style_string;
std::vector<UntranslatableSection> untranslatable_sections;
if (!FlattenXmlSubtree(parser, &raw_value, &style_string, &untranslatable_sections)) {
return {};
return FlattenedXmlSubTree{.raw_value = raw_value,
.style_string = style_string,
.untranslatable_sections = untranslatable_sections,
.namespace_resolver = parser,
.source = source_.WithLine(begin_xml_line)};
* Reads the entire XML subtree and attempts to parse it as some Item,
* with typeMask denoting which items it can be. If allowRawValue is
* true, a RawString is returned if the XML couldn't be parsed as
* an Item. If allowRawValue is false, nullptr is returned in this
* case.
std::unique_ptr<Item> ResourceParser::ParseXml(xml::XmlPullParser* parser, const uint32_t type_mask,
const bool allow_raw_value) {
auto sub_tree = CreateFlattenSubTree(parser);
if (!sub_tree.has_value()) {
return {};
return ParseXml(sub_tree.value(), type_mask, allow_raw_value, *table_, config_, *diag_);
std::unique_ptr<Item> ResourceParser::ParseXml(const FlattenedXmlSubTree& xmlsub_tree,
const uint32_t type_mask, const bool allow_raw_value,
ResourceTable& table,
const android::ConfigDescription& config,
IDiagnostics& diag) {
if (!xmlsub_tree.style_string.spans.empty()) {
// This can only be a StyledString.
std::unique_ptr<StyledString> styled_string =
StringPool::Context(StringPool::Context::kNormalPriority, config)));
styled_string->untranslatable_sections = xmlsub_tree.untranslatable_sections;
return std::move(styled_string);
auto on_create_reference = [&](const ResourceName& name) {
// name.package can be empty here, as it will assume the package name of the
// table.
auto id = util::make_unique<Id>();
return table.AddResource(NewResourceBuilder(name).SetValue(std::move(id)).Build(), &diag);
// Process the raw value.
std::unique_ptr<Item> processed_item = ResourceUtils::TryParseItemForAttribute(
xmlsub_tree.raw_value, type_mask, on_create_reference);
if (processed_item) {
// Fix up the reference.
if (auto ref = ValueCast<Reference>(processed_item.get())) {
ref->allow_raw = allow_raw_value;
ResolvePackage(xmlsub_tree.namespace_resolver, ref);
return processed_item;
// Try making a regular string.
if (type_mask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_STRING) {
// Use the trimmed, escaped string.
std::unique_ptr<String> string = util::make_unique<String>(
table.string_pool.MakeRef(xmlsub_tree.style_string.str, StringPool::Context(config)));
string->untranslatable_sections = xmlsub_tree.untranslatable_sections;
return std::move(string);
if (allow_raw_value) {
// We can't parse this so return a RawString if we are allowed.
return util::make_unique<RawString>(table.string_pool.MakeRef(
util::TrimWhitespace(xmlsub_tree.raw_value), StringPool::Context(config)));
} else if (util::TrimWhitespace(xmlsub_tree.raw_value).empty()) {
// If the text is empty, and the value is not allowed to be a string, encode it as a @null.
return ResourceUtils::MakeNull();
return {};
bool ResourceParser::ParseString(xml::XmlPullParser* parser,
ParsedResource* out_resource) {
bool formatted = true;
if (std::optional<StringPiece> formatted_attr = xml::FindAttribute(parser, "formatted")) {
std::optional<bool> maybe_formatted = ResourceUtils::ParseBool(formatted_attr.value());
if (!maybe_formatted) {
<< "invalid value for 'formatted'. Must be a boolean");
return false;
formatted = maybe_formatted.value();
bool translatable = options_.translatable;
if (std::optional<StringPiece> translatable_attr = xml::FindAttribute(parser, "translatable")) {
std::optional<bool> maybe_translatable = ResourceUtils::ParseBool(translatable_attr.value());
if (!maybe_translatable) {
<< "invalid value for 'translatable'. Must be a boolean");
return false;
translatable = maybe_translatable.value();
out_resource->value =
ParseXml(parser, android::ResTable_map::TYPE_STRING, kNoRawString);
if (!out_resource->value) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(out_resource->source) << "not a valid string");
return false;
if (String* string_value = ValueCast<String>(out_resource->value.get())) {
if (formatted && translatable) {
if (!util::VerifyJavaStringFormat(*string_value->value)) {
DiagMessage msg(out_resource->source);
msg << "multiple substitutions specified in non-positional format; "
"did you mean to add the formatted=\"false\" attribute?";
if (options_.error_on_positional_arguments) {
return false;
} else if (StyledString* string_value = ValueCast<StyledString>(out_resource->value.get())) {
return true;
bool ResourceParser::ParseMacro(xml::XmlPullParser* parser, ParsedResource* out_resource) {
auto sub_tree = CreateFlattenSubTree(parser);
if (!sub_tree) {
return false;
if (out_resource->config != ConfigDescription::DefaultConfig()) {
<< "<macro> tags cannot be declared in configurations other than the default "
return false;
auto macro = std::make_unique<Macro>();
macro->raw_value = std::move(sub_tree->raw_value);
macro->style_string = std::move(sub_tree->style_string);
macro->untranslatable_sections = std::move(sub_tree->untranslatable_sections);
for (const auto& decl : parser->package_decls()) {
Macro::Namespace{.alias = decl.prefix,
.package_name = decl.package.package,
.is_private = decl.package.private_namespace});
out_resource->value = std::move(macro);
return true;
bool ResourceParser::ParsePublic(xml::XmlPullParser* parser, ParsedResource* out_resource) {
if (options_.visibility) {
<< "<public> tag not allowed with --visibility flag");
return false;
if (out_resource->config != ConfigDescription::DefaultConfig()) {
<< "ignoring configuration '" << out_resource->config << "' for <public> tag");
std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_type = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "type");
if (!maybe_type) {
<< "<public> must have a 'type' attribute");
return false;
std::optional<ResourceNamedTypeRef> parsed_type = ParseResourceNamedType(maybe_type.value());
if (!parsed_type) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(out_resource->source) << "invalid resource type '"
<< maybe_type.value()
<< "' in <public>");
return false;
out_resource->name.type = parsed_type->ToResourceNamedType();
if (std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_id_str = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "id")) {
std::optional<ResourceId> maybe_id = ResourceUtils::ParseResourceId(maybe_id_str.value());
if (!maybe_id) {
<< "invalid resource ID '" << maybe_id_str.value() << "' in <public>");
return false;
out_resource->id = maybe_id.value();
if (parsed_type->type == ResourceType::kId) {
// An ID marked as public is also the definition of an ID.
out_resource->value = util::make_unique<Id>();
out_resource->visibility_level = Visibility::Level::kPublic;
return true;
template <typename Func>
bool static ParseGroupImpl(xml::XmlPullParser* parser, ParsedResource* out_resource,
const char* tag_name, IDiagnostics* diag, Func&& func) {
if (out_resource->config != ConfigDescription::DefaultConfig()) {
<< "ignoring configuration '" << out_resource->config << "' for <" << tag_name
<< "> tag");
std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_type = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "type");
if (!maybe_type) {
<< "<" << tag_name << "> must have a 'type' attribute");
return false;
std::optional<ResourceNamedTypeRef> parsed_type = ParseResourceNamedType(maybe_type.value());
if (!parsed_type) {
<< "invalid resource type '" << maybe_type.value() << "' in <" << tag_name << ">");
return false;
std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_id_str = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "first-id");
if (!maybe_id_str) {
<< "<" << tag_name << "> must have a 'first-id' attribute");
return false;
std::optional<ResourceId> maybe_id = ResourceUtils::ParseResourceId(maybe_id_str.value());
if (!maybe_id) {
<< "invalid resource ID '" << maybe_id_str.value() << "' in <" << tag_name << ">");
return false;
std::string comment;
ResourceId next_id = maybe_id.value();
bool error = false;
const size_t depth = parser->depth();
while (xml::XmlPullParser::NextChildNode(parser, depth)) {
if (parser->event() == xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kComment) {
comment = util::TrimWhitespace(parser->comment()).to_string();
} else if (parser->event() != xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kStartElement) {
// Skip text.
const Source item_source = out_resource->source.WithLine(parser->line_number());
const std::string& element_namespace = parser->element_namespace();
const std::string& element_name = parser->element_name();
if (element_namespace.empty() && element_name == "public") {
auto maybe_name = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "name");
if (!maybe_name) {
diag->Error(DiagMessage(item_source) << "<public> must have a 'name' attribute");
error = true;
if (xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "id")) {
diag->Error(DiagMessage(item_source) << "'id' is ignored within <" << tag_name << ">");
error = true;
if (xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "type")) {
diag->Error(DiagMessage(item_source) << "'type' is ignored within <" << tag_name << ">");
error = true;
if (maybe_name.value().substr(0, std::strlen("removed_")) == "removed_") {
// Skip resources that have been removed from the framework, but leave a hole so that
// other staged resources don't shift and break apps previously compiled against them
ParsedResource& entry_res = out_resource->child_resources.emplace_back(ParsedResource{
.name = ResourceName{{}, *parsed_type, maybe_name.value().to_string()},
.source = item_source,
.comment = std::move(comment),
// Execute group specific code.
func(entry_res, next_id);
} else if (!ShouldIgnoreElement(element_namespace, element_name)) {
diag->Error(DiagMessage(item_source) << ":" << element_name << ">");
error = true;
return !error;
bool ResourceParser::ParseStagingPublicGroup(xml::XmlPullParser* parser,
ParsedResource* out_resource) {
return ParseGroupImpl(parser, out_resource, kStagingPublicGroupTag, diag_,
[](ParsedResource& parsed_entry, ResourceId id) {
parsed_entry.id = id;
parsed_entry.staged_api = true;
parsed_entry.visibility_level = Visibility::Level::kPublic;
bool ResourceParser::ParseStagingPublicGroupFinal(xml::XmlPullParser* parser,
ParsedResource* out_resource) {
return ParseGroupImpl(parser, out_resource, kStagingPublicGroupFinalTag, diag_,
[](ParsedResource& parsed_entry, ResourceId id) {
parsed_entry.staged_alias = StagedId{id, parsed_entry.source};
bool ResourceParser::ParsePublicGroup(xml::XmlPullParser* parser, ParsedResource* out_resource) {
if (options_.visibility) {
<< "<" << kPublicGroupTag << "> tag not allowed with --visibility flag");
return false;
return ParseGroupImpl(parser, out_resource, kPublicGroupTag, diag_,
[](ParsedResource& parsed_entry, ResourceId id) {
parsed_entry.id = id;
parsed_entry.visibility_level = Visibility::Level::kPublic;
bool ResourceParser::ParseSymbolImpl(xml::XmlPullParser* parser,
ParsedResource* out_resource) {
std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_type = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "type");
if (!maybe_type) {
<< "<" << parser->element_name()
<< "> must have a 'type' attribute");
return false;
std::optional<ResourceNamedTypeRef> parsed_type = ParseResourceNamedType(maybe_type.value());
if (!parsed_type) {
<< "invalid resource type '" << maybe_type.value() << "' in <"
<< parser->element_name() << ">");
return false;
out_resource->name.type = parsed_type->ToResourceNamedType();
return true;
bool ResourceParser::ParseSymbol(xml::XmlPullParser* parser, ParsedResource* out_resource) {
if (options_.visibility) {
<< "<java-symbol> and <symbol> tags not allowed with --visibility flag");
return false;
if (out_resource->config != ConfigDescription::DefaultConfig()) {
<< "ignoring configuration '" << out_resource->config << "' for <"
<< parser->element_name() << "> tag");
if (!ParseSymbolImpl(parser, out_resource)) {
return false;
out_resource->visibility_level = Visibility::Level::kPrivate;
return true;
bool ResourceParser::ParseOverlayable(xml::XmlPullParser* parser, ParsedResource* out_resource) {
if (out_resource->config != ConfigDescription::DefaultConfig()) {
<< "ignoring configuration '" << out_resource->config
<< "' for <overlayable> tag");
std::optional<StringPiece> overlayable_name = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "name");
if (!overlayable_name) {
<< "<overlayable> tag must have a 'name' attribute");
return false;
const std::string kActorUriScheme =
android::base::StringPrintf("%s://", Overlayable::kActorScheme);
std::optional<StringPiece> overlayable_actor = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "actor");
if (overlayable_actor && !util::StartsWith(overlayable_actor.value(), kActorUriScheme)) {
<< "specified <overlayable> tag 'actor' attribute must use the scheme '"
<< Overlayable::kActorScheme << "'");
return false;
// Create a overlayable entry grouping that represents this <overlayable>
auto overlayable = std::make_shared<Overlayable>(
overlayable_name.value(), (overlayable_actor) ? overlayable_actor.value() : "",
bool error = false;
std::string comment;
PolicyFlags current_policies = PolicyFlags::NONE;
const size_t start_depth = parser->depth();
while (xml::XmlPullParser::IsGoodEvent(parser->Next())) {
xml::XmlPullParser::Event event = parser->event();
if (event == xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kEndElement && parser->depth() == start_depth) {
// Break the loop when exiting the <overlayable>
} else if (event == xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kEndElement
&& parser->depth() == start_depth + 1) {
// Clear the current policies when exiting the <policy> tags
current_policies = PolicyFlags::NONE;
} else if (event == xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kComment) {
// Retrieve the comment of individual <item> tags
comment = parser->comment();
} else if (event != xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kStartElement) {
// Skip to the start of the next element
const Source element_source = source_.WithLine(parser->line_number());
const std::string& element_name = parser->element_name();
const std::string& element_namespace = parser->element_namespace();
if (element_namespace.empty() && element_name == "item") {
if (current_policies == PolicyFlags::NONE) {
<< "<item> within an <overlayable> must be inside a <policy> block");
error = true;
// Items specify the name and type of resource that should be overlayable
std::optional<StringPiece> item_name = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "name");
if (!item_name) {
<< "<item> within an <overlayable> must have a 'name' attribute");
error = true;
std::optional<StringPiece> item_type = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "type");
if (!item_type) {
<< "<item> within an <overlayable> must have a 'type' attribute");
error = true;
std::optional<ResourceNamedTypeRef> type = ParseResourceNamedType(item_type.value());
if (!type) {
<< "invalid resource type '" << item_type.value()
<< "' in <item> within an <overlayable>");
error = true;
OverlayableItem overlayable_item(overlayable);
overlayable_item.policies = current_policies;
overlayable_item.comment = comment;
overlayable_item.source = element_source;
ParsedResource child_resource{};
child_resource.name.type = type->ToResourceNamedType();
child_resource.name.entry = item_name.value().to_string();
child_resource.overlayable_item = overlayable_item;
} else if (element_namespace.empty() && element_name == "policy") {
if (current_policies != PolicyFlags::NONE) {
// If the policy list is not empty, then we are currently inside a policy element
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(element_source) << "<policy> blocks cannot be recursively nested");
error = true;
} else if (std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_type =
xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "type")) {
// Parse the polices separated by vertical bar characters to allow for specifying multiple
// policies. Items within the policy tag will have the specified policy.
for (const StringPiece& part : util::Tokenize(maybe_type.value(), '|')) {
StringPiece trimmed_part = util::TrimWhitespace(part);
const auto policy = std::find_if(kPolicyStringToFlag.begin(),
[trimmed_part](const auto& it) {
return trimmed_part == it.first;
if (policy == kPolicyStringToFlag.end()) {
<< "<policy> has unsupported type '" << trimmed_part << "'");
error = true;
current_policies |= policy->second;
} else {
<< "<policy> must have a 'type' attribute");
error = true;
} else if (!ShouldIgnoreElement(element_namespace, element_name)) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(element_source) << "invalid element <" << element_name << "> "
<< " in <overlayable>");
error = true;
return !error;
bool ResourceParser::ParseAddResource(xml::XmlPullParser* parser, ParsedResource* out_resource) {
if (ParseSymbolImpl(parser, out_resource)) {
out_resource->visibility_level = Visibility::Level::kUndefined;
out_resource->allow_new = true;
return true;
return false;
bool ResourceParser::ParseAttr(xml::XmlPullParser* parser,
ParsedResource* out_resource) {
return ParseAttrImpl(parser, out_resource, false);
bool ResourceParser::ParseAttrImpl(xml::XmlPullParser* parser,
ParsedResource* out_resource, bool weak) {
out_resource->name.type =
// Attributes only end up in default configuration.
if (out_resource->config != ConfigDescription::DefaultConfig()) {
<< "ignoring configuration '" << out_resource->config
<< "' for attribute " << out_resource->name);
out_resource->config = ConfigDescription::DefaultConfig();
uint32_t type_mask = 0;
std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_format = xml::FindAttribute(parser, "format");
if (maybe_format) {
type_mask = ParseFormatAttribute(maybe_format.value());
if (type_mask == 0) {
<< "invalid attribute format '" << maybe_format.value() << "'");
return false;
std::optional<int32_t> maybe_min, maybe_max;
if (std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_min_str = xml::FindAttribute(parser, "min")) {
StringPiece min_str = util::TrimWhitespace(maybe_min_str.value());
if (!min_str.empty()) {
std::u16string min_str16 = util::Utf8ToUtf16(min_str);
android::Res_value value;
if (android::ResTable::stringToInt(min_str16.data(), min_str16.size(), &value)) {
maybe_min = static_cast<int32_t>(value.data);
if (!maybe_min) {
<< "invalid 'min' value '" << min_str << "'");
return false;
if (std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_max_str = xml::FindAttribute(parser, "max")) {
StringPiece max_str = util::TrimWhitespace(maybe_max_str.value());
if (!max_str.empty()) {
std::u16string max_str16 = util::Utf8ToUtf16(max_str);
android::Res_value value;
if (android::ResTable::stringToInt(max_str16.data(), max_str16.size(), &value)) {
maybe_max = static_cast<int32_t>(value.data);
if (!maybe_max) {
<< "invalid 'max' value '" << max_str << "'");
return false;
if ((maybe_min || maybe_max) &&
(type_mask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_INTEGER) == 0) {
<< "'min' and 'max' can only be used when format='integer'");
return false;
struct SymbolComparator {
bool operator()(const Attribute::Symbol& a, const Attribute::Symbol& b) const {
return a.symbol.name.value() < b.symbol.name.value();
std::set<Attribute::Symbol, SymbolComparator> items;
std::string comment;
bool error = false;
const size_t depth = parser->depth();
while (xml::XmlPullParser::NextChildNode(parser, depth)) {
if (parser->event() == xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kComment) {
comment = util::TrimWhitespace(parser->comment()).to_string();
} else if (parser->event() != xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kStartElement) {
// Skip text.
const Source item_source = source_.WithLine(parser->line_number());
const std::string& element_namespace = parser->element_namespace();
const std::string& element_name = parser->element_name();
if (element_namespace.empty() && (element_name == "flag" || element_name == "enum")) {
if (element_name == "enum") {
if (type_mask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FLAGS) {
<< "can not define an <enum>; already defined a <flag>");
error = true;
type_mask |= android::ResTable_map::TYPE_ENUM;
} else if (element_name == "flag") {
if (type_mask & android::ResTable_map::TYPE_ENUM) {
<< "can not define a <flag>; already defined an <enum>");
error = true;
type_mask |= android::ResTable_map::TYPE_FLAGS;
if (std::optional<Attribute::Symbol> s = ParseEnumOrFlagItem(parser, element_name)) {
Attribute::Symbol& symbol = s.value();
ParsedResource child_resource;
child_resource.name = symbol.symbol.name.value();
child_resource.source = item_source;
child_resource.value = util::make_unique<Id>();
if (options_.visibility) {
child_resource.visibility_level = options_.visibility.value();
auto insert_result = items.insert(std::move(symbol));
if (!insert_result.second) {
const Attribute::Symbol& existing_symbol = *insert_result.first;
<< "duplicate symbol '"
<< existing_symbol.symbol.name.value().entry << "'");
<< "first defined here");
error = true;
} else {
error = true;
} else if (!ShouldIgnoreElement(element_namespace, element_name)) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(item_source) << ":" << element_name << ">");
error = true;
comment = {};
if (error) {
return false;
std::unique_ptr<Attribute> attr = util::make_unique<Attribute>(
type_mask ? type_mask : uint32_t{android::ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY});
attr->symbols = std::vector<Attribute::Symbol>(items.begin(), items.end());
attr->min_int = maybe_min.value_or(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min());
attr->max_int = maybe_max.value_or(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
out_resource->value = std::move(attr);
return true;
std::optional<Attribute::Symbol> ResourceParser::ParseEnumOrFlagItem(xml::XmlPullParser* parser,
const StringPiece& tag) {
const Source source = source_.WithLine(parser->line_number());
std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_name = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "name");
if (!maybe_name) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source) << "no attribute 'name' found for tag <"
<< tag << ">");
return {};
std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_value = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "value");
if (!maybe_value) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source) << "no attribute 'value' found for tag <"
<< tag << ">");
return {};
std::u16string value16 = util::Utf8ToUtf16(maybe_value.value());
android::Res_value val;
if (!android::ResTable::stringToInt(value16.data(), value16.size(), &val)) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source) << "invalid value '" << maybe_value.value()
<< "' for <" << tag
<< ">; must be an integer");
return {};
return Attribute::Symbol{
Reference(ResourceNameRef({}, ResourceNamedTypeWithDefaultName(ResourceType::kId),
val.data, val.dataType};
bool ResourceParser::ParseStyleItem(xml::XmlPullParser* parser, Style* style) {
const Source source = source_.WithLine(parser->line_number());
std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_name = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "name");
if (!maybe_name) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source) << "<item> must have a 'name' attribute");
return false;
std::optional<Reference> maybe_key = ResourceUtils::ParseXmlAttributeName(maybe_name.value());
if (!maybe_key) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source) << "invalid attribute name '" << maybe_name.value() << "'");
return false;
ResolvePackage(parser, &maybe_key.value());
std::unique_ptr<Item> value = ParseXml(parser, 0, kAllowRawString);
if (!value) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(source) << "could not parse style item");
return false;
style->entries.push_back(Style::Entry{std::move(maybe_key.value()), std::move(value)});
return true;
bool ResourceParser::ParseStyle(const ResourceType type, xml::XmlPullParser* parser,
ParsedResource* out_resource) {
out_resource->name.type = ResourceNamedTypeWithDefaultName(type).ToResourceNamedType();
std::unique_ptr<Style> style = util::make_unique<Style>();
std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_parent = xml::FindAttribute(parser, "parent");
if (maybe_parent) {
// If the parent is empty, we don't have a parent, but we also don't infer either.
if (!maybe_parent.value().empty()) {
std::string err_str;
style->parent = ResourceUtils::ParseStyleParentReference(maybe_parent.value(), &err_str);
if (!style->parent) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(out_resource->source) << err_str);
return false;
// Transform the namespace prefix to the actual package name, and mark the reference as
// private if appropriate.
ResolvePackage(parser, &style->parent.value());
} else {
// No parent was specified, so try inferring it from the style name.
std::string style_name = out_resource->name.entry;
size_t pos = style_name.find_last_of(u'.');
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
style->parent_inferred = true;
style->parent = Reference(ResourceName(
{}, ResourceNamedTypeWithDefaultName(ResourceType::kStyle), style_name.substr(0, pos)));
bool error = false;
const size_t depth = parser->depth();
while (xml::XmlPullParser::NextChildNode(parser, depth)) {
if (parser->event() != xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kStartElement) {
// Skip text and comments.
const std::string& element_namespace = parser->element_namespace();
const std::string& element_name = parser->element_name();
if (element_namespace == "" && element_name == "item") {
error |= !ParseStyleItem(parser, style.get());
} else if (!ShouldIgnoreElement(element_namespace, element_name)) {
<< ":" << element_name << ">");
error = true;
if (error) {
return false;
out_resource->value = std::move(style);
return true;
bool ResourceParser::ParseArray(xml::XmlPullParser* parser, ParsedResource* out_resource) {
uint32_t resource_format = android::ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY;
if (std::optional<StringPiece> format_attr = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "format")) {
resource_format = ParseFormatTypeNoEnumsOrFlags(format_attr.value());
if (resource_format == 0u) {
<< "'" << format_attr.value() << "' is an invalid format");
return false;
return ParseArrayImpl(parser, out_resource, resource_format);
bool ResourceParser::ParseIntegerArray(xml::XmlPullParser* parser, ParsedResource* out_resource) {
return ParseArrayImpl(parser, out_resource, android::ResTable_map::TYPE_INTEGER);
bool ResourceParser::ParseStringArray(xml::XmlPullParser* parser, ParsedResource* out_resource) {
return ParseArrayImpl(parser, out_resource, android::ResTable_map::TYPE_STRING);
bool ResourceParser::ParseArrayImpl(xml::XmlPullParser* parser,
ParsedResource* out_resource,
const uint32_t typeMask) {
out_resource->name.type =
std::unique_ptr<Array> array = util::make_unique<Array>();
bool translatable = options_.translatable;
if (std::optional<StringPiece> translatable_attr = xml::FindAttribute(parser, "translatable")) {
std::optional<bool> maybe_translatable = ResourceUtils::ParseBool(translatable_attr.value());
if (!maybe_translatable) {
<< "invalid value for 'translatable'. Must be a boolean");
return false;
translatable = maybe_translatable.value();
bool error = false;
const size_t depth = parser->depth();
while (xml::XmlPullParser::NextChildNode(parser, depth)) {
if (parser->event() != xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kStartElement) {
// Skip text and comments.
const Source item_source = source_.WithLine(parser->line_number());
const std::string& element_namespace = parser->element_namespace();
const std::string& element_name = parser->element_name();
if (element_namespace.empty() && element_name == "item") {
std::unique_ptr<Item> item = ParseXml(parser, typeMask, kNoRawString);
if (!item) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(item_source) << "could not parse array item");
error = true;
} else if (!ShouldIgnoreElement(element_namespace, element_name)) {
<< "unknown tag <" << element_namespace << ":"
<< element_name << ">");
error = true;
if (error) {
return false;
out_resource->value = std::move(array);
return true;
bool ResourceParser::ParsePlural(xml::XmlPullParser* parser,
ParsedResource* out_resource) {
out_resource->name.type =
std::unique_ptr<Plural> plural = util::make_unique<Plural>();
bool error = false;
const size_t depth = parser->depth();
while (xml::XmlPullParser::NextChildNode(parser, depth)) {
if (parser->event() != xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kStartElement) {
// Skip text and comments.
const Source item_source = source_.WithLine(parser->line_number());
const std::string& element_namespace = parser->element_namespace();
const std::string& element_name = parser->element_name();
if (element_namespace.empty() && element_name == "item") {
std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_quantity = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "quantity");
if (!maybe_quantity) {
<< "<item> in <plurals> requires attribute "
<< "'quantity'");
error = true;
StringPiece trimmed_quantity =
size_t index = 0;
if (trimmed_quantity == "zero") {
index = Plural::Zero;
} else if (trimmed_quantity == "one") {
index = Plural::One;
} else if (trimmed_quantity == "two") {
index = Plural::Two;
} else if (trimmed_quantity == "few") {
index = Plural::Few;
} else if (trimmed_quantity == "many") {
index = Plural::Many;
} else if (trimmed_quantity == "other") {
index = Plural::Other;
} else {
<< "<item> in <plural> has invalid value '"
<< trimmed_quantity << "' for attribute 'quantity'");
error = true;
if (plural->values[index]) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(item_source) << "duplicate quantity '"
<< trimmed_quantity << "'");
error = true;
if (!(plural->values[index] = ParseXml(
parser, android::ResTable_map::TYPE_STRING, kNoRawString))) {
error = true;
} else if (!ShouldIgnoreElement(element_namespace, element_name)) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(item_source) << "unknown tag <"
<< element_namespace << ":"
<< element_name << ">");
error = true;
if (error) {
return false;
out_resource->value = std::move(plural);
return true;
bool ResourceParser::ParseDeclareStyleable(xml::XmlPullParser* parser,
ParsedResource* out_resource) {
out_resource->name.type =
if (!options_.preserve_visibility_of_styleables) {
// This was added in change Idd21b5de4d20be06c6f8c8eb5a22ccd68afc4927 to mimic aapt1, but no one
// knows exactly what for.
// FWIW, styleables only appear in generated R classes. For custom views these should always be
// package-private (to be used only by the view class); themes are a different story.
out_resource->visibility_level = Visibility::Level::kPublic;
// Declare-styleable only ends up in default config;
if (out_resource->config != ConfigDescription::DefaultConfig()) {
<< "ignoring configuration '" << out_resource->config
<< "' for styleable " << out_resource->name.entry);
out_resource->config = ConfigDescription::DefaultConfig();
std::unique_ptr<Styleable> styleable = util::make_unique<Styleable>();
std::string comment;
bool error = false;
const size_t depth = parser->depth();
while (xml::XmlPullParser::NextChildNode(parser, depth)) {
if (parser->event() == xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kComment) {
comment = util::TrimWhitespace(parser->comment()).to_string();
} else if (parser->event() != xml::XmlPullParser::Event::kStartElement) {
// Ignore text.
const Source item_source = source_.WithLine(parser->line_number());
const std::string& element_namespace = parser->element_namespace();
const std::string& element_name = parser->element_name();
if (element_namespace.empty() && element_name == "attr") {
std::optional<StringPiece> maybe_name = xml::FindNonEmptyAttribute(parser, "name");
if (!maybe_name) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(item_source) << "<attr> tag must have a 'name' attribute");
error = true;
// If this is a declaration, the package name may be in the name. Separate
// these out.
// Eg. <attr name="android:text" />
std::optional<Reference> maybe_ref = ResourceUtils::ParseXmlAttributeName(maybe_name.value());
if (!maybe_ref) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(item_source) << "<attr> tag has invalid name '"
<< maybe_name.value() << "'");
error = true;
Reference& child_ref = maybe_ref.value();
xml::ResolvePackage(parser, &child_ref);
// Create the ParsedResource that will add the attribute to the table.
ParsedResource child_resource;
child_resource.name = child_ref.name.value();
child_resource.source = item_source;
child_resource.comment = std::move(comment);
if (options_.visibility) {
child_resource.visibility_level = options_.visibility.value();
if (!ParseAttrImpl(parser, &child_resource, true)) {
error = true;
// Create the reference to this attribute.
// Do not add referenced attributes that do not define a format to the table.
CHECK(child_resource.value != nullptr);
Attribute* attr = ValueCast<Attribute>(child_resource.value.get());
CHECK(attr != nullptr);
if (attr->type_mask != android::ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY) {
} else if (!ShouldIgnoreElement(element_namespace, element_name)) {
diag_->Error(DiagMessage(item_source) << "unknown tag <"
<< element_namespace << ":"
<< element_name << ">");
error = true;
comment = {};
if (error) {
return false;
out_resource->value = std::move(styleable);
return true;
} // namespace aapt