Instead of allocating a separate renderTarget and switching between them on each draw the new implementation follows the same pattern that the old HWUI renderer used. The area of the layer is now copied to a buffer on the GPU, the area is then cleared, rendered as normal, and finally the texture is redrawn using dst_over blending. This results in no render target switches and is considerably faster on some hardware. Test: CtsGraphicsTestCases, CtsUiRenderingTestCases Bug: 119222339 Change-Id: I716aac1fc31e4c7a171373d37dee82034c01cf18
790 lines
27 KiB
790 lines
27 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "SkiaCanvas.h"
#include "CanvasProperty.h"
#include "NinePatchUtils.h"
#include "VectorDrawable.h"
#include "hwui/Bitmap.h"
#include "hwui/MinikinUtils.h"
#include "hwui/PaintFilter.h"
#include "pipeline/skia/AnimatedDrawables.h"
#include <SkAndroidFrameworkUtils.h>
#include <SkAnimatedImage.h>
#include <SkCanvasStateUtils.h>
#include <SkColorFilter.h>
#include <SkDeque.h>
#include <SkDrawable.h>
#include <SkFont.h>
#include <SkGraphics.h>
#include <SkImage.h>
#include <SkImagePriv.h>
#include <SkPicture.h>
#include <SkRSXform.h>
#include <SkShader.h>
#include <SkTemplates.h>
#include <SkTextBlob.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
namespace android {
using uirenderer::PaintUtils;
Canvas* Canvas::create_canvas(const SkBitmap& bitmap) {
return new SkiaCanvas(bitmap);
Canvas* Canvas::create_canvas(SkCanvas* skiaCanvas) {
return new SkiaCanvas(skiaCanvas);
SkiaCanvas::SkiaCanvas() {}
SkiaCanvas::SkiaCanvas(SkCanvas* canvas) : mCanvas(canvas) {}
SkiaCanvas::SkiaCanvas(const SkBitmap& bitmap) {
mCanvasOwned = std::unique_ptr<SkCanvas>(new SkCanvas(bitmap));
mCanvas = mCanvasOwned.get();
SkiaCanvas::~SkiaCanvas() {}
void SkiaCanvas::reset(SkCanvas* skiaCanvas) {
if (mCanvas != skiaCanvas) {
mCanvas = skiaCanvas;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Canvas state operations: Replace Bitmap
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SkiaCanvas::setBitmap(const SkBitmap& bitmap) {
// deletes the previously owned canvas (if any)
mCanvasOwned.reset(new SkCanvas(bitmap));
mCanvas = mCanvasOwned.get();
// clean up the old save stack
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Canvas state operations
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool SkiaCanvas::isOpaque() {
return mCanvas->imageInfo().isOpaque();
int SkiaCanvas::width() {
return mCanvas->imageInfo().width();
int SkiaCanvas::height() {
return mCanvas->imageInfo().height();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Canvas state operations: Save (layer)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int SkiaCanvas::getSaveCount() const {
return mCanvas->getSaveCount();
int SkiaCanvas::save(SaveFlags::Flags flags) {
int count = mCanvas->save();
return count;
// The SkiaCanvas::restore operation layers on the capability to preserve
// either (or both) the matrix and/or clip state after a SkCanvas::restore
// operation. It does this by explicitly saving off the clip & matrix state
// when requested and playing it back after the SkCanvas::restore.
void SkiaCanvas::restore() {
const auto* rec = this->currentSaveRec();
if (!rec) {
// Fast path - no record for this frame.
bool preserveMatrix = !(rec->saveFlags & SaveFlags::Matrix);
bool preserveClip = !(rec->saveFlags & SaveFlags::Clip);
SkMatrix savedMatrix;
if (preserveMatrix) {
savedMatrix = mCanvas->getTotalMatrix();
const size_t clipIndex = rec->clipIndex;
if (preserveMatrix) {
if (preserveClip) {
void SkiaCanvas::restoreToCount(int restoreCount) {
while (mCanvas->getSaveCount() > restoreCount) {
static inline SkCanvas::SaveLayerFlags layerFlags(SaveFlags::Flags flags) {
SkCanvas::SaveLayerFlags layerFlags = 0;
if (!(flags & SaveFlags::ClipToLayer)) {
layerFlags |= SkCanvas::kDontClipToLayer_Legacy_SaveLayerFlag;
return layerFlags;
int SkiaCanvas::saveLayer(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, const SkPaint* paint,
SaveFlags::Flags flags) {
const SkRect bounds = SkRect::MakeLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
const SkCanvas::SaveLayerRec rec(&bounds, paint, layerFlags(flags));
return mCanvas->saveLayer(rec);
int SkiaCanvas::saveLayerAlpha(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, int alpha,
SaveFlags::Flags flags) {
if (static_cast<unsigned>(alpha) < 0xFF) {
SkPaint alphaPaint;
return this->saveLayer(left, top, right, bottom, &alphaPaint, flags);
return this->saveLayer(left, top, right, bottom, nullptr, flags);
int SkiaCanvas::saveUnclippedLayer(int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
SkRect bounds = SkRect::MakeLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
return SkAndroidFrameworkUtils::SaveBehind(mCanvas, &bounds);
class SkiaCanvas::Clip {
Clip(const SkRect& rect, SkClipOp op, const SkMatrix& m)
: mType(Type::Rect), mOp(op), mMatrix(m), mRRect(SkRRect::MakeRect(rect)) {}
Clip(const SkRRect& rrect, SkClipOp op, const SkMatrix& m)
: mType(Type::RRect), mOp(op), mMatrix(m), mRRect(rrect) {}
Clip(const SkPath& path, SkClipOp op, const SkMatrix& m)
: mType(Type::Path), mOp(op), mMatrix(m), mPath(std::in_place, path) {}
void apply(SkCanvas* canvas) const {
switch (mType) {
case Type::Rect:
canvas->clipRect(mRRect.rect(), mOp);
case Type::RRect:
canvas->clipRRect(mRRect, mOp);
case Type::Path:
canvas->clipPath(mPath.value(), mOp);
enum class Type {
Type mType;
SkClipOp mOp;
SkMatrix mMatrix;
// These are logically a union (tracked separately due to non-POD path).
std::optional<SkPath> mPath;
SkRRect mRRect;
const SkiaCanvas::SaveRec* SkiaCanvas::currentSaveRec() const {
const SaveRec* rec = mSaveStack ? static_cast<const SaveRec*>(mSaveStack->back()) : nullptr;
int currentSaveCount = mCanvas->getSaveCount();
SkASSERT(!rec || currentSaveCount >= rec->saveCount);
return (rec && rec->saveCount == currentSaveCount) ? rec : nullptr;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// functions to emulate legacy SaveFlags (i.e. independent matrix/clip flags)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SkiaCanvas::recordPartialSave(SaveFlags::Flags flags) {
// A partial save is a save operation which doesn't capture the full canvas state.
// (either SaveFlags::Matrix or SaveFlags::Clip is missing).
// Mask-out non canvas state bits.
flags &= SaveFlags::MatrixClip;
if (flags == SaveFlags::MatrixClip) {
// not a partial save.
if (!mSaveStack) {
mSaveStack.reset(new SkDeque(sizeof(struct SaveRec), 8));
SaveRec* rec = static_cast<SaveRec*>(mSaveStack->push_back());
rec->saveCount = mCanvas->getSaveCount();
rec->saveFlags = flags;
rec->clipIndex = mClipStack.size();
template <typename T>
void SkiaCanvas::recordClip(const T& clip, SkClipOp op) {
// Only need tracking when in a partial save frame which
// doesn't restore the clip.
const SaveRec* rec = this->currentSaveRec();
if (rec && !(rec->saveFlags & SaveFlags::Clip)) {
mClipStack.emplace_back(clip, op, mCanvas->getTotalMatrix());
// Applies and optionally removes all clips >= index.
void SkiaCanvas::applyPersistentClips(size_t clipStartIndex) {
SkASSERT(clipStartIndex <= mClipStack.size());
const auto begin = mClipStack.cbegin() + clipStartIndex;
const auto end = mClipStack.cend();
// Clip application mutates the CTM.
const SkMatrix saveMatrix = mCanvas->getTotalMatrix();
for (auto clip = begin; clip != end; ++clip) {
// If the current/post-restore save rec is also persisting clips, we
// leave them on the stack to be reapplied part of the next restore().
// Otherwise we're done and just pop them.
const auto* rec = this->currentSaveRec();
if (!rec || (rec->saveFlags & SaveFlags::Clip)) {
mClipStack.erase(begin, end);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Canvas state operations: Matrix
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SkiaCanvas::getMatrix(SkMatrix* outMatrix) const {
*outMatrix = mCanvas->getTotalMatrix();
void SkiaCanvas::setMatrix(const SkMatrix& matrix) {
void SkiaCanvas::concat(const SkMatrix& matrix) {
void SkiaCanvas::rotate(float degrees) {
void SkiaCanvas::scale(float sx, float sy) {
mCanvas->scale(sx, sy);
void SkiaCanvas::skew(float sx, float sy) {
mCanvas->skew(sx, sy);
void SkiaCanvas::translate(float dx, float dy) {
mCanvas->translate(dx, dy);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Canvas state operations: Clips
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function is a mirror of SkCanvas::getClipBounds except that it does
// not outset the edge of the clip to account for anti-aliasing. There is
// a skia bug to investigate pushing this logic into back into skia.
// (see
bool SkiaCanvas::getClipBounds(SkRect* outRect) const {
SkIRect ibounds;
if (!mCanvas->getDeviceClipBounds(&ibounds)) {
return false;
SkMatrix inverse;
// if we can't invert the CTM, we can't return local clip bounds
if (!mCanvas->getTotalMatrix().invert(&inverse)) {
if (outRect) {
return false;
if (NULL != outRect) {
SkRect r = SkRect::Make(ibounds);
inverse.mapRect(outRect, r);
return true;
bool SkiaCanvas::quickRejectRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) const {
SkRect bounds = SkRect::MakeLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
return mCanvas->quickReject(bounds);
bool SkiaCanvas::quickRejectPath(const SkPath& path) const {
return mCanvas->quickReject(path);
bool SkiaCanvas::clipRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, SkClipOp op) {
SkRect rect = SkRect::MakeLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
this->recordClip(rect, op);
mCanvas->clipRect(rect, op);
return !mCanvas->isClipEmpty();
bool SkiaCanvas::clipPath(const SkPath* path, SkClipOp op) {
this->recordClip(*path, op);
mCanvas->clipPath(*path, op);
return !mCanvas->isClipEmpty();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Canvas state operations: Filters
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
PaintFilter* SkiaCanvas::getPaintFilter() {
return mPaintFilter.get();
void SkiaCanvas::setPaintFilter(sk_sp<PaintFilter> paintFilter) {
mPaintFilter = std::move(paintFilter);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Canvas state operations: Capture
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
SkCanvasState* SkiaCanvas::captureCanvasState() const {
SkCanvas* canvas = mCanvas;
if (mCanvasOwned) {
// Important to use the underlying SkCanvas, not the wrapper.
canvas = mCanvasOwned.get();
// Workarounds for SW draw only supports
// translate & scale transforms, and a simple rectangular clip.
// (This also avoids significant wasted time in calling
// SkCanvasStateUtils::CaptureCanvasState when the clip is complex).
if (!canvas->isClipRect() || (canvas->getTotalMatrix().getType() &
~(SkMatrix::kTranslate_Mask | SkMatrix::kScale_Mask))) {
return nullptr;
return SkCanvasStateUtils::CaptureCanvasState(canvas);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Canvas draw operations
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SkiaCanvas::drawColor(int color, SkBlendMode mode) {
mCanvas->drawColor(color, mode);
SkiaCanvas::PaintCoW&& SkiaCanvas::filterPaint(PaintCoW&& paint) const {
if (mPaintFilter) {
return std::move(paint);
void SkiaCanvas::drawPaint(const SkPaint& paint) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Canvas draw operations: Geometry
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SkiaCanvas::drawPoints(const float* points, int count, const SkPaint& paint,
SkCanvas::PointMode mode) {
if (CC_UNLIKELY(count < 2 || paint.nothingToDraw())) return;
// convert the floats into SkPoints
count >>= 1; // now it is the number of points
std::unique_ptr<SkPoint[]> pts(new SkPoint[count]);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
pts[i].set(points[0], points[1]);
points += 2;
mCanvas->drawPoints(mode, count, pts.get(), *filterPaint(paint));
void SkiaCanvas::drawPoint(float x, float y, const SkPaint& paint) {
mCanvas->drawPoint(x, y, *filterPaint(paint));
void SkiaCanvas::drawPoints(const float* points, int count, const SkPaint& paint) {
this->drawPoints(points, count, *filterPaint(paint), SkCanvas::kPoints_PointMode);
void SkiaCanvas::drawLine(float startX, float startY, float stopX, float stopY,
const SkPaint& paint) {
mCanvas->drawLine(startX, startY, stopX, stopY, *filterPaint(paint));
void SkiaCanvas::drawLines(const float* points, int count, const SkPaint& paint) {
if (CC_UNLIKELY(count < 4 || paint.nothingToDraw())) return;
this->drawPoints(points, count, *filterPaint(paint), SkCanvas::kLines_PointMode);
void SkiaCanvas::drawRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, const SkPaint& paint) {
if (CC_UNLIKELY(paint.nothingToDraw())) return;
mCanvas->drawRect({left, top, right, bottom}, *filterPaint(paint));
void SkiaCanvas::drawRegion(const SkRegion& region, const SkPaint& paint) {
if (CC_UNLIKELY(paint.nothingToDraw())) return;
mCanvas->drawRegion(region, *filterPaint(paint));
void SkiaCanvas::drawRoundRect(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float rx, float ry,
const SkPaint& paint) {
if (CC_UNLIKELY(paint.nothingToDraw())) return;
SkRect rect = SkRect::MakeLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
mCanvas->drawRoundRect(rect, rx, ry, *filterPaint(paint));
void SkiaCanvas::drawDoubleRoundRect(const SkRRect& outer, const SkRRect& inner,
const SkPaint& paint) {
mCanvas->drawDRRect(outer, inner, *filterPaint(paint));
void SkiaCanvas::drawCircle(float x, float y, float radius, const SkPaint& paint) {
if (CC_UNLIKELY(radius <= 0 || paint.nothingToDraw())) return;
mCanvas->drawCircle(x, y, radius, *filterPaint(paint));
void SkiaCanvas::drawOval(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, const SkPaint& paint) {
if (CC_UNLIKELY(paint.nothingToDraw())) return;
SkRect oval = SkRect::MakeLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
mCanvas->drawOval(oval, *filterPaint(paint));
void SkiaCanvas::drawArc(float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float startAngle,
float sweepAngle, bool useCenter, const SkPaint& paint) {
if (CC_UNLIKELY(paint.nothingToDraw())) return;
SkRect arc = SkRect::MakeLTRB(left, top, right, bottom);
if (fabs(sweepAngle) >= 360.0f) {
mCanvas->drawOval(arc, *filterPaint(paint));
} else {
mCanvas->drawArc(arc, startAngle, sweepAngle, useCenter, *filterPaint(paint));
void SkiaCanvas::drawPath(const SkPath& path, const SkPaint& paint) {
if (CC_UNLIKELY(paint.nothingToDraw())) return;
if (CC_UNLIKELY(path.isEmpty() && (!path.isInverseFillType()))) {
mCanvas->drawPath(path, *filterPaint(paint));
void SkiaCanvas::drawVertices(const SkVertices* vertices, SkBlendMode mode, const SkPaint& paint) {
mCanvas->drawVertices(vertices, mode, *filterPaint(paint));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Canvas draw operations: Bitmaps
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SkiaCanvas::drawBitmap(Bitmap& bitmap, float left, float top, const SkPaint* paint) {
mCanvas->drawImage(bitmap.makeImage(), left, top, filterPaint(paint));
void SkiaCanvas::drawBitmap(Bitmap& bitmap, const SkMatrix& matrix, const SkPaint* paint) {
SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(mCanvas, true);
mCanvas->drawImage(bitmap.makeImage(), 0, 0, filterPaint(paint));
void SkiaCanvas::drawBitmap(Bitmap& bitmap, float srcLeft, float srcTop, float srcRight,
float srcBottom, float dstLeft, float dstTop, float dstRight,
float dstBottom, const SkPaint* paint) {
SkRect srcRect = SkRect::MakeLTRB(srcLeft, srcTop, srcRight, srcBottom);
SkRect dstRect = SkRect::MakeLTRB(dstLeft, dstTop, dstRight, dstBottom);
mCanvas->drawImageRect(bitmap.makeImage(), srcRect, dstRect, filterPaint(paint),
void SkiaCanvas::drawBitmapMesh(Bitmap& bitmap, int meshWidth, int meshHeight,
const float* vertices, const int* colors, const SkPaint* paint) {
const int ptCount = (meshWidth + 1) * (meshHeight + 1);
const int indexCount = meshWidth * meshHeight * 6;
uint32_t flags = SkVertices::kHasTexCoords_BuilderFlag;
if (colors) {
flags |= SkVertices::kHasColors_BuilderFlag;
SkVertices::Builder builder(SkVertices::kTriangles_VertexMode, ptCount, indexCount, flags);
memcpy(builder.positions(), vertices, ptCount * sizeof(SkPoint));
if (colors) {
memcpy(builder.colors(), colors, ptCount * sizeof(SkColor));
SkPoint* texs = builder.texCoords();
uint16_t* indices = builder.indices();
// cons up texture coordinates and indices
const SkScalar w = SkIntToScalar(bitmap.width());
const SkScalar h = SkIntToScalar(bitmap.height());
const SkScalar dx = w / meshWidth;
const SkScalar dy = h / meshHeight;
SkPoint* texsPtr = texs;
SkScalar y = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= meshHeight; i++) {
if (i == meshHeight) {
y = h; // to ensure numerically we hit h exactly
SkScalar x = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < meshWidth; j++) {
texsPtr->set(x, y);
texsPtr += 1;
x += dx;
texsPtr->set(w, y);
texsPtr += 1;
y += dy;
SkASSERT(texsPtr - texs == ptCount);
// cons up indices
uint16_t* indexPtr = indices;
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < meshHeight; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < meshWidth; j++) {
// lower-left triangle
*indexPtr++ = index;
*indexPtr++ = index + meshWidth + 1;
*indexPtr++ = index + meshWidth + 2;
// upper-right triangle
*indexPtr++ = index;
*indexPtr++ = index + meshWidth + 2;
*indexPtr++ = index + 1;
// bump to the next cell
index += 1;
// bump to the next row
index += 1;
SkASSERT(indexPtr - indices == indexCount);
// double-check that we have legal indices
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
for (int i = 0; i < indexCount; i++) {
SkASSERT((unsigned)indices[i] < (unsigned)ptCount);
// cons-up a shader for the bitmap
PaintCoW paintCoW(paint);
SkPaint& tmpPaint = paintCoW.writeable();
sk_sp<SkImage> image = bitmap.makeImage();
sk_sp<SkShader> shader =
image->makeShader(SkShader::kClamp_TileMode, SkShader::kClamp_TileMode);
mCanvas->drawVertices(builder.detach(), SkBlendMode::kModulate,
void SkiaCanvas::drawNinePatch(Bitmap& bitmap, const Res_png_9patch& chunk, float dstLeft,
float dstTop, float dstRight, float dstBottom,
const SkPaint* paint) {
SkCanvas::Lattice lattice;
NinePatchUtils::SetLatticeDivs(&lattice, chunk, bitmap.width(), bitmap.height());
lattice.fRectTypes = nullptr;
lattice.fColors = nullptr;
int numFlags = 0;
if (chunk.numColors > 0 && chunk.numColors == NinePatchUtils::NumDistinctRects(lattice)) {
// We can expect the framework to give us a color for every distinct rect.
// Skia requires a flag for every rect.
numFlags = (lattice.fXCount + 1) * (lattice.fYCount + 1);
SkAutoSTMalloc<25, SkCanvas::Lattice::RectType> flags(numFlags);
SkAutoSTMalloc<25, SkColor> colors(numFlags);
if (numFlags > 0) {
NinePatchUtils::SetLatticeFlags(&lattice, flags.get(), numFlags, chunk, colors.get());
lattice.fBounds = nullptr;
SkRect dst = SkRect::MakeLTRB(dstLeft, dstTop, dstRight, dstBottom);
mCanvas->drawImageLattice(bitmap.makeImage().get(), lattice, dst, filterPaint(paint));
double SkiaCanvas::drawAnimatedImage(AnimatedImageDrawable* imgDrawable) {
return imgDrawable->drawStaging(mCanvas);
void SkiaCanvas::drawVectorDrawable(VectorDrawableRoot* vectorDrawable) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Canvas draw operations: Text
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SkiaCanvas::drawGlyphs(ReadGlyphFunc glyphFunc, int count, const SkPaint& paint, float x,
float y, float boundsLeft, float boundsTop, float boundsRight,
float boundsBottom, float totalAdvance) {
if (count <= 0 || paint.nothingToDraw()) return;
SkFont font = SkFont::LEGACY_ExtractFromPaint(paint);
SkPaint paintCopy(paint);
if (mPaintFilter) {
SkASSERT(paintCopy.getTextEncoding() == kGlyphID_SkTextEncoding);
// Stroke with a hairline is drawn on HW with a fill style for compatibility with Android O and
// older.
if (!mCanvasOwned && sApiLevel <= 27 && paintCopy.getStrokeWidth() <= 0 &&
paintCopy.getStyle() == SkPaint::kStroke_Style) {
SkRect bounds =
SkRect::MakeLTRB(boundsLeft + x, boundsTop + y, boundsRight + x, boundsBottom + y);
SkTextBlobBuilder builder;
const SkTextBlobBuilder::RunBuffer& buffer = builder.allocRunPos(font, count, &bounds);
glyphFunc(buffer.glyphs, buffer.pos);
sk_sp<SkTextBlob> textBlob(builder.make());
mCanvas->drawTextBlob(textBlob, 0, 0, paintCopy);
drawTextDecorations(x, y, totalAdvance, paintCopy);
void SkiaCanvas::drawLayoutOnPath(const minikin::Layout& layout, float hOffset, float vOffset,
const SkPaint& paint, const SkPath& path, size_t start,
size_t end) {
SkPaint paintCopy(paint);
if (mPaintFilter) {
SkASSERT(paintCopy.getTextEncoding() == kGlyphID_SkTextEncoding);
const int N = end - start;
SkAutoSTMalloc<1024, uint8_t> storage(N * (sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(SkRSXform)));
SkRSXform* xform = (SkRSXform*)storage.get();
uint16_t* glyphs = (uint16_t*)(xform + N);
SkPathMeasure meas(path, false);
for (size_t i = start; i < end; i++) {
glyphs[i - start] = layout.getGlyphId(i);
float halfWidth = layout.getCharAdvance(i) * 0.5f;
float x = hOffset + layout.getX(i) + halfWidth;
float y = vOffset + layout.getY(i);
SkPoint pos;
SkVector tan;
if (!meas.getPosTan(x, &pos, &tan)) {
pos.set(x, y);
tan.set(1, 0);
xform[i - start].fSCos = tan.x();
xform[i - start].fSSin = tan.y();
xform[i - start].fTx = pos.x() - tan.y() * y - halfWidth * tan.x();
xform[i - start].fTy = pos.y() + tan.x() * y - halfWidth * tan.y();
this->asSkCanvas()->drawTextRSXform(glyphs, sizeof(uint16_t) * N, xform, nullptr, paintCopy);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Canvas draw operations: Animations
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SkiaCanvas::drawRoundRect(uirenderer::CanvasPropertyPrimitive* left,
uirenderer::CanvasPropertyPrimitive* top,
uirenderer::CanvasPropertyPrimitive* right,
uirenderer::CanvasPropertyPrimitive* bottom,
uirenderer::CanvasPropertyPrimitive* rx,
uirenderer::CanvasPropertyPrimitive* ry,
uirenderer::CanvasPropertyPaint* paint) {
sk_sp<uirenderer::skiapipeline::AnimatedRoundRect> drawable(
new uirenderer::skiapipeline::AnimatedRoundRect(left, top, right, bottom, rx, ry,
void SkiaCanvas::drawCircle(uirenderer::CanvasPropertyPrimitive* x,
uirenderer::CanvasPropertyPrimitive* y,
uirenderer::CanvasPropertyPrimitive* radius,
uirenderer::CanvasPropertyPaint* paint) {
sk_sp<uirenderer::skiapipeline::AnimatedCircle> drawable(
new uirenderer::skiapipeline::AnimatedCircle(x, y, radius, paint));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Canvas draw operations: View System
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SkiaCanvas::drawLayer(uirenderer::DeferredLayerUpdater* layerUpdater) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("SkiaCanvas can't directly draw Layers");
void SkiaCanvas::drawRenderNode(uirenderer::RenderNode* renderNode) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("SkiaCanvas can't directly draw RenderNodes");
void SkiaCanvas::callDrawGLFunction(Functor* functor,
uirenderer::GlFunctorLifecycleListener* listener) {
LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("SkiaCanvas can't directly draw GL Content");
} // namespace android