To allow apps that compiled against a pre-release SDK to continue working for a period of time after API finalization, a new tag, <staging-public-group-final>, has been added to aapt2. When finalizing the framework resource API, converting <staging-public-group> tags to <staging-public-group-final> will cause aapt2 to generate the resource table so that there is a resource entry for the old non-finalized (staged) resource ID and another entry for the finalized resource ID of newly finalized resources. This allows an application that compiled against the pre-release SDK to continue resolving resources using pre-release resource IDs. All references to pre-release resource IDs will be rewritten to their finalized resource IDs through the information stored in the new staged alias chunk. This allows applications compiled against <staging-public-group> resources to use the newly finalized resource ID without re-compilation. When an application is re-compiled against the SDK with <staging-public-group-final> tags, the application will use the finalized resource IDs. This change limits the use of the alias chunk to the framework for S. Bug: 183411356 Test: aapt2_test Change-Id: Iba1c3033c3c2f32de8e4a19b58d3921c971092c4
730 lines
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730 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "ResourceTable.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include "android-base/logging.h"
#include "androidfw/ConfigDescription.h"
#include "androidfw/ResourceTypes.h"
#include "NameMangler.h"
#include "ResourceUtils.h"
#include "ResourceValues.h"
#include "ValueVisitor.h"
#include "text/Unicode.h"
#include "trace/TraceBuffer.h"
#include "util/Util.h"
using ::aapt::text::IsValidResourceEntryName;
using ::android::ConfigDescription;
using ::android::StringPiece;
using ::android::base::StringPrintf;
namespace aapt {
const char* Overlayable::kActorScheme = "overlay";
namespace {
bool less_than_type(const std::unique_ptr<ResourceTableType>& lhs, ResourceType rhs) {
return lhs->type < rhs;
template <typename T>
bool less_than_struct_with_name(const std::unique_ptr<T>& lhs, const StringPiece& rhs) {
return lhs->name.compare(0, lhs->name.size(), rhs.data(), rhs.size()) < 0;
template <typename T>
bool greater_than_struct_with_name(const StringPiece& lhs, const std::unique_ptr<T>& rhs) {
return rhs->name.compare(0, rhs->name.size(), lhs.data(), lhs.size()) > 0;
template <typename T>
struct NameEqualRange {
bool operator()(const std::unique_ptr<T>& lhs, const StringPiece& rhs) const {
return less_than_struct_with_name<T>(lhs, rhs);
bool operator()(const StringPiece& lhs, const std::unique_ptr<T>& rhs) const {
return greater_than_struct_with_name<T>(lhs, rhs);
template <typename T, typename U>
bool less_than_struct_with_name_and_id(const T& lhs,
const std::pair<std::string_view, Maybe<U>>& rhs) {
if (lhs.id != rhs.second) {
return lhs.id < rhs.second;
return lhs.name.compare(0, lhs.name.size(), rhs.first.data(), rhs.first.size()) < 0;
template <typename T, typename Func, typename Elements>
T* FindElementsRunAction(const android::StringPiece& name, Elements& entries, Func action) {
const auto iter =
std::lower_bound(entries.begin(), entries.end(), name, less_than_struct_with_name<T>);
const bool found = iter != entries.end() && name == (*iter)->name;
return action(found, iter);
struct ConfigKey {
const ConfigDescription* config;
const StringPiece& product;
template <typename T>
bool lt_config_key_ref(const T& lhs, const ConfigKey& rhs) {
int cmp = lhs->config.compare(*rhs.config);
if (cmp == 0) {
cmp = StringPiece(lhs->product).compare(rhs.product);
return cmp < 0;
} // namespace
ResourceTable::ResourceTable(ResourceTable::Validation validation) : validation_(validation) {
ResourceTablePackage* ResourceTable::FindPackage(const android::StringPiece& name) const {
return FindElementsRunAction<ResourceTablePackage>(
name, packages, [&](bool found, auto& iter) { return found ? iter->get() : nullptr; });
ResourceTablePackage* ResourceTable::FindOrCreatePackage(const android::StringPiece& name) {
return FindElementsRunAction<ResourceTablePackage>(name, packages, [&](bool found, auto& iter) {
return found ? iter->get() : packages.emplace(iter, new ResourceTablePackage(name))->get();
template <typename Func, typename Elements>
static ResourceTableType* FindTypeRunAction(ResourceType type, Elements& entries, Func action) {
const auto iter = std::lower_bound(entries.begin(), entries.end(), type, less_than_type);
const bool found = iter != entries.end() && type == (*iter)->type;
return action(found, iter);
ResourceTableType* ResourceTablePackage::FindType(ResourceType type) const {
return FindTypeRunAction(type, types,
[&](bool found, auto& iter) { return found ? iter->get() : nullptr; });
ResourceTableType* ResourceTablePackage::FindOrCreateType(ResourceType type) {
return FindTypeRunAction(type, types, [&](bool found, auto& iter) {
return found ? iter->get() : types.emplace(iter, new ResourceTableType(type))->get();
ResourceEntry* ResourceTableType::CreateEntry(const android::StringPiece& name) {
return FindElementsRunAction<ResourceEntry>(name, entries, [&](bool found, auto& iter) {
return entries.emplace(iter, new ResourceEntry(name))->get();
ResourceEntry* ResourceTableType::FindEntry(const android::StringPiece& name) const {
return FindElementsRunAction<ResourceEntry>(
name, entries, [&](bool found, auto& iter) { return found ? iter->get() : nullptr; });
ResourceEntry* ResourceTableType::FindOrCreateEntry(const android::StringPiece& name) {
return FindElementsRunAction<ResourceEntry>(name, entries, [&](bool found, auto& iter) {
return found ? iter->get() : entries.emplace(iter, new ResourceEntry(name))->get();
ResourceConfigValue* ResourceEntry::FindValue(const ConfigDescription& config,
android::StringPiece product) {
auto iter = std::lower_bound(values.begin(), values.end(), ConfigKey{&config, product},
if (iter != values.end()) {
ResourceConfigValue* value = iter->get();
if (value->config == config && StringPiece(value->product) == product) {
return value;
return nullptr;
const ResourceConfigValue* ResourceEntry::FindValue(const android::ConfigDescription& config,
android::StringPiece product) const {
auto iter = std::lower_bound(values.begin(), values.end(), ConfigKey{&config, product},
if (iter != values.end()) {
ResourceConfigValue* value = iter->get();
if (value->config == config && StringPiece(value->product) == product) {
return value;
return nullptr;
ResourceConfigValue* ResourceEntry::FindOrCreateValue(const ConfigDescription& config,
const StringPiece& product) {
auto iter = std::lower_bound(values.begin(), values.end(), ConfigKey{&config, product},
if (iter != values.end()) {
ResourceConfigValue* value = iter->get();
if (value->config == config && StringPiece(value->product) == product) {
return value;
ResourceConfigValue* newValue =
values.insert(iter, util::make_unique<ResourceConfigValue>(config, product))->get();
return newValue;
std::vector<ResourceConfigValue*> ResourceEntry::FindAllValues(const ConfigDescription& config) {
std::vector<ResourceConfigValue*> results;
auto iter = values.begin();
for (; iter != values.end(); ++iter) {
ResourceConfigValue* value = iter->get();
if (value->config == config) {
for (; iter != values.end(); ++iter) {
ResourceConfigValue* value = iter->get();
if (value->config == config) {
return results;
bool ResourceEntry::HasDefaultValue() const {
const ConfigDescription& default_config = ConfigDescription::DefaultConfig();
// The default config should be at the top of the list, since the list is sorted.
for (auto& config_value : values) {
if (config_value->config == default_config) {
return true;
return false;
// The default handler for collisions.
// Typically, a weak value will be overridden by a strong value. An existing weak
// value will not be overridden by an incoming weak value.
// There are some exceptions:
// Attributes: There are two types of Attribute values: USE and DECL.
// USE is anywhere an Attribute is declared without a format, and in a place that would
// be legal to declare if the Attribute already existed. This is typically in a
// <declare-styleable> tag. Attributes defined in a <declare-styleable> are also weak.
// DECL is an absolute declaration of an Attribute and specifies an explicit format.
// A DECL will override a USE without error. Two DECLs must match in their format for there to be
// no error.
ResourceTable::CollisionResult ResourceTable::ResolveValueCollision(Value* existing,
Value* incoming) {
Attribute* existing_attr = ValueCast<Attribute>(existing);
Attribute* incoming_attr = ValueCast<Attribute>(incoming);
if (!incoming_attr) {
if (incoming->IsWeak()) {
// We're trying to add a weak resource but a resource
// already exists. Keep the existing.
return CollisionResult::kKeepOriginal;
} else if (existing->IsWeak()) {
// Override the weak resource with the new strong resource.
return CollisionResult::kTakeNew;
// The existing and incoming values are strong, this is an error
// if the values are not both attributes.
return CollisionResult::kConflict;
if (!existing_attr) {
if (existing->IsWeak()) {
// The existing value is not an attribute and it is weak,
// so take the incoming attribute value.
return CollisionResult::kTakeNew;
// The existing value is not an attribute and it is strong,
// so the incoming attribute value is an error.
return CollisionResult::kConflict;
CHECK(incoming_attr != nullptr && existing_attr != nullptr);
// Attribute specific handling. At this point we know both
// values are attributes. Since we can declare and define
// attributes all-over, we do special handling to see
// which definition sticks.
if (existing_attr->IsCompatibleWith(*incoming_attr)) {
// The two attributes are both DECLs, but they are plain attributes with compatible formats.
// Keep the strongest one.
return existing_attr->IsWeak() ? CollisionResult::kTakeNew : CollisionResult::kKeepOriginal;
if (existing_attr->IsWeak() && existing_attr->type_mask == android::ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY) {
// Any incoming attribute is better than this.
return CollisionResult::kTakeNew;
if (incoming_attr->IsWeak() && incoming_attr->type_mask == android::ResTable_map::TYPE_ANY) {
// The incoming attribute may be a USE instead of a DECL.
// Keep the existing attribute.
return CollisionResult::kKeepOriginal;
return CollisionResult::kConflict;
namespace {
template <typename T, typename Comparer>
struct SortedVectorInserter : public Comparer {
std::pair<bool, typename std::vector<T>::iterator> LowerBound(std::vector<T>& el,
const T& value) {
auto it = std::lower_bound(el.begin(), el.end(), value, [&](auto& lhs, auto& rhs) {
return Comparer::operator()(lhs, rhs);
bool found =
it != el.end() && !Comparer::operator()(*it, value) && !Comparer::operator()(value, *it);
return std::make_pair(found, it);
T* Insert(std::vector<T>& el, T&& value) {
auto [found, it] = LowerBound(el, value);
if (found) {
return &*it;
return &*el.insert(it, std::forward<T>(value));
struct PackageViewComparer {
bool operator()(const ResourceTablePackageView& lhs, const ResourceTablePackageView& rhs) {
return less_than_struct_with_name_and_id<ResourceTablePackageView, uint8_t>(
lhs, std::make_pair(rhs.name, rhs.id));
struct TypeViewComparer {
bool operator()(const ResourceTableTypeView& lhs, const ResourceTableTypeView& rhs) {
return lhs.id != rhs.id ? lhs.id < rhs.id : lhs.type < rhs.type;
struct EntryViewComparer {
bool operator()(const ResourceTableEntryView& lhs, const ResourceTableEntryView& rhs) {
return less_than_struct_with_name_and_id<ResourceTableEntryView, uint16_t>(
lhs, std::make_pair(rhs.name, rhs.id));
void InsertEntryIntoTableView(ResourceTableView& table, const ResourceTablePackage* package,
const ResourceTableType* type, const std::string& entry_name,
const Maybe<ResourceId>& id, const Visibility& visibility,
const Maybe<AllowNew>& allow_new,
const Maybe<OverlayableItem>& overlayable_item,
const Maybe<StagedId>& staged_id,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ResourceConfigValue>>& values) {
SortedVectorInserter<ResourceTablePackageView, PackageViewComparer> package_inserter;
SortedVectorInserter<ResourceTableTypeView, TypeViewComparer> type_inserter;
SortedVectorInserter<ResourceTableEntryView, EntryViewComparer> entry_inserter;
ResourceTablePackageView new_package{package->name,
id ? id.value().package_id() : Maybe<uint8_t>{}};
auto view_package = package_inserter.Insert(table.packages, std::move(new_package));
ResourceTableTypeView new_type{type->type, id ? id.value().type_id() : Maybe<uint8_t>{}};
auto view_type = type_inserter.Insert(view_package->types, std::move(new_type));
if (visibility.level == Visibility::Level::kPublic) {
// Only mark the type visibility level as public, it doesn't care about being private.
view_type->visibility_level = Visibility::Level::kPublic;
ResourceTableEntryView new_entry{.name = entry_name,
.id = id ? id.value().entry_id() : Maybe<uint16_t>{},
.visibility = visibility,
.allow_new = allow_new,
.overlayable_item = overlayable_item,
.staged_id = staged_id};
for (auto& value : values) {
entry_inserter.Insert(view_type->entries, std::move(new_entry));
} // namespace
const ResourceConfigValue* ResourceTableEntryView::FindValue(const ConfigDescription& config,
android::StringPiece product) const {
auto iter = std::lower_bound(values.begin(), values.end(), ConfigKey{&config, product},
lt_config_key_ref<const ResourceConfigValue*>);
if (iter != values.end()) {
const ResourceConfigValue* value = *iter;
if (value->config == config && StringPiece(value->product) == product) {
return value;
return nullptr;
ResourceTableView ResourceTable::GetPartitionedView(const ResourceTableViewOptions& options) const {
ResourceTableView view;
for (const auto& package : packages) {
for (const auto& type : package->types) {
for (const auto& entry : type->entries) {
InsertEntryIntoTableView(view, package.get(), type.get(), entry->name, entry->id,
entry->visibility, entry->allow_new, entry->overlayable_item,
entry->staged_id, entry->values);
if (options.create_alias_entries && entry->staged_id) {
auto alias_id = entry->staged_id.value().id;
InsertEntryIntoTableView(view, package.get(), type.get(), entry->name, alias_id,
entry->visibility, entry->allow_new, entry->overlayable_item, {},
// The android runtime does not support querying resources when the there are multiple type ids
// for the same resource type within the same package. For this reason, if there are types with
// multiple type ids, each type needs to exist in its own package in order to be queried by name.
std::vector<ResourceTablePackageView> new_packages;
SortedVectorInserter<ResourceTablePackageView, PackageViewComparer> package_inserter;
SortedVectorInserter<ResourceTableTypeView, TypeViewComparer> type_inserter;
for (auto& package : view.packages) {
// If a new package was already created for a different type within this package, then
// we can reuse those packages for other types that need to be extracted from this package.
// `start_index` is the index of the first newly created package that can be reused.
const size_t start_index = new_packages.size();
std::map<ResourceType, size_t> type_new_package_index;
for (auto type_it = package.types.begin(); type_it != package.types.end();) {
auto& type = *type_it;
auto type_index_iter = type_new_package_index.find(type.type);
if (type_index_iter == type_new_package_index.end()) {
// First occurrence of the resource type in this package. Keep it in this package.
type_new_package_index.insert(type_index_iter, std::make_pair(type.type, start_index));
// The resource type has already been seen for this package, so this type must be extracted to
// a new separate package.
const size_t index = type_index_iter->second;
if (new_packages.size() == index) {
new_packages.emplace_back(ResourceTablePackageView{package.name, package.id});
type_new_package_index[type.type] = index + 1;
// Move the type into a new package
auto& other_package = new_packages[index];
type_inserter.Insert(other_package.types, std::move(type));
type_it = package.types.erase(type_it);
for (auto& new_package : new_packages) {
// Insert newly created packages after their original packages
auto [_, it] = package_inserter.LowerBound(view.packages, new_package);
view.packages.insert(++it, std::move(new_package));
return view;
bool ResourceTable::AddResource(NewResource&& res, IDiagnostics* diag) {
CHECK(diag != nullptr) << "Diagnostic pointer is null";
const bool validate = validation_ == Validation::kEnabled;
const Source source = res.value ? res.value->GetSource() : Source{};
if (validate && !res.allow_mangled && !IsValidResourceEntryName(res.name.entry)) {
<< "resource '" << res.name << "' has invalid entry name '" << res.name.entry);
return false;
if (res.id.has_value() && !res.id->first.is_valid()) {
diag->Error(DiagMessage(source) << "trying to add resource '" << res.name << "' with ID "
<< res.id->first << " but that ID is invalid");
return false;
auto package = FindOrCreatePackage(res.name.package);
auto type = package->FindOrCreateType(res.name.type);
auto entry_it = std::equal_range(type->entries.begin(), type->entries.end(), res.name.entry,
const size_t entry_count = std::distance(entry_it.first, entry_it.second);
ResourceEntry* entry;
if (entry_count == 0) {
// Adding a new resource
entry = type->CreateEntry(res.name.entry);
} else if (entry_count == 1) {
// Assume that the existing resource is being modified
entry = entry_it.first->get();
} else {
// Multiple resources with the same name exist in the resource table. The only way to
// distinguish between them is using resource id since each resource should have a unique id.
CHECK(res.id.has_value()) << "ambiguous modification of resource entry '" << res.name
<< "' without specifying a resource id.";
entry = entry_it.first->get();
for (auto it = entry_it.first; it != entry_it.second; ++it) {
CHECK((bool)(*it)->id) << "ambiguous modification of resource entry '" << res.name
<< "' with multiple entries without resource ids";
if ((*it)->id == res.id->first) {
entry = it->get();
if (res.id.has_value()) {
if (entry->id && entry->id.value() != res.id->first) {
if (res.id->second != OnIdConflict::CREATE_ENTRY) {
<< "trying to add resource '" << res.name << "' with ID " << res.id->first
<< " but resource already has ID " << entry->id.value());
return false;
entry = type->CreateEntry(res.name.entry);
entry->id = res.id->first;
if (res.visibility.has_value()) {
// Only mark the type visibility level as public, it doesn't care about being private.
if (res.visibility->level == Visibility::Level::kPublic) {
type->visibility_level = Visibility::Level::kPublic;
if (res.visibility->level > entry->visibility.level) {
// This symbol definition takes precedence, replace.
entry->visibility = res.visibility.value();
if (res.visibility->staged_api) {
entry->visibility.staged_api = entry->visibility.staged_api;
if (res.overlayable.has_value()) {
if (entry->overlayable_item) {
<< "duplicate overlayable declaration for resource '" << res.name << "'");
<< "previous declaration here");
return false;
entry->overlayable_item = res.overlayable.value();
if (res.allow_new.has_value()) {
entry->allow_new = res.allow_new.value();
if (res.staged_id.has_value()) {
entry->staged_id = res.staged_id.value();
if (res.value != nullptr) {
auto config_value = entry->FindOrCreateValue(res.config, res.product);
if (!config_value->value) {
// Resource does not exist, add it now.
config_value->value = std::move(res.value);
} else {
// When validation is enabled, ensure that a resource cannot have multiple values defined for
// the same configuration.
auto result = validate ? ResolveValueCollision(config_value->value.get(), res.value.get())
: CollisionResult::kKeepBoth;
switch (result) {
case CollisionResult::kKeepBoth:
// Insert the value ignoring for duplicate configurations
entry->values.push_back(util::make_unique<ResourceConfigValue>(res.config, res.product));
entry->values.back()->value = std::move(res.value);
case CollisionResult::kTakeNew:
// Take the incoming value.
config_value->value = std::move(res.value);
case CollisionResult::kConflict:
diag->Error(DiagMessage(source) << "duplicate value for resource '" << res.name << "' "
<< "with config '" << res.config << "'");
diag->Error(DiagMessage(source) << "resource previously defined here");
return false;
case CollisionResult::kKeepOriginal:
return true;
Maybe<ResourceTable::SearchResult> ResourceTable::FindResource(const ResourceNameRef& name) const {
ResourceTablePackage* package = FindPackage(name.package);
if (package == nullptr) {
return {};
ResourceTableType* type = package->FindType(name.type);
if (type == nullptr) {
return {};
ResourceEntry* entry = type->FindEntry(name.entry);
if (entry == nullptr) {
return {};
return SearchResult{package, type, entry};
Maybe<ResourceTable::SearchResult> ResourceTable::FindResource(const ResourceNameRef& name,
ResourceId id) const {
ResourceTablePackage* package = FindPackage(name.package);
if (package == nullptr) {
return {};
ResourceTableType* type = package->FindType(name.type);
if (type == nullptr) {
return {};
auto entry_it = std::equal_range(type->entries.begin(), type->entries.end(), name.entry,
for (auto it = entry_it.first; it != entry_it.second; ++it) {
if ((*it)->id == id) {
return SearchResult{package, type, it->get()};
return {};
bool ResourceTable::RemoveResource(const ResourceNameRef& name, ResourceId id) const {
ResourceTablePackage* package = FindPackage(name.package);
if (package == nullptr) {
return {};
ResourceTableType* type = package->FindType(name.type);
if (type == nullptr) {
return {};
auto entry_it = std::equal_range(type->entries.begin(), type->entries.end(), name.entry,
for (auto it = entry_it.first; it != entry_it.second; ++it) {
if ((*it)->id == id) {
return true;
return false;
std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable> ResourceTable::Clone() const {
std::unique_ptr<ResourceTable> new_table = util::make_unique<ResourceTable>();
CloningValueTransformer cloner(&new_table->string_pool);
for (const auto& pkg : packages) {
ResourceTablePackage* new_pkg = new_table->FindOrCreatePackage(pkg->name);
for (const auto& type : pkg->types) {
ResourceTableType* new_type = new_pkg->FindOrCreateType(type->type);
new_type->visibility_level = type->visibility_level;
for (const auto& entry : type->entries) {
ResourceEntry* new_entry = new_type->CreateEntry(entry->name);
new_entry->id = entry->id;
new_entry->visibility = entry->visibility;
new_entry->allow_new = entry->allow_new;
new_entry->overlayable_item = entry->overlayable_item;
for (const auto& config_value : entry->values) {
ResourceConfigValue* new_value =
new_entry->FindOrCreateValue(config_value->config, config_value->product);
new_value->value = config_value->value->Transform(cloner);
return new_table;
NewResourceBuilder::NewResourceBuilder(const ResourceNameRef& name) {
res_.name = name.ToResourceName();
NewResourceBuilder::NewResourceBuilder(const std::string& name) {
ResourceNameRef ref;
CHECK(ResourceUtils::ParseResourceName(name, &ref)) << "invalid resource name: " << name;
res_.name = ref.ToResourceName();
NewResourceBuilder& NewResourceBuilder::SetValue(std::unique_ptr<Value> value,
android::ConfigDescription config,
std::string product) {
res_.value = std::move(value);
res_.config = std::move(config);
res_.product = std::move(product);
return *this;
NewResourceBuilder& NewResourceBuilder::SetId(ResourceId id, OnIdConflict on_conflict) {
res_.id = std::make_pair(id, on_conflict);
return *this;
NewResourceBuilder& NewResourceBuilder::SetVisibility(Visibility visibility) {
res_.visibility = std::move(visibility);
return *this;
NewResourceBuilder& NewResourceBuilder::SetOverlayable(OverlayableItem overlayable) {
res_.overlayable = std::move(overlayable);
return *this;
NewResourceBuilder& NewResourceBuilder::SetAllowNew(AllowNew allow_new) {
res_.allow_new = std::move(allow_new);
return *this;
NewResourceBuilder& NewResourceBuilder::SetStagedId(StagedId staged_alias) {
res_.staged_id = std::move(staged_alias);
return *this;
NewResourceBuilder& NewResourceBuilder::SetAllowMangled(bool allow_mangled) {
res_.allow_mangled = allow_mangled;
return *this;
NewResource NewResourceBuilder::Build() {
return std::move(res_);
} // namespace aapt