Mårten Kongstad 21a3d1ad68 OMS: integrate OverlayManagerService into framework
Hand over ownership of overlays to OverlayManagerService.

Changes to a package's overlays are propagated using the activity life
cycle. Affected activities will be recreated as needed. This provides a
well-defined point to modify an application's assets while the
application is paused.

Consolidate how overlays targeting the system and overlays targeting
regular applications are handled. Previously, system overlays were
handled as a special case. Now, everything is handled identically. As a
side effect, the call to idmap --scan during Zygote boot has become
obsolete and is removed.

Information on what overlays to use is recorded in
ApplicationInfo.resourceDirs. The PackageManagerService is responsible
for the creation of ApplicationInfo objects. The OverlayManagerService
is responsible for informing the PackageManagerService in advance about
what resourceDirs to use.

When launching an application, the ApplicationInfo is already populated
with up-to-date information about overlays.

When enabling or disabling an overlay for a running application, the
OverlayManagerService first notifies the PackageManagerService about the
updated resourceDirs. It then tells the ActivityManagerService to push
the new ApplicationInfo object to the application's ActivityThread.
Finally the application requests its ResourcesManager to create new
ResourcesImpl objects based on the updated paths.

Co-authored-by: Martin Wallgren <martin.wallgren@sonymobile.com>
Signed-off-by: Zoran Jovanovic <zoran.jovanovic@sonymobile.com>
Bug: 31052947
Test: run tests from 'OMS: tests for OverlayManagerService'
Change-Id: Idc96dae6fc075d5373aa055bbf50e919136d7353
2017-02-21 14:29:43 -08:00

198 lines
7.3 KiB

#include "idmap.h"
#include <private/android_filesystem_config.h> // for AID_SYSTEM
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
namespace {
const char *usage = "NAME\n\
idmap - create or display idmap files\n\
idmap --help \n\
idmap --fd target overlay fd \n\
idmap --path target overlay idmap \n\
idmap --inspect idmap \n\
Idmap files play an integral part in the runtime resource overlay framework. An idmap \n\
file contains a mapping of resource identifiers between overlay package and its target \n\
package; this mapping is used during resource lookup. Idmap files also act as control \n\
files by their existence: if not present, the corresponding overlay package is ignored \n\
when the resource context is created. \n\
Idmap files are stored in /data/resource-cache. For each pair (target package, overlay \n\
package), there exists exactly one idmap file, or none if the overlay should not be used. \n\
target: the original, non-overlay, package. Each target package may be associated with \n\
any number of overlay packages. \n\
overlay: an overlay package. Each overlay package is associated with exactly one target \n\
package, specified in the overlay's manifest using the <overlay target=\"...\"/> \n\
tag. \n\
--help: display this help \n\
--fd: create idmap for target package 'target' (path to apk) and overlay package 'overlay' \n\
(path to apk); write results to file descriptor 'fd' (integer). This invocation \n\
version is intended to be used by a parent process with higher privileges to call \n\
idmap in a controlled way: the parent will open a suitable file descriptor, fork, \n\
drop its privileges and exec. This tool will continue execution without the extra \n\
privileges, but still have write access to a file it could not have opened on its \n\
own. \n\
--path: create idmap for target package 'target' (path to apk) and overlay package \n\
'overlay' (path to apk); write results to 'idmap' (path). \n\
--inspect: decode the binary format of 'idmap' (path) and display the contents in a \n\
debug-friendly format. \n\
Create an idmap file: \n\
$ adb shell idmap --path /system/app/target.apk \\ \n\
/vendor/overlay/overlay.apk \\ \n\
/data/resource-cache/vendor@overlay@overlay.apk@idmap \n\
Display an idmap file: \n\
$ adb shell idmap --inspect /data/resource-cache/vendor@overlay@overlay.apk@idmap \n\
IDMAP HEADER magic 0x706d6469 \n\
base crc 0xb65a383f \n\
overlay crc 0x7b9675e8 \n\
base path .......... /path/to/target.apk \n\
overlay path .......... /path/to/overlay.apk \n\
DATA HEADER target pkg 0x0000007f \n\
types count 0x00000003 \n\
DATA BLOCK target type 0x00000002 \n\
overlay type 0x00000002 \n\
entry count 0x00000001 \n\
entry offset 0x00000000 \n\
entry 0x00000000 drawable/drawable \n\
DATA BLOCK target type 0x00000003 \n\
overlay type 0x00000003 \n\
entry count 0x00000001 \n\
entry offset 0x00000000 \n\
entry 0x00000000 xml/integer \n\
DATA BLOCK target type 0x00000004 \n\
overlay type 0x00000004 \n\
entry count 0x00000001 \n\
entry offset 0x00000000 \n\
entry 0x00000000 raw/lorem_ipsum \n\
In this example, the overlay package provides three alternative resource values:\n\
drawable/drawable, xml/integer, and raw/lorem_ipsum \n\
This tool and its expected invocation from installd is modelled on dexopt.";
bool verify_file_readable(const char *path)
return access(path, R_OK) == 0;
bool verify_root_or_system()
uid_t uid = getuid();
gid_t gid = getgid();
return (uid == 0 && gid == 0) || (uid == AID_SYSTEM && gid == AID_SYSTEM);
int maybe_create_fd(const char *target_apk_path, const char *overlay_apk_path,
const char *idmap_str)
// anyone (not just root or system) may do --fd -- the file has
// already been opened by someone else on our behalf
char *endptr;
int idmap_fd = strtol(idmap_str, &endptr, 10);
if (*endptr != '\0') {
fprintf(stderr, "error: failed to parse file descriptor argument %s\n", idmap_str);
return -1;
if (!verify_file_readable(target_apk_path)) {
ALOGD("error: failed to read apk %s: %s\n", target_apk_path, strerror(errno));
return -1;
if (!verify_file_readable(overlay_apk_path)) {
ALOGD("error: failed to read apk %s: %s\n", overlay_apk_path, strerror(errno));
return -1;
return idmap_create_fd(target_apk_path, overlay_apk_path, idmap_fd);
int maybe_create_path(const char *target_apk_path, const char *overlay_apk_path,
const char *idmap_path)
if (!verify_root_or_system()) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: permission denied: not user root or user system\n");
return -1;
if (!verify_file_readable(target_apk_path)) {
ALOGD("error: failed to read apk %s: %s\n", target_apk_path, strerror(errno));
return -1;
if (!verify_file_readable(overlay_apk_path)) {
ALOGD("error: failed to read apk %s: %s\n", overlay_apk_path, strerror(errno));
return -1;
return idmap_create_path(target_apk_path, overlay_apk_path, idmap_path);
int maybe_inspect(const char *idmap_path)
// anyone (not just root or system) may do --inspect
if (!verify_file_readable(idmap_path)) {
ALOGD("error: failed to read idmap %s: %s\n", idmap_path, strerror(errno));
return -1;
return idmap_inspect(idmap_path);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
#if 0
char buf[1024];
buf[0] = '\0';
for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
strncat(buf, argv[i], sizeof(buf) - 1);
strncat(buf, " ", sizeof(buf) - 1);
ALOGD("%s:%d: uid=%d gid=%d argv=%s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, getuid(), getgid(), buf);
if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--help")) {
printf("%s\n", usage);
return 0;
if (argc == 5 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--fd")) {
return maybe_create_fd(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
if (argc == 5 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--path")) {
return maybe_create_path(argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
if (argc == 3 && !strcmp(argv[1], "--inspect")) {
return maybe_inspect(argv[2]);
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: don't use this (cf dexopt usage).\n");