Use Vendor ID, Product ID and optionally the Version to locate keymaps and configuration files for external devices. Moved virtual key definition parsing to native code so that EventHub can identify touch screens with virtual keys and load the appropriate key layout file. Cleaned up a lot of old code in EventHub. Fixed a regression in ViewRoot's fallback event handling. Fixed a minor bug in FileMap that caused it to try to munmap or close invalid handled when released if the attempt to map the file failed. Added a couple of new String8 conveniences for formatting strings. Modified Tokenizer to fall back to open+read when mmap fails since we can't mmap sysfs files as needed to open the virtual key definition files in /sys/board_properties/. Change-Id: I6ca5e5f9547619fd082ddac47e87ce185da69ee6
384 lines
11 KiB
384 lines
11 KiB
* Copyright (C) 2005 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <utils/SharedBuffer.h>
#include <utils/Unicode.h>
#include <string.h> // for strcmp
#include <stdarg.h>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace android {
class String16;
class TextOutput;
//! This is a string holding UTF-8 characters. Does not allow the value more
// than 0x10FFFF, which is not valid unicode codepoint.
class String8
String8(const String8& o);
explicit String8(const char* o);
explicit String8(const char* o, size_t numChars);
explicit String8(const String16& o);
explicit String8(const char16_t* o);
explicit String8(const char16_t* o, size_t numChars);
explicit String8(const char32_t* o);
explicit String8(const char32_t* o, size_t numChars);
static inline const String8 empty();
static String8 format(const char* fmt, ...) __attribute__((format (printf, 1, 2)));
static String8 formatV(const char* fmt, va_list args);
inline const char* string() const;
inline size_t size() const;
inline size_t length() const;
inline size_t bytes() const;
inline bool isEmpty() const;
inline const SharedBuffer* sharedBuffer() const;
void clear();
void setTo(const String8& other);
status_t setTo(const char* other);
status_t setTo(const char* other, size_t numChars);
status_t setTo(const char16_t* other, size_t numChars);
status_t setTo(const char32_t* other,
size_t length);
status_t append(const String8& other);
status_t append(const char* other);
status_t append(const char* other, size_t numChars);
status_t appendFormat(const char* fmt, ...)
__attribute__((format (printf, 2, 3)));
status_t appendFormatV(const char* fmt, va_list args);
// Note that this function takes O(N) time to calculate the value.
// No cache value is stored.
size_t getUtf32Length() const;
int32_t getUtf32At(size_t index,
size_t *next_index) const;
void getUtf32(char32_t* dst) const;
inline String8& operator=(const String8& other);
inline String8& operator=(const char* other);
inline String8& operator+=(const String8& other);
inline String8 operator+(const String8& other) const;
inline String8& operator+=(const char* other);
inline String8 operator+(const char* other) const;
inline int compare(const String8& other) const;
inline bool operator<(const String8& other) const;
inline bool operator<=(const String8& other) const;
inline bool operator==(const String8& other) const;
inline bool operator!=(const String8& other) const;
inline bool operator>=(const String8& other) const;
inline bool operator>(const String8& other) const;
inline bool operator<(const char* other) const;
inline bool operator<=(const char* other) const;
inline bool operator==(const char* other) const;
inline bool operator!=(const char* other) const;
inline bool operator>=(const char* other) const;
inline bool operator>(const char* other) const;
inline operator const char*() const;
char* lockBuffer(size_t size);
void unlockBuffer();
status_t unlockBuffer(size_t size);
// return the index of the first byte of other in this at or after
// start, or -1 if not found
ssize_t find(const char* other, size_t start = 0) const;
void toLower();
void toLower(size_t start, size_t numChars);
void toUpper();
void toUpper(size_t start, size_t numChars);
* These methods operate on the string as if it were a path name.
* Set the filename field to a specific value.
* Normalizes the filename, removing a trailing '/' if present.
void setPathName(const char* name);
void setPathName(const char* name, size_t numChars);
* Get just the filename component.
* "/tmp/foo/bar.c" --> "bar.c"
String8 getPathLeaf(void) const;
* Remove the last (file name) component, leaving just the directory
* name.
* "/tmp/foo/bar.c" --> "/tmp/foo"
* "/tmp" --> "" // ????? shouldn't this be "/" ???? XXX
* "bar.c" --> ""
String8 getPathDir(void) const;
* Retrieve the front (root dir) component. Optionally also return the
* remaining components.
* "/tmp/foo/bar.c" --> "tmp" (remain = "foo/bar.c")
* "/tmp" --> "tmp" (remain = "")
* "bar.c" --> "bar.c" (remain = "")
String8 walkPath(String8* outRemains = NULL) const;
* Return the filename extension. This is the last '.' and up to
* four characters that follow it. The '.' is included in case we
* decide to expand our definition of what constitutes an extension.
* "/tmp/foo/bar.c" --> ".c"
* "/tmp" --> ""
* "/tmp/foo.bar/baz" --> ""
* "foo.jpeg" --> ".jpeg"
* "foo." --> ""
String8 getPathExtension(void) const;
* Return the path without the extension. Rules for what constitutes
* an extension are described in the comment for getPathExtension().
* "/tmp/foo/bar.c" --> "/tmp/foo/bar"
String8 getBasePath(void) const;
* Add a component to the pathname. We guarantee that there is
* exactly one path separator between the old path and the new.
* If there is no existing name, we just copy the new name in.
* If leaf is a fully qualified path (i.e. starts with '/', it
* replaces whatever was there before.
String8& appendPath(const char* leaf);
String8& appendPath(const String8& leaf) { return appendPath(leaf.string()); }
* Like appendPath(), but does not affect this string. Returns a new one instead.
String8 appendPathCopy(const char* leaf) const
{ String8 p(*this); p.appendPath(leaf); return p; }
String8 appendPathCopy(const String8& leaf) const { return appendPathCopy(leaf.string()); }
* Converts all separators in this string to /, the default path separator.
* If the default OS separator is backslash, this converts all
* backslashes to slashes, in-place. Otherwise it does nothing.
* Returns self.
String8& convertToResPath();
status_t real_append(const char* other, size_t numChars);
char* find_extension(void) const;
const char* mString;
TextOutput& operator<<(TextOutput& to, const String16& val);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// No user servicable parts below.
inline int compare_type(const String8& lhs, const String8& rhs)
return lhs.compare(rhs);
inline int strictly_order_type(const String8& lhs, const String8& rhs)
return compare_type(lhs, rhs) < 0;
inline const String8 String8::empty() {
return String8();
inline const char* String8::string() const
return mString;
inline size_t String8::length() const
return SharedBuffer::sizeFromData(mString)-1;
inline size_t String8::size() const
return length();
inline bool String8::isEmpty() const
return length() == 0;
inline size_t String8::bytes() const
return SharedBuffer::sizeFromData(mString)-1;
inline const SharedBuffer* String8::sharedBuffer() const
return SharedBuffer::bufferFromData(mString);
inline String8& String8::operator=(const String8& other)
return *this;
inline String8& String8::operator=(const char* other)
return *this;
inline String8& String8::operator+=(const String8& other)
return *this;
inline String8 String8::operator+(const String8& other) const
String8 tmp(*this);
tmp += other;
return tmp;
inline String8& String8::operator+=(const char* other)
return *this;
inline String8 String8::operator+(const char* other) const
String8 tmp(*this);
tmp += other;
return tmp;
inline int String8::compare(const String8& other) const
return strcmp(mString, other.mString);
inline bool String8::operator<(const String8& other) const
return strcmp(mString, other.mString) < 0;
inline bool String8::operator<=(const String8& other) const
return strcmp(mString, other.mString) <= 0;
inline bool String8::operator==(const String8& other) const
return strcmp(mString, other.mString) == 0;
inline bool String8::operator!=(const String8& other) const
return strcmp(mString, other.mString) != 0;
inline bool String8::operator>=(const String8& other) const
return strcmp(mString, other.mString) >= 0;
inline bool String8::operator>(const String8& other) const
return strcmp(mString, other.mString) > 0;
inline bool String8::operator<(const char* other) const
return strcmp(mString, other) < 0;
inline bool String8::operator<=(const char* other) const
return strcmp(mString, other) <= 0;
inline bool String8::operator==(const char* other) const
return strcmp(mString, other) == 0;
inline bool String8::operator!=(const char* other) const
return strcmp(mString, other) != 0;
inline bool String8::operator>=(const char* other) const
return strcmp(mString, other) >= 0;
inline bool String8::operator>(const char* other) const
return strcmp(mString, other) > 0;
inline String8::operator const char*() const
return mString;
} // namespace android
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------