When offering a helper Service, etc, all platform provided methods should be marked final. Otherwise, if available for developer to override, they should follow onFoo() style naming. Catch anyone returning concrete collections types, and look for overlapping flags. Change-Id: I29d95f3dff78a4da968a46f10be89eada509648c
607 lines
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607 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Enforces common Android public API design patterns. It ignores lint messages from
a previous API level, if provided.
Usage: apilint.py current.txt
Usage: apilint.py current.txt previous.txt
import re, sys, collections
def format(fg=None, bg=None, bright=False, bold=False, dim=False, reset=False):
# manually derived from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Codes
codes = []
if reset: codes.append("0")
if not fg is None: codes.append("3%d" % (fg))
if not bg is None:
if not bright: codes.append("4%d" % (bg))
else: codes.append("10%d" % (bg))
if bold: codes.append("1")
elif dim: codes.append("2")
else: codes.append("22")
return "\033[%sm" % (";".join(codes))
class Field():
def __init__(self, clazz, raw):
self.clazz = clazz
self.raw = raw.strip(" {;")
raw = raw.split()
self.split = list(raw)
for r in ["field", "volatile", "transient", "public", "protected", "static", "final", "deprecated"]:
while r in raw: raw.remove(r)
self.typ = raw[0]
self.name = raw[1].strip(";")
if len(raw) >= 4 and raw[2] == "=":
self.value = raw[3].strip(';"')
self.value = None
def __repr__(self):
return self.raw
class Method():
def __init__(self, clazz, raw):
self.clazz = clazz
self.raw = raw.strip(" {;")
raw = re.split("[\s(),;]+", raw)
for r in ["", ";"]:
while r in raw: raw.remove(r)
self.split = list(raw)
for r in ["method", "public", "protected", "static", "final", "deprecated", "abstract"]:
while r in raw: raw.remove(r)
self.typ = raw[0]
self.name = raw[1]
self.args = []
for r in raw[2:]:
if r == "throws": break
def __repr__(self):
return self.raw
class Class():
def __init__(self, pkg, raw):
self.pkg = pkg
self.raw = raw.strip(" {;")
self.ctors = []
self.fields = []
self.methods = []
raw = raw.split()
self.split = list(raw)
if "class" in raw:
self.fullname = raw[raw.index("class")+1]
elif "interface" in raw:
self.fullname = raw[raw.index("interface")+1]
if "." in self.fullname:
self.name = self.fullname[self.fullname.rindex(".")+1:]
self.name = self.fullname
def __repr__(self):
return self.raw
class Package():
def __init__(self, raw):
self.raw = raw.strip(" {;")
raw = raw.split()
self.name = raw[raw.index("package")+1]
def __repr__(self):
return self.raw
def parse_api(fn):
api = []
pkg = None
clazz = None
with open(fn) as f:
for raw in f.readlines():
raw = raw.rstrip()
if raw.startswith("package"):
pkg = Package(raw)
elif raw.startswith(" ") and raw.endswith("{"):
clazz = Class(pkg, raw)
elif raw.startswith(" ctor"):
clazz.ctors.append(Method(clazz, raw))
elif raw.startswith(" method"):
clazz.methods.append(Method(clazz, raw))
elif raw.startswith(" field"):
clazz.fields.append(Field(clazz, raw))
return api
failures = []
def filter_dupe(s):
return s.replace(" deprecated ", " ")
def _fail(clazz, detail, msg):
"""Records an API failure to be processed later."""
global failures
res = msg
if detail is not None:
res += "\n in " + repr(detail)
res += "\n in " + repr(clazz)
res += "\n in " + repr(clazz.pkg)
def warn(clazz, detail, msg):
_fail(clazz, detail, "%sWarning:%s %s" % (format(fg=YELLOW, bg=BLACK), format(reset=True), msg))
def error(clazz, detail, msg):
_fail(clazz, detail, "%sError:%s %s" % (format(fg=RED, bg=BLACK), format(reset=True), msg))
def verify_constants(clazz):
"""All static final constants must be FOO_NAME style."""
if re.match("R\.[a-z]+", clazz.fullname): return
for f in clazz.fields:
if "static" in f.split and "final" in f.split:
if re.match("[A-Z0-9_]+", f.name) is None:
error(clazz, f, "Constant field names should be FOO_NAME")
def verify_enums(clazz):
"""Enums are bad, mmkay?"""
if "extends java.lang.Enum" in clazz.raw:
error(clazz, None, "Enums are not allowed")
def verify_class_names(clazz):
"""Try catching malformed class names like myMtp or MTPUser."""
if re.search("[A-Z]{2,}", clazz.name) is not None:
warn(clazz, None, "Class name style should be Mtp not MTP")
if re.match("[^A-Z]", clazz.name):
error(clazz, None, "Class must start with uppercase char")
def verify_method_names(clazz):
"""Try catching malformed method names, like Foo() or getMTU()."""
if clazz.pkg.name == "android.opengl": return
for m in clazz.methods:
if re.search("[A-Z]{2,}", m.name) is not None:
warn(clazz, m, "Method name style should be getMtu() instead of getMTU()")
if re.match("[^a-z]", m.name):
error(clazz, None, "Method name must start with lowercase char")
def verify_callbacks(clazz):
"""Verify Callback classes.
All callback classes must be abstract.
All methods must follow onFoo() naming style."""
if clazz.name.endswith("Callbacks"):
error(clazz, None, "Class must be named exactly Callback")
if clazz.name.endswith("Observer"):
warn(clazz, None, "Class should be named Callback")
if clazz.name.endswith("Callback"):
if "interface" in clazz.split:
error(clazz, None, "Callback must be abstract class")
for m in clazz.methods:
if not re.match("on[A-Z][a-z]*", m.name):
error(clazz, m, "Callback method names must be onFoo style")
def verify_listeners(clazz):
"""Verify Listener classes.
All Listener classes must be interface.
All methods must follow onFoo() naming style.
If only a single method, it must match class name:
interface OnFooListener { void onFoo() }"""
if clazz.name.endswith("Listener"):
if " abstract class " in clazz.raw:
error(clazz, None, "Listener should be interface")
for m in clazz.methods:
if not re.match("on[A-Z][a-z]*", m.name):
error(clazz, m, "Listener method names must be onFoo style")
if len(clazz.methods) == 1 and clazz.name.startswith("On"):
m = clazz.methods[0]
if (m.name + "Listener").lower() != clazz.name.lower():
error(clazz, m, "Single method name should match class name")
def verify_actions(clazz):
"""Verify intent actions.
All action names must be named ACTION_FOO.
All action values must be scoped by package and match name:
package android.foo {
String ACTION_BAR = "android.foo.action.BAR";
for f in clazz.fields:
if f.value is None: continue
if f.name.startswith("EXTRA_"): continue
if "static" in f.split and "final" in f.split and f.typ == "java.lang.String":
if "_ACTION" in f.name or "ACTION_" in f.name or ".action." in f.value.lower():
if not f.name.startswith("ACTION_"):
error(clazz, f, "Intent action must be ACTION_FOO")
if clazz.name == "Intent":
prefix = "android.intent.action"
elif clazz.name == "Settings":
prefix = "android.settings"
prefix = clazz.pkg.name + ".action"
expected = prefix + "." + f.name[7:]
if f.value != expected:
error(clazz, f, "Inconsistent action value")
def verify_extras(clazz):
"""Verify intent extras.
All extra names must be named EXTRA_FOO.
All extra values must be scoped by package and match name:
package android.foo {
String EXTRA_BAR = "android.foo.extra.BAR";
for f in clazz.fields:
if f.value is None: continue
if f.name.startswith("ACTION_"): continue
if "static" in f.split and "final" in f.split and f.typ == "java.lang.String":
if "_EXTRA" in f.name or "EXTRA_" in f.name or ".extra" in f.value.lower():
if not f.name.startswith("EXTRA_"):
error(clazz, f, "Intent extra must be EXTRA_FOO")
if clazz.name == "Intent":
prefix = "android.intent.extra"
prefix = clazz.pkg.name + ".extra"
expected = prefix + "." + f.name[6:]
if f.value != expected:
error(clazz, f, "Inconsistent extra value")
def verify_equals(clazz):
"""Verify that equals() and hashCode() must be overridden together."""
methods = [ m.name for m in clazz.methods ]
eq = "equals" in methods
hc = "hashCode" in methods
if eq != hc:
error(clazz, None, "Must override both equals and hashCode")
def verify_parcelable(clazz):
"""Verify that Parcelable objects aren't hiding required bits."""
if "implements android.os.Parcelable" in clazz.raw:
creator = [ i for i in clazz.fields if i.name == "CREATOR" ]
write = [ i for i in clazz.methods if i.name == "writeToParcel" ]
describe = [ i for i in clazz.methods if i.name == "describeContents" ]
if len(creator) == 0 or len(write) == 0 or len(describe) == 0:
error(clazz, None, "Parcelable requires CREATOR, writeToParcel, and describeContents")
def verify_protected(clazz):
"""Verify that no protected methods are allowed."""
for m in clazz.methods:
if "protected" in m.split:
error(clazz, m, "Protected method")
for f in clazz.fields:
if "protected" in f.split:
error(clazz, f, "Protected field")
def verify_fields(clazz):
"""Verify that all exposed fields are final.
Exposed fields must follow myName style.
Catch internal mFoo objects being exposed."""
for f in clazz.fields:
if not "final" in f.split:
error(clazz, f, "Bare fields must be final; consider adding accessors")
if not "static" in f.split:
if not re.match("[a-z]([a-zA-Z]+)?", f.name):
error(clazz, f, "Non-static fields must be myName")
if re.match("[m][A-Z]", f.name):
error(clazz, f, "Don't expose your internal objects")
def verify_register(clazz):
"""Verify parity of registration methods.
Callback objects use register/unregister methods.
Listener objects use add/remove methods."""
methods = [ m.name for m in clazz.methods ]
for m in clazz.methods:
if "Callback" in m.raw:
if m.name.startswith("register"):
other = "unregister" + m.name[8:]
if other not in methods:
error(clazz, m, "Missing unregister")
if m.name.startswith("unregister"):
other = "register" + m.name[10:]
if other not in methods:
error(clazz, m, "Missing register")
if m.name.startswith("add") or m.name.startswith("remove"):
error(clazz, m, "Callback should be register/unregister")
if "Listener" in m.raw:
if m.name.startswith("add"):
other = "remove" + m.name[3:]
if other not in methods:
error(clazz, m, "Missing remove")
if m.name.startswith("remove") and not m.name.startswith("removeAll"):
other = "add" + m.name[6:]
if other not in methods:
error(clazz, m, "Missing add")
if m.name.startswith("register") or m.name.startswith("unregister"):
error(clazz, m, "Listener should be add/remove")
def verify_sync(clazz):
"""Verify synchronized methods aren't exposed."""
for m in clazz.methods:
if "synchronized" in m.split:
error(clazz, m, "Lock exposed")
def verify_intent_builder(clazz):
"""Verify that Intent builders are createFooIntent() style."""
if clazz.name == "Intent": return
for m in clazz.methods:
if m.typ == "android.content.Intent":
if m.name.startswith("create") and m.name.endswith("Intent"):
warn(clazz, m, "Should be createFooIntent()")
def verify_helper_classes(clazz):
"""Verify that helper classes are named consistently with what they extend.
All developer extendable methods should be named onFoo()."""
test_methods = False
if "extends android.app.Service" in clazz.raw:
test_methods = True
if not clazz.name.endswith("Service"):
error(clazz, None, "Inconsistent class name")
if "extends android.content.ContentProvider" in clazz.raw:
test_methods = True
if not clazz.name.endswith("Provider"):
error(clazz, None, "Inconsistent class name")
if "extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver" in clazz.raw:
test_methods = True
if not clazz.name.endswith("Receiver"):
error(clazz, None, "Inconsistent class name")
if "extends android.app.Activity" in clazz.raw:
test_methods = True
if not clazz.name.endswith("Activity"):
error(clazz, None, "Inconsistent class name")
if test_methods:
for m in clazz.methods:
if "final" in m.split: continue
if not re.match("on[A-Z]", m.name):
error(clazz, m, "Extendable methods should be onFoo() style, otherwise final")
def verify_builder(clazz):
"""Verify builder classes.
Methods should return the builder to enable chaining."""
if " extends " in clazz.raw: return
if not clazz.name.endswith("Builder"): return
if clazz.name != "Builder":
warn(clazz, None, "Should be standalone Builder class")
has_build = False
for m in clazz.methods:
if m.name == "build":
has_build = True
if m.name.startswith("get"): continue
if m.name.startswith("clear"): continue
if m.name.startswith("with"):
error(clazz, m, "Builder methods must be setFoo()")
if m.name.startswith("set"):
if not m.typ.endswith(clazz.fullname):
warn(clazz, m, "Should return the builder")
if not has_build:
warn(clazz, None, "Missing build() method")
def verify_aidl(clazz):
"""Catch people exposing raw AIDL."""
if "extends android.os.Binder" in clazz.raw or "implements android.os.IInterface" in clazz.raw:
error(clazz, None, "Exposing raw AIDL interface")
def verify_internal(clazz):
"""Catch people exposing internal classes."""
if clazz.pkg.name.startswith("com.android"):
error(clazz, None, "Exposing internal class")
def verify_layering(clazz):
"""Catch package layering violations.
For example, something in android.os depending on android.app."""
ranking = [
def rank(p):
for i in range(len(ranking)):
if isinstance(ranking[i], list):
for j in ranking[i]:
if p.startswith(j): return i
if p.startswith(ranking[i]): return i
cr = rank(clazz.pkg.name)
if cr is None: return
for f in clazz.fields:
ir = rank(f.typ)
if ir and ir < cr:
warn(clazz, f, "Field type violates package layering")
for m in clazz.methods:
ir = rank(m.typ)
if ir and ir < cr:
warn(clazz, m, "Method return type violates package layering")
for arg in m.args:
ir = rank(arg)
if ir and ir < cr:
warn(clazz, m, "Method argument type violates package layering")
def verify_boolean(clazz):
"""Catches people returning boolean from getFoo() style methods.
Ignores when matching setFoo() is present."""
methods = [ m.name for m in clazz.methods ]
for m in clazz.methods:
if m.typ == "boolean" and m.name.startswith("get") and m.name != "get" and len(m.args) == 0:
setter = "set" + m.name[3:]
if setter not in methods:
error(clazz, m, "Methods returning boolean should be isFoo or hasFoo")
def verify_collections(clazz):
"""Verifies that collection types are interfaces."""
bad = ["java.util.Vector", "java.util.LinkedList", "java.util.ArrayList", "java.util.Stack",
"java.util.HashMap", "java.util.HashSet", "android.util.ArraySet", "android.util.ArrayMap"]
for m in clazz.methods:
filt = re.sub("<.+>", "", m.typ)
if filt in bad:
error(clazz, m, "Return type is concrete collection")
for arg in m.args:
filt = re.sub("<.+>", "", arg)
if filt in bad:
error(clazz, m, "Argument is concrete collection")
def verify_flags(clazz):
"""Verifies that flags are non-overlapping."""
known = collections.defaultdict(int)
for f in clazz.fields:
if "FLAG_" in f.name:
val = int(f.value)
scope = f.name[0:f.name.index("FLAG_")]
if val & known[scope]:
warn(clazz, f, "Found overlapping flag")
known[scope] |= val
def verify_all(api):
global failures
failures = []
for clazz in api:
if clazz.pkg.name.startswith("java"): continue
if clazz.pkg.name.startswith("junit"): continue
if clazz.pkg.name.startswith("org.apache"): continue
if clazz.pkg.name.startswith("org.xml"): continue
if clazz.pkg.name.startswith("org.json"): continue
if clazz.pkg.name.startswith("org.w3c"): continue
return failures
cur = parse_api(sys.argv[1])
cur_fail = verify_all(cur)
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
prev = parse_api(sys.argv[2])
prev_fail = verify_all(prev)
# ignore errors from previous API level
for p in prev_fail:
if p in cur_fail:
for f in cur_fail:
print f