Restrict saved surface to launcher start (ACTION_MAIN&CATEGORY_ LAUNCHER), or there is no intent at all (eg. task being brought to front). If the intent is something else, likely the app is going to show some specific page or view, instead of what's left last time. This solves problems like the launcher shortcuts on DeckClock, each of them is a different intent and will show one specific view regardless of last states. Another example is Chrome tab opened directly by action VIEW to open some URL. (Note that this doesn't solve the problem with Chrome homescreen shortcuts, it will still start with saved surface (if Chrome is already open). This is because the shortcut is a trampoline activity that starts the real chrome tab activity, but when the trampoline is started, the whole task is already brought to front, and ChromeTab could become visible with the task before we actually start it.) bug:27747315 Change-Id: Id3e61c61ef516b0edc1f174320f02661222f226b
Layoutlib is a custom version of the android View framework designed to run inside Eclipse. The goal of the library is to provide layout rendering in Eclipse that are very very close to their rendering on devices. None of the* or android.* classes in layoutlib run on devices.