The visualizer enables application to retrieve part of the currently playing audio for visualization purpose. It is not an audio recording interface and only returns partial and low quality audio content as a waveform or a frequency representation (FFT). Removed temporary hack made in MediaPlayer for animated wall papers based on audio visualization (snoop() method. This commit also includes a change in AudioEffect class: - the enable()/disable() methods have been replaced bya more standard setEnabled() method. - some fixes in javadoc Change-Id: Id092a1340e9e38dae68646ade7be054e3a36980e
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/* //device/include/server/AudioFlinger/AudioFlinger.h
** Copyright 2007, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <media/IAudioFlinger.h>
#include <media/IAudioFlingerClient.h>
#include <media/IAudioTrack.h>
#include <media/IAudioRecord.h>
#include <media/AudioTrack.h>
#include <utils/Atomic.h>
#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <utils/threads.h>
#include <binder/MemoryDealer.h>
#include <utils/SortedVector.h>
#include <utils/Vector.h>
#include <hardware_legacy/AudioHardwareInterface.h>
#include "AudioBufferProvider.h"
namespace android {
class audio_track_cblk_t;
class effect_param_cblk_t;
class AudioMixer;
class AudioBuffer;
class AudioResampler;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define LIKELY( exp ) (__builtin_expect( (exp) != 0, true ))
#define UNLIKELY( exp ) (__builtin_expect( (exp) != 0, false ))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static const nsecs_t kStandbyTimeInNsecs = seconds(3);
class AudioFlinger : public BnAudioFlinger
static void instantiate();
virtual status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
// IAudioFlinger interface
virtual sp<IAudioTrack> createTrack(
pid_t pid,
int streamType,
uint32_t sampleRate,
int format,
int channelCount,
int frameCount,
uint32_t flags,
const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
int output,
int *sessionId,
status_t *status);
virtual uint32_t sampleRate(int output) const;
virtual int channelCount(int output) const;
virtual int format(int output) const;
virtual size_t frameCount(int output) const;
virtual uint32_t latency(int output) const;
virtual status_t setMasterVolume(float value);
virtual status_t setMasterMute(bool muted);
virtual float masterVolume() const;
virtual bool masterMute() const;
virtual status_t setStreamVolume(int stream, float value, int output);
virtual status_t setStreamMute(int stream, bool muted);
virtual float streamVolume(int stream, int output) const;
virtual bool streamMute(int stream) const;
virtual status_t setMode(int mode);
virtual status_t setMicMute(bool state);
virtual bool getMicMute() const;
virtual bool isStreamActive(int stream) const;
virtual status_t setParameters(int ioHandle, const String8& keyValuePairs);
virtual String8 getParameters(int ioHandle, const String8& keys);
virtual void registerClient(const sp<IAudioFlingerClient>& client);
virtual size_t getInputBufferSize(uint32_t sampleRate, int format, int channelCount);
virtual unsigned int getInputFramesLost(int ioHandle);
virtual int openOutput(uint32_t *pDevices,
uint32_t *pSamplingRate,
uint32_t *pFormat,
uint32_t *pChannels,
uint32_t *pLatencyMs,
uint32_t flags);
virtual int openDuplicateOutput(int output1, int output2);
virtual status_t closeOutput(int output);
virtual status_t suspendOutput(int output);
virtual status_t restoreOutput(int output);
virtual int openInput(uint32_t *pDevices,
uint32_t *pSamplingRate,
uint32_t *pFormat,
uint32_t *pChannels,
uint32_t acoustics);
virtual status_t closeInput(int input);
virtual status_t setStreamOutput(uint32_t stream, int output);
virtual status_t setVoiceVolume(float volume);
virtual status_t getRenderPosition(uint32_t *halFrames, uint32_t *dspFrames, int output);
virtual int newAudioSessionId();
virtual status_t loadEffectLibrary(const char *libPath, int *handle);
virtual status_t unloadEffectLibrary(int handle);
virtual status_t queryNumberEffects(uint32_t *numEffects);
virtual status_t queryEffect(uint32_t index, effect_descriptor_t *descriptor);
virtual status_t getEffectDescriptor(effect_uuid_t *pUuid, effect_descriptor_t *descriptor);
virtual sp<IEffect> createEffect(pid_t pid,
effect_descriptor_t *pDesc,
const sp<IEffectClient>& effectClient,
int32_t priority,
int output,
int sessionId,
status_t *status,
int *id,
int *enabled);
status_t registerEffectResource_l(effect_descriptor_t *desc);
void unregisterEffectResource_l(effect_descriptor_t *desc);
enum hardware_call_state {
// record interface
virtual sp<IAudioRecord> openRecord(
pid_t pid,
int input,
uint32_t sampleRate,
int format,
int channelCount,
int frameCount,
uint32_t flags,
int *sessionId,
status_t *status);
virtual status_t onTransact(
uint32_t code,
const Parcel& data,
Parcel* reply,
uint32_t flags);
uint32_t getMode() { return mMode; }
virtual ~AudioFlinger();
// Internal dump utilites.
status_t dumpPermissionDenial(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
status_t dumpClients(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
status_t dumpInternals(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
// --- Client ---
class Client : public RefBase {
Client(const sp<AudioFlinger>& audioFlinger, pid_t pid);
virtual ~Client();
const sp<MemoryDealer>& heap() const;
pid_t pid() const { return mPid; }
sp<AudioFlinger> audioFlinger() { return mAudioFlinger; }
Client(const Client&);
Client& operator = (const Client&);
sp<AudioFlinger> mAudioFlinger;
sp<MemoryDealer> mMemoryDealer;
pid_t mPid;
// --- Notification Client ---
class NotificationClient : public IBinder::DeathRecipient {
NotificationClient(const sp<AudioFlinger>& audioFlinger,
const sp<IAudioFlingerClient>& client,
pid_t pid);
virtual ~NotificationClient();
sp<IAudioFlingerClient> client() { return mClient; }
// IBinder::DeathRecipient
virtual void binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who);
NotificationClient(const NotificationClient&);
NotificationClient& operator = (const NotificationClient&);
sp<AudioFlinger> mAudioFlinger;
pid_t mPid;
sp<IAudioFlingerClient> mClient;
class TrackHandle;
class RecordHandle;
class RecordThread;
class PlaybackThread;
class MixerThread;
class DirectOutputThread;
class DuplicatingThread;
class Track;
class RecordTrack;
class EffectModule;
class EffectHandle;
class EffectChain;
class ThreadBase : public Thread {
ThreadBase (const sp<AudioFlinger>& audioFlinger, int id);
virtual ~ThreadBase();
status_t dumpBase(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
// base for record and playback
class TrackBase : public AudioBufferProvider, public RefBase {
enum track_state {
enum track_flags {
STEPSERVER_FAILED = 0x01, // StepServer could not acquire cblk->lock mutex
// The upper 16 bits are used for track-specific flags.
TrackBase(const wp<ThreadBase>& thread,
const sp<Client>& client,
uint32_t sampleRate,
int format,
int channelCount,
int frameCount,
uint32_t flags,
const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
int sessionId);
virtual status_t start() = 0;
virtual void stop() = 0;
sp<IMemory> getCblk() const;
audio_track_cblk_t* cblk() const { return mCblk; }
int sessionId() { return mSessionId; }
friend class ThreadBase;
friend class RecordHandle;
friend class PlaybackThread;
friend class RecordThread;
friend class MixerThread;
friend class DirectOutputThread;
TrackBase(const TrackBase&);
TrackBase& operator = (const TrackBase&);
virtual status_t getNextBuffer(AudioBufferProvider::Buffer* buffer) = 0;
virtual void releaseBuffer(AudioBufferProvider::Buffer* buffer);
int format() const {
return mFormat;
int channelCount() const ;
int sampleRate() const;
void* getBuffer(uint32_t offset, uint32_t frames) const;
bool isStopped() const {
return mState == STOPPED;
bool isTerminated() const {
return mState == TERMINATED;
bool step();
void reset();
wp<ThreadBase> mThread;
sp<Client> mClient;
sp<IMemory> mCblkMemory;
audio_track_cblk_t* mCblk;
void* mBuffer;
void* mBufferEnd;
uint32_t mFrameCount;
// we don't really need a lock for these
int mState;
int mClientTid;
uint8_t mFormat;
uint32_t mFlags;
int mSessionId;
class ConfigEvent {
ConfigEvent() : mEvent(0), mParam(0) {}
int mEvent;
int mParam;
uint32_t sampleRate() const;
int channelCount() const;
int format() const;
size_t frameCount() const;
void wakeUp() { mWaitWorkCV.broadcast(); }
void exit();
virtual bool checkForNewParameters_l() = 0;
virtual status_t setParameters(const String8& keyValuePairs);
virtual String8 getParameters(const String8& keys) = 0;
virtual void audioConfigChanged_l(int event, int param = 0) = 0;
void sendConfigEvent(int event, int param = 0);
void sendConfigEvent_l(int event, int param = 0);
void processConfigEvents();
int id() const { return mId;}
bool standby() { return mStandby; }
mutable Mutex mLock;
friend class Track;
friend class TrackBase;
friend class PlaybackThread;
friend class MixerThread;
friend class DirectOutputThread;
friend class DuplicatingThread;
friend class RecordThread;
friend class RecordTrack;
Condition mWaitWorkCV;
sp<AudioFlinger> mAudioFlinger;
uint32_t mSampleRate;
size_t mFrameCount;
uint32_t mChannels;
uint16_t mChannelCount;
uint16_t mFrameSize;
int mFormat;
Condition mParamCond;
Vector<String8> mNewParameters;
status_t mParamStatus;
Vector<ConfigEvent *> mConfigEvents;
bool mStandby;
int mId;
bool mExiting;
// --- PlaybackThread ---
class PlaybackThread : public ThreadBase {
enum type {
enum mixer_state {
// playback track
class Track : public TrackBase {
Track( const wp<ThreadBase>& thread,
const sp<Client>& client,
int streamType,
uint32_t sampleRate,
int format,
int channelCount,
int frameCount,
const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
int sessionId);
void dump(char* buffer, size_t size);
virtual status_t start();
virtual void stop();
void pause();
void flush();
void destroy();
void mute(bool);
void setVolume(float left, float right);
int name() const {
return mName;
int type() const {
return mStreamType;
status_t attachAuxEffect(int EffectId);
void setAuxBuffer(int EffectId, int32_t *buffer);
int32_t *auxBuffer() { return mAuxBuffer; }
void setMainBuffer(int16_t *buffer) { mMainBuffer = buffer; }
int16_t *mainBuffer() { return mMainBuffer; }
int auxEffectId() { return mAuxEffectId; }
friend class ThreadBase;
friend class AudioFlinger;
friend class TrackHandle;
friend class PlaybackThread;
friend class MixerThread;
friend class DirectOutputThread;
Track(const Track&);
Track& operator = (const Track&);
virtual status_t getNextBuffer(AudioBufferProvider::Buffer* buffer);
bool isMuted() { return mMute; }
bool isPausing() const {
return mState == PAUSING;
bool isPaused() const {
return mState == PAUSED;
bool isReady() const;
void setPaused() { mState = PAUSED; }
void reset();
bool isOutputTrack() const {
return (mStreamType == AudioSystem::NUM_STREAM_TYPES);
// we don't really need a lock for these
float mVolume[2];
volatile bool mMute;
// FILLED state is used for suppressing volume ramp at begin of playing
mutable uint8_t mFillingUpStatus;
int8_t mRetryCount;
sp<IMemory> mSharedBuffer;
bool mResetDone;
int mStreamType;
int mName;
int16_t *mMainBuffer;
int32_t *mAuxBuffer;
int mAuxEffectId;
}; // end of Track
// playback track
class OutputTrack : public Track {
class Buffer: public AudioBufferProvider::Buffer {
int16_t *mBuffer;
OutputTrack( const wp<ThreadBase>& thread,
DuplicatingThread *sourceThread,
uint32_t sampleRate,
int format,
int channelCount,
int frameCount);
virtual status_t start();
virtual void stop();
bool write(int16_t* data, uint32_t frames);
bool bufferQueueEmpty() { return (mBufferQueue.size() == 0) ? true : false; }
bool isActive() { return mActive; }
wp<ThreadBase>& thread() { return mThread; }
status_t obtainBuffer(AudioBufferProvider::Buffer* buffer, uint32_t waitTimeMs);
void clearBufferQueue();
// Maximum number of pending buffers allocated by OutputTrack::write()
static const uint8_t kMaxOverFlowBuffers = 10;
Vector < Buffer* > mBufferQueue;
AudioBufferProvider::Buffer mOutBuffer;
bool mActive;
DuplicatingThread* mSourceThread;
}; // end of OutputTrack
PlaybackThread (const sp<AudioFlinger>& audioFlinger, AudioStreamOut* output, int id, uint32_t device);
virtual ~PlaybackThread();
virtual status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
// Thread virtuals
virtual status_t readyToRun();
virtual void onFirstRef();
virtual uint32_t latency() const;
virtual status_t setMasterVolume(float value);
virtual status_t setMasterMute(bool muted);
virtual float masterVolume() const;
virtual bool masterMute() const;
virtual status_t setStreamVolume(int stream, float value);
virtual status_t setStreamMute(int stream, bool muted);
virtual float streamVolume(int stream) const;
virtual bool streamMute(int stream) const;
bool isStreamActive(int stream) const;
sp<Track> createTrack_l(
const sp<AudioFlinger::Client>& client,
int streamType,
uint32_t sampleRate,
int format,
int channelCount,
int frameCount,
const sp<IMemory>& sharedBuffer,
int sessionId,
status_t *status);
AudioStreamOut* getOutput() { return mOutput; }
virtual int type() const { return mType; }
void suspend() { mSuspended++; }
void restore() { if (mSuspended) mSuspended--; }
bool isSuspended() { return (mSuspended != 0); }
virtual String8 getParameters(const String8& keys);
virtual void audioConfigChanged_l(int event, int param = 0);
virtual status_t getRenderPosition(uint32_t *halFrames, uint32_t *dspFrames);
int16_t *mixBuffer() { return mMixBuffer; };
sp<EffectHandle> createEffect_l(
const sp<AudioFlinger::Client>& client,
const sp<IEffectClient>& effectClient,
int32_t priority,
int sessionId,
effect_descriptor_t *desc,
int *enabled,
status_t *status);
void disconnectEffect(const sp< EffectModule>& effect,
const wp<EffectHandle>& handle);
bool hasAudioSession(int sessionId);
sp<EffectChain> getEffectChain(int sessionId);
sp<EffectChain> getEffectChain_l(int sessionId);
status_t addEffectChain_l(const sp<EffectChain>& chain);
size_t removeEffectChain_l(const sp<EffectChain>& chain);
void lockEffectChains_l();
void unlockEffectChains();
sp<AudioFlinger::EffectModule> getEffect_l(int sessionId, int effectId);
void detachAuxEffect_l(int effectId);
status_t attachAuxEffect(const sp<AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::Track> track, int EffectId);
status_t attachAuxEffect_l(const sp<AudioFlinger::PlaybackThread::Track> track, int EffectId);
void setMode(uint32_t mode);
struct stream_type_t {
: volume(1.0f),
float volume;
bool mute;
int mType;
int16_t* mMixBuffer;
int mSuspended;
int mBytesWritten;
bool mMasterMute;
SortedVector< wp<Track> > mActiveTracks;
virtual int getTrackName_l() = 0;
virtual void deleteTrackName_l(int name) = 0;
virtual uint32_t activeSleepTimeUs() = 0;
virtual uint32_t idleSleepTimeUs() = 0;
friend class AudioFlinger;
friend class OutputTrack;
friend class Track;
friend class TrackBase;
friend class MixerThread;
friend class DirectOutputThread;
friend class DuplicatingThread;
PlaybackThread(const Client&);
PlaybackThread& operator = (const PlaybackThread&);
status_t addTrack_l(const sp<Track>& track);
void destroyTrack_l(const sp<Track>& track);
void readOutputParameters();
uint32_t device() { return mDevice; }
virtual status_t dumpInternals(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
status_t dumpTracks(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
status_t dumpEffectChains(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
SortedVector< sp<Track> > mTracks;
// mStreamTypes[] uses 1 additionnal stream type internally for the OutputTrack used by DuplicatingThread
stream_type_t mStreamTypes[AudioSystem::NUM_STREAM_TYPES + 1];
AudioStreamOut* mOutput;
float mMasterVolume;
nsecs_t mLastWriteTime;
int mNumWrites;
int mNumDelayedWrites;
bool mInWrite;
Vector< sp<EffectChain> > mEffectChains;
uint32_t mDevice;
class MixerThread : public PlaybackThread {
MixerThread (const sp<AudioFlinger>& audioFlinger, AudioStreamOut* output, int id, uint32_t device);
virtual ~MixerThread();
// Thread virtuals
virtual bool threadLoop();
void invalidateTracks(int streamType);
virtual bool checkForNewParameters_l();
virtual status_t dumpInternals(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
uint32_t prepareTracks_l(const SortedVector< wp<Track> >& activeTracks, Vector< sp<Track> > *tracksToRemove);
virtual int getTrackName_l();
virtual void deleteTrackName_l(int name);
virtual uint32_t activeSleepTimeUs();
virtual uint32_t idleSleepTimeUs();
AudioMixer* mAudioMixer;
class DirectOutputThread : public PlaybackThread {
DirectOutputThread (const sp<AudioFlinger>& audioFlinger, AudioStreamOut* output, int id, uint32_t device);
// Thread virtuals
virtual bool threadLoop();
virtual bool checkForNewParameters_l();
virtual int getTrackName_l();
virtual void deleteTrackName_l(int name);
virtual uint32_t activeSleepTimeUs();
virtual uint32_t idleSleepTimeUs();
void applyVolume(uint16_t leftVol, uint16_t rightVol, bool ramp);
float mLeftVolFloat;
float mRightVolFloat;
uint16_t mLeftVolShort;
uint16_t mRightVolShort;
class DuplicatingThread : public MixerThread {
DuplicatingThread (const sp<AudioFlinger>& audioFlinger, MixerThread* mainThread, int id);
// Thread virtuals
virtual bool threadLoop();
void addOutputTrack(MixerThread* thread);
void removeOutputTrack(MixerThread* thread);
uint32_t waitTimeMs() { return mWaitTimeMs; }
virtual uint32_t activeSleepTimeUs();
bool outputsReady(SortedVector< sp<OutputTrack> > &outputTracks);
void updateWaitTime();
SortedVector < sp<OutputTrack> > mOutputTracks;
uint32_t mWaitTimeMs;
PlaybackThread *checkPlaybackThread_l(int output) const;
MixerThread *checkMixerThread_l(int output) const;
RecordThread *checkRecordThread_l(int input) const;
float streamVolumeInternal(int stream) const { return mStreamTypes[stream].volume; }
void audioConfigChanged_l(int event, int ioHandle, void *param2);
int nextUniqueId();
friend class AudioBuffer;
class TrackHandle : public android::BnAudioTrack {
TrackHandle(const sp<PlaybackThread::Track>& track);
virtual ~TrackHandle();
virtual status_t start();
virtual void stop();
virtual void flush();
virtual void mute(bool);
virtual void pause();
virtual void setVolume(float left, float right);
virtual sp<IMemory> getCblk() const;
virtual status_t attachAuxEffect(int effectId);
virtual status_t onTransact(
uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags);
sp<PlaybackThread::Track> mTrack;
friend class Client;
friend class PlaybackThread::Track;
void removeClient_l(pid_t pid);
void removeNotificationClient(pid_t pid);
// record thread
class RecordThread : public ThreadBase, public AudioBufferProvider
// record track
class RecordTrack : public TrackBase {
RecordTrack(const wp<ThreadBase>& thread,
const sp<Client>& client,
uint32_t sampleRate,
int format,
int channelCount,
int frameCount,
uint32_t flags,
int sessionId);
virtual status_t start();
virtual void stop();
bool overflow() { bool tmp = mOverflow; mOverflow = false; return tmp; }
bool setOverflow() { bool tmp = mOverflow; mOverflow = true; return tmp; }
void dump(char* buffer, size_t size);
friend class AudioFlinger;
friend class RecordThread;
RecordTrack(const RecordTrack&);
RecordTrack& operator = (const RecordTrack&);
virtual status_t getNextBuffer(AudioBufferProvider::Buffer* buffer);
bool mOverflow;
RecordThread(const sp<AudioFlinger>& audioFlinger,
AudioStreamIn *input,
uint32_t sampleRate,
uint32_t channels,
int id);
virtual bool threadLoop();
virtual status_t readyToRun() { return NO_ERROR; }
virtual void onFirstRef();
status_t start(RecordTrack* recordTrack);
void stop(RecordTrack* recordTrack);
status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
AudioStreamIn* getInput() { return mInput; }
virtual status_t getNextBuffer(AudioBufferProvider::Buffer* buffer);
virtual void releaseBuffer(AudioBufferProvider::Buffer* buffer);
virtual bool checkForNewParameters_l();
virtual String8 getParameters(const String8& keys);
virtual void audioConfigChanged_l(int event, int param = 0);
void readInputParameters();
virtual unsigned int getInputFramesLost();
AudioStreamIn *mInput;
sp<RecordTrack> mActiveTrack;
Condition mStartStopCond;
AudioResampler *mResampler;
int32_t *mRsmpOutBuffer;
int16_t *mRsmpInBuffer;
size_t mRsmpInIndex;
size_t mInputBytes;
int mReqChannelCount;
uint32_t mReqSampleRate;
ssize_t mBytesRead;
class RecordHandle : public android::BnAudioRecord {
RecordHandle(const sp<RecordThread::RecordTrack>& recordTrack);
virtual ~RecordHandle();
virtual status_t start();
virtual void stop();
virtual sp<IMemory> getCblk() const;
virtual status_t onTransact(
uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags);
sp<RecordThread::RecordTrack> mRecordTrack;
//--- Audio Effect Management
// EffectModule and EffectChain classes both have their own mutex to protect
// state changes or resource modifications. Always respect the following order
// if multiple mutexes must be acquired to avoid cross deadlock:
// AudioFlinger -> ThreadBase -> EffectChain -> EffectModule
// The EffectModule class is a wrapper object controlling the effect engine implementation
// in the effect library. It prevents concurrent calls to process() and command() functions
// from different client threads. It keeps a list of EffectHandle objects corresponding
// to all client applications using this effect and notifies applications of effect state,
// control or parameter changes. It manages the activation state machine to send appropriate
// reset, enable, disable commands to effect engine and provide volume
// ramping when effects are activated/deactivated.
// When controlling an auxiliary effect, the EffectModule also provides an input buffer used by
// the attached track(s) to accumulate their auxiliary channel.
class EffectModule: public RefBase {
EffectModule(const wp<ThreadBase>& wThread,
const wp<AudioFlinger::EffectChain>& chain,
effect_descriptor_t *desc,
int id,
int sessionId);
enum effect_state {
int id() { return mId; }
void process();
status_t command(int cmdCode, int cmdSize, void *pCmdData, int *replySize, void *pReplyData);
void reset_l();
status_t configure();
status_t init();
uint32_t state() {
return mState;
uint32_t status() {
return mStatus;
status_t setEnabled(bool enabled);
bool isEnabled();
void setInBuffer(int16_t *buffer) { mConfig.inputCfg.buffer.s16 = buffer; }
int16_t *inBuffer() { return mConfig.inputCfg.buffer.s16; }
void setOutBuffer(int16_t *buffer) { mConfig.outputCfg.buffer.s16 = buffer; }
int16_t *outBuffer() { return mConfig.outputCfg.buffer.s16; }
status_t addHandle(sp<EffectHandle>& handle);
void disconnect(const wp<EffectHandle>& handle);
size_t removeHandle (const wp<EffectHandle>& handle);
effect_descriptor_t& desc() { return mDescriptor; }
wp<EffectChain>& chain() { return mChain; }
status_t setDevice(uint32_t device);
status_t setVolume(uint32_t *left, uint32_t *right, bool controller);
status_t setMode(uint32_t mode);
status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
EffectModule(const EffectModule&);
EffectModule& operator = (const EffectModule&);
status_t start_l();
status_t stop_l();
// update this table when AudioSystem::audio_devices or audio_device_e (in EffectApi.h) are modified
static const uint32_t sDeviceConvTable[];
static uint32_t deviceAudioSystemToEffectApi(uint32_t device);
// update this table when AudioSystem::audio_mode or audio_mode_e (in EffectApi.h) are modified
static const uint32_t sModeConvTable[];
static int modeAudioSystemToEffectApi(uint32_t mode);
Mutex mLock; // mutex for process, commands and handles list protection
wp<ThreadBase> mThread; // parent thread
wp<EffectChain> mChain; // parent effect chain
int mId; // this instance unique ID
int mSessionId; // audio session ID
effect_descriptor_t mDescriptor;// effect descriptor received from effect engine
effect_config_t mConfig; // input and output audio configuration
effect_interface_t mEffectInterface; // Effect module C API
status_t mStatus; // initialization status
uint32_t mState; // current activation state (effect_state)
Vector< wp<EffectHandle> > mHandles; // list of client handles
// The EffectHandle class implements the IEffect interface. It provides resources
// to receive parameter updates, keeps track of effect control
// ownership and state and has a pointer to the EffectModule object it is controlling.
// There is one EffectHandle object for each application controlling (or using)
// an effect module.
// The EffectHandle is obtained by calling AudioFlinger::createEffect().
class EffectHandle: public android::BnEffect {
EffectHandle(const sp<EffectModule>& effect,
const sp<AudioFlinger::Client>& client,
const sp<IEffectClient>& effectClient,
int32_t priority);
virtual ~EffectHandle();
// IEffect
virtual status_t enable();
virtual status_t disable();
virtual status_t command(int cmdCode, int cmdSize, void *pCmdData, int *replySize, void *pReplyData);
virtual void disconnect();
virtual sp<IMemory> getCblk() const;
virtual status_t onTransact(uint32_t code, const Parcel& data,
Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags);
// Give or take control of effect module
void setControl(bool hasControl, bool signal);
void commandExecuted(int cmdCode, int cmdSize, void *pCmdData, int replySize, void *pReplyData);
void setEnabled(bool enabled);
// Getters
int id() { return mEffect->id(); }
int priority() { return mPriority; }
bool hasControl() { return mHasControl; }
sp<EffectModule> effect() { return mEffect; }
void dump(char* buffer, size_t size);
EffectHandle(const EffectHandle&);
EffectHandle& operator =(const EffectHandle&);
sp<EffectModule> mEffect; // pointer to controlled EffectModule
sp<IEffectClient> mEffectClient; // callback interface for client notifications
sp<Client> mClient; // client for shared memory allocation
sp<IMemory> mCblkMemory; // shared memory for control block
effect_param_cblk_t* mCblk; // control block for deferred parameter setting via shared memory
uint8_t* mBuffer; // pointer to parameter area in shared memory
int mPriority; // client application priority to control the effect
bool mHasControl; // true if this handle is controlling the effect
// the EffectChain class represents a group of effects associated to one audio session.
// There can be any number of EffectChain objects per output mixer thread (PlaybackThread).
// The EffecChain with session ID 0 contains global effects applied to the output mix.
// Effects in this chain can be insert or auxiliary. Effects in other chains (attached to tracks)
// are insert only. The EffectChain maintains an ordered list of effect module, the order corresponding
// in the effect process order. When attached to a track (session ID != 0), it also provide it's own
// input buffer used by the track as accumulation buffer.
class EffectChain: public RefBase {
EffectChain(const wp<ThreadBase>& wThread, int sessionId);
void process_l();
void lock() {
void unlock() {
status_t addEffect(sp<EffectModule>& handle);
size_t removeEffect(const sp<EffectModule>& handle);
int sessionId() {
return mSessionId;
sp<EffectModule> getEffectFromDesc(effect_descriptor_t *descriptor);
sp<EffectModule> getEffectFromId(int id);
sp<EffectModule> getVolumeController();
bool setVolume(uint32_t *left, uint32_t *right);
void setDevice(uint32_t device);
void setMode(uint32_t mode);
void setInBuffer(int16_t *buffer, bool ownsBuffer = false) {
mInBuffer = buffer;
mOwnInBuffer = ownsBuffer;
int16_t *inBuffer() {
return mInBuffer;
void setOutBuffer(int16_t *buffer) {
mOutBuffer = buffer;
int16_t *outBuffer() {
return mOutBuffer;
void startTrack() {mActiveTrackCnt++;}
void stopTrack() {mActiveTrackCnt--;}
int activeTracks() { return mActiveTrackCnt;}
status_t dump(int fd, const Vector<String16>& args);
EffectChain(const EffectChain&);
EffectChain& operator =(const EffectChain&);
wp<ThreadBase> mThread; // parent mixer thread
Mutex mLock; // mutex protecting effect list
Vector<sp<EffectModule> > mEffects; // list of effect modules
int mSessionId; // audio session ID
int16_t *mInBuffer; // chain input buffer
int16_t *mOutBuffer; // chain output buffer
int mVolumeCtrlIdx; // index of insert effect having control over volume
int mActiveTrackCnt; // number of active tracks connected
bool mOwnInBuffer; // true if the chain owns its input buffer
friend class RecordThread;
friend class PlaybackThread;
mutable Mutex mLock;
DefaultKeyedVector< pid_t, wp<Client> > mClients;
mutable Mutex mHardwareLock;
AudioHardwareInterface* mAudioHardware;
mutable int mHardwareStatus;
DefaultKeyedVector< int, sp<PlaybackThread> > mPlaybackThreads;
PlaybackThread::stream_type_t mStreamTypes[AudioSystem::NUM_STREAM_TYPES];
float mMasterVolume;
bool mMasterMute;
DefaultKeyedVector< int, sp<RecordThread> > mRecordThreads;
DefaultKeyedVector< pid_t, sp<NotificationClient> > mNotificationClients;
volatile int32_t mNextUniqueId;
#ifdef LVMX
int mLifeVibesClientPid;
uint32_t mMode;
// Maximum CPU load allocated to audio effects in 0.1 MIPS (ARMv5TE, 0 WS memory) units
static const uint32_t MAX_EFFECTS_CPU_LOAD = 1000;
// Maximum memory allocated to audio effects in KB
static const uint32_t MAX_EFFECTS_MEMORY = 512;
uint32_t mTotalEffectsCpuLoad; // current CPU load used by effects
uint32_t mTotalEffectsMemory; // current memory used by effects
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
}; // namespace android